I had come across this a few times, and I was told that there was a secret way to hack the Tailor UI files in the game so that you can make a Caitian look like a anime fantasy cat-girl.
Like the last tailor bug we should get this fixed so the game doesn't become a soft core TRIBBLE.
Oh I took a screen shot as well, in case you were wondering what it looked like.
Joined January 2009
Mine Trap Supporter
So you TRIBBLE the game files (they need to ban you for that) and are complaining (isn't this client side, so only you see that ??)
Actually no, I didn't hack the game. If you look at that screen shot and think that is me and I'm reporting myself, then your not as smart as you think you are. As that is obviously me taking it of someone else. Surely your joking, as a veteran of the game you'd think you'd know the various camera perspectives and what it looks like when you bring up someone's info tab. Seriously if you looked at that screenshot and thought that it was of me and that I was reporting myself then your not exactly the sharpest tack in the box. Sorry but that was pretty ignorant of you, perhaps you need to look at the screenshot again and quit trolling people. You give a warning about not understanding English "Not a native English-speaker, sorry if my English sucks" you don't understand more than English that's for sure.
Dude, the hair is not even real.. look at the mouth attach cat thingy.. why someone would like to have that?? pff... well, i must be honest, cat ears and a sexy look in my orion will be nice...
Oh it's quite real. Why would I make that up? Your easily impressed if you think I am that good or even know photoshop for that matter. I've got other screenshots. I've come across it before. I asked them about it and they said they couldn't tell me about it or show me how cause someone made them promise not to. They said it was a UI Tailor trick and that it was a secret.
Star Trek Online Intro HD [3rd Fleet Anniversary]
Join Date: Jul 2009
Star Trek Online Intro HD [3rd Fleet Anniversary]
Join Date: Jul 2009
Yeah it's funny. I personally don't care, but the guy I asked on ESD about it, was rather slightly trollish and condescending when I asked em. He also mentioned that it was a secret and the guy who told em would tell me to go 'do' something with myself. So I figured if it's some huge secret I'd just tell it on the forums since he was mean about it and the screenie is of the guy.
I didnt mean that. What i meant is, it looks like that guy just edited the texture maps and he painted over the originals. Or something like that. When you add the caitian mouth hair add ons, they are a 3d object, not a paint over the texture, if you know what i mean.
Another person in zone chat was talking about it. Had come across it specifically said that after the the old tailor bug was fixed because it had gotten around. They made the point to tell me that is why they were wanting to keep it a secret. If I can't do something why should mean spirited trolls be able to. :P
I remember you could do this type of stuff with the old one, but how do you know it's UI stuff? I mean people have been known to have saved all those old costumes and bring them out every then and now. This could just as well be one of them from that time. You had all sorts of costimizable parts at the time.
If you want to find offenders to report check out Drozana they are usually there.
and this is hurting what? honestly it's not ruining my gameplay is it ruining yours? nope so who cares
so yeah, its hurting in a way ^~^
You kidding right?? so you are ok seeing humans with tails?? for example??
I'm ok with seeing that. Tbh as bugs go, this one is fairly minor.
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
You are ok, but the 80% of the rest of the people arent. Who cares anymore, right? lets put tails on gorns claws on the romulans feet!! party!!.
Based on old info involving Champions Online (because it had something of the sort, too (but keep in mind that everything below is hearsay from me, as I have not used the STO mod at all, and frankly this is the first time I've ever heard that STO had such a thing)):
This 'mod' (which the Cryptic Engine completely allows, despite yes, violating the game's ToS), does NOT allow you to wear anything you don't own. So you need to actually buy/earn all the outfits (Zen or Lobi or whatever) in order to use them.
What it should do is 'loosen up' the restrictions of what the system considers a legal costume. Uniform with Off-Duty pieces? Check. Any tail on any race? Check. Tattoos that are race restricted, now usable on everyone? Check. Body parts (like Borg stuff) on any race? Check. Any hair on any race? Check. Basically it allows every normally available option in every field. You can't wear 3 different scarves for example, but you can wear one no matter which Upper Body type you currently have on (and no matter the clipping it would cause)
Using C-Store pieces you don't own? The server validation will stop you from using the costume. Lobi or stuff like the MACO/OMEGA stuff? Same. You might be able to display it in the costume editor, but since you don't own it, you can't save the costume with it on.
What makes this 'mod' so problematic is that unlike texture replacements (which yes, is also possible), everybody on the server can see your modifications (texture mods are clientside only). This is why Cryptic doesn't allow this and WILL go after people using it (and YES, they WILL ban accounts over this).
So if anyone here is using such a mod...yeah, it's time to go back into hiding and only wear your 'illegal' costumes in private locations.
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Poor Ganky. He just wanted to have some fun, for free.
lol... really? seriously?
I mean who the F cares.
When you have Alien Romulans flying Tholian Ships using Undine weapons with their Jem Hadar crew, I don't really see what the issue is
i mean, you can't seriously be this angry over someone having some harmless fun in a video game.
We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.
Busybodies with nothing better to do in their lives that think their opinions are facts that everyone else should be forced to kowtow to.
Joined January 2009
Sounds good to me.
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
Yes, yes... Oldish thread. Whatever...
Anyway, why would it matter exactly. STO horribly bastardises so many parts of the Star Trek setting at such a fundamental level, who even cares about a cat-tail on a human?
The mess created simply by allowing everyone to captain a starship, AND forcing a standard MMO economy into a setting where it makes almost no sense did more damage than a few minor cosmetic issues ever could...
Some people have messed up prioritied it seems...
Yes! I encourage cheating, hacking, and sawing off busybody types arms, legs, heads, etc. I can't stand 'em. Real cops are bad enough. we don't need any fake a$$ forum/game police AT ALL, evarrr.
These types deserve to be mutilated in various ways that causes others to shun them. Like having to put raw meat in their pockets so that dogs with then play with them.
Pft! Report yourself idiots!!! Report for the firing squad! Front and Center, tattle tale bozos!! Ka-POW!!!!
And actually... http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Caitian
See that Caitian from the alternate reality? Just a tail and cat ears, otherwise she's human, and it's from the movie Into Darkness which is rather new. So to be honest this wouldn't go against the cannon at all. You can fly around in mirror ships despite there being no missions or lore-wise mentions of anything that would warrant that except for the fun of it and the simple fact they exist somewhere in the canon. Why not run around as a Humanoid without full-body fur but with tails and ears?
Given the circumstances that'd be A LOT closer to canon than what this brilliant comment points out: