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Official New Crafting System "Research and Development" Feedback Thread



  • edited June 2014
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  • staq16staq16 Member Posts: 1,181 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Basically what i'm saying is this: either the stuff is better than fleet/rep gear or its not. If not then why would i use it at all?

    While I'm currently unable to load a developed toon onto Tribble for some reason, the obvious killer argument is the traits. As published, the Engineering trait looks godly when you bear in mind that even a Doffed / A2B Escort will be activating powers every 5-10s. Let alone cruisers with more Eng slots....

    The Torpedo, Science and Ground Weapon traits also look extremely potent, albeit not to the same degree.

    The other issue is those Dil costs; depending on takeup this could drive the Zen-Dil ratio into the ground (I suspect that smart players will be cashing in their Zen now in anticipation of a crash down to 100 dil per zen when people start projects...) but with the numbers being bandied about, this looks like a money-grab that makes the lockboxes look tame.
  • makimera#4641 makimera Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    First Issue:
    - is the conversion screen. I have literally over 3k particles gathered up and have to trade all of them one by one? Please tell me that this is temporary and we will get a slider to do this! You seriously cannot expect a player sitting hours and hours clicking trade-in and then Ok on the pop up...

    Second issue:
    - just stating common or uncommon material is simply bad. I want to know what I am trading in for! This is a pure random generated conversion where I, as a player, must hope to get the right materials. Please make it more clear what I can trade in for!!!

    Third issue:
    - is there any way the system can automatically assign the highest tier quality (purple) DoFF to the project?
    It is really annoying having to select the highest every time since you need more than one component to craft an item...

    Fourth issue:
    - Please....please give us the option to set the amount of items to be crafted! You can add the craft duration as the amount goes up but please we need an amount option!

    Fifth issue:
    - and this is really disappointing. I am maxxed in crafting on Holodeck and I have no advance or head start in the new system...this sucks!!!!

    This pretty much covers my opinions as well.

    1. whoever came up with the idea to let you trade 1u a time should get fired...

    2. not letting us know what were trading our resources for is also a bit of a bad move. this is not roulett were playing, this is a trade the old for the new. we need to know what were trading, becouse we know what we need and want...

    4. agreed, if we need 3 of the same items to make a weapon, then let us chose to make 3. and simply add the time of making one and multiply it by 3.

    5. alot of us have the old crafting system maxed out. we should be given somewhere between 50% of the entire crafting system if not all in the new crafting system as a reward for already having the crafting system maxed out.
    Don't TRIBBLE us over again like you did with the reputation system.
  • mightybobcncmightybobcnc Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Why did you add a redundant second step to crafting?

    Under the current/old system:
    1. acquire materials
    2. craft the thing you want

    Under the new system:
    1. acquire materials
    2. use materials to craft middle-man component objects
    3. craft the thing you want

    All you're doing is adding unneeded steps to the process and making it longer and more arduous because of the clunky UI not showing all kinds of valuable information. Stop adding more clicks. For every click you lose users.

    I would like to take this opportunity to bring up a consistent problem with the UI in STO: We can't do anything in bulk in an efficient manner.
    • Want to buy booze from the bartenders in bulk? Nope, 1 at a time; the slider was removed eons ago.
    • Want to buy 16000 Industrial Energy Cells? Must buy in increments of 100.
    • Want to donate 300 duty officers to a fleet project? ONE. AT. A. TIME.
    • Want to buy 100 fleet duty officers from your starbase? One at a time.
    • Want to convert 23,000 worthless Dyson marks into unrefined ore? Oh oh, not only do you have to do it in batches of 50, but there's also a time gate too! (Same thing with Cybernetic Implants.)
    • And now with the new R&D Interface, crafting a single item takes an ASTOUNDING 63 STEPS. This is the most inefficient method imaginable.
    • You can't trade more than 1 data sample at a time for the new crafting materials (although Hawk said he would look into this one)

    Joined January 2009
    Finger wrote:
    Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
  • edited June 2014
    This content has been removed.
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Please post here for all feedback and bugs regarding the new crafting system Research and Development.
    • Beams:
      • Trait: On activating Beam skill, gain 2% Beam damage for 20 sec. Stacks x3.
    • Cannons:
      • Trait: On activating Cannon skill, gain +1 Turn Rate, +1 Inertia for 20 sec. Stacks x3.

    To encourage more diversity on ships I would propose changing the Beam damage bonus to a flat Energy weapon bonus. Additionally while the turn rate boost will be great on some of my ships, on others it will be pointless and I could see value in getting that boost on some of my ships which use beams.

    Would it be terrible to allow both proc options on both weapon types? Crafting is about choice, let us choose the +Dmg proc or +Turn proc for both beams or cannons.
    • Torpedoes and Mines
    • Trait: Your Torpedoes and Mines penetrate an extra 10% of your target’s shields

    While penetration is nice, especially in PvP, I would much rather see them ignore 10% of my target's shield resistance. Well, even more than that honestly 25% would be really nice.
    • Deflectors
    • Trait: Your Particle Generator skill gives up to 25% bonus crit chance on Science powers (at 100 PartGens)

    Science powers cannot critical. I don't understand this unless I'm misunderstanding something.
    • Impulse Engines, Warp Cores, Singularity Cores, Ground Armor
    • Trait: Activating any Engineering Bridge Officer ability gives 100% dodge chance with 20% deflect for 3 seconds.

    Don't know what deflect means, is that like feedback pulse? And dodge chance in space? Confused. Hope it has an internal cooldown though or it could get pretty silly pretty fast.
  • sabremeister1sabremeister1 Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Not very well done.

    The component system is well-used in other MMOs, and works well. However, in those other MMOs, you usually get to see which Components you need to craft to produce the final Item. Here, you have to start the project for the Item you want, look at the Component list and write it down, then go back to the project menu and start crafting the Components. That is not convenient, easy, intuitive or sensible!

    Also, don't have dilithium as part of the requirements for Components. If you have it at all, have it only for high level Items

    And people's current research points need to be taken in to consideration. I have seven toons with maxxed research points (1650) each, and I don't want to have to start at level 0 for the new system on each and every one. Research points should be able to be traded in for levels in R&D schools, with max points being enough to take all seven schools to level 10 at least. If you don't do this, I suspect your new crafting will be dead before it begins

    It would also be a good idea to have an indicator of how much XP you need in each school in order to gain the next level
  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Obviously, it's still heavily a work in progress; rather than gripe about how scary change is, here's a couple issues/suggestions so far:

    1.) Have required Components route to their corresponding projects when you click them. (This will be a huge quality of life improvement and make the component system more manageable.)

    2.) Beam Arrays beyond Mk II require "Component - Emitter Module", but there is no project to create them. (Are these unlocked as you level up, or is it an oversight?) Edit: The project is mislabeled: "Component - Subproccessor Unit"

    3.) Project time calculation does not correspond to the actual project time once started. (Ex. Project lists 1 minute, but the countdown requires 5 minutes.)

    4.) Halve the height of each Project button, please. (It really 'feels' like there is too much wasted space and I shudder to think how massive it is for people running smaller resolutions.)
  • sabremeister1sabremeister1 Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    WTF did you do to the star clusters!?!? Exploration missions in the star clusters are biggest single source of research materials, if we can't access them, how the hell are we going to get enough R&D materials to build anything meaningful? We don't want to be limited to DOff missions in star clusters, we want to actually get out there and "explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no-one has gone before." Recognise the quote? Oh, and before you say we can collect materials in missions, no new mission since LoR has had anomaly nodes to scan, so that's all the early KDF and Romulan missions, Nimbus III, New Romulus, and the Dyson Sphere, all out for collecting research materials.
  • kirimuffinkirimuffin Member Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    WTF did you do to the star clusters!?!? Exploration missions in the star clusters are biggest single source of research materials, if we can't access them, how the hell are we going to get enough R&D materials to build anything meaningful? We don't want to be limited to DOff missions in star clusters, we want to actually get out there and "explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no-one has gone before." Recognise the quote? Oh, and before you say we can collect materials in missions, no new mission since LoR has had anomaly nodes to scan, so that's all the early KDF and Romulan missions, Nimbus III, New Romulus, and the Dyson Sphere, all out for collecting research materials.

    Not to mention, replaying the same missions over and over gets old. At least with exploration clusters, the missions were randomized (plus we didn't even necessarily have to do the missions to get mats). This is a bad, bad change.

    Other than that, I'm enjoying what I'm seeing so far of the system on Tribble, though I agree that the dil costs are way too steep.
  • entnx01entnx01 Member Posts: 549 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    tcabove wrote: »
    This pretty much covers my opinions as well.

    1. whoever came up with the idea to let you trade 1u a time should get fired...

    2. not letting us know what were trading our resources for is also a bit of a bad move. this is not roulett were playing, this is a trade the old for the new. we need to know what were trading, becouse we know what we need and want...

    4. agreed, if we need 3 of the same items to make a weapon, then let us chose to make 3. and simply add the time of making one and multiply it by 3.

    5. alot of us have the old crafting system maxed out. we should be given somewhere between 50% of the entire crafting system if not all in the new crafting system as a reward for already having the crafting system maxed out.
    Don't TRIBBLE us over again like you did with the reputation system.

    Responding in order...

    1) A dev has already said they're looking into this as it would be a huge Quality of Life (QoL) improvement.

    2) Agreed...to some extent. While I'm hoping we can get "X data sample = 1-3 of Y material", I think random is all we're going to get.

    My problem with the randomness is that Particle Traces don't award random Rare materials...all of the time. They CAN, but they can also give multiples of Common and Uncommon materials.

    "4") This would be a huge QoL improvement as well. If we have enough materials, let us make X amount of a component at a time. You can even limit it (no more than 5 of the same thing per task run, time to complete is X seconds/minute * Y number of components being made), but we need to be able to make multiples at the same time.

    "5") There will be some reward to those who maxed out the old system. Either "they will" or "they're looking into it", but it's not being ignored that players put in time and resources to maxing the current system.

    * One of the biggest problems I'm seeing in the feedback threads and Patch Notes thread is the randomness compared to the Diltihium cost. If we're going to spend Dilithium on anything, we better be guaranteed the result we want. Rep gear and Fleet Stores serve this purpose. We know to spend X amount of Dilithium for a Beam Array with certain mods or a Fleet Elite Shield Array with certain procs and protections.

    If Dilithium is to stay in this R&D system, we need one of two things:
    1) The ability to guarantee what we get, including (among type of items and Mk level we already have) rarity and perhaps mods. If guaranteeing results means we pay as much (or more) Dilithium for the gear, that's fine. At least we know heading into the project that what we want is what we'll get.


    2) Lower the Dilithium costs drastically. If this is random, I want to know that I'm not spending too much hard-earned Dilithium on sub-par gear. If a Rare item is the most likely outcome, then the Dilithium cost should reflect a Rare's worth of gear Dilithium cost.

    I'll run this for traits. I think having those traits available is smart for a player so they have options. But as for investing into making a ton of gear? I may pass, depending on the final version.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    It would also be a good idea to have an indicator of how much XP you need in each school in order to gain the next level

    Hover over the XP bar...
  • kirimuffinkirimuffin Member Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    entnx01 wrote: »
    If Dilithium is to stay in this R&D system, we need one of two things:
    1) The ability to guarantee what we get, including (among type of items and Mk level we already have) rarity and perhaps mods. If guaranteeing results means we pay as much (or more) Dilithium for the gear, that's fine. At least we know heading into the project that what we want is what we'll get.


    2) Lower the Dilithium costs drastically. If this is random, I want to know that I'm not spending too much hard-earned Dilithium on sub-par gear. If a Rare item is the most likely outcome, then the Dilithium cost should reflect a Rare's worth of gear Dilithium cost.

    YES, thank you. STO already has enough gambling.
  • mikiiymikiiy Member Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    - existing crafting XP should convert.

    - the doff ui needs to be restored to how it was before, the new UI sucks. All the important information for doff assignments is missing, the unimportant stuff is super scaled some parts are even so big they don't fit. Try to fit the crafting stuff into the existing ui without breaking what worked great before.

    - if you have to kill off exploration clusters preserve at least its functionality. Cluster missions need to be available on bridge interieurs. Also we are totally losing the extra chance to find missions on department heads here... its like you guys totally butcher the doff system just to get this rather not so great looking new crafting system in. thats not cool.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    So Cryptic things I will pay 20k... even if they halve it to 10k. They think I will pay that much dilihitum for a role at a piece of gear that may or may not be what I want. (most likely not... in fact if you want specific mods good luck with that).

    This is silly.

    In the new rep system we plug in some marks some xp some ec... and we get a chance box just like this silly crafting system.

    So I can do that ever hour for a completed rep and have a chance to get a random piece of rep gear... only that mission will pay me a small bit of D as well. (in fact its slighly more then you get for just converting marks to D). So it makes sense to throw your marks in there every hour and try to get some useful gear.

    This crafting system they are expecting us to pay it.... for the same type of time gated chance role.

    Stupid. I don't care if they dropped the D cost to 1k .... I still won't bother. Even if all the gear had a 4th mod. Terrible system.

    Cryptic seriously rethink this... I get it you want $... but there are far less annoying ways to do that.

    Here is how you make money with out ticking people off by trying to charge them for chance roles on pretty basic level gear.

    1) kill all the D costs on any standard crafted stuff (including MK XII gear). (if you must add it for set gear or something people won't break out pitch forks)
    2) in fact REWARD a small amount of D on completion of crafting crits ect... perhaps even add a few wrapper missions... like Star Fleet thanks you for your efforts, in creating 10 ship weapons. 480D + some XP reward.
    3) Make money by tying Crafting together with Lockbox rewards.

    How do you tie lockboxes in with crafting... its simple You add the following types of things to the lockboxes.
    - Special Crafting Doff mission boxes (unlock a mission to rewards Massive amounts of mats.. and perhaps rewards crafting XP)
    - Special Ultra level Crafting components and one time use scematics(mission) to create an ultra level item. This could be 4 mod weapons, perhaps missions that always produce purple quality. (or fleet level quality).
    - Special Crafted trait boxes. Would it perhaps be annoying to be rewarded a trait you couldn't use until you "Crafted it" ya perhaps... however perhaps it would be an actual crafting trait. Something like Polymath - Trait provides a 10% increase to doff mission effect. Or Precognition - Being able to sense disaster in the near future allows you to keep your crew from harm (failed doff missions are less likely to injure or kill crew members)
    - Special crafting components. something like "Omega Particle" containment systems. (they could be used to craft Set gear... for space and ground.) Each piece of the sets requiring one of these special items. (This could even be away to aquire other sets already in game... perhaps having 3-5 of these lockbox reward items would allow you to craft a piece of lobi gear ect)

    Anyway my point is... the idea of all the D being spent trying to role for gear though a crafting systme is simply never going to fly. Unless you flat out make the crafted gear so crazy OP that people would have no choice. In which case many will just leave the game, or grumble more often about how annoying it is to try and get what they want from "ST RNG The next Gen - STO"
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • mav75mav75 Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    No Dilithium lottery or guaranteed results WITH the modifiers that I can choose.

    Also, components need to be able to made in batches (1, any number or as much as you have components).

    As this currently stands, I see no incentive to start crafting.
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,262 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Just leveled my crafting and so far 100% junk items and this feels like a giant waste of time. Very badily thought out.
  • sarek93sarek93 Member Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    The times seem to be incorrectly listed. Some projects list a 1 minute cool down, when they are in fact 15+ minute cooldowns. Also, please scrap the freemium aspect of the new crafting system. 75 dilithium to instantly finish the cooldown? That just seems like a grab for dil. Why not just force it to be a 15 minute cooldown with no way to speed it up, just like the doff system and rep system?
    "Insufficient facts always invite danger." - Spock
  • voyagerfan9751voyagerfan9751 Member Posts: 1,120 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    So i did a little crafting this morning to try out the system. Found I had more then a few old craft items to convert into new items.

    I know people have asked for a slider for that. I want to echo that.

    My biggest issue is the difficulty of getting anything useful from crafting. If I want to Craft say a MKVII (or any other mark) Personal Shield, I have to except the assignment for it. Figure out which type I want, and then play a "Fun" little back and forth game to figure out what components I need and what to craft before I can even start the project. So basically I have to confirm my Regenerative Shield MkVII, find out I need a whatever component, cancel the project, hunt down where ever said component. Craft. Reconfirm Regenerative Shield MkVII and then Rinse and Repeat the process all over again till I actually have all the components to make the Shield I want.

    Either that or spend hours crafting potentially useless junk in order to make sure I have EVERYTHING so I can finally craft something useful.

    There needs to be some way to streamline this process. If I want to Craft an Item, there should be an easy way to find out what I need without constantly confirming and cancelling the project so I can get the components.
  • spacebaronlinespacebaronline Member Posts: 1,103 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    This new "10% shield penetration" of Torps - is that for all torps? And if so does it buff Transphasics even more?

    Torps are so weak that Transphasics need a major Dmg buff or an increase in shield penetration to say 60%

    Right now most players just laugh them off.
  • leokesler2012leokesler2012 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Excuse me my bad english.

    I dont tested the system yet, but I wish to ask: Is the crafted items better than older system ? And yet, is it better than fleet items ?

    To be honest, what is the advantage, for the player, to craft an inferior (to rp, fleet ) items ?

    Because, if the items is still inferior or it is a lottery, the system will stay abandoned for the most players. After all, we have very good fleet items and reputation items. And P2W consoles.
  • spacebaronlinespacebaronline Member Posts: 1,103 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Excuse me my bad english.

    I dont tested the system yet, but I wish to ask: Is the crafted items better than older system ? And yet, is it better than fleet items ?

    To be honest, what is the advantage, for the player, to craft an inferior (to rp, fleet ) items ?

    Because, if the items is still inferior or it is a lottery, the system will stay abandoned for the most players. After all, we have very good fleet items and reputation items. And P2W consoles.

    Yes the new Items have more buffs - like Beam fire at will gets a buff though the new beams.:(:(:(
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    It seems very difficult to find out what you actually need to build a particular item.

    Also, I think it's very problematic that you can't actually choose modifiers or be certain what kind of rarity the item will be.

    You may say the cost for an item is less Dilithium then for a reputation item, but that ignores that I may not even get the item that I want.

    In the dilithium, fleet or rep stores, I choose what item I want. The choice is limited, of course, but I know this is exactly what I will get. I know it will be worth the Dilithium I spend for it.

    I don't know that for an R&D item. It's in fact likely I will not get what I want, considering the amount of available modifiers in the first place.

    You need to severely limit the amount of randomization if you want the system have a good chance of being used in the first place.

    One option here:
    Let us choose the modifiers we want as paramemters (like we can select the specific type of console and the Mark), but keep the quality random based on DOFF and skill level. If the highest rarity isn't reached, fill up the items modifiers from the list of selected ones.

    For example:

    Parameters for Beam Array:
    o Energy Type
    o Mark
    o Primary Mod
    o Secondary Mod
    o Tertiary Mod

    So if a player chooses to make a Phaser beam array Mark XI with Acc, CritH, Dmg a mods, if he gets a uncommon version, he gets an Phaser Beam Array XI [Acc], if he gets a rare result he gets a Phaser Beam Array XI [Acc] [CritH]and if he gets a very rare result he gets a Phaser Beam Array XI [Acc] [CritH] [DMG].

    That is still less than optimal for the players, so I still think the dilithium cost need to be severely reduced, but at least you can be reasonably certain you get something along the lines you actually wanted, and something you can likely also sell on the exchange if it's not very rare.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    So anyway, after having had a little more time to think about it (I really wasn't expecting anything until next Tuesday at the earliest - so it caught me off guard, and I jumped into it without thinking a bit...so uh, yeah...my replies were a bit like those I was arguing against in the R&D blog thraed)...

    Given that you've dropped Redshirt out there, S9.5's a late/end July launch, we're here with more than a week left in June, and things usually get locked in for the launch about a week or so before that drop...I'd say we're looking at some early/partial stuff here, right? Cause we've got close to a month of testing and there's no need for what's there to be tested for a month - nor for any of the "bugs" to take a month to tweak. There are some goofball things there that might take a couple weeks with everything else going on, but nothing for the time frame we're looking at, eh?

    So, given that perhaps highly delusional and hopeful thought process, I'll try to offer some feedback based on what I've seen so far - compared to the old, compared to what I personally desire, maybe even questioning some of the other things I've read about, and well - yeah...this may or may not get long (I might go off for a smoke and forget where I was)...

    First, some of the things that I felt were wrong with the old R&D (crafting) system:

    1) The gear simply wasn't competitive for the most part with all the gear you were tossing at us from multiple sources. While some might take this as a prime example of how much powercreep has infested the game, this isn't a discussion about how much powercreep has infested the game, is it? If somebody wants to talk about how much powercreep has infested the game, there are plenty of threads out there discussing how much powercreep has infested the game and folks are always free to create additional threads about how much powercreep has infested the game.

    Basically, the current (Holodeck) R&D system mainly lets you craft vendor trash with very few items that the folks would want (imho, of course - folks want what they want, and it's not my place to tell them what they want)...very few - tiny - itty bitty list.

    For the most part, you can get better gear simply by doing almost anything but R&D. Even standing around a social zone, not really paying attention to what's going on because you're addicted to the forums and posting on your other monitor...some random player is more likely to give you something you need in some random generous moment than you are to get something from the R&D system.

    2) Well, what about alts? Surely there is some decent gear there for an alt or a friend that's new to the game? You can blink and they will have outleveled whatever gear you crafted them. This isn't a discussion about how ridiculously fast leveling is though, is it? If somebody wants to talk about how ridiculously fast leveling is, there are a few threads out there discussing how ridiculously fast leveling is and folks are always free to create additional threads about how ridiculously fast leveling is.

    Basically, outside of folks that put significant amount of effort into not leveling - you simply do not have much of a need for any of the gear outside of vendor trash. Mileage will obviously vary, but some folks are measuring in yards and some in inches if that.

    3) The cost to craft the vendor trash, level up the ability to craft vendor trash...the cost - the cost is ludicrous. Outside of folks that were ordered to do community service and crafting at a loss was considered acceptable, c'mon - you've got the data on how many folks bothered with crafting. It would be one thing to craft vendor trash if it cost like vendor trash to do, but with the ludicrous costs...yeah...not happening.

    Wait, VD, no side rant on Dil costs in general? Nope, not a complaint I have - I'm not a toddler that wants everything in a toy store, I'm an adult that realizes I have limited funds and sometimes I'll have to choose what I want and wait on other stuff.

    4) In the time that it has taken me to reach this point in my post, some folks would have already maxed crafting on Holodeck. The system is just too fast. Now sure, the vast majority of things in STO are too fast; but this isn't a discussion about the vast majority of things in STO are too fast though, is it? If somebody wants to have a discussion about the vast majority of things in STO being too fast, I'm sure they could find a thread discussing that the vast majority of things in STO being too fast or they could create their own thread discussing that the vast majority of things in STO are too fast, couldn't they?

    While not everybody's the same, some folks simply don't have any sense of accomplishment from completing something that gives no sense of accomplishment. While some are fine playing a game of peek-a-boo with short 'n quick giggles, some folks need to feel some form of effort resulted in some form of reward. Doesn't mean that each and every moment in the crafting system needs to be a struggle, but if it's just a mindless quick little grind - it's going to look like a mindless quick little system.


    Meh, that's enough about the old system, eh? Let's take a look at how the new system is or is not addressing any of the above, eh?

    Okay then, let's start off with the competitive nature of the gear. The gear "can be" competitive - comparable - at it's reduced price...folks might go for that with alts, depending on what they want. Could be a niche thing, might work - might not.

    BUT...it's not going to work the way it is. It's random. You might get a piece that you might have thought was worth the investment. You might. Odds are you're going to get vendor trash. Sure, sure...it didn't cost as much to make this vendor trash as it does in the current system, but you've still just made vendor trash all the same.

    Right now, folks can get Very Rare Antiproton Beam Array Mk XI [Acc][CrtH][Dmg] from a mission. That's a guaranteed reward option. For many folks, that's going to be fine. They're just gearing an alt, probably throwing in the 2pc Obelisk as well. It's all free gear, just the time investment - no resources/currencies to get it.

    So why are they going to spend resources on the chance to craft the same thing or something even worse?

    If they could choose what they were getting, would be one thing. Perhaps they wanted a Mk XII of that AP Array, eh? Perhaps they wanted Mk XI AP DHCs that aren't offered? Perhaps they wanted different mods? Perhaps they wanted a different energy type? You know...if they could get what they wanted instead of what they could already get or end up with something they don't want...

    ...that would be an incentive to get into some R&D. As it stands though...er...folks might grind it out with the cheapest components to get the Traits and ignore the rest. Oh, they might also craft those very few items from the current system at the reduced cost.

    Which kind of gets into the next two items from above, eh?

    Removing the Dil cost from the Mk X and down crafting - nice move, imho. Sure, folks can outlevel stuff in a blink of an eye - but as folks are working their R&D and putting stuff out...it might actually sell at a reasonable price and create a pseudo viable market there, eh?

    For the life of me, I just do not get all the complaints about the increased cost in Dil folks are talking about with the new system. Sure, there's the risk of not getting what you wanted - so one could take that angle and run with it; but the majority of the folks babbling on about increased costs...it's as if they never crafted anything. The Dil costs have been massively reduced for R&D. That in of itself, is pretty damn nifty as well...

    ...course, you go back to the random nature of it and the odds being that you get something you don't want - and...yeah, it's epic /facepalm time. Costs won't matter in the least if it's not something that somebody wants. The reduction in Dil costs was a huge move on Cryptic's part - awesome - great - super - all the positive superlatives you can shake a stick at...but it doesn't mean diddly squat with the very minor chance of actually getting anything you want.

    Well, that leaves the time investment. Heh - 2,070,000 XP to get to level 20 in each profession. 14,490,000 XP to get all seven to level 20. That's kind of a case of going from one extreme to the other, eh? When you add in the various resources/components needed...and...you start doing the various calculations if you want the traits on multiple toons - etc, etc, etc.

    Let me step aside here, I tend to argue in favor of things needing to take time. It's a MMO, it's not a weekend console game that you blow through. And it would be one thing if everything in the game was set on such a scale as far as time goes...would be pretty nifty, imho (company would go out of business cause everybody else would hate it but me)...but the rest of the game is for the most part blink and you're done. It stands out like a sore thumb in comparison. Perhaps some sort of compromise needs to be made there? Not dropping it down to the silly blink and done that it is currently, but scaled a little more toward how time flies in the current game - even if it is at the longer edge of that, eh?


    Okay, how about some other feedback, eh?

    I like the component crafting angle. It simulates supply chain and will provide markets at multiple levels to stimulate the game's economy. I don't get the complaints about it - when it provides so many additional options by going that route. Oh well, this is a game where folks tend to hate on anything requiring thought or the least bit of something with the hint of effort...

    It's missing the R&D part. Lolwut? Basically, it's not R&D - it's manufacturing. Guess that's a problem with the current system too...it's just manufacturing. It would be extremely nifty if it could be taken to the next level with some R&D. Mix up some of those components, add in some additional components, work in different species of DOFFs...basically, if there was a puzzle element above and beyond just the manufacturing process. I'm not talking about adding that into the current bit of where you want to build X - you should be able to build X. I'm talking about if you want to see what might happen in trying to build a better X and what that might get you.

    Sure, at some point somebody will just collect all the data for all the variables and drop out guides on all the different things you can do to make the better than X gear...but it gives you a means to keep the crafting alive as the game progresses and new puzzles are added with various seasons, expansions, and even lock boxes (oh, the horror - why did you go there, VD?)...etc, etc, etc.

    That would be an area to introduce some RNG - you'll always get your X, but if you do this - you might have a chance at the better X.

    Couldn't one say that's how things are? Yeah, one could say it's 20k Dil for a Green Mk XII with a TRIBBLE mod...and that anything you got better than that was awesome! Yeah, no..that's garbage. I'm talking about the 20k Dil for a Purple Mk XII with the mods you want...where if you also do XYZ, you've got a chance at something magical happening. That's where you work the "lock box" play into it. I open Lock Boxes because they give me 4 Lobi. Sure, they might give me more and they may give me other stuff...but that's why I open them. I do Rep Hourlies because they reward more Dil than the straight conversion. I might get something else...but that's why I open them. So give folks their X...but give them the chance for something better, give them a reason to gamble. Don't make the simplest of things a gamble...

    Each of the schools should have all the components needed. I mentioned it before, as have others, but I want to say it again. If I've got a bajillion XP in one school, that's going to affect my chances of making multiple components from resources. If I have to go to a school where I've got 5 XP to make the component, eventually that's going to get pretty old.

    Actually, I noticed in the Shield school that when I reached a certain level - the component I'd been using was no longer available in that school. Not sure if it was a bug or intended...but it was annoying all the same.

    If it's a case that you want us to level multiple schools to do certain things, then perhaps that needs to be laid out a little better and more consistently, eh?

    Meh, there's more I'd say - but I need to go float around Risa, click some Fluidic Rep projects, and decide if I want to continue leveling the new toon I made...thinking that crafting might have been going a certain direction that it at this point obviously has not....

    ...oh wait, needed to bring up this point again. Unless you want folks to run macro programs to deal with converting thousands upon thousands upon thousands upon thousands of old materials to new materials; you may just want to do something about that single conversion mechanic.
  • sabremeister1sabremeister1 Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Hey Devs! If you want to know what a decent crafting system with Components looks like, go play a few hours of Lord of the Rings Online. What you've got here is terrible.
    • The results of what you craft are not guaranteed - if we're spending dilithium, we should be guaranteed Blue MkXI gear at minimum. There should not even be a non-zero chance of crafting a Green or White MkXII Item.
    • There are way too many steps involved in actually creating an item - we should be able to click on a Component to craft it, then click on an Item to craft that using the Components we've just crafted, not faff about adding catalysts and selecting DOffs
    • Too many Components are needed for the Items, and there is no way of telling what Components you need without actually beginning an Item.
    • We need to be able to make Components in batches, especially if we need multiples of the same Component to make an Item.
    • The levelling curve is ridiculous - an exponential increase of XP required per level is just stupid, the rep system and DOff ranks have the reverse of that
    • You've removed the quickest and most effective way of getting materials by removing exploration missions and access to star clusters
    • The exchange mechanism from the old particles to the new materials is random, and shouldn't be. All the other things you replaced with new things (like Dyson Commendations) had a direct and fixed conversion rate to the thing that replaced them, even if it was sometimes disadvantageous.

    If you insist on including DOffs in the new crafting system, use them instead of the catalysts - the better quality DOff you use, the greater the chance of an extra bonus to the crafted item (an extra [Mod], an increase in quality, an increase in Mark, or the chance to not actually have spent any resources in making it)
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Random mods are the killer for me. Quality variance is at least paritally believable, since the DOFFs can be blamed for that, but randomized mods aren't crafting they are lotto. What you should do:

    1) Make each mod require special material. If you want [Acc]x3 you need (3) of the resource that grants [Acc].

    2) Use difficulty ratings to determine failure rate of applying each mod to the product. Say you have 40% chance of applying [Acc], and if you are going for [Acc]x3 that is 40% chance on each roll. So if you fail one of them you end up with [Acc]x2 instead of [Acc]x3. Higher base skill in a tree, should be used to boost minimum success rate, so if you are max you never get green quality.

    3) Limit the availability of special materials. You can make these very rare reward drops from harvesting nodes, mission reward drops, intermediate craftables, etc. Eventually these could be incorporated into faction-based reputation systems too, things like Deferi sell some very rare materials to people with high reputation, etc. This also provides the base materials that are needed for a comprehensive end-game trading system, where people specialize in acquiring VR materials and selling them.

    Otherwise, if you keep random mods you should stop calling it "crafting" overhaul because it isnt.
  • spacebaronlinespacebaronline Member Posts: 1,103 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I am on Tribble and so far it seems like you can only convert 1 mat/particle to the new stuff at a time!!

    Please tell me this is going to be adjusted for those of us that have thousands and thousands of Mats.

    1 at a time is insane!
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,262 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    This new "10% shield penetration" of Torps - is that for all torps? And if so does it buff Transphasics even more?

    Torps are so weak that Transphasics need a major Dmg buff or an increase in shield penetration to say 60%

    Right now most players just laugh them off.
    Transphasics are around 60% shield pen with the new 10% trait
  • zipatroniczipatronic Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    In the brief time i have tried this new crafting i have to say how boring it is, click this click that make 1 item..... sooooo boring ( plus my wrist and hand is killing me from the repeated mindless clicking ).

    Why can we not make multiples of what ever item with a slide bar ( if you have the materials of course ) or are your just trying to bore us all to death with the repetitive nature of doing this?

    Converting the old items to new is also a click fest and very boring. Now i can understand you not wanting players to be able to power through any of these stages fast but i feel a lot may be put off with how boring and tedious this is to do.

    Also changing the doff system is a step in the wrong direction imho. Also why show anything from higher school levels in the UI if we don't qualify for them dont show us them until we level enough for us to be able to use them.
  • spacebaronlinespacebaronline Member Posts: 1,103 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Some components are not under their sub-heading.

    For example - to make a Torpedo you need a "Focusing lens" - but there is none under the Projectiles sub-heading.

    I had to find it under the "Beams" sub-heading
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