So I did some testing, and here's the mods I found so far:
[Snare] to target: reduced turn and flight speed
[Pvp Res] +5 (I think) Bonus Damage Resistance Rating
[Pvp Dmg] +3% All Damage
[Pen] to target: -10 Damage Resistance Rating
[Over] Grants a chance to overload next beam (and yes, it does seem to come with the customary BO drain.)
So far, they seem confusingly labeled, as they all SEEM to be proc based, but do not list a chance to occur. Someone more thorough than me will have to test that stuff out.
Did anyone find any others? If so post them here, and we can get a good master list going.
I have to say im looking forward to the crafting. Just because it will give me alot more to play around with.
I takes alot of time and effort to set up a good ship build, and i take pride in the builds i manage to create from whatever item, skill or ability the game should provide.
I see no problem in experimenting with everything the game has to provide. I expect that other players do the same.
I find this whole whinage about a2b to be hilarious.. because i know that the best players in this game does not use it. And if they did, its not because of a2b that makes them winners... Experience and knowlegde, knowing what is actually happening, and how to counter the happenings or how to avoid them comes from experience only.
I have witnessed lately a blossoming of insanly good escort pilots.... they throttle their speed so they keep defence as high as possible while turning.. and positioning themselves with perfect timong towards a broken down shield facing, and i watch them kill me, or anyone else under their radar within one salva of cannon rapidfire. Its a pure delight and honor to have the possibility to fight someone of this skilllevel.
And it so happends that they might of slotted one copy of aux2bat. I personally get insulted on their behalf if anyone would say it was only because of aux2bat that they are able to win their fights..One skill (a2b) cannot replace the ammount of experience and skilllevel it takes to learn how to do this so flawlessly my jaw basicly drops when i witness this feat.
If i loose a duel against players like that, i will bow down my head in respect, cause they will exploit my every weakness and plow through my shields and kill me faster than i can react just because they just know what they are doing.. and they are GOOD at what they do.
"Better were the days when mastery o' space came not from bargains struck with eldritch creatures... but from the sweat of a man's brow and the strength of his back alone. Ye all know thi's to be true!"
I just don't get "We are being "FORCED" to do...."
You are not forced to do anything.
And you certainly don't need huge amounts of dil to be competitive in pvp.
Like every season there has to be someone who says "oh I have to farm again", "x is obsolete now, y is better". Every season brings additions, that everyone's free to do or not
this is far more worry some then any of these crafting procs
If they limited it to one per ship I think it would be ok though. No Shim or other tac heavy ship can make do with only one.
Would be nice to to have aux weapons for other sci ships... but ya 1 per ship or none at all. Your right in that thread though it would hardly be much point to it at that point... still if I could craft a [aux][arc] beam array for my sci ships I would even if it really didn't make to much of a difference. Really I find torps are 10x more useful on a vesta anyway... I used my vesta cannons for 1 day and put them in the bank.
If they limited it to one per ship I think it would be ok though. No Shim or other tac heavy ship can make do with only one.
Would be nice to to have aux weapons for other sci ships... but ya 1 per ship or none at all. Your right in that thread though it would hardly be much point to it at that point... still if I could craft a [aux][arc] beam array for my sci ships I would even if it really didn't make to much of a difference. Really I find torps are 10x more useful on a vesta anyway... I used my vesta cannons for 1 day and put them in the bank.
I agree 100%. One per ship would be useful. Anymore wouldn't be such a good idea. I use the aux cannons on my undergeared pve science toon but other than that, they drain my aux power so my science powers aren't fireing at 100% effectiveness.
i think i got them to make that beam trait from crafting actually work with FAW, not sure if i did good or not..
i think now you can all but eliminate less then purple outcomes if you level high enough and use high end enough components. thats crosses the threshold for me, the system isnt choked to death by RNG anymore.
Those mods are looking awesome. I really want to see what special sci mods they've come up with. Guess all the testing people are doing are with weapons. Why the heck Doesn't Cryptic release a full list? Oh well, will have to wait until July 22nd to find out (With all this prepatching, the release is probably that close.)
Sounds like all the best stuff will be bound to your toon. Not sure if will even be account bound. Sounds like this is the new rep grind basicly.
I swear I would just rather pay out the nose for a crafted onr I didn't have to craft ...I nevr craft in any game it just not my thing but I thought the whole point of crafting something was to ...oh I don't know how to say it ......sell it on the market to make money per say ...I mean you make a uber set for yourself ...and keep making more and sell them right?? but if its gonna be bound whats the point in making more than one for yourself ?? am I making sense ive had a little ...well a lot to drink right now and the words arnt saysing what I want to say I think ....oh nm
It is pretty much the crafting system style they use in Guild Wars 2. The only way to get the high end gear is to craft it... its account bound but the stuffs to make it are not. They keep you crafting in the same way Cryptic keeps us doing reps. Release more better stuff every now and then.
Every time I read the updates on tribble or elsewhere on the forums I feel less and less inclined to come back at all.
The glaring balance changes, nerfs, buffs, pure insanity that is PvP theorycrafting and gearing....
I just cant handle the level of it in this game anymore. Even after the much needed break I have been taking, the idea of coming back to this game now and everything being changed like this, and broken things even more broken...
Just why?
STO has always had a special place in my heart. I loved this game when I played it regularly, but in hindsight all of the effort and time put into just getting to do the one thing I wanted to - PvP competitively, seems like a huge waste of a lot of time.
And then to go and change things the way they do all of the time, turning established builds upside down and inside out, completely changing metas, completely changing synergies, completely changing roles...
I dont have the patience for it, I just cant do it.
Up until now my old builds could still bring it, but after some of these changes, I cant see even my ultra expensive and hard obtained ships/equipment still being truly viable vs someone that has minmaxed on all of the new things.
Its things like this that destroy any chance of someone that cannot and will not play this game like a full time job coming back.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
/cant only have 1 'word' all capitalized
-10 Damage Resistance Rating
customary bo drain.. holy cow ! this is gonna be major source of nerf whining
I takes alot of time and effort to set up a good ship build, and i take pride in the builds i manage to create from whatever item, skill or ability the game should provide.
I see no problem in experimenting with everything the game has to provide. I expect that other players do the same.
I find this whole whinage about a2b to be hilarious.. because i know that the best players in this game does not use it. And if they did, its not because of a2b that makes them winners... Experience and knowlegde, knowing what is actually happening, and how to counter the happenings or how to avoid them comes from experience only.
I have witnessed lately a blossoming of insanly good escort pilots.... they throttle their speed so they keep defence as high as possible while turning.. and positioning themselves with perfect timong towards a broken down shield facing, and i watch them kill me, or anyone else under their radar within one salva of cannon rapidfire. Its a pure delight and honor to have the possibility to fight someone of this skilllevel.
And it so happends that they might of slotted one copy of aux2bat. I personally get insulted on their behalf if anyone would say it was only because of aux2bat that they are able to win their fights..One skill (a2b) cannot replace the ammount of experience and skilllevel it takes to learn how to do this so flawlessly my jaw basicly drops when i witness this feat.
If i loose a duel against players like that, i will bow down my head in respect, cause they will exploit my every weakness and plow through my shields and kill me faster than i can react just because they just know what they are doing.. and they are GOOD at what they do.
So we will be forced to spend hugh amounts of Dil again. Awesome, exactly what I wanted :rolleyes:
I just don't get "We are being "FORCED" to do...."
You are not forced to do anything.
And you certainly don't need huge amounts of dil to be competitive in pvp.
Super SpecialStar Trek Online Review
SpecialTemporal PUG 100K DPS Build
We are Travelers
Like every season there has to be someone who says "oh I have to farm again", "x is obsolete now, y is better". Every season brings additions, that everyone's free to do or not
this is far more worry some then any of these crafting procs
But that's only a suggestion, isn't it? A bad one at that, I might add.
If they limited it to one per ship I think it would be ok though. No Shim or other tac heavy ship can make do with only one.
Would be nice to to have aux weapons for other sci ships... but ya 1 per ship or none at all. Your right in that thread though it would hardly be much point to it at that point... still if I could craft a [aux][arc] beam array for my sci ships I would even if it really didn't make to much of a difference.
I agree 100%. One per ship would be useful. Anymore wouldn't be such a good idea. I use the aux cannons on my undergeared pve science toon but other than that, they drain my aux power so my science powers aren't fireing at 100% effectiveness.
i think now you can all but eliminate less then purple outcomes if you level high enough and use high end enough components. thats crosses the threshold for me, the system isnt choked to death by RNG anymore.
Sounds like all the best stuff will be bound to your toon. Not sure if will even be account bound. Sounds like this is the new rep grind basicly.
I swear I would just rather pay out the nose for a crafted onr I didn't have to craft ...I nevr craft in any game it just not my thing but I thought the whole point of crafting something was to ...oh I don't know how to say it ......sell it on the market to make money per say ...I mean you make a uber set for yourself ...and keep making more and sell them right?? but if its gonna be bound whats the point in making more than one for yourself ?? am I making sense ive had a little ...well a lot to drink right now and the words arnt saysing what I want to say I think ....oh nm
The glaring balance changes, nerfs, buffs, pure insanity that is PvP theorycrafting and gearing....
I just cant handle the level of it in this game anymore. Even after the much needed break I have been taking, the idea of coming back to this game now and everything being changed like this, and broken things even more broken...
Just why?
STO has always had a special place in my heart. I loved this game when I played it regularly, but in hindsight all of the effort and time put into just getting to do the one thing I wanted to - PvP competitively, seems like a huge waste of a lot of time.
And then to go and change things the way they do all of the time, turning established builds upside down and inside out, completely changing metas, completely changing synergies, completely changing roles...
I dont have the patience for it, I just cant do it.
Up until now my old builds could still bring it, but after some of these changes, I cant see even my ultra expensive and hard obtained ships/equipment still being truly viable vs someone that has minmaxed on all of the new things.
Its things like this that destroy any chance of someone that cannot and will not play this game like a full time job coming back.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus