List of stealth patches:
03/26/15 -
Exchange: Fixed Sorting tools so that "Acsending/Descending order by price per unit" works correctly. In the past, choosing one would cause the opposite to occur.
03/17/15 -
Cryptic lays of 18 people including STO developer Matt Miller and Community Moderator Captain Smirk. No official confirmation or communication was ever given. All the best to all that left and thank you so much for helping to develop STO further.
03/05/15 - Cryptic announces a new T6 bug ship for gamble defying an
old news post promising the T5 bug to be upgradeable to T6 at no cost. This news post was later stealth
edited "down" to T5U. The resulting rage was addressed in an offical
EP reply which itself is buried deep in a thread and hard to find.
03/xx/15 -
Rewards for completing the mission "Assimilation" have been reduced in quality
02/26/15 -
Dillithium rewards to the Voth Battlezone (Dyson Ground Zone) have been reduced slightly.
02/05/15 - Reputation projects no longer provide bonus dilithium during dilithium weekends. The corresponding news article was later
edited to reflect the change and an EP
apology issued.
01/29/15 - STO's 5th year anniversary starts. Due to lags, crashes and server outages there are emergency maintenances being run. No patch notes.
11/20/14 -
Doff UI now has toggle checkboxes for trait/specialization filters when planning doff assignments; boxes are 'sticky' and remembered between assignments.
11/12/14 -
Fixed a bug that made the UI get drawn wrong for some people. In the case of ability and doff icons they would be 2/3-ish their normal size and distorted due to their aspect ratio getting changed.
Sometimes special boffs, like the jemhadar were not drawn properly on the character select screen, it used to be that this was almost always.
11/06/14 -
Holograms consumed in a doff mission cannot be re-replicated. Note: this may be a bug.
10/16/14 - Ship Upgrade Requisitions can now be found on the exchange
10/14/14 - A first emergency maintenance is applied to Delta Rising. No patch notes published.
10/14/14 - Delta Rising is launched.
Some DR changes that were not listed in the
patch notes:
Major ui/functionality to the tailor especially for women.
* Slider min/max values changed, more than 12 new sliders added, lots of clipping removed, some new clipping added.
9/25/14 -
added a mod to each and every crafted ultra rare enhanced RCS and particle field consoles which did not receive one during the crafting process
9/25/14 -
The projectiles, ground weapons, shields, science, and engineering schools finally produce the mods promised in:
September 14 -
New Mk XII Aegis set now binds to character. It used to bind to account.
28/08/14 - Doffs can be dragged into the chat window again (by dragging them into a mail slot first).
August 14 -
New Romulus Red Alerts have been discontinued
22/07/14 -
Orion slavers were altered to prevent usage of their powers against unkillable enemies. In the process their loot table for stealing items seems to have been halfed too. Whether the latter is a bug or on purpose is not clear at the moment.
22/07/14 - Unique consoles from the two Xindi ships now bind on pickup. This is a change from them binding on equip previously.
17/07/14 (S 9.5) -
Juel Ducane Warp Theorist doff fixed. Using 3, it can proc on 3 systems on use of Energy Siphon.
17/07/14 (S 9.5) -
common and uncommon unreplicatable materials are now bind on pickup
17/07/14 (S 9.5) -
Schematic: Horta Mineralogy Research (Standard) now binds on pickup.
17/07/14 (S 9.5) -
Of the previous Doff missions that used to appear in exploration clusters only the colonial and operations missions are still available.
17/07/14 (S 9.5)- Classic Beach on Risa is open for visitors again
07/14 - At some point during the summer event the old Risa beach has been made inaccessible. This may are may not be related to a foundry exploit of a mysterious tribble cult petting furry creatures in the caves of Risa.
07/14 - At some point during the summer event the latest dill foundry exploit seems to have been closed. The bushes of Starfleet Academy have found their peace.
5/15/14 -
Foundry Starfleet stock costumes with names beginning with "Starfleet Captain" have all been altered to be wearing black MACO armor.
S9 (April 14) -
The nerve tonic from the mission "Night of the comet" is now bound on pickup. The item is used to attain the seductive dance emote.
S9 (April 14) -
Ground kit modules are now bound on pickup Before fixing this the items got hidden from the exchange.
S9 (April 14) -
Duty officer abilities no longer affect pets This item has probably been mentioned - yet it's description is not exhaustive
S9 (April 14) - Foundry dillithium rewards seem to have been increased
6/27/2013 -
Doff stacking exploit fixed by adding a duplicate assignment check.
Juli 2013 -
A 4 hour cooldown was added to Tour the Universe upon pickup. This change was later added to patch notes.
April 2012 -
Fractal remodulators now bind on pickup
Note the example does not say pets got APB1 but they got the enhancement from APB1, and all such undesired inheritance was corrected.
I knew I had read it somewhere, I was searching for it but you beat me to it.
Thanks for digging that out! I have made an update to OP but still left the item in general. I do not find the description to be very good.
I'll also keep on going with the thread. If you find something post it
You quoted an example, it is not meant to be an exhaustive list but to give an idea. The main part which you didn't quote makes it clear that they were fixing it so hangar pets won't get enhancements they were never meant to get.
Joined January 2009
Any change to the game that has not been in patch notes and is not a possible bug counts Can you provide a more detailed description by any chance?
On day 1 of Season 9, the same thing happened with the fleet kit modules (e.g. ultra rare plasma grenade mk XII etc etc). They were bind to account on equip instead of bind to character on pickup. When they found out, they did the silent exchange search kill, and then stealth patched them to BoP in the S9 day 2 patch.
What they didn't realize is that they made the same mistake with the 8472 reputation kit modules that unlock at the T3 rep. Those too were BoE instead of BoP, so when a bunch of people hit T3 rep, they gladly threw their modules up on the exchange as well. This was also stealth fixed a week or two ago.
They don't like announcing fixes to errors in the player's favor in most cases. Technically the binding was a bug (oversight), but the killing of exchange search results was not.
Joined January 2009
DPS Channels / League Info (STO Forums)
My character Tsin'xing
apparently in a stealth patch, the nerve tonic that many Orion (and other species as well) RPers use to attain the seductive dance emote has been made bind on pickup/character bound
it used to be you could freely trade, sell, or put it in the bank (account and fleet)
Joined January 2009
On a side note, was it ever mentioned that Fleet alert now rewards the marks at the end of the mission and not in between?
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
Ninja nerfing makes STO go around.
Helpful Tools: - Logical fallacies - Random generator - Word generator - Color tool - Extra Credits - List of common English language errors - New T6 Big booty tutorial
Wow...this actually made my ears pop.
Fleet leader Nova Elite
Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
No more "Infiltrate the Orion Syndicate" to get you over the top of a level or get just enough points to spin that one rep project.
I got Infiltrate the Orion Syndicate just now.
Well the stealth nerf is that now these missions only rotate every 20 hours instead of the normal 4 hours for Current Map doff missions.
Thank you. This has been added.
Now this is "Character Bind On Pickup".
Thank you! I've added it to OP.