It's time to do what's right cryptic and that means banning all noobs in t1 mirandas and constitutions as well as t2 constitutions from participation in fleet alerts, fleet blockade, or fleet starbase defense. I'm tired of losing or even coming close to losing because a bunch of trolls or idiots or possibly both clog up my team with these ships that contribute next to the nothing. Yup, no offense to connie fans out there but these ships don't belong in queued fleet events.
These fleet level events are open to ALL levels of captains, not just endgame. Thus, sometimes all a player has available to enter these events ARE T1 and T2 ships...
Everyone has a starting point. And sometimes that starting points means getting into queues early so you can start grinding up levels and earning fleet marks.
Also, everyone is bumped up to endgame levels hitpoints and damage. So they are more than capable of contributing.
If you don't like noobs cluttering up your PUGs. you can either not PUG by using public channels, and or fleets to round up members for an event, or you can pause and TEACH these nuggets how to play the game, so there will be less noobs in the system.
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Shall we ban everything that is annoying to any random person?
Some people only favor RP heavy gameplay. Running disruptors on my Federation ship breaks their immersion in a PUG, therefore it should be banned. And on and on.
Point of fact, you assume the risk of being trolled every time you queue up for a PUG.
It's time to do what's right cryptic and that means banning all noobs in t1 mirandas and constitutions as well as t2 constitutions from participation in fleet alerts, fleet blockade, or fleet starbase defense. I'm tired of losing or even coming close to losing because a bunch of trolls or idiots or possibly both clog up my team with these ships that contribute next to the nothing. Yup, no offense to connie fans out there but these ships don't belong in queued fleet events.
And I'm sure there is someone out there annoyed it takes longer than 3 minutes to complete an ISE with PuGs.
Learn. To. Carry. If your going to act like an elitist at least perform like one. Two of those can be done solo. The other can get half credit solo.
Shall we ban everything that is annoying to any random person?
Some people only favor RP heavy gameplay. Running disruptors on my Federation ship breaks their immersion in a PUG, therefore it should be banned. And on and on.
Point of fact, you assume the risk of being trolled every time you queue up for a PUG.
Weren't tuffli's allowed in STF's for a while but then Cryptic banned them eventually? The same logic is applied to t1 and t2 ships in level 50 + endgame content like fleet alerts.
Shall we ban everything that is annoying to any random person?
Some people only favor RP heavy gameplay. Running disruptors on my Federation ship breaks their immersion in a PUG, therefore it should be banned. And on and on.
Point of fact, you assume the risk of being trolled every time you queue up for a PUG.
That's a strawman argument if I ever saw one. Ships with 3 weapon hard points don't belong in endgame qued events which is why Cryptic banned freighters from STF's long ago.
Point of fact, you assume the risk of being trolled every time you queue up for a PUG.
Or even enter any public area of the game.
This is a mmo and people need to tailor their expectations accordingly. Everyone plays they way they like to play and at some point someone is going to do something you don't like. If you are not prepared to accept that, then go play mass effect or something.
It's not myfault ifyoufeel trolledbymyDisco ball...Sorry'boutit.
This is a mmo and people need to tailor their expectations accordingly. Everyone plays they way they like to play and at some point someone is going to do something you don't like. If you are not prepared to accept that, then go play mass effect or something.
do what i do when the team sux. leave or park it in a safe place and wait. if "they" have the right to enter the que knowing full well they dont have the gear to help, "I" have the right not to carry these lowbies to a win.
Yeah, this is right up there with the "open-world PVP thing" in the "hell to the no, go away" category. Those missions are open to players of all levels for a reason.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Tuffli's are banned from stf's? I genuinely didn't know that.
Yup, I've tried queuing up for them in my tuffli. They're all red for me which means I can't queue up for them. Again, this is just asking Cryptic to prohibit t1 and t2 ships as well which is exactly the same reasoning behind banning freighters. If you aren't going to ban t1 or t2 ships, then we should be able to fly freighters in stf's as well.
do what i do when the team sux. leave or park it in a safe place and wait. if "they" have the right to enter the que knowing full well they dont have the gear to help, "I" have the right not to carry these lowbies to a win.
In a game where there is video evidence (on youtube) that a tier 1 connie can pull it's weight in an ESTF, I don't think that is a fair statement.
It's not myfault ifyoufeel trolledbymyDisco ball...Sorry'boutit.
Everyone has a starting point. And sometimes that starting points means getting into queues early so you can start grinding up levels and earning fleet marks.
Yeah, but it sucks getting Undine in FA and failing because you ended up teamed with a couple of noobs in Mirandas that can't handle NPCs like those.
This isn't about STFs, according to your original post. STFs are not open to lower level players.
Fleet Alerts, Borg Sector Alerts, Blockade, Base Defense, etc. ARE open to lower level players.
These instances are not just for higher level players to grind marks, loot (EC), and dil. And lower level players are going to be using lower level vessels.
So, no. Your idea is not a good one. It's not what Cryptic intended for these instances.
Yeah, this is right up there with the "open-world PVP thing" in the "hell to the no, go away" category. Those missions are open to players of all levels for a reason.
This isn't about STFs, according to your original post. STFs are not open to lower level players.
Fleet Alerts, Borg Sector Alerts, Blockade, Base Defense, etc. ARE open to lower level players.
These instances are not just for higher level players to grind marks, loot (EC), and dil. And lower level players are going to be using lower level vessels.
So, no. Your idea is not a good one. It's not what Cryptic intended for these instances.
Nevermind, you're right. Tuffli's can do fleet events! HAHAHAH OMG! Ok, I guess I have a right to fly whatever I want...
Well no, tier 2 and 2 ships are combat ships, freighters aren't. So your logic doesn't really follow.
Either way your original post was about fleet alerts which are meant for all lvl players, so that's not really relevant anyway.
Yup, I admitted as much in my last post, and I stand corrected. Freighters can do fleet alerts but they shouldn't be able to. Neither should mirandas or constitutions because pug groups tend to lose when such low level ships participate.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,915Community Moderator
edited August 2014
Agreed with starsword. The mentioned Queued missions are open to all levels, not just endgame.
Also... I accidentally took my T2 Connie into an ISE with a full fleet group. I kinda panicked because I had forgotten about taking her out for a spin around sector space. The guys didn't mind, and actually laughed when I never even got looked at. And I was fighting too.
Thinking of doing it again sometime after refining the Connie's gear a bit, as long as its with the guys and not a PUG. Makes for a good laugh.
BTW... my Connie did have some endgame level gear on her for storage.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Agreed with starsword. The mentioned Queued missions are open to all levels, not just endgame.
Also... I accidentally took my T2 Connie into an ISE with a full fleet group. I kinda panicked because I had forgotten about taking her out for a spin around sector space. The guys didn't mind, and actually laughed when I never even got looked at. And I was fighting too.
Thinking of doing it again sometime after refining the Connie's gear a bit, as long as its with the guys and not a PUG. Makes for a good laugh.
The big problem I've encountered in fleet alerts especially is two or three mirandas/constitutions at once. If it were just one, I would probably let it slide.
Yup, I've tried queuing up for them in my tuffli. They're all red for me which means I can't queue up for them. Again, this is just asking Cryptic to prohibit t1 and t2 ships as well which is exactly the same reasoning behind banning freighters. If you aren't going to ban t1 or t2 ships, then we should be able to fly freighters in stf's as well.
I have absolutely no problem with level 6 players in their tier 1 ships joining my level 50s in those queues. I simply blow up the enemy ships and get the reward anyway.
The big problem I've encountered in fleet alerts especially is two or three mirandas/constitutions at once. If it were just one, I would probably let it slide.
If you can't carry three Mirandas in an endgame ship by yourself in Fleet Alert (i.e. with the other guy having gotten DC'd or something), I suggest that the problem doesn't lie with the Mirandas.
Fix your build, learn to fly, and quit whining.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Weren't tuffli's allowed in STF's for a while but then Cryptic banned them eventually? The same logic is applied to t1 and t2 ships in level 50 + endgame content like fleet alerts.
There are ppl in Mirandas doing more DPS than you ever will in your shiniest T6 ships. As always, it's the pilot that matters.
And these Fleet events are so ridiculously easy to begin with, who cares!?
If you can't carry three Mirandas in an endgame ship by yourself in Fleet Alert (i.e. with the other guy having gotten DC'd or something), I suggest that the problem doesn't lie with the Mirandas.
Fix your build, learn to fly, and quit whining.
Are you serious? Am I magically just supposed to have enough money to have an Aux to bat build? Pull your you know what out of your impulse engines please. I shouldn't be expected to be able to win with 3 freaking mirandas on my team. If that's the attitude you and the other noob captains are going to take, then I'm just going to warp out whenever this happens. End of story. Have fun in your mirandas guys! RP ftw!!!
Because using your logic, the other guys should be expected to be able to solo it as well, right? As you say, "fix your miranda build, learn to fly, and quit whining?"
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
These fleet level events are open to ALL levels of captains, not just endgame. Thus, sometimes all a player has available to enter these events ARE T1 and T2 ships...
Everyone has a starting point. And sometimes that starting points means getting into queues early so you can start grinding up levels and earning fleet marks.
Also, everyone is bumped up to endgame levels hitpoints and damage. So they are more than capable of contributing.
If you don't like noobs cluttering up your PUGs. you can either not PUG by using public channels, and or fleets to round up members for an event, or you can pause and TEACH these nuggets how to play the game, so there will be less noobs in the system.
If you took offense to his response, you sire are a tool.
Some people only favor RP heavy gameplay. Running disruptors on my Federation ship breaks their immersion in a PUG, therefore it should be banned. And on and on.
Point of fact, you assume the risk of being trolled every time you queue up for a PUG.
And I'm sure there is someone out there annoyed it takes longer than 3 minutes to complete an ISE with PuGs.
Learn. To. Carry. If your going to act like an elitist at least perform like one. Two of those can be done solo. The other can get half credit solo.
Weren't tuffli's allowed in STF's for a while but then Cryptic banned them eventually? The same logic is applied to t1 and t2 ships in level 50 + endgame content like fleet alerts.
That's a strawman argument if I ever saw one. Ships with 3 weapon hard points don't belong in endgame qued events which is why Cryptic banned freighters from STF's long ago.
Or even enter any public area of the game.
This is a mmo and people need to tailor their expectations accordingly. Everyone plays they way they like to play and at some point someone is going to do something you don't like. If you are not prepared to accept that, then go play mass effect or something.
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
Again, why were freighters banned from stf's?
Tuffli's are banned from stf's? I genuinely didn't know that.
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
I would assume because they are designated as non-combat ships. T 1-2 ships are not.
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out
Yup, I've tried queuing up for them in my tuffli. They're all red for me which means I can't queue up for them. Again, this is just asking Cryptic to prohibit t1 and t2 ships as well which is exactly the same reasoning behind banning freighters. If you aren't going to ban t1 or t2 ships, then we should be able to fly freighters in stf's as well.
In a game where there is video evidence (on youtube) that a tier 1 connie can pull it's weight in an ESTF, I don't think that is a fair statement.
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
Yeah, but it sucks getting Undine in FA and failing because you ended up teamed with a couple of noobs in Mirandas that can't handle NPCs like those.
This isn't about STFs, according to your original post. STFs are not open to lower level players.
Fleet Alerts, Borg Sector Alerts, Blockade, Base Defense, etc. ARE open to lower level players.
These instances are not just for higher level players to grind marks, loot (EC), and dil. And lower level players are going to be using lower level vessels.
So, no. Your idea is not a good one. It's not what Cryptic intended for these instances.
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Then freighters should also be able to do them.
Nevermind, you're right. Tuffli's can do fleet events! HAHAHAH OMG! Ok, I guess I have a right to fly whatever I want...
If I ever see you do that, you're going directly on to my ignore list.
Well no, tier 2 and 2 ships are combat ships, freighters aren't. So your logic doesn't really follow.
Either way your original post was about fleet alerts which are meant for all lvl players, so that's not really relevant anyway.
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
Yup, I admitted as much in my last post, and I stand corrected. Freighters can do fleet alerts but they shouldn't be able to. Neither should mirandas or constitutions because pug groups tend to lose when such low level ships participate.
Also... I accidentally took my T2 Connie into an ISE with a full fleet group. I kinda panicked because I had forgotten about taking her out for a spin around sector space. The guys didn't mind, and actually laughed when I never even got looked at. And I was fighting too.
Thinking of doing it again sometime after refining the Connie's gear a bit, as long as its with the guys and not a PUG. Makes for a good laugh.
BTW... my Connie did have some endgame level gear on her for storage.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
That won't stop you from being teamed with him again.;)
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
The big problem I've encountered in fleet alerts especially is two or three mirandas/constitutions at once. If it were just one, I would probably let it slide.
I have absolutely no problem with level 6 players in their tier 1 ships joining my level 50s in those queues. I simply blow up the enemy ships and get the reward anyway.
If you can't carry three Mirandas in an endgame ship by yourself in Fleet Alert (i.e. with the other guy having gotten DC'd or something), I suggest that the problem doesn't lie with the Mirandas.
Fix your build, learn to fly, and quit whining.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out
There are ppl in Mirandas doing more DPS than you ever will in your shiniest T6 ships. As always, it's the pilot that matters.
And these Fleet events are so ridiculously easy to begin with, who cares!?
Are you serious? Am I magically just supposed to have enough money to have an Aux to bat build? Pull your you know what out of your impulse engines please. I shouldn't be expected to be able to win with 3 freaking mirandas on my team. If that's the attitude you and the other noob captains are going to take, then I'm just going to warp out whenever this happens. End of story. Have fun in your mirandas guys! RP ftw!!!
Because using your logic, the other guys should be expected to be able to solo it as well, right? As you say, "fix your miranda build, learn to fly, and quit whining?"