I think we have different speakers. It was very load and very obvious from my end, very distinct from the background noises.
Well, that's because the default audio settings crank up the voice volume to full so you can hear what they're saying. It's Star Trek, so most every environment you're in is going to have a loud ambient engine noise playing behind everything the whole time, and they don't want the VO to be drowned out by it.
Just tune it downwards, or turn the game audio off and listen to music, or something. I listen to podcasts while grinding! Helps tons.
Except that they constantly interrupted the gameplay for more beauty shots of the enterprise-e and Kurland. (this is Kurland)
This is Kurland? You mean
Why would you not want that in your mission .
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though. JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
Question: Everyone Keeps Mentioning Kurland As Being On The Ent E In This Episode. I Must Have Missed Him. I Only Saw Shon On The E. Where Was Kurland, If He Wasn't On DS9?
Fleet Admiral Joseph D. Ridgeway
The Armada
Original join date: Feb 5, 2010
Twitter: @davejl_99, & @STO_BBArmada
In the end I think my complaint can be summed up simply by stating:
Do not take control away from the player without a really good reason or for a high payoff. And do not do it over a dozen times in a thirty minute experience.
Part of that 'control' is forcing me to Fbomb silly monologues, tons of ten second cut scenes with no good purpose, and overly repetitive dialog blaring in my ear all the time.
Finally, stop making the bad guys look like idiots. The Big Bad seriously spent all that time and resources provoking the undine into attack the Alpha quadrant powers but doesn't bother eliminating all their now friendly high ranking leaders when it would be easy because reasons? Bah.
(And was that last bit a reference to Borderlands' sendup of these sorts of plots?)
Which is another can of worms with these FE. There's no failure state.
Actually, that's not the problem with FEs but with game in general. On the other hand, I don't think anyone would like to make new character each time his character is killed...
Do not take control away from the player without a really good reason or for a high payoff. And do not do it over a dozen times in a thirty minute experience.
They could've turned the whole thing into a 90 minute long cutscene and it would have had somewhat the same effect.
I need to re-run that episode for the rewards, but at the same time I'm dreading it a little bit because of how long it is with all of those cutscenes and interludes. I'm also not looking forward to renewing my acquaintance with the glitch where you sometimes can't finish the Qo'NoS objectives, or getting my head handed to me by E'genn over and over again.
If anyone thinks I'm arguing this was a perfect mission, I am not. I am not kidding that I would take my entire BO roster with me if I could do that.
But it really wasn't a bad mission overall. It had some cool effects, I enjoyed the VO's the first time through, it advanced the storyline and met the objectives I think Cryptic had for it. Even the few parts I didn't like were balanced by all of the other good things about it.
I also have to consider that their remastering of the Borg and Undine arcs takes terror to a new level. There's definitely a lot about Season 9 to like, at least for me.
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
They could've turned the whole thing into a 90 minute long cutscene and it would have had somewhat the same effect.
It would have been far more enjoyable, actually. And that's a sad state for a game to be in.
I need to re-run that episode for the rewards, but at the same time I'm dreading it a little bit because of how long it is with all of those cutscenes and interludes. I'm also not looking forward to renewing my acquaintance with the glitch where you sometimes can't finish the Qo'NoS objectives, or getting my head handed to me by E'genn over and over again.
But it really wasn't a bad mission overall.
Consider this a moment: You're dreading replaying it, but it wasn't a bad mission. These two do not compute. Do you think perhaps you might not be considering this objectively?
If a mission gives you dread for repeating it due to its obnoxious tediousness, I would say that is a pretty good example of a poorly designed mission.
They could've turned the whole thing into a 90 minute long cutscene and it would have had somewhat the same effect.
For an interactive media that basically equates to terrible design. If nothing would be lost from the player simply watching instead of actively interacting something is wrong.
I will agree the revised missions from the borg arc are alot better now.
Consider this a moment: You're dreading replaying it, but it wasn't a bad mission. These two do not compute.
It does compute.
It's a fun mission to do. ONCE. Maybe twice. You get a lot of action, a lot of story and a lot of cutscenes.
It's not a fun mission to do five times over six characters. Which is the "farming" style needed to get the gear for a bunch of alts that a lot of players find themselves with.
Makes total sense to me what BG is saying. He liked doing the mission the one time he did it. It's a lot of story movement. It's got some epic-ness to it.
Rerunning it dozens of times? Not fun.
Two very different ideas in regards to MMORPGing at work there.
That is a monumental fail of a goal and a prime reason why it turned out so bad. Voice talent is to enhance the story and gameplay. Voice talent should NEVER be the reason for the story and gameplay.
It wasn't their only goal, as I pointed out. And their desire to capitalize on Tim Russ' involvement to drive up the number of players logging in and playing is perfectly understandable and reasonable. This whole game is about fanservice.
It's not supposed to be a masterpiece. It's entertainment. And I think it did enhance the story for a lot of people, myself included. They're still experimenting with VO to some degree, I think, and I think they'll get better at it with experience.
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
It's a fun mission to do. ONCE. Maybe twice. You get a lot of action, a lot of story and a lot of cutscenes.
It's not a fun mission to do five times over six characters. Which is the "farming" style needed to get the gear for a bunch of alts that a lot of players find themselves with.
Makes total sense to me what BG is saying. He liked doing the mission the one time he did it. It's a lot of story movement. It's got some epic-ness to it.
Rerunning it dozens of times? Not fun.
Two very different ideas in regards to MMORPGing at work there.
I actually enjoyed it more the second time I ran it.
The first time was with my novice 50 Romulan. For some reason he gets pwned a lot, probably because he hasn't earned a lot of passives yet and doesn't have all the best gear.
My veteran 50 Vulcan main rocked that mission and even held his own against E'genn with a little help from the Shard of Possibilites... and since I'd already heard the voiceovers I could get through the dialog a lot faster.
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
It's not supposed to be a masterpiece. It's entertainment.
Umm, never in a million years will I understand that attitude. I guess entertainment can be a masterpiece why would you deliberately choose to do worse than you could ?
1) It tells you to go to the portal to the wrong dyson sphere, and then says the sphere Scotty was on is in the Delta quadrant.... or is the writing so bad I can't keep the dyson spheres straight? It was explained the dyson sphere jumped from the alpha quadrant to the delta quadrant when the gateway network was reset when the romulan homeworld is threatened that the iconians themselves planted. then there was an explaination as to what the sphere is about that the Jenolan found the sphere when it crashed on the surface of the sphere, captain scott was the only survivor to make it out.
2) Talk to Ambassadors (yawn!) talk to more ambassadors (zzzzzz) Usually babysitting the silverspoon types can advance your career. boring is just something you have to accept :P.
At this point, I was ready to just shoot them all. Seriously. Who designed this TRIBBLE?
Room changed as it was appropriate signal to everyone to be seated and the presentation was about to start. you really should pay more attention to detail.
4) Operate the control console to start the presentation, because apparently Lt. Generals are required to do A/V tech duties. Even a General needs to perform menial tasks, its part of the service.
5) Why hasn't Tuvok been strung up for opening the sphere up to the undine in the first place? he never did and if the Romulans figured it out and tuvok didnt go the imposter cooper would of had someone else do it for him. it wouldnt of made much difference.
6) What moron invited the ferrengi? same morons who had the right idea to bring these races together in a common cause to chip in to building a better future.
7) "The undine, what do they want???" WTF. What do you think they want? THEY WANT TO KILL ALL OF YOU. That's what they ALWAYS want. Do you think they're here to sell life insurance? Perhaps encyclopedias? The 8472 were simply reacting to mock invasions carried out in their own space by the iconians with fake alpha quadrant ships. since we know a bit about how 8472 will react anyways, not much more needs to be stated on this.
8) Why is Tuvok whining about spacedock every three seconds? Yes, we can see spacedock getting all shot up. You don't need people shout blatantly obvious things. you clearly didnt see voyager? Tuvok on voyager was known as mr obvious during the earlier days.
9) Tuvok tells me there are more undine to kill twice... even after I'd killed them all. Because apparently the scripters didn't consider the idea that people would attack the Undine before assiting the whiny federation wimps. is there a point in this rant?
10) Undine have infiltrated spacedock. The solution should be to destroy spacedock. There is no telling how many of the survivors have been replaced by the massive undine boarding parties. by the time you reached ESD it looked pretty much unsalvageable, the reactor was cut from the rest of the station, a thick disc just above that was sheared off and a large hole in the top part of the station nearly revealing the inner docking facilities. however it apparent survived.
11) So just two Admirals are beaming onto space dock to clear out all the Undine... no troops, just Tuvok & Me. Not even an away team. I've got a ship full of the meanest pirates in the quadrant. But they'll stay on the ship while I go it alone with Tuvok.... Tuvok has a mean attack from his full auto rifle, hes very useful to you throughout.
12) Ensign R'raak "Me... Ow...". And we're under battle conditions... and Tuvok wants to do a mind meld... and did no one consider that it could be an undine decoy? I considered this first time around as well during play back then, but then again if the imposter completely left Tuvok's mind then Tuvok would of been able to detect if R'raak was another 8472 almost straight away.
13) Tuvok again with the shouting the blantantly obvious in my ear. PLEASE STOP THAT. When you begin with "The station is overrun with Undine", you don't need to repeatedly point out that there are undine nearby. move it along now.
14) STOP PUTTING IN CUTSCENES WHEN I AM TRYING TO SHOOT. I don't give a TRIBBLE that the stupid enterprise showing up, I AM TRYING TO KILL UNDINE. TAKE YOUR CAPS LOCK OFF.. oh wait, thats better. cutscenes are there to tell the story.
15) You don't need to add "Bio" to every Undine ship. Bio ship, bio cruiser, bio dreadnought, wtf. watch voyager and complain later if you dont get it further.
16) Again, STOP STATING THE OBVIOUS. We don't need people saying "What is that thing?" you gonna stop complaining about the same thing at some point?
17) If weapons are ineffective against the undine planet killer: THEN LET US SEE IT IN GAME. This isn't a TV show. Having the romulan just say it is STUPID. STO logic at its finest, dont even pretend to understand it, most of us still cant figure out from one moment to the next what is superpower and what is weak.
18) Why can't I turn? This is supposed to be a spece combat game, not a rail shooter. I get it, you're trying to create some cinematic effect: STOP THAT. This isn't a TV show, it's a game. Don't take control away from the player. you want something else, go play something else.. its there for story effect.
19) If they had a planet killer, why didn't they kill the planet? it may require a significant charge up time, i mean a large planet may require substantial energy build up to be of any effect.
20) And now, more talk... and talk... and WTF. A % meter for talking to YET MORE PEOPLE. Maybe if they weren't all morons it wouldn't be such a bad thing. ...
21) Undine queen-thing can apparently teleport anywhere at will, including right into the middle of the festivities.. AND NO ONE IS SHOOTING IT DEAD. WTF. And it teleports out after gloating. Why? Because apparently the writers of STO haven't progressed beyond a saturday morning cartoon. you mean the Iconian? maybe you should pay more attention to detail and then try again.
Additionally, the idea of Iconians being able to personally teleport completely breaks everything we know about them. The ancients thought they could, but it was just their use of the gateways. You know, the big doorways that we can look through and anyone can pass through. Not teleportation. I thought that was something that'd been gone over pretty thoroughly.
Personal transporters are nothing new--the Federation had a prototype in the movie "Nemesis", which takes place almost thirty years before STO. As long as the Iconian had a ship or a gate somewhere within reasonable transporter range, I find no problem in supposing that the Iconian had such a device built into her armor.
Umm, never in a million years will I understand that attitude. I guess entertainment can be a masterpiece why would you deliberately choose to do worse than you could ?
It's not a question of choosing to do worse.
It's a question of getting the episode finished in time to release it. Television shows, like Star Trek for example, are notorious for having to rush some episodes into production, cut corners to fit the budget, and introduce planet-sized plot holes because that's what they had time to do.
It's a question of trying to strike a balance between plot, dialogue, art assets, and gameplay on a time limit. I'm not a professional writer or game developer and I can see why that might not be easy to do.
Which is why I maintain that they tried to do too much in one episode. A lot of effort went into this and it shows.
They didn't throw all of those cutscenes and voiceovers in there just because. They're time-consuming and expensive. They put those in there to achieve an effect that they wanted. Some gamers never want to sit through a cutscene twice, and hate not being able to skip them. So why all of that effort for something a player may never see more than once, or might resent having to sit through?
Ask yourselves what Cryptic was trying to do.
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
There are a thousand episodes where Picard said "Let the army we've got belowdecks handle the Romulans or whatever this week, I'm going to be in my ready room playing the flute"?
TNG is a way more boring show than I remember, apparently.
Did you even read the post you were commenting? Or even attempt to comprehend?
It's a fun mission to do. ONCE. Maybe twice. You get a lot of action, a lot of story and a lot of cutscenes.
It's not a fun mission to do five times over six characters. Which is the "farming" style needed to get the gear for a bunch of alts that a lot of players find themselves with.
Makes total sense to me what BG is saying. He liked doing the mission the one time he did it. It's a lot of story movement. It's got some epic-ness to it.
Rerunning it dozens of times? Not fun.
Two very different ideas in regards to MMORPGing at work there.
What you say applies to a lot of missions in this game , which is why it's a dump cause of action to tie a ton of rewards to a specific missions instead of adding a reward for generally replaying missions.
But this particular one works relatively well on replays, mainly because they finally got that skipable cut sequences are an actually good thing.
So beside that running around on beginning and end, which can be done in 2 minutes, it's pure action and cut sequences that can be skipped. Kind of ok to "grind", not worst then doing a battlezone multiple times.
1) It tells you to go to the portal to the wrong dyson sphere, and then says the sphere Scotty was on is in the Delta quadrant.... or is the writing so bad I can't keep the dyson spheres straight?
Others have commented, no need to repeat.
2) Talk to Ambassadors (yawn!) talk to more ambassadors (zzzzzz)
First, I liked the fact that all three factions were different and had so in the reactions. It shows things are still getting better game wise. Second, it is a plot setup. The conference on DS9 you were debating those ambassadors to unite against the borg. Same idea, this time the right enemy showed up to get everyone's attention.
At this point, I was ready to just shoot them all. Seriously. Who designed this TRIBBLE?
First off most of the ambassadors and spectators did go to their seats. You go around to get the rest to pay attention or be pistol whipped. (Seriously no one else suggested they move?) Second, Okay I get it there are five races of Xindi. We don't need to hear it every time you start talking.
4) Operate the control console to start the presentation, because apparently Lt. Generals are required to do A/V tech duties.
Actually, yeah. There would have been an enlisted person assigned there and handling this. Admirals/Generals really don't run the projector they order it ran.
5) Why hasn't Tuvok been strung up for opening the sphere up to the undine in the first place?
Not even the empire can string up people for being fooled. As the Klingon representative on Khitomer said, "Think of how many times we have been fooled by Romulans." Then tack on the Martok replacement. And no I don't think they want to go there.
6) What moron invited the ferrengi?
So torn on my answer here. So comedy first.
"Kurland here!"
Seriously though, they have business in both Federation and Klingon space. Bring them in and see if they have anything useful to say. Or leave them out and know they will do something stupid to find out anyway.
7) "The undine, what do they want???" WTF. What do you think they want? THEY WANT TO KILL ALL OF YOU. That's what they ALWAYS want. Do you think they're here to sell life insurance? Perhaps encyclopedias?
I do not recall that line precisely. This is more of a why we need to work together meeting. And technically defining what they want can give a why.
8) Why is Tuvok whining about spacedock every three seconds? Yes, we can see spacedock getting all shot up. You don't need people shout blatantly obvious things.
Please work in a technical field and see how many people can miss the blatantly obvious. Then get back to me.
9) Tuvok tells me there are more undine to kill twice... even after I'd killed them all. Because apparently the scripters didn't consider the idea that people would attack the Undine before assiting the whiny federation wimps.
Better than Sphere where he kept giving his resume of species he has experience with. . .
10) Undine have infiltrated spacedock. The solution should be to destroy spacedock. There is no telling how many of the survivors have been replaced by the massive undine boarding parties.
Out of character for all three factions. Feds will want to save their home port and comrades. Romulans want to stay in good graces with one of their two meal tickets. Which brings us to Klingons. You fly to Earth to fight Undine because they attack like assassins in the night. It is a dishonor to stab the Federation in the back like this. And as pointed out in the Doomsday device mission. Klingons prefer to face their enemies not use mass destruction. Hence why you don't hear about orbital cannon strikes from the Empire.
11) So just two Admirals are beaming onto space dock to clear out all the Undine... no troops, just Tuvok & Me. Not even an away team. I've got a ship full of the meanest pirates in the quadrant. But they'll stay on the ship while I go it alone with Tuvok....
Yeah. While fun I have to agree across the board. Where are my boffs? Where is common sense or fleet regulations? And don't give me that I am Tuvok's armed escort. As a Lt. General or Vice Admiral you out rank him.
12) Ensign R'raak "Me... Ow...". And we're under battle conditions... and Tuvok wants to do a mind meld... and did no one consider that it could be an undine decoy?
Undine prefer to avoid mind melds as they give them away. Also you asked what he could do to get shell shocked, lucid again.
13) Tuvok again with the shouting the blantantly obvious in my ear. PLEASE STOP THAT. When you begin with "The station is overrun with Undine", you don't need to repeatedly point out that there are undine nearby.
This I think was scripting error on the triggers. He is supposed to tell you about ambushes just as they are being launched. But because his trigger is behind the Undine one he announces it more of a "That was an ambush." Kind of like a dip sign twenty feet after a dip. "You just hit a dip."
14) STOP PUTTING IN CUTSCENES WHEN I AM TRYING TO SHOOT. I don't give a TRIBBLE that the stupid enterprise showing up, I AM TRYING TO KILL UNDINE.
Yes eyeroll worthy as most times I am starting an attack run and my timers run out before the scene ends. Though for me the irk was the. "What do you need to shut up Koren!?"
15) You don't need to add "Bio" to every Undine ship. Bio ship, bio cruiser, bio dreadnought, wtf.
Also I think a scripting error. They just introduced Undine ships for players and they made a differentiation on PC/NPC ships and I think it got into the naming.
16) Again, STOP STATING THE OBVIOUS. We don't need people saying "What is that thing?"
No that is a trope and a bit realistic as it was a bit bizarre to me too. "What is that thing?"
17) If weapons are ineffective against the undine planet killer: THEN LET US SEE IT IN GAME. This isn't a TV show. Having the romulan just say it is STUPID.
A TV show would have shown it now a days. They do not have the ability, I assume, to show Shon taking an ineffective shot or six.
18) Why can't I turn? This is supposed to be a spece combat game, not a rail shooter. I get it, you're trying to create some cinematic effect: STOP THAT. This isn't a TV show, it's a game. Don't take control away from the player.
Of all the things to take from Swtor, they took rail shooter. . . But it was cinematic without being just watch a movie and ignore it as a game. My irk is that they couldn't have the scene flash to you on your bridge to see you ask if Shon was aboard then have him ask from the transporter room.
19) If they had a planet killer, why didn't they kill the planet?
You are asking why logically? Because destroying Qo'nos should have taken out that shipyard as collateral damage? My answer is because the Undine do not want to win. They want us to evolve to be stronger. Look at their actions. "The weak shall perish. And you are Weak." Yeah right after I took out fifty plus of your ships and killed dozens of your warriors with my bare hands. Sure. This is a cross between racial superiority hubris, and I think they know the Iconians are a major threat. And they are manipulating us to be united and stronger against this very powerful threat.
20) And now, more talk... and talk... and WTF. A % meter for talking to YET MORE PEOPLE. Maybe if they weren't all morons it wouldn't be such a bad thing.
Out of about ten of those people three were very fun. I assume the others were to make it feel roughly like you were 'mingling'.
21) Undine queen-thing can apparently teleport anywhere at will, including right into the middle of the festivities.. AND NO ONE IS SHOOTING IT DEAD. WTF. And it teleports out after gloating. Why? Because apparently the writers of STO haven't progressed beyond a saturday morning cartoon.
Iconian or we are to assume Iconian. And they open portals in mid air. Hence "Demons of air and darkness." And while I agree someone should have taken a potshot at her. Even if it failed, it should have happened.
As for the teleport out. They want slaves. Good slaves would fear their owners. So it is there to show how miniscule you are compared to even one of them. Now be afraid. (Yes I know I was underwhelmed by the display but I get their technology and know she was just giving a glorified transporter, commands. So meh.)
Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
Network engineers are not ship designers.
Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
That's an Iconian.. you know, the Big Bad that has been manipulating everything behind the scenes that gets talked about in nearly every story arc in STO? or were you not paying attention (the answer is clearly no).
I don't think he cares to be honest, nerd rage taking hold.
to be honest....It wasn't bad at all, I liked it + it was obviously intended to show the end to the fed kling conflict + finally showing an Iconian & to be honest it was a story mission.
so to the op: its a STORY, so IF you don't like episode content don't play it, nobody forces you to play it. In-fact if you're so angry with the content don't bother playing an episode again. in other words put up or shut up because whining will not change a thing.
constructive criticism is great, nerd rage because you can is just pathetic.
Umm, never in a million years will I understand that attitude. I guess entertainment can be a masterpiece why would you deliberately choose to do worse than you could ?
Because it's hard to make a masterpiece in 6 months.
Well, that's because the default audio settings crank up the voice volume to full so you can hear what they're saying. It's Star Trek, so most every environment you're in is going to have a loud ambient engine noise playing behind everything the whole time, and they don't want the VO to be drowned out by it.
Just tune it downwards, or turn the game audio off and listen to music, or something. I listen to podcasts while grinding! Helps tons.
This is Kurland? You mean
Why would you not want that in your mission .
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
The Armada
Original join date: Feb 5, 2010
Twitter: @davejl_99, & @STO_BBArmada
(And was that last bit a reference to Borderlands' sendup of these sorts of plots?)
Actually, that's not the problem with FEs but with game in general. On the other hand, I don't think anyone would like to make new character each time his character is killed...
They could've turned the whole thing into a 90 minute long cutscene and it would have had somewhat the same effect.
I need to re-run that episode for the rewards, but at the same time I'm dreading it a little bit because of how long it is with all of those cutscenes and interludes. I'm also not looking forward to renewing my acquaintance with the glitch where you sometimes can't finish the Qo'NoS objectives, or getting my head handed to me by E'genn over and over again.
If anyone thinks I'm arguing this was a perfect mission, I am not. I am not kidding that I would take my entire BO roster with me if I could do that.
But it really wasn't a bad mission overall. It had some cool effects, I enjoyed the VO's the first time through, it advanced the storyline and met the objectives I think Cryptic had for it. Even the few parts I didn't like were balanced by all of the other good things about it.
I also have to consider that their remastering of the Borg and Undine arcs takes terror to a new level. There's definitely a lot about Season 9 to like, at least for me.
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
Fair fix.
Consider this a moment: You're dreading replaying it, but it wasn't a bad mission. These two do not compute. Do you think perhaps you might not be considering this objectively?
If a mission gives you dread for repeating it due to its obnoxious tediousness, I would say that is a pretty good example of a poorly designed mission.
For an interactive media that basically equates to terrible design. If nothing would be lost from the player simply watching instead of actively interacting something is wrong.
I will agree the revised missions from the borg arc are alot better now.
Nope, never played borderlands 2 and honestly paid zero attention to the plot of the first one, sorry.
It does compute.
It's a fun mission to do. ONCE. Maybe twice. You get a lot of action, a lot of story and a lot of cutscenes.
It's not a fun mission to do five times over six characters. Which is the "farming" style needed to get the gear for a bunch of alts that a lot of players find themselves with.
Makes total sense to me what BG is saying. He liked doing the mission the one time he did it. It's a lot of story movement. It's got some epic-ness to it.
Rerunning it dozens of times? Not fun.
Two very different ideas in regards to MMORPGing at work there.
It wasn't their only goal, as I pointed out. And their desire to capitalize on Tim Russ' involvement to drive up the number of players logging in and playing is perfectly understandable and reasonable. This whole game is about fanservice.
It's not supposed to be a masterpiece. It's entertainment. And I think it did enhance the story for a lot of people, myself included. They're still experimenting with VO to some degree, I think, and I think they'll get better at it with experience.
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
I actually enjoyed it more the second time I ran it.
The first time was with my novice 50 Romulan. For some reason he gets pwned a lot, probably because he hasn't earned a lot of passives yet and doesn't have all the best gear.
My veteran 50 Vulcan main rocked that mission and even held his own against E'genn with a little help from the Shard of Possibilites... and since I'd already heard the voiceovers I could get through the dialog a lot faster.
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
Umm, never in a million years will I understand that attitude. I guess entertainment can be a masterpiece why would you deliberately choose to do worse than you could ?
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Personal transporters are nothing new--the Federation had a prototype in the movie "Nemesis", which takes place almost thirty years before STO. As long as the Iconian had a ship or a gate somewhere within reasonable transporter range, I find no problem in supposing that the Iconian had such a device built into her armor.
It's not a question of choosing to do worse.
It's a question of getting the episode finished in time to release it. Television shows, like Star Trek for example, are notorious for having to rush some episodes into production, cut corners to fit the budget, and introduce planet-sized plot holes because that's what they had time to do.
It's a question of trying to strike a balance between plot, dialogue, art assets, and gameplay on a time limit. I'm not a professional writer or game developer and I can see why that might not be easy to do.
Which is why I maintain that they tried to do too much in one episode. A lot of effort went into this and it shows.
They didn't throw all of those cutscenes and voiceovers in there just because. They're time-consuming and expensive. They put those in there to achieve an effect that they wanted. Some gamers never want to sit through a cutscene twice, and hate not being able to skip them. So why all of that effort for something a player may never see more than once, or might resent having to sit through?
Ask yourselves what Cryptic was trying to do.
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Did you even read the post you were commenting? Or even attempt to comprehend?
What you say applies to a lot of missions in this game , which is why it's a dump cause of action to tie a ton of rewards to a specific missions instead of adding a reward for generally replaying missions.
But this particular one works relatively well on replays, mainly because they finally got that skipable cut sequences are an actually good thing.
So beside that running around on beginning and end, which can be done in 2 minutes, it's pure action and cut sequences that can be skipped. Kind of ok to "grind", not worst then doing a battlezone multiple times.
Others have commented, no need to repeat.
First, I liked the fact that all three factions were different and had so in the reactions. It shows things are still getting better game wise. Second, it is a plot setup. The conference on DS9 you were debating those ambassadors to unite against the borg. Same idea, this time the right enemy showed up to get everyone's attention.
First off most of the ambassadors and spectators did go to their seats. You go around to get the rest to pay attention or be pistol whipped. (Seriously no one else suggested they move?) Second, Okay I get it there are five races of Xindi. We don't need to hear it every time you start talking.
Actually, yeah. There would have been an enlisted person assigned there and handling this. Admirals/Generals really don't run the projector they order it ran.
Not even the empire can string up people for being fooled. As the Klingon representative on Khitomer said, "Think of how many times we have been fooled by Romulans." Then tack on the Martok replacement. And no I don't think they want to go there.
So torn on my answer here. So comedy first.
"Kurland here!"
Seriously though, they have business in both Federation and Klingon space. Bring them in and see if they have anything useful to say. Or leave them out and know they will do something stupid to find out anyway.
I do not recall that line precisely. This is more of a why we need to work together meeting. And technically defining what they want can give a why.
Please work in a technical field and see how many people can miss the blatantly obvious. Then get back to me.
Better than Sphere where he kept giving his resume of species he has experience with. . .
Out of character for all three factions. Feds will want to save their home port and comrades. Romulans want to stay in good graces with one of their two meal tickets. Which brings us to Klingons. You fly to Earth to fight Undine because they attack like assassins in the night. It is a dishonor to stab the Federation in the back like this. And as pointed out in the Doomsday device mission. Klingons prefer to face their enemies not use mass destruction. Hence why you don't hear about orbital cannon strikes from the Empire.
Yeah. While fun I have to agree across the board. Where are my boffs? Where is common sense or fleet regulations? And don't give me that I am Tuvok's armed escort. As a Lt. General or Vice Admiral you out rank him.
Undine prefer to avoid mind melds as they give them away. Also you asked what he could do to get shell shocked, lucid again.
This I think was scripting error on the triggers. He is supposed to tell you about ambushes just as they are being launched. But because his trigger is behind the Undine one he announces it more of a "That was an ambush." Kind of like a dip sign twenty feet after a dip. "You just hit a dip."
Yes eyeroll worthy as most times I am starting an attack run and my timers run out before the scene ends. Though for me the irk was the. "What do you need to shut up Koren!?"
Also I think a scripting error. They just introduced Undine ships for players and they made a differentiation on PC/NPC ships and I think it got into the naming.
No that is a trope and a bit realistic as it was a bit bizarre to me too. "What is that thing?"
A TV show would have shown it now a days. They do not have the ability, I assume, to show Shon taking an ineffective shot or six.
Of all the things to take from Swtor, they took rail shooter. . . But it was cinematic without being just watch a movie and ignore it as a game. My irk is that they couldn't have the scene flash to you on your bridge to see you ask if Shon was aboard then have him ask from the transporter room.
You are asking why logically? Because destroying Qo'nos should have taken out that shipyard as collateral damage? My answer is because the Undine do not want to win. They want us to evolve to be stronger. Look at their actions. "The weak shall perish. And you are Weak." Yeah right after I took out fifty plus of your ships and killed dozens of your warriors with my bare hands. Sure. This is a cross between racial superiority hubris, and I think they know the Iconians are a major threat. And they are manipulating us to be united and stronger against this very powerful threat.
Out of about ten of those people three were very fun. I assume the others were to make it feel roughly like you were 'mingling'.
Iconian or we are to assume Iconian. And they open portals in mid air. Hence "Demons of air and darkness." And while I agree someone should have taken a potshot at her. Even if it failed, it should have happened.
As for the teleport out. They want slaves. Good slaves would fear their owners. So it is there to show how miniscule you are compared to even one of them. Now be afraid. (Yes I know I was underwhelmed by the display but I get their technology and know she was just giving a glorified transporter, commands. So meh.)
Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
Network engineers are not ship designers.
Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
I don't think he cares to be honest, nerd rage taking hold.
to be honest....It wasn't bad at all, I liked it + it was obviously intended to show the end to the fed kling conflict + finally showing an Iconian & to be honest it was a story mission.
so to the op: its a STORY, so IF you don't like episode content don't play it, nobody forces you to play it. In-fact if you're so angry with the content don't bother playing an episode again. in other words put up or shut up because whining will not change a thing.
constructive criticism is great, nerd rage because you can is just pathetic.
Because it's hard to make a masterpiece in 6 months.