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PvPers, unite against the Dil Nerf!



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    jaegernljaegernl Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    wast33 wrote: »
    another simple way to circumvent frustration would have been to just raise the rewards for existing pvp missions. but yeah... only to not have this guess slipped away...

    The simplest way was to not make private matches count towards the mission timer.

    Of course, we could go on *strike* and ruin every PvE mission with Tractor Beam Repulsor lolz - TBR the spheres towards the transformers in ISE, TBR the probes into the Transwarp Gate in KASE (Don't forget to shout 'GOAL!' every time you get one in) and TBR the Birds-of-Prey and Raptors to Kang in CSE - but that would be rather douchy.
    Isaac the Adequate - Level 70 Oath of Devotion Paladin
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    wast33wast33 Member Posts: 1,855 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    jaegernl wrote: »
    The simplest way was to not make private matches count towards the mission timer.

    Of course, we could go on *strike* and ruin every PvE mission with Tractor Beam Repulsor lolz - TBR the spheres towards the transformers in ISE, TBR the probes into the Transwarp Gate in KASE (Don't forget to shout 'GOAL!' every time you get one in) and TBR the Birds-of-Prey and Raptors to Kang in CSE - but that would be rather douchy.

    agreed, would be douchy....
    *cough* the image is pretty funny though *cough* :D
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    hyefatherhyefather Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Listen. STO is a F2P game. That means to make revenue they have to (in their minds) cleaverly trick you into spending money. Thats all they do. Every piece of content in sto has a catch to it. Its not there for your gameing pleasure, its there for your money. The Devs don't care if its a game about Mc'donalds ham burgers, kitty TRIBBLE or STO. There sole mission is to create sink holes for your money. Thats it. Thats all F2P is. I admit there are games out there that believe in giving players equivalent content for their money but Sto is NOT one of them. If you look all the good content came before F2P. Because at that time the focus was on the players and now its on their wallets. Its a crying shame. PVP dill nerfs, its just another example of cryptic trying to get you to buy zen. TO them there isn't a equalibrium of good content vs money. Its all about how much they can make before Sto goes belly up. Sorry, but its the truth.
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    krenzikkrenzik Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Misquoted. Forum UI blows.
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    krenzikkrenzik Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    giotariz wrote: »
    How wrong are you from 1 to 47?
    I'd say over 9000.
    I have tac escort and dyson ship, Rom tac on vaper, sci on nebula. All three work fine, and they are not decloak and proc dudes on scimitar. None of them uses FAW. How's that for "oh nooo no balance in this PvP! PvP system sucks because I'm a noob and I can't do anything but blow up"
    PvP offers some balance, space at least. You can be eng, tact or science and you will Never be useless if you know what to do. Maybe you need some lessons on how to PvP. I can teach you, send me an in game /tell or a mail at @giotariz...

    Or, keep complaining about balance and drown in your noobness. Goodbye.

    Social cripple child resorts to flames. It only shows vindication of what I have seen pvp devolve into from a fairly balanced experience three years ago to kiddie proc wars. Drown in your own noobness, pup. Also I noticed you have no cruisers and all your ships are science based. only thing you're missing is the cloak. I bow in deference to you, carebear proc warrior.

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    giotarizgiotariz Member Posts: 652 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    krenzik wrote: »
    Social cripple child resorts to flames. It only shows vindication of what I have seen pvp devolve into from a fairly balanced experience three years ago to kiddie proc wars. Drown in your own noobness, pup. Also I noticed you have no cruisers and all your ships are science based. only thing you're missing is the cloak. I bow in deference to you, carebear proc warrior.


    Uhm, read. I said i have an escort on my main tact toon, and it's the engineering patrol escort. And my romulan is in a T'Varo. Not a science ship either. My Escort is using Phasers, once again not proc wars. And I use Nebula on science toon because it was free in old giveaway and I use it while farming for a bastion or a recluse that I can use for healing. PvP is balanced. Of course some abilities are useless most of the time, but every class/ship has its role in PvP, and this I think is balance. I have no cruisers because i don't like using FireAtWill to spam my beams all over the maps, that's it. It's not because they suck etc, actually cruisers can be some of the most effective ships, look at Fleet Avenger, Fleet Sov, Fleet Excelsior for sheer DPS or Odyssey Science for the healing... Oh, and I am not missing the cloak, I have it on my troll'Varo... :P I can understand how you attack PvP saying it's unbalanced only because you aren't awesome at it. I am not awesome at PvP either, but I learned the basics and now I play for fun, and most importantly I learned this: "If I suck at football, it's not because football is unbalanced and broken, it's because I am not good at playing it." Little real life example to make things clearer. At least, this is my view of things. Play, ask around how to make your build better, get good gear etc and you'll realize PvP isn't THAT broken and procwar only as you think.
    Sad Pandas PvP - Starfleet Dental Member - Lag Industries Leader

    "What a time it was, with all the world against us, what a time it was... When all we did seemed wrong,
    we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet
    Operation Dingo 1977

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    jjdezjjdez Member Posts: 570 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    So unless I missed it somewhere, we have yet to get a single word out of a dev concerning this. Classy, just "ignore us and we'll go away" seems to be the game plan.
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    krenzikkrenzik Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    giotariz wrote: »
    Uhm, read. I said ---[snipped for garbage].

    I did. Sciencebased and saying you don't fly escorts aren't the same thing. The only thing you're missing is the cloak. Vindicate your imbalanced broken pvp all you like. I was here when it was actually fairly balanced so cut the TRIBBLE.
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    antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    krenzik wrote: »
    I did. Sciencebased and saying you don't fly escorts aren't the same thing. The only thing you're missing is the cloak. Vindicate your imbalanced broken pvp all you like. I was here when it was actually fairly balanced so cut the TRIBBLE.

    The game has never been fairly balanced. Name a time and I will explain to you how the game was broken. :)
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    The game has never been fairly balanced. Name a time and I will explain to you how the game was broken. :)

    It was pretty balanced when VM teams shut everybody down...I mean, it was balanced - no? They shut down everybody. :P
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    antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    It was pretty balanced when VM teams shut everybody down...I mean, it was balanced - no? They shut down everybody. :P

    That's a good point. It was well balanced when CSV hit everyone like a truck... and when faw hit everyone even the cloakers. It was balanced dmg. It was also balanced when for the first 2 years of the game Tac buffs boosted all heals and the debuff on Attack Pattern delta. The idea of limits these days on my carrier pet drains... I mean where is the balance in that I say ? :)

    Its so easy to look at the past with the rose coloured glasses. As painful as it is to say it... the game is in fact not any worse balance wise right now then it has ever been. Really there are likely fewer game breaking things going on right now.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
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    giotarizgiotariz Member Posts: 652 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    krenzik wrote: »
    wrong stuff and rage flowing all over the place.

    PvP isn't broken, at least for me. and once again i say i have a cloak, on my tvaro. and i dont play sciencebased.

    Sad Pandas PvP - Starfleet Dental Member - Lag Industries Leader

    "What a time it was, with all the world against us, what a time it was... When all we did seemed wrong,
    we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet
    Operation Dingo 1977

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    notrealednanotrealedna Member Posts: 1,028
    edited June 2014
    The game has never been fairly balanced. Name a time and I will explain to you how the game was broken. :)

    yep ,you are right ,now everyone faws so what can't be unbalanced when everyone is using the same thing and the winners are decided by spacebar spam speed and ping?
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    krenzikkrenzik Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    yep ,you are right ,now everyone faws so what can't be unbalanced when everyone is using the same thing and the winners are decided by spacebar spam speed and ping?

    ^This. Quoted for truth. And when I said pvp was fairly balanced I meant it in the context of relatively, not equitably for all. Now is the first time, though, in my experience that it's as broken as ground pvp.
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    zathri83zathri83 Member Posts: 514 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    The dil bug exploit fix was the greatest thing to ever happen in the game. :)
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    notrealednanotrealedna Member Posts: 1,028
    edited June 2014
    zathri83 wrote: »
    The dil bug exploit fix was the greatest thing to ever happen in the game. :)

    it was fixed?
    Last time I checked you can still do it every 20 hours.

    Trolling much or you allergic to thinking?
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    krenzikkrenzik Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    giotariz wrote: »
    PvP isn't broken, at least for me. and once again i say i have a cloak, on my tvaro. and i dont play sciencebased.


    Oh, so you do have all the gimmick prowar tools then. Thank you for vindicating my position, johnny leetpro. Go back to SWTOR. It's pvp lovingly handcrafted for players of your demographic.
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    skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    yep ,you are right ,now everyone faws so what can't be unbalanced when everyone is using the same thing and the winners are decided by spacebar spam speed and ping?
    This is not the first time I've seen you complain about faw lately, and I just don't get it. I think faw is at a pretty good balance point with CRF and BO in its current state. When it comes down to it, FAW on a tac worries me the least out of the 3, and any team revolving around tacs with faw are almost always easier to defeat than those revolving around BO or CRF for their tacs. As evidence, none of the top teams in the last tourney had tacs using faw.
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    notrealednanotrealedna Member Posts: 1,028
    edited June 2014
    skurf wrote: »
    This is not the first time I've seen you complain about faw lately, and I just don't get it. I think faw is at a pretty good balance point with CRF and BO in its current state. When it comes down to it, FAW on a tac worries me the least out of the 3, and any team revolving around tacs with faw are almost always easier to defeat than those revolving around BO or CRF for their tacs. As evidence, none of the top teams in the last tourney had tacs using faw.

    FAW is from Fire at Will which is AoE...CRF is a single target power...even people on drozana know that.You had a class limit in that tourney ...thats nothing new .Its like that to stop teams getting 5 zombie healers....or 5 faw scimitars.Faw ships are so bad that 99% of people in queue use them .Guess TIF is fine too and tyken rifts that drain the entire enemy team is also fine ....1 ship to rule them all .

    I complain when I see a support ship (aka cruiser) doing escort job or having 4 cruisers in your team and none with powers that can support or heal the team ...sociopathic kirk game style where each man is for himself ,everything is on global cd .The game is broken simply because cryptic tried to change classes roles...thus they made faw cruisers (sometimes scis with full clickies) the only way to do pretty much everything from wining 1st places in pve ,best dps ,most tanking ....thats your "balance".
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    skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    FAW is from Fire at Will which is AoE...CRF is a single target power...even people on drozana know that.You had a class limit in that tourney ...thats nothing new .Its like that to stop teams getting 5 zombie healers....or 5 faw scimitars.Faw ships are so bad that 99% of people in queue use them .Guess TIF is fine too and tyken rifts that drain the entire enemy team is also fine ....1 ship to rule them all .

    It's not faw that makes scimitars strong, it's scimitars that make scimitars strong. They are slow and cumbersome so faw is a bit better fit for them, but still they're pretty squish. I've come across an all-scimitar team once and it was those dps guys, but guess what-- they all died. There's a reason I've only come across a team of scimitars once, and it's because it's just not a good composition vs. a competent team.

    Although, I'm sure they do a lot better in the pug queues because rarely do players heal their teammates and a lot of times tacs don't even carry tac team. Or maybe you'll get on a team with 3 cloakers that stay cloaked 90% of the battle only decloaking to do a failed alpha-strike leaving you to fight 2 on 5. In these situations I'm sure faw seems like God-mode.
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    notrealednanotrealedna Member Posts: 1,028
    edited June 2014
    skurf wrote: »
    It's not faw that makes scimitars strong, it's scimitars that make scimitars strong. They are slow and cumbersome so faw is a bit better fit for them, but still they're pretty squish. I've come across an all-scimitar team once and it was those dps guys, but guess what-- they all died. There's a reason I've only come across a team of scimitars once, and it's because it's just not a good composition vs. a competent team.

    Although, I'm sure they do a lot better in the pug queues because rarely do players heal their teammates and a lot of times tacs don't even carry tac team. Or maybe you'll get on a team with 3 cloakers that stay cloaked 90% of the battle only decloaking to do a failed alpha-strike leaving you to fight 2 on 5. In these situations I'm sure faw seems like God-mode.

    I can still get a escort down to 50% hull in few seconds with a normal faw cruiser.I expect the same amount of work to be needed to get a cruiser down to 50% with a escort without any sci debuffs.They have to decide if cruisers are the new dps ships (in that case delete everything thats escort like and has no battlecloak) or tanky ships/healers /support....can't be both in one.That is not balance that is BS for kirk roleplayers who want everything in a ship.
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