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Risa 2014 Feedback

destoroyahsdestoroyahs Member Posts: 14 Arc User
while the new additions are nice the summer event is going to suffer from 1 major problem! Far too little favor currency for the amount there is to buy this year.

Last year the total to get everything was:
1800 favor for the 3 costume boxes - 600 each
100 for pet
5 for event tribble food
50 to 1000 for floater - most probaly spent 1050 one for a standard till they could buy a superior.
total of 3955 Favor for Summer 2013 per character.

This year the favor requirement is drastically higher.
7750 for all female swimwear - prices varing from 500 to 1000
2000 for all male swimsuit - Prices varing form 500 to 750
50 to 1500 for powerboard - most will probaly pay 50 for a stadard till they get enough to buy a superior and will most likely be the 1000 favor ones for a cost of 1050 in total powerboard costs.
*optional* 1000 if they want one of the new floter colors that weren't available last year.
3000 to 3600 for the Doffs - 3000 for all the purple and 600 for all the blue.

All of this for a grand total of 12400 - 13900* for females
For males the grand total is 6650 - 8150* for males
* - is the maximum spent for everything including a superior floater and most expensive powerboard.
Now if you got a new char you tack the 2955 to the maximum as the maximum values given include the superior floater already. and you end up with literally more then 3 to 4 times the expence expenditure from last year.

Now noramally these prices wouldn't be a problem but the rate of favor gain is far worse this year from last year.
Last year in a hour you could get roughly 150ish - 240ish
45 - 75 favors for hunt event 2 times a hour and can do 2 - 4 chars at once before the event expired.
and 30ish to 40ish favors for the dance event don't remember accurate prices. Could be done 2 times a hour and you barely could do 2 chars in one event.

This year the rate of gain is much worse.
The hunt event is the same but only onch a hour this year.
The dance event I think gives slightly better rewards this year at 50 favors for total completion and only triggers once a hour this year.
The surf race I think triggers 2 times a hour with rewards ranging from 5-25 per race. But your more likely going to be getting only 10 favor a hour from this event as your not likely to get in the top 3 positions very often.
The sand castle event runs 1 time a hour for a whooping 5 favor. This is by far the worst event and a waste of 10-15 minutes of possible favor gain.
So this year in a hour your looking at 110 -180 favor much lower from last year and with about 3-5 times more expediture to boot.

Now to fix the problem for starters the hunt should be 2 times a hour like it was last year. The rewards are fine where they are at. and this event is still the bar none best source of favors.

The dance event is fine where it's at at 1 time a hour. It wasn't very popular last year and the rewards I think are better from last year maybe up the total favor reward to 60-70.

The race rewards are fine in my opinion as it's mainly there for the monkey tags. But it should run concurrently with the dance and sandcastle events. as I said earlier it was hard to get 2 chars done in the dance contest allotted time, but it makes sense to have the race just pefore the dance as the race takes only 3-5 mins and 10 mins is plenty of time too finish the dance event too.

The sand castle event needs major work.
1: There need to be 4 times more spots to build then there are now.
2a: Drastically improve the rewards to 20 favors during none event time and 50 favors during event. Since you need the quest to even build and can only build once during the event the givin values are fair for all the time your wasting with no other means to get favor in the meantime. Also surf race event should run same time as sandcastle.
2b: Remove the quest as something you can get anytime and make it like the hunt where you tasked with making 5 castles. Each castle rewards 3-9 favor(pending on castle complexity) on completion and goes on a decay period of 30 secs in which you can complete optional random assignments for bonus favor. After the 30 secs decay time the castle crumbles and you can start again up to the maimum of 10 times which you get a bonus favor reward for turning in the quest in the time period.
I perfer the option B approach as it gives you something to do for most of the events time.

Sample hourly schedule:
0:01 - 0:15 Horga'hn Hunt
0:15 - 0:23 Powerboard Race
0:19 - 0:31 Dance Event
0:31 - 0:45 Horga'hn Hunt
0:46 - 0:54 Powerboard Race
0:50 -1:00 Sandcastle Event
I gave the power board racing overlapping times so the really slow platers could still finish, but most can fininish in 3-4 mins.

Also if the risian cruiser discount goes from 1000 pearls to 40 pearls like the corvette then they should add a event quest that allows you to convert pearls into favor so 40 pearls for 200 favor per say so there is a reason to keep running the dailiy for other characters and after you get your ships.

Now these suggestions are just for starters but the favor to time ratio needs to be drastically inproved.
Post edited by destoroyahs on


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    daqheghdaqhegh Member Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Last year the total to get everything was:
    1800 favor for the 3 costume boxes - 600 each
    100 for pet
    5 for event tribble food
    50 to 1000 for floater - most probaly spent 1050 one for a standard till they could buy a superior.
    total of 3955 Favor for Summer 2013 per character.

    This year the favor requirement is drastically higher.
    7750 for all female swimwear - prices varing from 500 to 1000
    2000 for all male swimsuit - Prices varing form 500 to 750
    50 to 1500 for powerboard - most will probaly pay 50 for a stadard till they get enough to buy a superior and will most likely be the 1000 favor ones for a cost of 1050 in total powerboard costs.
    *optional* 1000 if they want one of the new floter colors that weren't available last year.
    3000 to 3600 for the Doffs - 3000 for all the purple and 600 for all the blue.

    All of this for a grand total of 12400 - 13900* for females
    For males the grand total is 6650 - 8150* for males
    * - is the maximum spent for everything including a superior floater and most expensive powerboard.

    I agree with you overall. But remember--this is filler. Repeatable content to disguise the fact that they refuse to fix old bugs. And other such things. Bottom line: it isn't going to change. People spent the entire event last year complaining about the reward amounts, and it was changed....about a week before the end of the event. Don't count on any of it being fair or realistic. They want gear grinders who are dedicated anough to quit their jobs to play this game.
    My Old Blog about things that could and should have been added when I wrote it. Not sure what I want to do with it now. I'll just keep it available now that most of it is outdated.
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    azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    So far I am not enjoying the Summer Event.

    Pearls - nothing changed, still fun. Liked flying on my floater with purpose again.

    Hor'ghan Hunt - Sad it's only 1 per hour now, that is the only real way to earn Favors. Now that's gone. Grind Grind. :(

    Powerboard Race - What can I say, fun being on the Boards, but the PVP RACE SUCKS EGGS! Like many others have complained already and with the Winter Event, clicking on the flags is STUPID! AND UNFUN!

    Cryptic should respect people who do not want to do PvP races.

    Sandcastles - What 2 Favors (5 During the Event). First off, why not have this as an off-event mission that you can choose to do? But it's a waste of an event in itself. Secondly, there isn't enough spots provided given a population of an instance.

    Earning Favors - Need more stuff to earn Favors. It's far less than it was last year. 1 Hour per Egg Hunt? Far in between if you ask me. You should have it like it was last year, else it will not hold people's interest if the reward is not good enough.

    Zone chat - turned that off. No moderators to keep the offensive comments.

    UI - Wish they fix the UI so that if you put an item in the Device Slot, you don't have to fix the UI to use them. IE. Device Slot 2 is in Toolbar slot 7, whatever I switch out in Device Slot 2 should change, not require a new toolbar key. So if I take off my Frosted Boots to put on a Floater, it should also show up in Slot 7, not having me to make a new toolbar power.

    As far as I'm concerned, the Summer Event is more of a grind than it was last year. And on top of Fleet Marks, Reputation, and Dilithum grinding. STO is just became nothing but a major grindfest, that just kills the fun.

    EDIT: Also, Since the Patch STO hangs up a ton during loading screen........... happened on two different computers.

    And I should aslo note that the activity is more focused on the new buildings and the beam-in area seems empty. Perhaps they should've just rebuilt the main building instead of adding on another?
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    kjwashingtonkjwashington Member Posts: 2,529 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Earning Favors - Huh? Been there an hour and earned 0 Favors. Last Year I could at least earn 100 favors in that time.

    If you just do the scavenger hunt thing and dance once it will give you 100 favors. You aren't trying.

    As far as the sandcastles go? Yes they dropped the ball big time on this. It needs to give more favors and there needs to be more places to do it. Whatever Dev was responsible for this just got really lazy.
    Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
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    azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    If you just do the scavenger hunt thing and dance once it will give you 100 favors. You aren't trying.

    As far as the sandcastles go? Yes they dropped the ball big time on this. It needs to give more favors and there needs to be more places to do it. Whatever Dev was responsible for this just got really lazy.

    Don't be insulting. I didn't see no notifications for the Scavenger hunt this year. As I said, sandcastles and the PvP race, but nothing for the hunt.
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    kjwashingtonkjwashington Member Posts: 2,529 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Don't be insulting. I didn't see no notifications for the Scavenger hunt this year. As I said, sandcastles and the PvP race, but nothing for the hunt.

    Did you check the lower left corner? Below the window that shows active missions? It could be you're experiencing a bug, or it could be you didn't look hard enough.
    Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
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    mosquito214mosquito214 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Yeah, 2 Favors (5 during the bonus minutes, woo!) is kind of... okay, sure, free favors, but it's a little insulting. Especially since the castles are actually kind of fun to create. Should either give more, or get rid of the 15-minute timer. Also, yes, there need to be a few more areas for it.

    Also, feels like the Horgahn Hunt favors were tuned back down after being increased last year halfway through the event. I might just be remembering wrong, if so, disregard.
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    azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Did you check the lower left corner? Below the window that shows active missions? It could be you're experiencing a bug, or it could be you didn't look hard enough.

    Of course I had the mission. Said "go find a spot". Every spot I seemed to find was already occupied. I see lumps on the ground, and thought that was part of the event, but that was just rocks or something. :(

    I wish they didn't make the Events, instead made these things regular missions.
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    kjwashingtonkjwashington Member Posts: 2,529 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Also, feels like the Horgahn Hunt favors were tuned back down after being increased last year halfway through the event. I might just be remembering wrong, if so, disregard.

    If I remember it's 40-50 favors for it. I typically get ~45. Though actually, now that you mention it, I think they did increase it last year then scale it back.
    Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
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    kjwashingtonkjwashington Member Posts: 2,529 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Of course I had the mission. Said "go find a spot". Every spot I seemed to find was already occupied. I see lumps on the ground, and thought that was part of the event, but that was just rocks or something. :(

    No I mean when you're looking for how to start the Horgahn Hunt and dance.
    Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
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    azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    No I mean when you're looking for how to start the Horgahn Hunt and dance.

    Don't the annoying voices say its on? :rolleyes:
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    bbushwookiebbushwookie Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    meh.....i'm enjoying it. it's a nice break for a bit. Put on some Buffett and Marley, grab a Corona and have fun. Just trying to pin down the timing of events, so i know whats coming up next.
    Space chatter is soothing~
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    kjwashingtonkjwashington Member Posts: 2,529 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Don't the annoying voices say its on? :rolleyes:

    Yes they do, but you still have to click on it to accept the mission. :rolleyes:
    Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
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    kirksplatkirksplat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Putting on the swimwear is really confusing. It turns out that I had to modify my toon's head to get the option to change an outfit to off-duty. It was not intuitive and the in game instructions were incomplete.
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    warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    More buckets to start the Sand Castles, please. 3 for the entire beach with the expected player presence for the Summer Event? That's not working out.
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    kaiserkactokaiserkacto Member Posts: 482 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    The hunt and the dance are working fine for me, around 100 favors per hour, just like the last year, no eggs so far however.

    I fully agree with the OP about the sand castles. Yes, you can press "V" and see if ther is an available spot near to you, but for 5 favors? meh
    "In every age,
    In every place,
    The deeds of men remain the same..."
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    somebobsomebob Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    More buckets to start the Sand Castles, please. 3 for the entire beach with the expected player presence for the Summer Event? That's not working out.

    There's 6 total (3 on the beach just southeast of the Resort, and 3 just south of the Promenade).

    But yes, it's not enough.

    Although to be honest, I wasn't having issues doing it myself (for the achievements and such) - everyone has kinda given up on them short of the 'bonus reward time' part.
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    madblooddollmadblooddoll Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    please let the wetsuit for females (and males though i haven't seen it) work outside of risa. if you put boots on and tactical straps and gear it looks awesome like that. (photoshop editing showed me). It also needs to be able to be colored black. If I am stuck just using this on Risa then the event is pointless for me.
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    azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    somebob wrote: »
    There's 6 total (3 on the beach just southeast of the Resort, and 3 just south of the Promenade).

    But yes, it's not enough.

    Would be thinking there is X number of people in a zone, surely there would be X number of potential slots all over the island.

    This is why I think it would've been better off as a mission, especially if what people said is true and it only rewards 5 favors.
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    kirksplatkirksplat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Would be thinking there is X number of people in a zone, surely there would be X number of potential slots all over the island.

    This is why I think it would've been better off as a mission, especially if what people said is true and it only rewards 5 favors.

    Only 5 during peak times. Otherwise, 2 if you are quickly playing it between timed events.
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    ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    So far I am not enjoying the Summer Event.

    Pearls - only good thing, nothing changed. Liked flying on my floater with purpose again.

    Powerboard Race - Total Disaster. Pay to Win baby. Not going to bother with another stupid PvP race. At least the Fast and Flurious was down to player skill (even with the stupid click for the flag at the end).

    Sandcastles - What? Kept saying go find a spot, but I couldn't find a spot to do anything. Not going to bother with this.

    Earning Favors - Huh? Been there an hour and earned 0 Favors. Last Year I could at least earn 100 favors in that time.

    Zone chat - turned that off. No moderators to keep the offensive comments.

    UI - Wish they fix the UI so that if you put an item in the Device Slot, you don't have to fix the UI to use them. IE. Device Slot 2 is in Toolbar slot 7, whatever I switch out in Device Slot 2 should change, not require a new toolbar key. So if I take off my Frosted Boots to put on a Floater, it should also show up in Slot 7, not having me to make a new toolbar power.

    As far as I'm concerned, the Summer Event is not worth the more grind on top of Fleet Marks, Reputation, and Dilithum grinding. STO is just became nothing but a major grindfest, nothing Star Trek anymore.

    EDIT: Also, Since the Patch STO hangs up a ton during loading screen........... happened on two different computers.

    Every MMO is grindfest regardless of IP.
    King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
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    azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    kirksplat wrote: »
    Only 5 during peak times. Otherwise, 2 if you are quickly playing it between timed events.

    Really? Geez, why even make it an event then?
    ashkrik23 wrote: »
    Every MMO is grindfest regardless of IP.

    We beat this horse to death talking about it. But come on, does everything in this game have to be a grind? Reputation, Marks, Dilithum, Accolades, yada yada. Where is the fun of grinding an event that supposed to be fun?

    I for one am tired of logging in every day, and working STO. That's why I took a small vacation in playing other games recently, because I wanted to have fun for once.
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    kjwashingtonkjwashington Member Posts: 2,529 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Really? Geez, why even make it an event then?

    We beat this horse to death talking about it. But come on, does everything in this game have to be a grind? Reputation, Marks, Dilithum, Accolades, yada yada. Where is the fun of grinding an event that supposed to be fun?

    I for one am tired of logging in every day, and working STO. That's why I took a small vacation in playing other games recently, because I wanted to have fun for once.

    If you don't want to grind, you can always do foundry missions. They're fun if you find good ones. A lot of times, they're better than the Cryptic ones.
    Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
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    cptoreillycptoreilly Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    nabreeki wrote: »
    This is probably the best attitude to have going into these things. The OP is all bent out of shape, and rushing to the forums to whine like the half-dozen or so other similar threads, but it's really not that bad.

    Why are you so upset people are upset?It makes no sense. And you want to talk about having the right attitude. You guys want cookies for not having problems with the glitches and the TRIBBLE poor execution of this event? Maybe try skipping these threads if you are just going to come in here and try and tell people to suck it up. A lot of us bought subs and other content and we would like for things to, you know, work?

    As for everyone else, you guys are lucky. The hunt and dance events are only giving me max 60 favors combined. I'm looking at all those costumes and with the amount of favors I'm getting per hour, it doesn't seem worth it imo.
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    ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Really? Geez, why even make it an event then?

    We beat this horse to death talking about it. But come on, does everything in this game have to be a grind? Reputation, Marks, Dilithum, Accolades, yada yada. Where is the fun of grinding an event that supposed to be fun?

    I for one am tired of logging in every day, and working STO. That's why I took a small vacation in playing other games recently, because I wanted to have fun for once.

    It becomes a grind if you let it.
    King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
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    bbushwookiebbushwookie Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Really? Geez, why even make it an event then?

    We beat this horse to death talking about it. But come on, does everything in this game have to be a grind? Reputation, Marks, Dilithum, Accolades, yada yada. Where is the fun of grinding an event that supposed to be fun?

    I for one am tired of logging in every day, and working STO. That's why I took a small vacation in playing other games recently, because I wanted to have fun for once.

    i did the same thing, took a break. then i came back to STO for fun. I've learned with this game that if you just have fun doing things and mix it up you will enjoy it more. If you bulldog towards on thing, it becomes work. The summer and winter events are breaks for fun. Get wrapped up in whats not working or not and you will never have fun. The chat is the best part in between events. People having fun and being funny without a ton of complaints. Kick back with a beer and have fun with it.;)
    Space chatter is soothing~
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    rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Barring the lack of a new bridge for the ship and the odd paucity of sandcastle spots, I'm enjoying myself again this year.

    I rather like the board race and the floater obstacle courses.
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    azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    If you don't want to grind, you can always do foundry missions. They're fun if you find good ones. A lot of times, they're better than the Cryptic ones.

    When I can I do. I don't even have time to work on the Foundry mission I been working on since the Foundry went live.
    ashkrik23 wrote: »
    It becomes a grind if you let it.
    i did the same thing, took a break. then i came back to STO for fun. I've learned with this game that if you just have fun doing things and mix it up you will enjoy it more. If you bulldog towards on thing, it becomes work. The summer and winter events are breaks for fun. Get wrapped up in whats not working or not and you will never have fun. The chat is the best part in between events. People having fun and being funny without a ton of complaints. Kick back with a beer and have fun with it.;)

    Sometimes you don't have a choice, especially when you have a small fleet that demands you work on projects daily. Would be nice if Cryptic would support small fleets, but they don't.
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    prierinprierin Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Am I the only one having considerable lag issues? I don't yusually but have since this patch.

    Yes, I know - when there are a lot of players on the lag spikes are horrendous... however, I have also encounterd these spike in space, far away from Risa.

    I've lowered my grpahics to the lowest possible setting but still have the spikes. nothing like being in a race, coming up to 2nd then suddenly finding yourself shot back 50' behind everyone else, only to have ti happen again and again...
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