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CaptainGeko: Captain's Table Update Ideas



  • razar2380razar2380 Member Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I am not a subscriber, or lifetimer, but I do have some friends that are. A few of them went in when it offered better prices to buy, or sell. So, why not bring that back. Have a reduced cost to buy things in the shops. However, the sell price of items will be the price before the recent Nerf hit.

    This means that high end items (vender trash) that use to sell at reasonable prices will be able to still do that, but only in the captain's table. Outside the captain's table, it sells for up to half the value it is after the Nerf.

    Also, it will be nice to give them a chance to try out new ships on a holodeck type system. They can get in them, and fly them around. It will also allow them to fight holo enemies, and test consoles before actually buying them.

    I also think it would be cool to allow the ones that qualify for it to invite someone to their bridge, then from that person's bridge, they can access it. They way I think this can be done is like this:
    A vet invites me to their bridge. I walk up to a door that grants access to the captain's table, and it gives me the chance to click if I want to go. If I click yes, then it will ask the vet if they are willing to go. If they say no, then I cannot go. This will eliminate vets from sitting on their bridge, and just sending invite after invite. The vet needs to be there for me to make it.

    Also, free skill tree respecs for any players that go there. You get one that expires within 15 days of entering, but you need to wait 30 days after getting it before you can get another.

    Another idea would be to put temp passes in the C-Store like others suggested, but then it would need to be worth it. Like about 50-75 Zen. Anymore than that, and it will not be worth it.
    Leader of Elite Guardian Academy.Would you like to learn how to run a fleet? Would you like to know how to do ship builds (true budget as well as high end)?The join the Academy today!
  • tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Remind me to do a forum search and link to all of the suggestions we have made over the last 4 years about ways to improve the Captain's Table.
    vocmcp wrote: »
    All the ideas raised in here are great yet they've been around before. Simply don't understand how they can be at a loss of what to do with the captains table and turn to us for advice. It's like they just forgot about every single thread on the topic.

    maybe we are known for over-the-top ranting and raving in captans table threads and nothing we post is seen as constructive feedback?
    that must be it.
  • fcaptkmtonfcaptkmton Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Low price vendor, exclusive item(s), an easier way to get to it (transwarp, access from ship interior,multiple access points, etc.), exclusive content (mission, doff mission, event, etc)

    All these would be good.
  • malkarrismalkarris Member Posts: 797 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Agree on the all vendors and all of the lowest prices in one place idea.

    Instead of transwarp, have access to it from all the major and minor social hubs, via a door. Including a door on your ship bridge, even the lobi ship bridges have unused doors.

    I like the idea of offering those special "captain powers" like are in the Featured Episodes, but I think they should be actual boff powers that you can slot in place of one of your boff's existing powers. Maybe you go to the captain who had that power and they tell you the story, but when they tell the story, you have to play through it. So like Archer is there, telling the story of taking on Romulans in the Earth Romulan war, and there you are flying the NX-01, taking on war birds while Archer narrates. Also, you could put the power on a boff and then trade it to another non-lifer. Probably too much programming for them to do, but one can dream.

    The ability to invite another captain with you I like.

    But honestly, I don't think many of these ideas would be considered. I think the question needs to be asked of Cryptic, how much work are you willing to put into this? All of these ideas cost programming time, and that costs money. So I ask back to Geko, what are you willing to put into this?
    Joined September 2011
    Nouveau riche LTS member
  • tancrediivtancrediiv Member Posts: 728 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    In Cryptic's other game franchises, the Captains Table equivalents sell heals or other consumables. They also have special devices for various uses. These items are available to LTS or veterans who have longevity in game only. I would like to see large ship batteries sold here.

    For sure the Captains Table should be a transwarp hub to all areas on the map.

    I don't want the CT to erode the importance of fleet holdings. Just make the CT a direct transfer point to get to the holding gateways.

    Player and forumite formerly known as FEELTHETHUNDER

    Expatriot Might Characters in EXILE
  • onehalfklingononehalfklingon Member Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I like the commodity broker ideas, also the fleet holdings consoles all in one place. I would like to be able to access duty officer missions from all of the clusters here. Just a console or link to to Afehirr or Delta Volanis, all in one place.

    A cool idea I had that probably isn't likely, but still cool is an area for us to use winter event weapons, Risian floaters and boards all at once. Maybe in an arboretum, or even better an enclosed shipyard where you can float around amongst a bunch of docked ships.

    I would love to go to the Captain's Table instead of ESD to do banking/exchange, shipyard, medical officer, etc.

    Also the idea of different rooms being from (or even themed from) different time periods is pure gold.
  • onehalfklingononehalfklingon Member Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Also, put Quinn, Jm'pok, D'Tan and the academy contacts (recruiters, etc) there too. A one stop shop for many things it used to take a while flying around to do.
  • cincyman39cincyman39 Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    mhall85 wrote: »
    I agree with most everyone else... after getting my LTS, I went to the Captain's Table... and left after about a minute out of sheer boredom. After reading up on what it offered, too... well, this did not help capture my interest. Since it is unlikely that the CT would get anything truly special (because non-LTS-ers on here would have a meltdown), it should accomplish the following things, IMO:

    1. It should be easy to get to.
    2. You should be allowed to conduct all in-game business you'd want to do from that location.

    Locking vet rewards in there also seems like a slam dunk... getting everything from BOffs, to Mugatos, to vet ships... this would make everyone who HAS access to the place actually GO there. Why it's not like this already is surprising.

    I like the ideas of marks converter, Doff missions, and the "practice" holodeck... but, again, non-vets would probably have a meltdown if such extras were added. I'd also throw in a dilithium refiner, that would allow you to refine an extra 8k of dilthium per day... but, all of this is talking about adding vet rewards, really. Not sure they are looking to do THAT (although, I would not complain if they did). :)

    I agree with you. But I say let them put something special in their and let the siver players complain all they want. Its real simple they can complain or they can do what us vets did and buy a sub very simple. After all thats the whole pupose of f2p get you to buy in.

    For myself I hope they give us something special its no different then when they gave us the thousand day ship fleet version and wow what a out cry from the public that was but oh well buy a sub and get the ship.

    Please dont get the wrong ideal I have nothing against the f2p players but I do believe you cant drink all the milk without buying the cow.
  • skyywalk3rskyywalk3r Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The Captains Table should have weapons, shields and kits that can ONLY be purchased at the Captains Table.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    cincyman39 wrote: »
    I agree with you. But I say let them put something special in their and let the siver players complain all they want. Its real simple they can complain or they can do what us vets did and buy a sub very simple. After all thats the whole pupose of f2p get you to buy in.

    For myself I hope they give us something special its no different then when they gave us the thousand day ship fleet version and wow what a out cry from the public that was but oh well buy a sub and get the ship.

    Please dont get the wrong ideal I have nothing against the f2p players but I do believe you cant drink all the milk without buying the cow.

    Usually I argue against pay-content, as it seems contrary to the spirit of the f2p model.

    However, the CT is the sole exception imo.

    As a specific perk for subscribers and LTS players, it genuinely deserves something a little unique about it.

    The maps are awesome, again imo, but need more services and something to do there.
  • a3001a3001 Member Posts: 1,132 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Would like to get the interior designers on it. Seems so gaudy tbh.
    Rejoice JJ Trek people....


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  • wildmousexwildmousex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I'll pretty much add my support to

    1) fast travel too
    2) being able to conduct all in game business there

    that being said, I want to make sure my voice is heard against allowing captains to invite people who do not have access. the overall appeal of the Captains Table is that it is a place where we can get away from all the B.S. that goes on in the local chats, and disco ball spammers and the like - - keep these scrubs out of the C.T.

    I also don't agree with having any special content that only we can access (stf's, holodecks, etc), nor should it give out better pricing rewards - - - keeping it as a one stop shop for all of your station needs doesn't give any advantage over other players, but brings us more convenience and gives it an actual purpose.

    finally, the Dabo Table on C.T. should have the real Lita, not a holographic one..
    Me playing UT2k4 (red guy) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wz0DnP7wXnU
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,534 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    i cant say i have any ideas here but all i can say is that whatever they do in this update really needs to be somthing awsome that you cant get anywhere else and something that will really draw people in and make them come back every day.
    the captain`s table has been and will continue to be a ghost town until they come up with an idea for it that would be unsurpassed in sto history, idealy from cryptics point of view it needs to be something that will make free to play players want so much to be able to access this area that it will be worth stomping up the cash to do it.
    there are so many ftp`ers out there that have been sitting on the fence but very tempted to make the change, this needs to be the one thing that makes the cost worthwhile above everything else.
    they need to get them saying "i`ve got to get me some of that, i`ve just got to".

    having all the sevices you will need in one place is a nice idea but its just not going to be enough to pull in the crowds on a regular basis.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • grouchyotakugrouchyotaku Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Now I would like to have...

    A EC to GPL monetary exchange vendor, (so you don't have to spend hours at a Dabo table) as well as a GPL Store Vendor.

    And the Vet 'Extra Dilithum Refinement' contact should be moved from the Academy to the Captains Table...
  • simeion1simeion1 Member Posts: 898 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    malkarris wrote: »
    Agree on the all vendors and all of the lowest prices in one place idea.

    Instead of transwarp, have access to it from all the major and minor social hubs, via a door. Including a door on your ship bridge, even the lobi ship bridges have unused doors. ?

    I think you are on the right track but the wrong implementation. Having to go to ESD or other area just to get to the CT is to many load screens. We need to simplify by having a drop down from the mini map just like costing the bridge of you ship. This should take you to the interior of the CT. Let's cut down on the load screens. It is just like ESD, Sol, , and SFA. We need an option to travel to the specific destination from Sirius Sector Block. Having to load Sol just to load one of the other two is a big waste of time.

    The transporter pad at the CT should let you go to any part of the galaxy. Only available if you don't have the tour the universe mission active. This it self should have its own cool down.
  • tiriusavarotiriusavaro Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    If we look at the original Captain's Table from the novels, here's what it originally was:
    • Accessible from any location (door magically appears to captains at random times); exiting brings them back to their original location.
    • A bartender named Cap who knows everyone and seems to serve any kind of drink/food you ask for.
    • Customers are captains, or "commanders of many", from every era and world; fighting gets you expelled.
    • Drinks are paid for with a story.
    • Captains seem refreshed after going there.
    • The bar seems to be a planet-based location, but the interior can change.

    Having read through the thread and considering the above, I'd start with these:
    • Access via "go to bridge"-like button that would go strait to the interior map; exterior map could remain or be scrapped. If you leave, you return to your original location before entering. Give it a countdown so you can only enter something like once per 2 days to symbolize the random appearance of the place.
    • All regular consumable drinks and foods buyable at bartender (including rare and very rare ones; summer and winter event ones could be available during the events). This could include the GQ commodities.
    • The "pay with a story" concept could be used for a resource converter, like marks to EC or something, or have the above consumables be sold for marks or XP rather than EC.
    • Update the NPC captains-and-above that appear; it would be great if some of your other characters could appear as NPCs having a drink.

    Other ideas:
    • Unique doff missions, for example that Bartender/Chef doffs can go on.
    • Unique short doff or lore mission that grants temporary skills/power boosts, showing the positive effect the place has on your captain's morale (akin to the current boost-on-crit ones, but more powerful).
    • Lore missions like the one at the Academy, to symbolize the exchange of stories.
    • A more "homely"/"rustic" interior; the current place is nice but rather sterile.
    • Practical stuff like bank, mail, exchange, etc. (of course).

    Of course, the most importang thing is making the place give something useful to return to regularly. The above resource exchange and boost mission/assignment would be a start, but I'm not sure if that's enough or carries enough "wow" factor to do the concept justice.
    Vice Admiral Tirius Avara'o | U.S.S. Mistral (Fleet Star Cruiser)
    Vice Admiral Mathrias | U.S.S. Utrecht (Blockade Runner Retrofit)
    Vide Admiral Kyurin | U.S.S. Cairhien (Fleet Dreadnought Cruiser)
    Vice Admiral Kiarl Leftrin | U.S.S. Aegir (Fleet Recon Science Vessel)
    --= Starfleet Strategic Command =--
  • landdonlanddon Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    As other have mentioned I would like to trans-warp directly to the place instead of going to Earth Space Dock and then to the nebula and finally arrive there. I'm not a huge fan of accessing it from the bridge of my ship. It is break the emersion of the game if you do that, and I really don't what to see anymore of that happening. I would like to see trans-warp to other sectors from there available as well, but the cool down for travelling to the Captain's Table needs to be limited and not extensive as the other Trans-Warp times. As we need to keep the other stations from becoming ghost towns as well.

    I certainly agree to moving all of the appropriate longevity award (Level 6 and onwards)vendors to that area. As others have suggested having all of the all vendors with the lowest prices in one place idea would be a plus. I like see canon material from the game and Star Trek displayed there as well. I think is would be a prime place to display un-coming ships as models are static displays. There needs to be reason to go there, such as a place to use your event items (floaters and boards). It needs some many games there was well something in addition to a Dabo table.

    As a "Officer's Club" is needs to have special events every once in a while. Removing or blocking the world wide chat while there would be a good idea or giving it it's own special chat channel as it needs to be a sanctuary, a place to relax. Inviting a friend, say twice a month would be a good idea. Something like giving an individual a special token to allow passage would be a good. I would also suggest changing up the music every once in a while, it might also be a great place to have your Public Relations/Developer folks hang out every once in a while tie it into a special event.
  • psygn0sispsygn0sis Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Open access for all, no one is using it anyways.
    use it as a command center for fleet battles with a score board and for pvp battles as well.
    All vendors there like mail, exchange, bank, security officers for contraband turn ins.
    Maybe a hollow deck to test out ships b4 purchase, just to see if we like it.
  • dareaudareau Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Being the captain's table is a 400 day subscriber reward, it's good for "1.25 year old golds" as well as LTSers... ;)

    On that note - what I'd like to see:

    1. Cut back loading screens significantly. Loading home system, 2 minute flight (about as long as a load :P), Load of Captain's Table Space, then load of table itself is too much. Dropdown with direct landing "in station" would be best, transwarp to table space second best (both options would also be sweet ;) )

    2. Needs more product(s). If I had my way, anything / everything that can be attained by a map invite to the appropriate location in-game should be available here. To all who can reach here.
    Map invite to a T5 starbase lets you buy elite fighters? Can be gotten at Captain's Table as well (for the appropriate FC, Dil & provision costs, of course). Invite to T3 spire for slots? Vendor at the table as well. Ability to run a "get special DOff" mission on a Cell? Can do so at the table, as well.

    Yeah, it "cuts back" on the "socialization" of the haves & have nots. However, it's also giving functionality to a special location that is not actually forcing the creation of new items and/or functionality.

    3. More NPCs. As has been mentioned earlier, post every "captain" NPC that's been included in game here. Maybe even, for some wierd reason, make them the vendors of certain items (Rommie Flagship Captain = PoC on the Cell-lifted Rommie DOff missions)...
    Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...

    To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
  • riccardo171riccardo171 Member Posts: 1,802 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    "those who want too much, get nothing". cit.
  • tancrediivtancrediiv Member Posts: 728 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Now I would like to have...

    A EC to GPL monetary exchange vendor, (so you don't have to spend hours at a Dabo table) as well as a GPL Store Vendor.

    And the Vet 'Extra Dilithum Refinement' contact should be moved from the Academy to the Captains Table...

    I agree with this message. +10 awarded

    Player and forumite formerly known as FEELTHETHUNDER

    Expatriot Might Characters in EXILE
  • mightybobcncmightybobcnc Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    If we look at the original Captain's Table from the novels, here's what it originally was:
    • Accessible from any location (door magically appears to captains at random times); exiting brings them back to their original location.
    • A bartender named Cap who knows everyone and seems to serve any kind of drink/food you ask for.
    • Customers are captains, or "commanders of many", from every era and world; fighting gets you expelled.
    • Drinks are paid for with a story.
    • Captains seem refreshed after going there.
    • The bar seems to be a planet-based location, but the interior can change.

    Having read through the thread and considering the above, I'd start with these:
    • Access via "go to bridge"-like button that would go strait to the interior map; exterior map could remain or be scrapped. If you leave, you return to your original location before entering. Give it a countdown so you can only enter something like once per 2 days to symbolize the random appearance of the place.
    • All regular consumable drinks and foods buyable at bartender (including rare and very rare ones; summer and winter event ones could be available during the events). This could include the GQ commodities.
    • The "pay with a story" concept could be used for a resource converter, like marks to EC or something, or have the above consumables be sold for marks or XP rather than EC.
    • Update the NPC captains-and-above that appear; it would be great if some of your other characters could appear as NPCs having a drink.

    Other ideas:
    • Unique doff missions, for example that Bartender/Chef doffs can go on.
    • Unique short doff or lore mission that grants temporary skills/power boosts, showing the positive effect the place has on your captain's morale (akin to the current boost-on-crit ones, but more powerful).
    • Lore missions like the one at the Academy, to symbolize the exchange of stories.
    • A more "homely"/"rustic" interior; the current place is nice but rather sterile.
    • Practical stuff like bank, mail, exchange, etc. (of course).

    Of course, the most importang thing is making the place give something useful to return to regularly. The above resource exchange and boost mission/assignment would be a start, but I'm not sure if that's enough or carries enough "wow" factor to do the concept justice.

    I like these ideas.

    And specifically with regards to the short-term boosts, Cryptic did that with the KDF fleet base with the Bloodwine Fountain so I don't see why they couldn't do something similar for the Table.

    Joined January 2009
    Finger wrote:
    Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
  • simeion1simeion1 Member Posts: 898 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    psygn0sis wrote: »
    Open access for all, no one is using it anyways.
    use it as a command center for fleet battles with a score board and for pvp battles as well.
    All vendors there like mail, exchange, bank, security officers for contraband turn ins.
    Maybe a hollow deck to test out ships b4 purchase, just to see if we like it.

    No. Vets have already given away to many perks to F2P players. I know they are good players, but we paid to have acress by subscribing or going LTS.
  • sanokskyratsanokskyrat Member Posts: 479 Media Corps
    edited August 2014
    Its been said before but I believe that this would be awesome. And would get people there again would be a one stop shop. So these get my vote.

    1) Transwarp to there.

    2)Vendors. Fleet Gear Vendors for everything unlocked in your fleet. Other vendors with better EC hand inns.

    3) DOFF's. Special DOFF missions, with EC or contraband or other awesome things reward and all the duty officer Recruit from SFA and KDFA and Romulan homeworld.

    4) Era captains and uniforms

    5) Era equipment 22, 23 century phasers and disruptors.
  • pwecangetlostpwecangetlost Member Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    i) Collection of different eras and factions (its meant to be neutral) and races, possibly interactable.

    ii) Hook up all 'bars'/ social zones with a warp to the captain's table as it is in the book

    iii) Transwarp to captain's table

    iv) Maintain the 'temporal spoilers' from the receptionist

    Some special doff and vendor access (such a the collated fleet store suggestion) would be a good practical use.
    But an easily accessible 'vip' area would be good. I don't think it needs a massive redesign or anything, its just a pain to get to.
  • darthmortdarthmort Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I echo many of the ideas here for the table. I think that it has always been a good thing that the access to the table is limited, and that F2P does not have access. I think its smart on many levels, but mainly drives players to want the special perks. With that said, its been rumored for a long time that LTS would be getting more / new perks. I think the table would be a good place to start. Perhaps a special room with different vendors or something of the sorts that even Gold Vets can't access. Another perk for LTS vs Gold would be our lifetime badge could give us a direct transport to the table. I would just like to see perks for being a LTS again, and the table would be a good start of those said perks to me.
  • darthmortdarthmort Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    iv) Maintain the 'temporal spoilers' from the receptionist

    +10 for you. This is an awesome idea.

    How far in advance did this NPC talk about "The 2800"? Several years. I think this could be done quite well by the devs, they could leave the hints to even ideas they haven't put on paper yet. Another example that would have been cool here would have been the ESD revamp. Devs talked about the revamp for years as well, the NPC could have has something said like "Admiral Quinn needs you to ESD ASAP...Oh nevermind, forget it" Same idea as what she says now. Leave you to question what is coming. Awesome.
  • lowy1lowy1 Member Posts: 964 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    1. A BoFF Trainer that can train CPT only BoFF abilities so we can train bound bridge officers in LTC and CDR Abilities. EG. I can train my Tac Officer's Reman and Voth Science Officer in Medical Tricorder 3 or his LiBorg Engineer can get DEM 3.

    2. Either a Transwarp ability with 1 min CD or drop down menu to access.

    3. BoFF Vendor to purchase additional Enemy Faction BoFFs provided you have attained Ambassador Status.

    4. Additional ship exterior/interior skins for purchase.

    5. A Vendor with reusable consumables

    6. A Vendor with MK XII VR or UR TOS weapons. This could even be a dil cost or zen cost (Like 4k + the mk XI Blue).

    7. A Vendor that upgrades quest reward unique space/ground equipment to MK XII VR. EG. Dominion Polaron weapons, Breen Equipment, Devidian, Piercing Tetryon, Caustic Plasma etc.

    8. Door to your fleet assets, not just a fleet vendor there will all fleet items.

    9. DoFF mission giver that gives all of the unique DoFF Missions in Game. The exception is missions that would give a DoFF as reward are account BoP.

    10. Have Q be there from time to time at random and be able start past Anniversary events. Say someone missed last years Dyson ship, they can add the quest then.

  • tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
    edited August 2014
    I've mentioned before, but my plan is still to move the Captain's Table door from the gas cloud sitting out in space, to a door in the new Club 47 when it's released.

    I would also like to extend that, and add similar doors in all of the major social zones (DS9, First City, New Romulus, The Flotilla, Drozana, etc.)

    I would like for each of those doors to lead to a single entrance in the Captain's Table, and for that door in the CT, to take you back where you came from. (However, that may mean that the CT would have to be set up like Fleet Bases/Player Bridges, and if you logged out there, you'd be returned from whence you came.)

    I feel that if you could take that door to any of the above, it could potentially be an overpowered transport hub.

    Similarly, I think that transwarping TO the Captain's Table sounds fine, but being able to TW from the table to anywhere else in the galaxy would be problematic.
    Only YOU can prevent forum fires!
  • tuskin67tuskin67 Member Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    tacofangs wrote: »

    I feel that if you could take that door to any of the above, it could potentially be an overpowered transport hub.

    Is there no way to make it so you can only exit to where you came from?
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