So for you, what is the killer app for Expansion 2?
List the three features you want the most that would make this expansion a home run for you, in order of importance.
Try to keep it within the realms of reality, as "no lockboxes ever again" is probably not on the feature list.
For me, it would be:
1) Revamped ground combat to use a cover based mechanic.
2) Inclusion of a comprehensive, interesting, and highly replayable exploration system that doesn't utilize the foundry.
3) Reorganize levels so that no one's Commando-Admirals anymore.
(Edited cause I thought of something more important to put at 3.)
♪ I'm going around not in circles but in spirographs.
It's pretty much this hard to keep just one timeline intact. ♪
As far as I'm concerned, anything which doesn't result in any further damage to the game as it stands now is fine. I play the game because of what is there now, and I prefer it to stay that way.
Although I suppose this is unrealistic. The entropy of a closed system must always increase, and as such, things must always get worse. So I'll settle for them not ruiing anything I still care about.
So for you, what is the killer app for Expansion 2?
List the three features you want the most that would make this expansion a home run for you, in order of importance.
1) Not having the Delta Quadrant ending up being a tiny sector block. Instead it's multiple sector blocks that dwarfs the current STO Territory. (The Delta Quadrant really is 50,000 light years across, while STO is 50 light years across.
2) REAL Exploration!
3) No Excessive Grinds! (Fleet holdings are okay, providing there is better support for small and casual fleets).
1. Real Exploration. Foundry could be a part of it, but if I have to select a mission from the Foundry system, then it is not exploration.
2. Admiral System. We are Admirals so we should be able to act like one by commanding a small fleet.
3. Customizable Ship Interiors
1. More ships. Fill in some of the species specific gaps on the KDF roster, add in a few new warbirds for the Romulans that aren't the size of small moons. The Feds are fine as they are.
2. A revamped exploration system. What it might look like is anyones guess. I, of course, have my own view.
But it needs to work and it needs to be accepted by the playerbase.
3. A little consideration for small fleets when the inevitable new holding comes around.
1) More story content (at least five new episode missions)
2) Exploration return & revamp
3) Foundry expansion with 3D editor, more maps and assets, etc
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them." -Thomas Marrone
I think every major update threads like this appear in hopes the Devs will listen to the player, it's unlikely except if the system is old and they agree it is a gonner. Well why not try, I know it's hopeless but I will go with it.
1. Better BOFF's more AI in them and command function especially on away missions.
2. Climb and Cover options and not standing across an enemy and who shoot who first down.
3. Redo Cardassian mission their the oldest in class GET RID OFF THEM !!!
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
1)Working loadouts and a max bridge officer slot increase.
2)Working loadouts and a max bridge officer slot increase.
3)Working loadouts and a max bridge officer slot increase.
4)Working loadouts and a max bridge officer slot increase.
Beta, LTA, CE, Multiple preorder Versions, all Addon Packs except AoY, nearly all KDF/Rom and ~50% of all Fedships, over 25 LockboxShips, Endurer of Atari's "Year of Hell", but...
They did a great job with the LoR expansion (well besides that Tholian Red Alert that took them 11 months to fix) and I expect nothing less from the second one. I have a few specific wishes though:
1. Exploration (interesting missions that DO NOT require you to kill everything alive)
2. a bunch of new missions and ships for all 3 factions
3. emancipation of the Romulan Republic. It's time to declare indepence from the Federation and the Klingon Empire
4. the Delta Quadrant. Perfectly fitted for exploration missions.
5. A new Ultra Hard Mode (with ultra rare loot) for all fleet actions (especially STFs)
6. Second Deflector for all Science ships
7. Revamp of sector space (one map without borders, graphical overhaul)
8. Small changes: Increase of the daily dilithium refinement cap to 10'000 a day (long overdue), graphical overhaul of all Galaxy class models (yes that again!), overwork of the exchange to include comprehensible categories and sub-categories as well as a working search function, revamp of DS9, revamp of the ranking system (Captain should be the top rank for players)
- Xindi faction : they have a lot of races and ships, Cardassians are too limited.
- No more ranks but more skills and more skills points cap.
- Rewamp high end ships to not be so similars.
- more science and healing captain abilities .
I am from Belgium and english isn't my main language, sorry if I make mistakes.
Story content en masse, I think. A Delta or Gamma Quadrant expansion with new sector blocks to explore. (Or ideally just one or two sector blocks that are far bigger than the current ones).
Perhaps an Exploration System revamp (e.g. procedurally generated missions that don't do dumb things like giving the BOrg a 3rd dynasty.)
Systems (other than ones that generate content) can go in a season update.
As far as I'm concerned, anything which doesn't result in any further damage to the game as it stands now is fine. I play the game because of what is there now, and I prefer it to stay that way.
Although I suppose this is unrealistic. The entropy of a closed system must always increase, and as such, things must always get worse. So I'll settle for them not ruiing anything I still care about.
Startrek Online is still not a closed system.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
What do I want from Expansion 2? Features people have been asking for for years. But not completely crappy and useless like the crafting revamp currently is. Also, more sector blocks with patrol missions... Oh, and the reintroduction of the concept of regularly I released series of episodes, and an exploration revamp.
Less grinding (I can not stress this enough) most people can't even play the game because of the constant grind for this or that.
Kill the Cool Downs on STF's some people can't play a lot and waiting an hour or even 30 minutes when that's all you have to play is plane stupid. Trust me it makes no one play other missions they just wait for the cool down to end or log off. People like what they like get over it and cut the times out.
More end game content (Rep systems Do Not Count!!!!!)
Exploration revamp and the ability to explore Delta and Gama quadrants. Please do something about the Galaxy map the way you have it does not really work well seeing that Defura 2 sectors away from Et E while the KDF is no where near DS9 if you look at any map used on Star Trek our is just FUBAR'ed
Fleet Missions that do not take 5 people because some times there is no one around! (KDF)
Ships that let us decide what console slots go where. Just make sure there are 9 or 10 slots and let us put them where we want them like they would on a real starship when they are working on it.
Stop Nerfing every thing to death.
More levels and rooms in our ships and fleet star bases. I mean good lord we don't eve have shuttle bays in either. Make it a custom project.
In other games you could have a way of making money other then exchange or grinding. Like Quark said a little moon to call my own. Why can't we own things like trade ships, moons, vacation spots, shipping companies, research company's and so on and get a small income from it.The upgrade possibilities alone is staggering not to mention the factions tie in's.
Random Encounters in unfriendly areas. For that matter unfriendly areas like factions that are not in the federation, KDF, or Rom's
Everyone and their tribble is a Admiral but with no ships to command how about being able to command the ships in your inventory like a fleet assist or send on missions or something of that sort.
Those are just some of the things I would like to see in game. Will it happen, who knows.
Although I suppose this is unrealistic. The entropy of a closed system must always increase, and as such, things must always get worse. So I'll settle for them not ruiing anything I still care about.
2) Restoration of exploration in order to quash MORE dissent.
Why are you not rejoicing?
We must continue Dukat's good work!
Wish granted: there is now a Cardassian race playable only to the Federation.
Why are you not rejoicing?
2) A continuation of the Iconian storyline in a way that isn't just another featured episode
3) Another fleet holding with new stuff to buy
Since the Dyson was located in the Delta Quadrant. I say we head outside of it and look what is there. I'm sure to find all kinds of new adventures.
More story to the Iconians.
I doubt it will come. The New Orleans and Niagara class ships.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
1) Not having the Delta Quadrant ending up being a tiny sector block. Instead it's multiple sector blocks that dwarfs the current STO Territory. (The Delta Quadrant really is 50,000 light years across, while STO is 50 light years across.
2) REAL Exploration!
3) No Excessive Grinds! (Fleet holdings are okay, providing there is better support for small and casual fleets).
2) Fleet Guramba
3) Fleet Marauder
edit: Damn, you said within the realm of reality...never mind.
2. Admiral System. We are Admirals so we should be able to act like one by commanding a small fleet.
3. Customizable Ship Interiors
2. A revamped exploration system. What it might look like is anyones guess. I, of course, have my own view.
But it needs to work and it needs to be accepted by the playerbase.
3. A little consideration for small fleets when the inevitable new holding comes around.
2) Exploration return & revamp
3) Foundry expansion with 3D editor, more maps and assets, etc
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
2. Bridge invites for Colonization doff missions
2. nothing new.
3. upgrades/nerfs.
its not what i want, but it seems to be the trait.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
1. Better BOFF's more AI in them and command function especially on away missions.
2. Climb and Cover options and not standing across an enemy and who shoot who first down.
3. Redo Cardassian mission their the oldest in class GET RID OFF THEM !!!
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
2)Working loadouts and a max bridge officer slot increase.
3)Working loadouts and a max bridge officer slot increase.
4)Working loadouts and a max bridge officer slot increase.
2) Playable Cardassians
EDIT: Raise the number of Command slots on top-tier ships.
1. Exploration (interesting missions that DO NOT require you to kill everything alive)
2. a bunch of new missions and ships for all 3 factions
3. emancipation of the Romulan Republic. It's time to declare indepence from the Federation and the Klingon Empire
4. the Delta Quadrant. Perfectly fitted for exploration missions.
5. A new Ultra Hard Mode (with ultra rare loot) for all fleet actions (especially STFs)
6. Second Deflector for all Science ships
7. Revamp of sector space (one map without borders, graphical overhaul)
8. Small changes: Increase of the daily dilithium refinement cap to 10'000 a day (long overdue), graphical overhaul of all Galaxy class models (yes that again!), overwork of the exchange to include comprehensible categories and sub-categories as well as a working search function, revamp of DS9, revamp of the ranking system (Captain should be the top rank for players)
- No more ranks but more skills and more skills points cap.
- Rewamp high end ships to not be so similars.
- more science and healing captain abilities .
Perhaps an Exploration System revamp (e.g. procedurally generated missions that don't do dumb things like giving the BOrg a 3rd dynasty.)
Systems (other than ones that generate content) can go in a season update.
Startrek Online is still not a closed system.
More fun.
2. The Return of FE Series (not gonna happen, either)
=> DQ being a FE Hub or Exploration "Cluster" and not the next giant "Adventure Zone" with 100.000 Starfleet Captains invading, shooting Stuff ...
as far as the expansion I have no expectations. keeps my blood boiling and steam from shooting out my ears.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
2: More story.
3: NPCs that fight back.
Kill the Cool Downs on STF's some people can't play a lot and waiting an hour or even 30 minutes when that's all you have to play is plane stupid. Trust me it makes no one play other missions they just wait for the cool down to end or log off. People like what they like get over it and cut the times out.
More end game content (Rep systems Do Not Count!!!!!)
Exploration revamp and the ability to explore Delta and Gama quadrants. Please do something about the Galaxy map the way you have it does not really work well seeing that Defura 2 sectors away from Et E while the KDF is no where near DS9 if you look at any map used on Star Trek our is just FUBAR'ed
Fleet Missions that do not take 5 people because some times there is no one around! (KDF)
Ships that let us decide what console slots go where. Just make sure there are 9 or 10 slots and let us put them where we want them like they would on a real starship when they are working on it.
Stop Nerfing every thing to death.
More levels and rooms in our ships and fleet star bases. I mean good lord we don't eve have shuttle bays in either. Make it a custom project.
In other games you could have a way of making money other then exchange or grinding. Like Quark said a little moon to call my own. Why can't we own things like trade ships, moons, vacation spots, shipping companies, research company's and so on and get a small income from it.The upgrade possibilities alone is staggering not to mention the factions tie in's.
Random Encounters in unfriendly areas. For that matter unfriendly areas like factions that are not in the federation, KDF, or Rom's
Everyone and their tribble is a Admiral but with no ships to command how about being able to command the ships in your inventory like a fleet assist or send on missions or something of that sort.
Those are just some of the things I would like to see in game. Will it happen, who knows.