I admit most of it isn't that difficult. It's the siege ship part where the TRIBBLE hits the fan. If I have 3 other mirandas with me, it's going to be a real nail biter and there's a good chance we'll all lose. That's 10 minutes of my STO playing time down the drain just because some level 50 guy wanted to Kirk it up in his t2 connie or t1 miranda. I don't have that much time to play STo at night so when I do I want to get the most out of my playing time and I can't be faulted for that.
FLeet Alerts are open up to level 5 or greater players.... yes that is 5... without a following 0 it. As in the second level of the Lieutenant rank in all three factions.
Starbase 24, crystalline catastrophe, minefield, I think no-win scenario... I could go on.
I actually stay away from no-win because my ship isn't ready for it yet. Regarding starbase 24, I could definitely do that. I already did my alt runs for Crystalline so it's not worth it for me to do it again just for fleet marks.
FLeet Alerts are open up to level 5 or greater players.... yes that is 5... without a following 0 it. As in the second level of the Lieutenant rank in all three factions.
It is no lvl 50.... it is NOT end-game.
That doesn't preclude a level 50 from playing it in his t1 or t2 ship, does it? Despite it not being "endgame" per say, the reward is fleet marks which are used to buy endgame equipment so arguably it is endgame content since the reward is only for endgame equipment.
I admit most of it isn't that difficult. It's the siege ship part where the TRIBBLE hits the fan. If I have 3 other mirandas with me, it's going to be a real nail biter and there's a good chance we'll all lose. That's 10 minutes of my STO playing time down the drain just because some level 50 guy wanted to Kirk it up in his t2 connie or t1 miranda. I don't have that much time to play STo at night so when I do I want to get the most out of my playing time and I can't be faulted for that.
Considering you still get rewards even if you don't kill the siege ship, it's not really time down the drain. And as others pointed out, why are you assuming the people in the mirandas are lvl 50?
It's not myfault ifyoufeel trolledbymyDisco ball...Sorry'boutit.
That doesn't preclude a level 50 from playing it in his t1 or t2 ship, does it? Despite it not being "endgame" per say, the reward is fleet marks which are used to buy endgame equipment so arguably it is endgame content since the reward is only for endgame equipment.
No, but it doen't preclude a lvl5 playing it in his t1 or t2 ship either. The content was made to include t2+ players (lvl 5+).
That doesn't preclude a level 50 from playing it in his t1 or t2 ship, does it? Despite it not being "endgame" per say, the reward is fleet marks which are used to buy endgame equipment so arguably it is endgame content since the reward is only for endgame equipment.
Yes, but you could go elsewhere to get the marks if you don't want to deal with low tier players (or their ships.)
This is one their only options.
It's not myfault ifyoufeel trolledbymyDisco ball...Sorry'boutit.
I know, getting them to apply their own logic to the situation does require quite a bit of mental effort.
They may not ban them from queueing for the event. But the most logical thing for them to do would be to split up the queue for Fleet Alert and Starbase Blockade into level brackets. They can still do the event at their level and you can still do the event at your level. But now what do you think that will do to your queue times? would it maybe lengthen them to the point where it wouldnt be worth queueing up for it anymore? Is that something you are willing to risk just so you can get into a low difficulty event with 5 other level 50's? You cant accurately predict what will happen if you split up the bracket into different level tiers. Can the group balance we are seeing now be used as some kind of indicator of how popular this event is right now with people of different levels? if a lot of groups are ending up with a comp of 3-4 level 15's and 1 level 50 as opposed to say 1 level 15 and 4-5 level 50's would that mean that the queue is more popular at different brackets?
And let me ask you this...can you complete the event on your own right now? even with 3 T1 Mirandas "slowing" you down? At least right now you could be getting a relatively shorter queue time and those 3 Mirandas were able to speed it up. If you cant solo the instance by yourself with what little help that they can provide then it would be a problem. If you can do it by yourself and you are just whining, then the devs granting your wish could possibly lead to longer queues for you and other 50's. Cause you guys no longer have low levels that can fill the team just so that you can get your 'foot into the door' so to speak.
Yes, but you could go elsewhere to get the marks if you don't want to deal with low tier players (or their ships.)
This is one their only options.
Ok, I concede that low level players should have access to fleet events. I was mad because I lost a few of these the other night. However, I still believe there should be seperate ques for fleet actions for lower level players so that both low level players and high level players like myself can enjoy them without having to TRIBBLE it up for each other.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
edited August 2014
So... your solution to ban T1 and 2 ships is to knock out the lv 50 players who are not playing in T5 ships? You're punishing lower level players for the actions of endgame players!
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Ok, I concede that low level players should have access to fleet events. I was mad because I lost a few of these the other night. However, I still believe there should be seperate ques for fleet actions for lower level players so that both low level players and high level players like myself can enjoy them without having to TRIBBLE it up for each other.
You can't really lose them.... the mark payout is in waves, so you're not down but a slight bit at the loss of a single wave.
They may not ban them from queueing for the event. But the most logical thing for them to do would be to split up the queue for Fleet Alert and Starbase Blockade into level brackets. They can still do the event at their level and you can still do the event at your level. But now what do you think that will do to your queue times? would it maybe lengthen them to the point where it wouldnt be worth queueing up for it anymore? Is that something you are willing to risk just so you can get into a low difficulty event with 5 other level 50's? You cant accurately predict what will happen if you split up the bracket into different level tiers. Can the group balance we are seeing now be used as some kind of indicator of how popular this event is right now with people of different levels? if a lot of groups are ending up with a comp of 3-4 level 15's and 1 level 50 as opposed to say 1 level 15 and 4-5 level 50's would that mean that the queue is more popular at different brackets?
And let me ask you this...can you complete the event on your own right now? even with 3 T1 Mirandas "slowing" you down? At least right now you could be getting a relatively shorter queue time and those 3 Mirandas were able to speed it up. If you cant solo the instance by yourself with what little help that they can provide then it would be a problem. If you can do it by yourself and you are just whining, then the devs granting your wish could possibly lead to longer queues for you and other 50's. Cause you guys no longer have low levels that can fill the team just so that you can get your 'foot into the door' so to speak.
You make a lot of valid points. I honestly couldn't answer most of your questions without actually having the raw numbers in front of me. True, it could be harder for low levels to actually start one of these because they can't find enough players to do so. The same could happen to a level 50 like myself.
So... your solution to ban T1 and 2 ships is to knock out the lv 50 players who are not playing in T5 ships? You're punishing lower level players for the actions of endgame players!
My solution would be that if you're flying t1-t3 ships, you'd be restricted to the low level queue. Alternatively, you could do a high level run but it would have to be via a private queue.
Hmm, wasn't there a "You're now playing at lv 50" thingy going on? (adjusted to the highest level player in yeam), for when you haven't reached 50 yet?
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
edited August 2014
It does automatically match the highest level.
And forcing a lower level queue based on ship doesn't make sense. It would read the player's level itself, not the ship they're flying. There is code to identify ships, but only with two variables, Starship and Shuttle. You're talking 5-6 NEW lines of code, most likely A LOT more, to identify ship tier. It would just be easier to do the level brackets like the old Mirror Invasion instead.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
And forcing a lower level queue based on ship doesn't make sense. It would read the player's level itself, not the ship they're flying. There is code to identify ships, but only with two variables, Starship and Shuttle. You're talking 5-6 NEW lines of code, most likely A LOT more, to identify ship tier. It would just be easier to to the level brackets like the old Mirror Invasion instead.
What are level brackets? Is that just that levels 10-20 are grouped together, 20-30 are in another group, and so on and so forth?
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
edited August 2014
That's how the old Mirror Invasion worked apparently.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
It's time to do what's right cryptic and that means banning all noobs in t1 mirandas and constitutions as well as t2 constitutions from participation in fleet alerts, fleet blockade, or fleet starbase defense. I'm tired of losing or even coming close to losing because a bunch of trolls or idiots or possibly both clog up my team with these ships that contribute next to the nothing. Yup, no offense to connie fans out there but these ships don't belong in queued fleet events.
I disagree completely.
If anything, it's time to "level band" the Fleet Alerts, just as you've level banded every other type of content in the game.
The way I see it, the real issue is that a mission for level 5+ players is a total cluster **** that requires a full squadron of top tier unicum veteran players to be possible to beat.
Totally disagreeing with the OP. I saw a later on post from him saying he wants different queues for lower level players and letting 50s play on a "elite" version.
Problem is, that the stuff is supposed to be for FLEETS, not for individuals, and fleets tend to have a broad spectrum of levels in their ranks (when you take into account alts). So no, as a level 50 I want to be able to play in a fleet alert with fleet mates whose alts are lower then 50 without having to get on an alt myself.
we were all new once you know, as a seasoned player you should be proud that somone is going to learn by your example, mind you if this is your attitude im not sure anybody should be learning from you.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
If level banding means level brackets, then yes, I agree. Read the thread.
Don't have to read the entire thread. Your initial post was enough for me. Banding/Brackets are essentially two terms for the same thing yes. Others have posted similar suggestions, but after consideration, the way it's currently layed out is exactly as it should be. It's a FLEET alert, and Fleets come in all shapes, sizes, levels, skill, you name it.
You want to run it with only 50s in full Fleet gear, in Fleet refitted Tier 5 ships? Run it in a private queue.
Don't have to read the entire thread. Your initial post was enough for me. Banding/Brackets are essentially two terms for the same thing yes. Others have posted similar suggestions, but after consideration, the way it's currently layed out is exactly as it should be. It's a FLEET alert, and Fleets come in all shapes, sizes, levels, skill, you name it.
You want to run it with only 50s in full Fleet gear, in Fleet refitted Tier 5 ships? Run it in a private queue.
I do eventually admit that banning them outright is wrong so yes, you should read the thread. I guess reading a few pages is overrated nowadays.
FLeet Alerts are open up to level 5 or greater players.... yes that is 5... without a following 0 it. As in the second level of the Lieutenant rank in all three factions.
It is no lvl 50.... it is NOT end-game.
I actually stay away from no-win because my ship isn't ready for it yet. Regarding starbase 24, I could definitely do that. I already did my alt runs for Crystalline so it's not worth it for me to do it again just for fleet marks.
That doesn't preclude a level 50 from playing it in his t1 or t2 ship, does it? Despite it not being "endgame" per say, the reward is fleet marks which are used to buy endgame equipment so arguably it is endgame content since the reward is only for endgame equipment.
Considering you still get rewards even if you don't kill the siege ship, it's not really time down the drain. And as others pointed out, why are you assuming the people in the mirandas are lvl 50?
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
Live Long And Suck It. - Wil Weaton
No, but it doen't preclude a lvl5 playing it in his t1 or t2 ship either. The content was made to include t2+ players (lvl 5+).
Yes, but you could go elsewhere to get the marks if you don't want to deal with low tier players (or their ships.)
This is one their only options.
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
They may not ban them from queueing for the event. But the most logical thing for them to do would be to split up the queue for Fleet Alert and Starbase Blockade into level brackets. They can still do the event at their level and you can still do the event at your level. But now what do you think that will do to your queue times? would it maybe lengthen them to the point where it wouldnt be worth queueing up for it anymore? Is that something you are willing to risk just so you can get into a low difficulty event with 5 other level 50's? You cant accurately predict what will happen if you split up the bracket into different level tiers. Can the group balance we are seeing now be used as some kind of indicator of how popular this event is right now with people of different levels? if a lot of groups are ending up with a comp of 3-4 level 15's and 1 level 50 as opposed to say 1 level 15 and 4-5 level 50's would that mean that the queue is more popular at different brackets?
And let me ask you this...can you complete the event on your own right now? even with 3 T1 Mirandas "slowing" you down? At least right now you could be getting a relatively shorter queue time and those 3 Mirandas were able to speed it up. If you cant solo the instance by yourself with what little help that they can provide then it would be a problem. If you can do it by yourself and you are just whining, then the devs granting your wish could possibly lead to longer queues for you and other 50's. Cause you guys no longer have low levels that can fill the team just so that you can get your 'foot into the door' so to speak.
Ok, I concede that low level players should have access to fleet events. I was mad because I lost a few of these the other night. However, I still believe there should be seperate ques for fleet actions for lower level players so that both low level players and high level players like myself can enjoy them without having to TRIBBLE it up for each other.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
You can't really lose them.... the mark payout is in waves, so you're not down but a slight bit at the loss of a single wave.
You make a lot of valid points. I honestly couldn't answer most of your questions without actually having the raw numbers in front of me. True, it could be harder for low levels to actually start one of these because they can't find enough players to do so. The same could happen to a level 50 like myself.
My solution would be that if you're flying t1-t3 ships, you'd be restricted to the low level queue. Alternatively, you could do a high level run but it would have to be via a private queue.
And forcing a lower level queue based on ship doesn't make sense. It would read the player's level itself, not the ship they're flying. There is code to identify ships, but only with two variables, Starship and Shuttle. You're talking 5-6 NEW lines of code, most likely A LOT more, to identify ship tier. It would just be easier to do the level brackets like the old Mirror Invasion instead.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
What are level brackets? Is that just that levels 10-20 are grouped together, 20-30 are in another group, and so on and so forth?
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I liked that system.
I disagree completely.
If anything, it's time to "level band" the Fleet Alerts, just as you've level banded every other type of content in the game.
Fleet Alerts AREN'T an Endgame activity, since you can begin queueing for them almost immediately (as long as you are a member of a fleet).
Problem is, that the stuff is supposed to be for FLEETS, not for individuals, and fleets tend to have a broad spectrum of levels in their ranks (when you take into account alts). So no, as a level 50 I want to be able to play in a fleet alert with fleet mates whose alts are lower then 50 without having to get on an alt myself.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
If level banding means level brackets, then yes, I agree. Read the thread.
Complaining about not having enough money for something 100% free and easy to get.
I meant EC. Not money. Yes, i admit you can get it for free but I refuse to buy into the aux to bat premade nonsense.
Don't have to read the entire thread. Your initial post was enough for me. Banding/Brackets are essentially two terms for the same thing yes. Others have posted similar suggestions, but after consideration, the way it's currently layed out is exactly as it should be. It's a FLEET alert, and Fleets come in all shapes, sizes, levels, skill, you name it.
You want to run it with only 50s in full Fleet gear, in Fleet refitted Tier 5 ships? Run it in a private queue.
I do eventually admit that banning them outright is wrong so yes, you should read the thread. I guess reading a few pages is overrated nowadays.
I'll carry the day to victory in my beatup mirror voquv. Booyeah.
EDIT: If it was possible, just remembered can't cross group for fleet event junk. Ohhhh welllll.
Bring it havok!!! :P
It is, when it's effectively 9 pages of people disagreeing with your initial post.