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Official New Crafting System "Research and Development" Feedback Thread



  • comkiller007comkiller007 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Okay Dilithium requirements killed the old crafting system if you could call it that. This has seriously got to go. What about turning in old common and uncommon unreplicateable materials in the new system they can't be turned in for anything! So I take it we are all just SOL on being able to transfer them into Very Rare materials in the new system? I hate to say this but WoW has a better crafting system. For that matter Rift, LOTRO, minecraft, and many others have way better crafting systems in them.
  • genrldestructiongenrldestruction Member Posts: 194 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    frtoaster wrote: »
    I think the new crafting system will live or die depending on whether or not they replace the luck-based mechanic. I see some people complaining about the dilithium costs. The costs are fairly easy to change. The luck-based mechanic is a basic part of their design and probably takes a lot of work to change. That probably means that few people will use the new crafting system. Well, few people used the old crafting system, so that's basically status quo. I'm more worried about the changes to the doff system, as we've lost a bunch of functionality there.


    I think I can live with everything BUT the random factor. Part of what makes a good crafting system is knowing exactly what you are getting. The luck thing can still make a difference.

    Lets take a beam array, for example. In my ideal crafting system, you open up the UI, select beams, and then damage type and mark level. It tells you that you need [Subcomponent X], [Subcomponent y] and [Subcomponent Z]. I proceed to make Xs and Ys and Zs. While doing so, some of them become uncommon, rare, or very rare. They are used the same way as the common variety. When I add my higher quality components, I get access to additional modifier slots. Adding 3 uncommon (Green) would open 1 modifier, 3 Rares would open 2, very rare would open 3. You can then use DOFF missions to "refine" the subcomponents to make them higher quality.

    Then, when it actually comes to producing the item, it is me, the captain that wants to get my hands dirty building the thing. Doffs can help (Add 1 to reduce the crafting time by x%, 2 for 2x%, etc...), but I don't want to hand off something to a JR officer for a random chance at greatness.

    The modifiers are researched and unlocked. Material components can be crafted from resources or broken down from old equipment.

    This, to me, makes a more compelling crafting system than "hand your materials to some random guy on deck 15 who may or may not know what he's doing"
  • digby1957digby1957 Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Three things:

    Remove dilithium from the crafting system

    Give the ability to salvage items acquired either from crafting or from normal play

    Give the ability to craft ALL ground and space items with the exception of those that are specific to missions, and reputation system

    Other things posted here (such as sliders) I'm sure will be addressed
  • raptor63549raptor63549 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Material conversion needs a slider or a convert all button

    As far as crafting. I'd like to queue the crafting of multiple components. Right now it's a ton of clicking to make them.

    Also I'd like Dil requirements based on the minimum quality item you can get. It's kind of TRIBBLE to spend hard earned dilithium equivalent to a purple item and get a blue.

    Something I was really hoping for was the ability to put gear into crafting and improve it.
  • frtoasterfrtoaster Member Posts: 3,352 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Please see the following bug report:

    Inventory window misremembers tab
    Waiting for a programmer ...
  • fynncobbfynncobb Member Posts: 57 Media Corps
    edited June 2014
    1) I dislike the new DOFF UI: As stated, we are given a 'cleaner' DOFF screen, but we don't have the information needed to make command decisions. It's like trying to cook with a recipe that just has a photo of the finished product. Also, the Dev's interpretation of 'best available' and mine may be different. I'd prefer that if I search, it is arranged in a way that makes it easier for me to find. The current holodeck layout is more than suitable, IMHO.
    2) Crafting Mats: I'll only say it for posterity, but as so many others have mentioned we NEED a slider. Also, I can't fathom why anyone that has rare particle traces wouldn't get rare crafting components. It's a slap in the face to anyone that has a collection of these hanging in their banks. Some may have bought extra bank slots just to keep them around. Convert to equal level, please
    3) Crafting: The UI is okay, if not cumbersome. I understand wanting to streamline the process and not have EVERY craftable mark and EVERY craftable damage type listed in the main menu, but there has to be a better way than having the user constantly have to back-track. How? Honestly, I don't know.
    I do like having a few steps necessary to obtaining the finished product. It gives people a way to make a little EC by crafting minutia items to expedite an EC rich crafter hopeful. I understand the need for some randomness, so I don't have too much trouble accepting that not all of my creations will be uber. With that acceptance, though, I believe there needs to be a significantly lower DIL investment. I assume (I know, I know) that there will be some pretty exciting craftables as testing continues, but there will be no need to make them if the dilithium cost is too high. We, as the crafter, assume some of the risk at the benefit of a possible 'home run'. If you feel DIL levels are appropriate, give us the ability to choose our modifiers. That way, even a blue Mk XII AP Beam array with Crit D/ACC/Crit H will have some use/value and thus be worth the DIL investment.

    Finally, as a side, I understand that this game is F2P and as such requires income through some means other than subscription. I accept that, and have no problem with it. I would just warn Cryptic and PWE to tread lightly when increasing DIL sinks. The increase in Rep weapons DIL cost, which is pretty substantial, paired with the high DIL investment necessary in crafting, may sour some players. I'm no economist, but I am a consumer. I'm a 700+ day subscriber, a purchaser of Zen, and an avid STO player. PLEASE don't sour this for me . I'M BEGGING YOU!!!! :):D
  • jimtkirkjimtkirk Member Posts: 0
    edited June 2014
    Are you serious? You want me to test a new system for something I'm not even remotely interested in AND you want me to hunt down "ingredients" too? No thanks.
  • huskerbk81huskerbk81 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Really hate the new way of slotting the doffs for r&d or regular can't find the ones i always use this way the old way maybe didn't look as nice but was easier :mad:
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    In contrast to some lines of thought, I can deal with some randomness in crafting.

    The problem is that the system I am seeing (thanks for the video hrci2907!) is a little too random for something that's going to cost dilithium and quite possibly some hard cash to get dilithium.

    DOFFing to influence the item quality is fine, but there is an element of chance there that you won't get the quality of item you wanted and in fact could get a lesser quality item. Then, on top of that, there's the random element of collecting enough of the materials you need to actually -make- said item. And on top of that, the modifiers you end up with are totally random and totally closed to being influenced.

    If I am wanting a Very Rare Antiproton DHC Mk XII [+Acc(x3)], for example, I might be willing to gamble that it ends up being of lesser quality (Uncommon [+Acc]). Or I might be willing to gamble that it doesn't get the mods I wanted (Very Rare [+Dmg, +CritD, +CritH]). Depending on what you're interested in, you might prefer one gamble over another. But high-stakes gambling without knowing what you're gambling for?

    Sure, you'll be able to buy Catalysts to improve your chances of getting a better quality item. But I don't think there's a guaranteed minimum quality, is there? Still a mostly random result and still no guarantee you'll get ANY of the mods you wanted.

    I believe the term another poster used applies here: vendor trash. Why would I want to begin Crafting again, exactly?

    Random is not to be unexpected in research, true. But this isn't real life and I am not a scientist with a million dollar grant to conduct that research. If the 'research' fails to produce the desired result, I personally am out the time and resources I put into it. That's what's upsetting. Too much risk, cost, and effort for what looks like too little benefit at the moment.

    Remove a little bit of the risk, decrease the cost and/or effort, and/or increase the benefit?

    The issue is, at this point in the development, there's only so much Cryptic is going to be willing to change.

    Add a sub-system to influence the modifier result? Doubtful. If that wasn't part of the original design intent, it ain't happening in S9.5. That part of the risk, I think we're going to have to live with.

    Make the items way better than anything else we have in the game? That's just influencing power-creep and pay-to-win thinking.

    Make it cheaper? Maybe. That might improve the risk/reward ratio enough.

    Tinker with the odds? Probably the easiest 'fix' of all, but they'll still have to either reduce costs or improve dilithium flow.
    • Make higher quality DOFFs count for more
    • Eliminate Common results completely; Research always results in Uncommon or better
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • sethpcsethpc Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    So I've done a round of asteroid mining, and have been flying around a few sectors doing doff missions that award materials. Interesting results thus far. I'll make a new thread after a while, once I've done a few more sectors.
  • dirlettiadirlettia Member Posts: 1,632 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I will start off by saying I haven't looked at this myself on tribble yet but from comments made by others I can say with certainty that this system is neither research or development. If I am a researcher doing a prototype assembly I keep meticulous instructions to replicate what I have done in case I should wish to assemble another item the same as the one just done. The system would show this by removing the current item from the random list and put it as a known recipe. New experiments should then give another random unknown item.

    As it looks right now is I assemble a few components and then give them to my doffs 5 year old to see what the ferengi on the street corner will give me for them!

    I for one am almost certain to be pretty much ignoring this system as a waste of time.

    Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
  • dareaudareau Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Wondering what, besides the extra tracks, I'm really getting from this system?

    I mean, if you compare the "create experimental blank" DOff missions and this new crafting system, both:

    1. Give a result based on the quality of DOff(s) assigned.
    2. Give a random result. At least crafting lets me pick the "name" of it - for example, craft experimental beam array can give me any of the 6 major energy types, crafting lets me at least pick phaser or polaron...
    3. Take piles of inputs. However, the experimental runs don't make me build parts.
    4. Profit is based on the graces of the RNG...

    Now, do note, that in the crafting version of this system, for a Mk XII whatever I'm paying 20k, 25k, whatever-k Dil, where the old DOff mission was dilithium free, it only needed the traces...

    At least these missions will stick around, though they'll ask for the "new version of traces". Still gonna get "cheap/free" parts...

    Would be nice to learn (test?) the new mods, as well. Especially with a touch of "pick a mod", this might actually make crafting useful and exciting again...
    Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...

    To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
  • leod198leod198 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Use material based on outcome of the mission. Get purple: use all of the supplies. Get blue item :return unused dilithium acquired material. Green :return more of the unused material. Keep ECs even increase EC requirement. We need a sink.

    Exploration clusters :increase the number off the missions to make them the same as before treat them like another sector with DOFF missions in all available categories.
    Make cluster DOFF mission option available on the console on you bridge, so if you parked by the cluster you still can utilize bridge invite to share missions with other players.
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    It seems very difficult to find out what you actually need to build a particular item.

    Also, I think it's very problematic that you can't actually choose modifiers or be certain what kind of rarity the item will be.

    You may say the cost for an item is less Dilithium then for a reputation item, but that ignores that I may not even get the item that I want.

    In the dilithium, fleet or rep stores, I choose what item I want. The choice is limited, of course, but I know this is exactly what I will get. I know it will be worth the Dilithium I spend for it.

    I don't know that for an R&D item. It's in fact likely I will not get what I want, considering the amount of available modifiers in the first place.

    You need to severely limit the amount of randomization if you want the system have a good chance of being used in the first place.

    One option here:
    Let us choose the modifiers we want as paramemters (like we can select the specific type of console and the Mark), but keep the quality random based on DOFF and skill level. If the highest rarity isn't reached, fill up the items modifiers from the list of selected ones.

    For example:

    Parameters for Beam Array:
    o Energy Type
    o Mark
    o Primary Mod
    o Secondary Mod
    o Tertiary Mod

    So if a player chooses to make a Phaser beam array Mark XI with Acc, CritH, Dmg a mods, if he gets a uncommon version, he gets an Phaser Beam Array XI [Acc], if he gets a rare result he gets a Phaser Beam Array XI [Acc] [CritH]and if he gets a very rare result he gets a Phaser Beam Array XI [Acc] [CritH] [DMG].

    That is still less than optimal for the players, so I still think the dilithium cost need to be severely reduced, but at least you can be reasonably certain you get something along the lines you actually wanted, and something you can likely also sell on the exchange if it's not very rare.

    Yes, the randomness is incredibly STUPID for crafting. What's even more crazy is that everything uses the same components. Phasers are not built the same as disruptors.

    What they need to do at the base is have us acquire schematics (not preset), have a literal graphic map of a Beam Array, Photon Torpedo, etc, where we literally make the components of the weapon, put it into the device slot as if we were actually creating the device. Then when it's all assembled, we click an assembly button and presto.

    And in this you can augment with gems (additional components) for the modifiers. The more modifiers, the harder to create the weapon. That way Accx3, CritHx3, etc modifiers will be incredibly difficult to construct, but highly worth it if you managed to successfully assemble it.

    Add a salvaging and reverse engineering abilities.

    As I said prior, prime opportunity to add new types of Vendors in dead spots. They sell common and uncommon components. Have rare missions that let you get the harder rarity components.

    But as it is now, they just shortcutted everything by copying the Neverwinter crafting system, plugged it into the DOFF system and called it new. If you think about it, its no different than the existing crafting system where you gather matericals, click start and wait til it's done. Except now, DOFFs are involved.

    Really, they did not put any thought into this system. As I said before, this isn't crafting. They just made a bad system, worse. If I was them, I cancel these changes, because players will not want another boring grind.
  • genrldestructiongenrldestruction Member Posts: 194 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    bluegeek wrote: »
    ...Add a sub-system to influence the modifier result? Doubtful. If that wasn't part of the original design intent, it ain't happening in S9.5. That part of the risk, I think we're going to have to live with....

    What bothers me is that there have been wonderful suggestions on the forums for years about what a good crafting system would/could look like, and then instead of using those ideas they base most, if not all, of the system on Neverwinter's (which isn't a true crafting system, IMO. The player isn't doing the work, (s)he's having someone else do the work.) So, while the current design document doesn't include a system where players can pick and choose mods for items, it could have and should have, since I know those ideas have been brought up numerous times in the crafting discussions....
  • mattaukettmattaukett Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Ok initial thoughts from a very quick look at the new crafting interface:-

    1) As previously mentioned the current conversion mechanism is horrible. Trying to trade in 30 or 40 materials was bad enough for a test, doing that for a conversion to a live system with thousands of samples would be unbearable.

    2) What's the point of the quick finish (aka pay dilithium) button on the crafting interface? I just tried making basic components and they were done in 10 seconds so paying for them or having the option too seems pointless on the quick missions and rather expensive for the longer projects (but I guess some people will want now sort of thing).

    3) The outcomes text looks to need a little refinement, the text size gets larger as you go Crit Success, Success, Failure, Disaster with the Crit Success text size being a little on the small size in my opinion.

    4) Doff selection, I like that doff's are auto-assigned and the selection seems to order list them. However I don't like not having the option to see success and crit criteria against doffs when you manually select them. Given the way some missions are build with success chance reducing crit chance I like to manually select doffs to maximise the crit and the new system makes this very difficult since you don't know what traits the doff's have and its not clear on what criteria the auto-select is using to select the doffs (maximised crit or maximised success)?

    5) A number of Doff missions say that the reward is a special bridge officer when the cursor is held over the reward item icon rather that saying what the specific item or class rewarded is.

    6) All the crafting and materials missions on defera still use the old crafting system. Presumably this is going to be updated to the new system or the unique crafting rewards somehow incorporated into the new system and the materials made tradable for new style materials?

    7) The results and requirements boxes on the doff mission selection page isn't particularly user friendly. Depending on your doff window size some of the requirements/rewards are hidden from view (at least until you select the assignment) and the only way to see them is to stretch the window horizontally so that the boxes become fully visible.

    8) Indication of whether R&D projects have crited or not would be nice (only way I found was by observing the rewards).

    9) A school progress counter would be useful that give you a visible numerical progress update rather than just a bar.

    10) Not sure whether this is down to the crafting system, but crafted a couple of low tier beam tactical consoles (Phaser and something else - tribble just went down so can't confirm) and they don't give a grade number on the console icon.
  • kagasenseikagasensei Member Posts: 526 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    QUESTION: Memory Alpha is being pulled. What will happen to the diplomacy missions happening there (The Ferengi missions)? Are there any plans at all to improve how the old diplomacy missions are part of the current game flow?
  • willomallywillomally Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    If you lower the Dilithium costs it will be a worthwhile system but the costs for new items are rather steep and prohibitive ,and I will not be participating.

    Look at the pretty mushroom grow
  • darthvendardarthvendar Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I feel you need to add sliders for the conversion mats to the new mats [The code is already there in the commodities screens just add it to the conversions]. instead of making us clicking thousands of time.

    also, we need to either add options to choose the modifiers or reduce/eliminate the dilithium costs after all, who would pay 20k dilithium for random items when they can pay 25k for fleet level stuff and rep items?

    leveling the crafting needs to be quicker and not require a long [over 30 days grind] for each level.
  • tucana66tucana66 Member Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I would like an easy way to convert multiple batches of crafting materials in a single click, not one--by-one.

    May I suggest a slider?

    It takes too many clicks; this takes away from game play, plus adds to mouse finger pain. :(

    Thanks for your consideration!
  • assimilatedktarassimilatedktar Member Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Dear Cryptic,

    even if you would set my crafting skill to max right away for completing the original 3-branch crafting system, there is just not enough alcohol in the world to make me so drunk that I would pay dilithium for an item with randomized modifiers I have to wait an hour for if I can buy from a reputation or fleet store.

    Kind regards

    FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
    Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
  • hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    This system should not rely on RNG to determine what item we get. I do not want to waste resources crafting an item and rolling the dice, hoping to get something good. That's incredibly dumb and laughable.

    I want to invest into a system that allows me to create the items that I want to create. I know it's an early build, but if this is what you intend for crafting to be, I feel it to be a waste of time.

    Also, remove the 5 second component crafting assignments. They are pointless, tedious, and time consuming. Allow us to acquire these components directly by trading in what raw materials we have.
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I just realized that I'm falling into the trap of adding commentary to an official feedback thread.

    If you haven't gone onto Tribble and observed things first hand (or at least second hand from a video), you are not providing feedback. You are providing commentary that will get in the way of the Devs gathering and providing feedback.

    Please test the new stuff on Tribble, then come back and post.

    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • genrldestructiongenrldestruction Member Posts: 194 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I feel you need to add sliders for the conversion mats to the new mats [The code is already there in the commodities screens just add it to the conversions]. instead of making us clicking thousands of time.

    also, we need to either add options to choose the modifiers or reduce/eliminate the dilithium costs after all, who would pay 20k dilithium for random items when they can pay 25k for fleet level stuff and rep items?

    leveling the crafting needs to be quicker and not require a long [over 30 days grind] for each level.

    1.) Got to play around with it (finally) and with all of these conversion stores... perhaps you need to spend some/alot of time actually developing a conversion UI. Drag a whatever in, it shows what you get, click accept and boom, done. No more stores with fifty currency types. If you can't convert an item, it doesn't do anything.

    2.) I'll reiterate this. Pick one. Either have the random stupidness (I know that is such a wonderful helpful term, but it really does feel like random stupidness) or charge us dilithium. One or the other. If you have to delay the whole thing by three months to take a step back and re-think/re-design, I'm fine with that. If it goes live like this, I probably won't invest much time in it.

    3.) Much faster... To me maxing all 7 of the crafting branches should take as long as 1 reputation (about a month).
  • androphorosandrophoros Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I feel the that the new crafting system is too random right now. The fact that we can't choose the modifiers for the items we create makes the system feel less like a crafting system and more like a gambling system where we put our hands into a bag and grab out a random item. The way that the current system is it is good for crafting consoles, but not so worthwhile crafting other things like deflector dishes or warp cores, where specific mods can really make the difference between a great item or a trash one.

    This problem is made worse by the steep Dil costs for the system, to make a a MKXII item right now it takes 20,000 dil, or about 2.5 days worth of grinding for those people who don't have access to extra refinery methods. and with that cost you don't know what quality or what mods are going to be on the item. Contrast this to the Rep system where spending 28,000 dil, or one day more of grinding, gets you access to a purple mark XII weapons where you can essentially choose the mods.

    I also feel that the fact that the various components that you craft for your items should give more than 1 crafting xp, esp the green blues and purple components. It would help with the feeling that the system is very grindy by giving you other ways to earn xp besides the final product, and make those components feel more complicated and advanced than lesser components.

    TLDR Let us choose our own modifiers if that is possible
    "Wesley - He wants the Impossible
    Geordi - That's the short definition of Captain" - and the STO Forums
  • rtk142rtk142 Member Posts: 613 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    converting large numbers of old crafting materials into the news is inefficient and time consuming, it would be a lot easier if there ere a slider or some way to do it in bulk.
    Let us upgrade the Seleya Ceremonial Lirpa and Kri'stak Blade
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    For the materials conversion, maybe go steal whatever CO did with their crafting revamp. I double clicked on one of the old materials and it just automatically converted everything in my inv, bank, etc. into the new ones. Took all of 2 seconds.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • dareaudareau Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    With some reading / thinking / reflecting time under my belt...

    1. So far, the primary resemblance between STO crafting and "other" MMO crafting seems to be in the "start with raw material, combine into components, build finished product" system we have here.

    2. Building components is fairly easy, "barely" time consuming, and goes quicker than you can switch slots. However, the fact that the list loves to pick the +15 DOff instead of the +30 DOff - with no rational reason as to why they are in that order, is beyond me. "Hidden" stats perhaps?

    3. Catalysts? What are they, white DOffs? Other classes? More of the same? Haven't found one for the handful of projects I've done.

    4. Is Drozana gonna get the rarer components (all of them once the "not taking raw materials during conversion to component" phase)? Burnt through my "smallish pile" of traces, (about 100) and barely got enough to make 2 mark XII components...

    4.5 Why are traces giving commons and uncommons during conversion?

    5. Now, having popped out at least 3 Mk VI graviton generators (best I can do till I hit Scientist L5 and can craft the rare components) and a half dozen or so Aegis shields, I'm left wondering if the "progression" of crafting = the progression available to a "new" toon. I glanced at the NW Wiki about their crafting system, and it seems the various "+ levels" are geared to unlock at the same levels the character(s) will need them in-game, with appropriate "conversion" of non-class mats to class mats on the exchange. IE, NW lets you craft a +1 item around character level 4 or so (is D&D still 20 levels, so 20 crafting stages = 1 stage per character level) +2s around 8, up to +5s at 20. Doesn't feel that way here, since "tutorial" takes you through most of your Lt. rank, I'd say "Tier 1" is supposed to be progressed through the Lt Cmdr levels, Tier 2, Cmdr, Tier 3, Captain, and Tier 4 Admiral, so you're a 20th level crafter at 50. Of course, since this can be done in what, 2 weeks, the amounts of XP being given vs. amounts necessary with inclusion of time-sinking aren't lining up.

    6. Random factor - not "too" bad for the low levels, but once you're a master, the randomness of mods and rarity level should be long gone, you and your "trusty crew" that never gets reassigned should be able to do what they want, when they want. Mk XII ultraviolet with 4x mods, 2 of which being unique to the crafting system? Yours after the time-sink.

    7. Does any other MMO use more timesink than 30 seconds or so, even for the "final" step?

    Taking NWs "Peasants do the work" viewpoint, and since this is an STO-itized port, the fact that the DOffs do the work, this "crafting" system isn't "personal" crafting, it's the level of "your crafting shops"...
    Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...

    To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
  • genrldestructiongenrldestruction Member Posts: 194 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    dareau wrote: »
    ...Taking NWs "Peasants do the work" viewpoint, and since this is an STO-itized port, the fact that the DOffs do the work, this "crafting" system isn't "personal" crafting, it's the level of "your crafting shops"...

    I guess I just prefer the "Tony Stark" method (IE personal), since it feels more like progressing my captain. Plus the back stories I have in mind for some of my characters actually involve them being tinkerers and innovaters, spending their off time building things.
  • admiralodanadmiralodan Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    3 things... That bother me... a lot. This does not sound like an improvement...

    1. Am I crafting an item that I want or am I "Opening a Crafting Lock Box and praying to the powers that be that I get what I want??" Because I don't feel like farming for the chance to maybe be able to craft the item I need... like I'm somehow farming lockboxes...

    2. Why does it sound like although I am a maxed crafter now ... It sounds like I am basically going to get nothing for that and get to start all over again... I mean I can understand having to work at it again but really???

    3. Why do none of the discounts seem to apply and why should I have to buy even more just for a chance to actually craft items I want... Seems kind of like I get to work my rear off too gamble on crafting???

    If this goes forward I'm gonna be honest I won't be using or wasting my money on it...
    The Costs of Delta Rising Upgrades

    My new sig till Cryptic fixes it....
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