I think you are right. However, I have said this before they should make it 16k per day which would be nice and then when we have the Dilithium Weekend which starts Tomorrow, DOUBLE it for the entire weekend that way people like me that Ar eon all weekend don't accumulate 300k dilithium and have no way to refine it unless I wait 3 months.
I don't think it is too much to ask them or beg them to increase it, but I did read in another post that the reason they won't increase is that players are not refining max daily.
I call that a load of craptic BS because I refine max everyday on 5 toons and have done so for 6 months.
16k would be even better but I don't think they are willing to go that far without seeing the effects on a smaler scale first. If they really believed that most people don't max out their refinement cap they could remove the cap entirely. That way dilithium would become the true time currency Cryptic wants it to be. Those who invest more into the game end up with more REFINED dilithium.
I wish you devs would stop repeating this "to improve quality for all players" line. Yes, it's basic PR-speak, but we all know that's targ dung. You removed a perfectly fine alternative for grinding dilithium (Exploration and Diplomacy) and added rewards to the grinds we all do anyways. You decreased variety in favour of more repition to fuel the new R&D grind, there is no "quality" consideration involved.
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
I wish you devs would stop repeating this "to improve quality for all players" line. Yes, it's basic PR-speak, but we all know that's targ dung. You removed a perfectly fine alternative for grinding dilithium (Exploration and Diplomacy) and added rewards to the grinds we all do anyways. You decreased variety in favour of more repition to fuel the new R&D grind, there is no "quality" consideration involved.
Perfectly fine? Exploration only counted for one daily in the dilithium grind. If you were using that as a major source of income you can't be said to have be doing it well. I think its much more reasonable to say that Exploration was merely a source for dilithium, with its significance depending on how much that 1,440 injection counted towards your overall score for the day. If relatively speaking it counted for a lot, sure you might say that grinding exploration was important but compared to what else you could have been doing (PVE's and Battlezones which were not only are more lucrative but also provide substantially better and more various gameplay) its hard to find much sympathy (especially when it seems that in becoming attached to exploration variety and repetition don't seem to be that important to you either. We had barely any of the former and MUCH of the latter, so criticizing the new emphasis on big sprawling multi-objective maps seems a bit odd.)
Anyway, regardless of where this falls next to other changes, its a good one. Nukara and Defera have been entirely overshadowed by the battlezone because of the aforementioned higher quality and better rewards. They need something beyond the pitiful mark drop and protracted grinds to keep players interested in the old maps and trying to substitute lost sources of potential income is a fine excuse to give those rewards an update. I think what they've updated them to doesn't go quite far enough, it takes quite a bit more effort to earn a substantial amount of D compared to the alternatives, but it at least makes the adventure zones more competitive (and easier to justify playing.)
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Yes , this is a move in the right direction , now there is a need to increase the rewards for other several played (but good) missions - atmosphere assault, mine trap , the breach , breaking the planet, starbase blockade, vault shuttle, etc.
A mission that is not restricted by time and are more than 5 players to queue change in the style of crystaline catastrophe - mission starts at 5 players and more can be added gradually.
Yes , this is a move in the right direction , now there is a need to increase the rewards for other several played (but good) missions - atmosphere assault, mine trap , the breach , breaking the planet, starbase blockade, vault shuttle, etc.
Unfortunately, there are those who'd argue that, because they've added R&D packs with VR materials to those Queued Events, they've already 'increased' the rewards...
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
IMO, no additional options to acquire dilithium mean anything until the Refinement Cap is increased.
The ONLY reason I see that the cap has not been or will not be increased is Cryptic wants us to get so impatient that we buy Zen and convert it to Dilithium in order to accomplish our goals.
^ this sooooo this.
Ive been practically begging for a refinement cap increase for ages..
considering how much most projects cost like tier 5 deflectors shields etc from the rep system you'd think they'd increase the cap by a couple thousand... i mean its just frustrating it takes too long to buy weapons + unlock equipment lol
3 days of refining just for 1 beam array or cannons.... urgh, its going to take me almost a month to get all the andorian cannon brought for my kumari.
the only reason i come online anymore is to refine dil... which says a lot, if they increased the cap id play alot more.
And the ironic thing is that they keep adding new Queued Events, one-shot Featured Episodes, Rep Systems, Crafting Revamps, etc. all for the ultimate goal of "increasing player participation" (Read; spend more money on stuff).
As the addition to my signiature says: "Want more player participation, Cryptic? Forget more Queued Events, just raise the Dilithium refinement cap and watch what happens."
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
Merely a bribe to appease the genuine rage over Cyptic's trifecta of content deletion, stretching out the crafting system into retirement age, and borking the DOff system all in one update...:mad:
Expendables Fleet: Andrew - Bajoran Fed Engineer Ken'taura - Rom/Fed Scientist Gwyllim - Human Fed Delta Tac Savik - Vulcan Fed Temporal Sci Dahar Masters Fleet: Alphal'Fa - Alien KDF Engineer Qun'pau - Rom/KDF Engineer D'nesh - Orion KDF Scientist Ghen'khan - Liberated KDF Tac Welcome to StarBug Online - to boldly Bug where no bug has been before!
STO player since November 2013
After everyone's anger subsides, Cryptic will go back and nerf the rewards. Or, they will add more grinding projects, so that the boost in rewards becomes thinned out. I give it a few weeks and we will be back to square one.
"Its not who you are on the inside, but what you do that defines you."
IMO, no additional options to acquire dilithium mean anything until the Refinement Cap is increased.
If Cryptic raised the daily cap, they would compensate by nerfing rewards.
These rewards are based off of how much time we expect players will need to complete a mission (so a mission that takes ten minutes to complete will reward more Dilithium Ore than a mission that takes three minutes). By adding Dilithium Ore to these mission rewards we have not replaced or removed any of the previously existing rewards. These changes are permanent additions to the rewards for these missions.
Upon seeing how much people will intake from the dilithium bonus weekend, I bet Cryptic will go back and remove the rewards.
IMO, no additional options to acquire dilithium mean anything until the Refinement Cap is increased.
The ONLY reason I see that the cap has not been or will not be increased is Cryptic wants us to get so impatient that we buy Zen and convert it to Dilithium in order to accomplish our goals.
The easiest way to increase your personal refining cap it to buy more character slots. Sure, you have to play more than one character, but if you don't have a problem hitting the refining cap you can always make an alt or two. You can use the alts for the Dilithium Exchange without interfering with your mains' own supplies. Even better, it's only 1065 Zen for 4 character slots, meaning that if you easily hit your cap already one purchase adds 32K dilithium to that cap.
Not as helpful for RPers hoping to focus on one character, but you can use the alts simply to power to the refining cap while retaining your mains for use in RP. Still, I hope that helps a tad.
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
Not quite true. They took the 1440 dil from the "explore strange new worlds" daily (taken out with 9.5), and said they would put it somewhere else on the system. So basically, thx for nothing.
This is by the funniest dev blog yet "The Star Trek Online development team continues to honor its commitment to improving the overall quality of the game for all players" how hollow those words sound among the p2w ships we have gotten recently. I mean really major lmao :P.
The easiest way to increase your personal refining cap it to buy more character slots. Sure, you have to play more than one character, but if you don't have a problem hitting the refining cap you can always make an alt or two. You can use the alts for the Dilithium Exchange without interfering with your mains' own supplies. Even better, it's only 1065 Zen for 4 character slots, meaning that if you easily hit your cap already one purchase adds 32K dilithium to that cap.
Not as helpful for RPers hoping to focus on one character, but you can use the alts simply to power to the refining cap while retaining your mains for use in RP. Still, I hope that helps a tad.
I have 32... 31 of them are level 50. Most are for doffing/farming because of the dil cap. Some I do play regularly and I can always play someone different depending on what I want to do on any particular day.. The bad side is, there might actually be too much to choose from.
Personally the cap doesn't affect me. I am just looking at the situation for what it is... a way for Cryptic to milk its player base.
-AoP- Warrior's Blood (KDF Armada) / -AoP- Qu' raD qulbo'Degh / -AoP- ProjectPhoenix Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
.__.; Before I jump for joy, how much dil are we talkin' 'bout here?
On defera, its 160 for the easy, 240 for the medium, and 320 for the hard. I think those are the right numbers. I haven't checked the others. On Defera you also get fleet marks and the Omega bonus box. If you get a good team, and nothing bugs out, you can probably finish all the hard missions in about 30 minutes, including travel time. But I don't think I have had a run yet that either power plant hard, or city hard didn't bug.
If you don't know, the bugs aren't killer, usually you can switch to a different zone, so just annoying. And easy to get lost in if you don't know what you are doing. Kinda like the exploration sectors.
Not to seem ungrateful, I mean I'm all for adding variety to the ways one can earn Dil, but I've not ever found it hard to earn Dilithium Ore. Getting the Dilithium Refined is the problem.
When I'm actively playing a character, I log in, collect my DOff missions and yesterday's Reps, play a handful of missions (STFs, etc.) needed to get Rep Marks, etc. etc... I find I'm near/over 8k Dil Ore with what I feel is very little "effort"... If I'm actually TRYING to farm Dil? Fuggettaboutit!!! Getting 8k is "easy", taking my time it's a couple hours, tops.
I'm LTS so have access to that crummy Dil Refining DOff mission and most my toons belong to fleets with a mine that offers refining, but even combined it's only 1k more Refined Dilithium (average) per day (and it requires annoying effort and locking up two DOffs and an Assignment slots for two days).
Others in this thread have said, I'll say it to: Increase the Dilithium Daily Refinement Cap.
Do that, and I'll really care/be happy about more Dil in the system. :rolleyes:
BTW, Champions Online Veteran Rewards offer double-refining of Questionite (their version of dil), granting 16k per day to vets. How about something like that for STO?
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
The easiest way to increase your personal refining cap it to buy more character slots. Sure, you have to play more than one character, but if you don't have a problem hitting the refining cap you can always make an alt or two. You can use the alts for the Dilithium Exchange without interfering with your mains' own supplies. Even better, it's only 1065 Zen for 4 character slots, meaning that if you easily hit your cap already one purchase adds 32K dilithium to that cap.
Not as helpful for RPers hoping to focus on one character, but you can use the alts simply to power to the refining cap while retaining your mains for use in RP. Still, I hope that helps a tad.
True.If They remove the dil refine cap,billions of dilithium will be on market,and the price for zen will be more than 1000 dilithium.If anyone needs more dil,farm it with more toons:)
I used to haul in the ore hand over fist when I was playing all the time. The last few months though, I don't log in to play all that often, and my stockpiles have vanished, so this is very welcome news to me. (Especially as I actually enjoy ground combat).
I used to haul in the ore hand over fist when I was playing all the time. The last few months though, I don't log in to play all that often, and my stockpiles have vanished, so this is very welcome news to me. (Especially as I actually enjoy ground combat).
I agree with you on the vanishing stockpiles - I've had occasions to stockpile resources but those usually come around major holidays (full time doctoral student), so major advancement usually only happens on my main toon. I can appreciate throwing dilithium in additional locations, even if the refining cap is still 8k/day, but I'm used to taking it slowly.
Also, ground combat for the win. It's good to hear that it's available in these zones now - I just wish it was back when I was working on all those reps!
Looking forward to diplomacy and exploration revamps.
16k would be even better but I don't think they are willing to go that far without seeing the effects on a smaler scale first. If they really believed that most people don't max out their refinement cap they could remove the cap entirely. That way dilithium would become the true time currency Cryptic wants it to be. Those who invest more into the game end up with more REFINED dilithium.
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Perfectly fine? Exploration only counted for one daily in the dilithium grind. If you were using that as a major source of income you can't be said to have be doing it well. I think its much more reasonable to say that Exploration was merely a source for dilithium, with its significance depending on how much that 1,440 injection counted towards your overall score for the day. If relatively speaking it counted for a lot, sure you might say that grinding exploration was important but compared to what else you could have been doing (PVE's and Battlezones which were not only are more lucrative but also provide substantially better and more various gameplay) its hard to find much sympathy (especially when it seems that in becoming attached to exploration variety and repetition don't seem to be that important to you either. We had barely any of the former and MUCH of the latter, so criticizing the new emphasis on big sprawling multi-objective maps seems a bit odd.)
Anyway, regardless of where this falls next to other changes, its a good one. Nukara and Defera have been entirely overshadowed by the battlezone because of the aforementioned higher quality and better rewards. They need something beyond the pitiful mark drop and protracted grinds to keep players interested in the old maps and trying to substitute lost sources of potential income is a fine excuse to give those rewards an update. I think what they've updated them to doesn't go quite far enough, it takes quite a bit more effort to earn a substantial amount of D compared to the alternatives, but it at least makes the adventure zones more competitive (and easier to justify playing.)
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Let us refine it faster, and I might care.
#31: Research and Development Material Packs
#32: Xindi Lockbox Overview
#33: Xindi Lockbox and Lobi Ships
#34: Season 9.5 is Live!
They only occasionally call a forum entry dev blog.... for some reason. :rolleyes:
A mission that is not restricted by time and are more than 5 players to queue change in the style of crystaline catastrophe - mission starts at 5 players and more can be added gradually.
Unfortunately, there are those who'd argue that, because they've added R&D packs with VR materials to those Queued Events, they've already 'increased' the rewards...
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
Long live the King, Long live Cryptics
^ this sooooo this.
Ive been practically begging for a refinement cap increase for ages..
considering how much most projects cost like tier 5 deflectors shields etc from the rep system you'd think they'd increase the cap by a couple thousand... i mean its just frustrating it takes too long to buy weapons + unlock equipment lol
3 days of refining just for 1 beam array or cannons.... urgh, its going to take me almost a month to get all the andorian cannon brought for my kumari.
the only reason i come online anymore is to refine dil... which says a lot, if they increased the cap id play alot more.
As the addition to my signiature says: "Want more player participation, Cryptic? Forget more Queued Events, just raise the Dilithium refinement cap and watch what happens."
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
Savik - Vulcan Fed Temporal Sci
Dahar Masters Fleet: Alphal'Fa - Alien KDF Engineer Qun'pau - Rom/KDF Engineer D'nesh - Orion KDF Scientist Ghen'khan - Liberated KDF Tac
Welcome to StarBug Online - to boldly Bug where no bug has been before!
STO player since November 2013
"Its not who you are on the inside, but what you do that defines you."
"...but, we are not evil!" ~ Cryptic
Yeah, tell that to the nerfs you did last week.
If Cryptic raised the daily cap, they would compensate by nerfing rewards.
Upon seeing how much people will intake from the dilithium bonus weekend, I bet Cryptic will go back and remove the rewards.
They are testimonials... nothing else...
The easiest way to increase your personal refining cap it to buy more character slots. Sure, you have to play more than one character, but if you don't have a problem hitting the refining cap you can always make an alt or two. You can use the alts for the Dilithium Exchange without interfering with your mains' own supplies. Even better, it's only 1065 Zen for 4 character slots, meaning that if you easily hit your cap already one purchase adds 32K dilithium to that cap.
Not as helpful for RPers hoping to focus on one character, but you can use the alts simply to power to the refining cap while retaining your mains for use in RP. Still, I hope that helps a tad.
I have 32... 31 of them are level 50. Most are for doffing/farming because of the dil cap. Some I do play regularly and I can always play someone different depending on what I want to do on any particular day.. The bad side is, there might actually be too much to choose from.
Personally the cap doesn't affect me. I am just looking at the situation for what it is... a way for Cryptic to milk its player base.
Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
On defera, its 160 for the easy, 240 for the medium, and 320 for the hard. I think those are the right numbers. I haven't checked the others. On Defera you also get fleet marks and the Omega bonus box. If you get a good team, and nothing bugs out, you can probably finish all the hard missions in about 30 minutes, including travel time. But I don't think I have had a run yet that either power plant hard, or city hard didn't bug.
If you don't know, the bugs aren't killer, usually you can switch to a different zone, so just annoying. And easy to get lost in if you don't know what you are doing. Kinda like the exploration sectors.
Nouveau riche LTS member
When I'm actively playing a character, I log in, collect my DOff missions and yesterday's Reps, play a handful of missions (STFs, etc.) needed to get Rep Marks, etc. etc... I find I'm near/over 8k Dil Ore with what I feel is very little "effort"... If I'm actually TRYING to farm Dil? Fuggettaboutit!!! Getting 8k is "easy", taking my time it's a couple hours, tops.
I'm LTS so have access to that crummy Dil Refining DOff mission and most my toons belong to fleets with a mine that offers refining, but even combined it's only 1k more Refined Dilithium (average) per day (and it requires annoying effort and locking up two DOffs and an Assignment slots for two days).
Others in this thread have said, I'll say it to: Increase the Dilithium Daily Refinement Cap.
Do that, and I'll really care/be happy about more Dil in the system. :rolleyes:
BTW, Champions Online Veteran Rewards offer double-refining of Questionite (their version of dil), granting 16k per day to vets. How about something like that for STO?
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
Just because you read patch notes and Dev Blogs doesn't mean everyone reads both.
True.If They remove the dil refine cap,billions of dilithium will be on market,and the price for zen will be more than 1000 dilithium.If anyone needs more dil,farm it with more toons:)
I agree with you on the vanishing stockpiles - I've had occasions to stockpile resources but those usually come around major holidays (full time doctoral student), so major advancement usually only happens on my main toon. I can appreciate throwing dilithium in additional locations, even if the refining cap is still 8k/day, but I'm used to taking it slowly.
Also, ground combat for the win. It's good to hear that it's available in these zones now - I just wish it was back when I was working on all those reps!
Looking forward to diplomacy and exploration revamps.