And as Blue pointed out, tell that to every Star Trek Captain on every series televised to date - as well as all the movies.
Star Trek is about a very small group of people doing everything even though they have hundreds of people on their ships equally, if not more, capable to do the mission. It is the hero's journey.
I don't give a **** what stupid-TRIBBLE decisions Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway, or Archer made, because I'm not Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway, or Archer. I'm Kanril Eleya. Or I'm Brokosh. Or I'm Morgaiah Thavrau. I have the right to learn from the mistakes of my predecessors and go in with a squad of heavily armed MACOs, Klingon warriors, or Republic commandos, instead of beaming in all by my lonesome.
I'm not saying "don't let the CO beam in". I'm saying "don't let the CO beam in alone". Let me use my frakking away team.
Absolutely! I think I didn't notice that because I'd muted voices by that point. (Or maybe she isn't as whiny when you're playing KDF?)
Nope, she's still Captain Whiny B*tch of the IKS Whineatyu' KDF-side, except now she's b*tching that Starfleet just sent Voyager.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
And yet... The Star Trek writers have pretty much all done exactly the same things that you're accusing Cryptic of doing.
How many people were on the away team when the Enterprise first encountered the Borg?
How many on the away team when they tried to rescue Picard the first time? They captured Locutus with two.
Of course we can explain that away as keeping the numbers low so that the Borg don't view them as a serious threat. And if those were the only examples of starship captains deciding few (or one) on an away team is better than many, we could stop there.
Kirk did it. Picard did it. Sisko did it. Janeway did it. Archer did it.
I'm not saying it makes perfect sense, mind you.
I'm saying, this is basically Tuvok saying to your character, "I'm going to rescue Admiral Quinn -- are you coming?" And naturally, you are. 'Cause you're just that kind of legendary starship captain who can't resist charging in where mortals fear to tread.
How you explain what the rest of your crew is up to is something Cryptic is leaving up to your imagination. They're mopping up the Undine bioships. They're evacuating other levels of ESD. You're preventing the Undine from taking the opportunity to replace some of them. Take your pick.
Yeah, you should have the option to bring one or more along, I agree. But we don't.
Star Trek did not do that. Not regulary. Not at all.
You name one example out of literally almost a thousand. And there were good reasons for this in best part of both worlds, this here is the exact opposite situation.
And none of the 2 officers that saved picard was a flag officer. In fact, outside of the 2 movies (3 and 4 doesnt count since Kirk wasn't doing an "official" mission), flag officers were not involved AT ALL. Which leads to another big problem in that games core.
And yet... The Star Trek writers have pretty much all done exactly the same things that you're accusing Cryptic of doing.
How many people were on the away team when the Enterprise first encountered the Borg?
How many on the away team when they tried to rescue Picard the first time? They captured Locutus with two.
Of course we can explain that away as keeping the numbers low so that the Borg don't view them as a serious threat. And if those were the only examples of starship captains deciding few (or one) on an away team is better than many, we could stop there.
Kirk did it. Picard did it. Sisko did it. Janeway did it. Archer did it.
I'm not saying it makes perfect sense, mind you.
I'm saying, this is basically Tuvok saying to your character, "I'm going to rescue Admiral Quinn -- are you coming?" And naturally, you are. 'Cause you're just that kind of legendary starship captain who can't resist charging in where mortals fear to tread.
How you explain what the rest of your crew is up to is something Cryptic is leaving up to your imagination. They're mopping up the Undine bioships. They're evacuating other levels of ESD. You're preventing the Undine from taking the opportunity to replace some of them. Take your pick.
Yeah, you should have the option to bring one or more along, I agree. But we don't.
How I would have handled this:
I would have used the tech from Temporal Ambassador to have your BOs show up as NPCs helping around the station. Some turn out to be Undine when you approach them and you have to rescue the real BO nearby.
Your crew can be present in missions without being a traditional away team.
First of all, you're still coming across as weird. You're not going to start typing "Shut up, Tuvok" over and over again, Shining-style, are you? Because that would be really creepy.
And you're still coming across as fanboy.
Second of all, I would be totally in favor of this if you ended up getting reprimanded for throwing a hissy-fit at another officer while Q'ronos was exploding because he told you to "stay alert" more than once.
By shouting that there are more Undine nearby every three seconds, he is, in fact, ALERTING THE UNDINE TO OUR PRESENCE. When you're on a strike team like this, you stay as quiet as possible. It makes zero sense for him to beam over to ESD personally anyway. He's an ADMIRAL. He's supposed to be coordinating things, not cut off from everyone by beaming over to ESD. If he was leading a battalion to retake ESD, that would be fine. Beaming over with one other person alone is a dereliction of duty.
Out in space, I would absolutely have the comms to Voyager shut off from the main speaker. In fact, none the comms would be blaring through the main speaker. Let my comm officer deal with him and only tell the captain if he says anything important. (which he doesn't)
Any officer who distracted his own troops and gave away their position would be relieved of duty or possibly just assassinated (depending on the faction in question).
Star Trek did not do that. Not regulary. Not at all.
You name one example out of literally almost a thousand
There are a thousand episodes where Picard said "Let the army we've got belowdecks handle the Romulans or whatever this week, I'm going to be in my ready room playing the flute"?
TNG is a way more boring show than I remember, apparently.
I don't give a **** what stupid-TRIBBLE decisions Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway, or Archer made, because I'm not Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway, or Archer.
At a certain point you need to realize that STO is not a Trek Simulator. It is a game based on a specific IP and it is going to enforce that IP's tropes. One of those tropes is that the senior officers do everything: they are the heroes of the story. In real life it would make little sense but it is part of the genre we are supposedly emulating.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
There are a thousand episodes where Picard said "Let the army we've got belowdecks handle the Romulans or whatever this week, I'm going to be in my ready room playing the flute"?
TNG is a way more boring show than I remember, apparently.
I seem to recall Picard regularly leading groups of officers whenever they were available. When there was a threat to the ship, he didn't say "Everyone stay in your quarters while I go deal with this alone".
At a certain point you need to realize that STO is not a Trek Simulator. It is a game based on a specific IP and it is going to enforce that IP's tropes. One of those tropes is that the senior officers do everything: they are the heroes of the story. In real life it would make little sense but it is part of the genre we are supposedly emulating.
I notice you conveniently left out the part where I said "let me use my away team", which, hey, it's made of senior officers.
And how do you go from STO not being a Trek Simulator to then being based on the Trek IP? So, it's a Trek Simulator and not a Trek Simulator at the same time?
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
I would have used the tech from Temporal Ambassador to have your BOs show up as NPCs helping around the station. Some turn out to be Undine when you approach them and you have to rescue the real BO nearby.
Your crew can be present in missions without being a traditional away team.
You fail to understand the difference. ESD was infested with powerful shape-shifting aliens. Finishing off the destruction would eliminate the infestation. Anyone who sets foot on ESD *must* be considered a possible Undine. It's not that anyone would be happy to destroy ESD, it's that there's no other way to be sure you got all the Undine, and given the massive destruction already present on ESD, there can't be all that many left alive anyway.
If you played the Klingon plot, you'd know that even just a few Undine smuggled into the ranks can cause quite the havoc. Here, we have very large numbers of Undine put into a chaotic situation that is absolutely prime for replacing people.
How many more thousands or millions could those Undine dopplegangers kill through sabotage? What if one of them managed to replace someone who had access to the Federations dirty little secrets, like genesis torpedoes? In war, sometimes you have to be ruthless. That's not the same thing as bloodlust.
If anyone who sets foot on ESD during the aftermath must be considered a possible Undine, then does it make any sense whatsoever to increase the number of people running around the station while the Undine are loose?
That directly contradicts the call for more away team. You could argue that even Tuvok shouldn't be going.
You're right, though... it would have been entirely in character for the Klingons to insist on blowing ESD to atoms to get rid of the Undine. Which would have been a good story, but would have been entirely contrary to the Dev goal of ending the hostilities between the Feds and the KDF. That's another thread entirely.
In this particular case, I think it's safe to say that story trumped gameplay. The story was supposed to focus on Tuvok and the player character, and that's what it did. It was also intended to introduce many of the new changes in S9, including the Undine and ESD revamps. Which it did. There are elements of the story that don't work as well as the rest, but I'd never argue that it didn't accomplish what Cryptic wanted it to accomplish.
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
What the FE was really missing was the Defiant. You've taken command of a task force that includes the Enterprise and Voyager. Why not go for all three?
I mean, picture it: you're knee deep in Undine, unsure if you're going to survive. And then...
"Kurland here."
"This is Kurland."
"Kurland here."
I notice you conveniently left out the part where I said "let me use my away team", which, hey, it's made of senior officers.
That part was not pertinent to what I was addressing: the stars doing the actions.
I do not disagree with you that we should have taken a Boff or two, but we did take Tuvok and he is worth a couple of Boffs.
And how do you go from STO not being a Trek Simulator to then being based on the Trek IP? So, it's a Trek Simulator and not a Trek Simulator at the same time?
There is a difference between a Simulator and an RPG.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
I'm not saying the episode's perfect. In fact, you have some good points. I agree with you on several of them, especially the lack of an away team!
I'm saying that the fact that you appear to be actually angry at the mission and at Tuvok in particular makes this the second craziest thread I've seen on these forums. I mean, people get annoyed at these things, but I don't think I've ever seen this amount of rage over something so trivial.
By shouting
When did Tuvok shout? When do Vulcans ever shout? He says those things in a quiet monotone that's lucky to be noticed in a room full of people who are talking, let alone in the middle of a firefight with extra-dimensional invaders.
I'm not sure why you're trying to Solid Snake the mission, anyway. Aren't you the one with the "nuke everything" plan?
He's an ADMIRAL. He's supposed to be coordinating things, not cut off from everyone by beaming over to ESD.
Starfleet Command is on Earth. I think there's plenty of admirals about and plenty of coordination going on. Going to fetch the highest ranking officer on spacedock is probably a pretty important job, and he feels responsible for making sure it gets done.
Yes, it's silly that it's just you and him, and yes, the lack of an away team (or other players!) is a design problem. It's a very Star Trek kind of silly problem, though. Nothing worth getting this worked up over. Seriously! Take a deep breath or something. It's just a game.
I have a photonic walking tank with a grenade launcher and a flying gun. I think that would have helped.
And I have an eight-foot Gorn with a freaking bat'leth. I think that would have helped.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
How many people do you think are going to be armed at a meeting of [/peace? What kind of idiot would just start firing at someone standing right in front of the most important Klingons present?
No, the folks there acted sensibly. It's the Iconian who was an idiot - she left all those important people alive. If a show of power is what she wanted, she should've vaporized everyone responsible for stopping the Undine attack, as obviously these people are skilled, not to mention every major leader was present.
The rest of your complaints are either pedantic or willfully ignorant of minor and common game tropes.
I'll give you the cutscenes, though - mid-shooting things, those are a bit annoying.
Are you serious? While I'll agree that the Iconian didn't even have to show up, just drop a nuke in the council chamber and be done with it, if you honestly believe that Klingons(and their allies) aren't going to be armed at a peace meeting, then you have never watched Star Trek at all. Why would a Kllingon warrior disarm himself for any reason? Are you insulting him on purpose, or just a dense P'ataq?
I have the right to learn from the mistakes of my predecessors and go in with a squad of heavily armed MACOs, Klingon warriors, or Republic commandos, instead of beaming in all by my lonesome.
I'm not saying "don't let the CO beam in". I'm saying "don't let the CO beam in alone". Let me use my frakking away team.
And ideally, you would be able to choose which officers you take and how many. I would have taken all of them if the game let me.
But they didn't write that mission around me and my personal preferences. There's no mission slider for common sense, or for cowboy quotient for that matter. They can only tell the story one way and they're going to try to make that story fit the masses as best as they can.
And they're going to write to their objectives:
Feature Tim Russ' VO as Tuvok. Check.
Show players what it's going to be like to fight the Undine in the other ground and space scenarios. Check.
Explain why ESD looks different now. Check.
Keep the Iconian threat looming in the shadows. Check.
End the hostilities between the Federation and the Klingon Empire so they can write more cross-faction content. Check.
Make people want to open that lockbox to get one of those Nicors. Probably a check. One with dollar signs on it.
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
I'm saying that the fact that you appear to be actually angry at the mission and at Tuvok in particular makes this the second craziest thread I've seen on these forums. I mean, people get annoyed at these things, but I don't think I've ever seen this amount of rage over something so trivial.
I think I've just reached the point where I've had enough of games spouting horrible monologue at me constantly. Last week, I was playing this Falskaar addon to Skyrim that I had to quit midway because it foisted so much terrible unskippable monologue at me.
When did Tuvok shout? When do Vulcans ever shout? He says those things in a quiet monotone that's lucky to be noticed in a room full of people who are talking, let alone in the middle of a firefight with extra-dimensional invaders.
I think we have different speakers. It was very load and very obvious from my end, very distinct from the background noises.
I'm not sure why you're trying to Solid Snake the mission, anyway. Aren't you the one with the "nuke everything" plan?
If you aren't going to nuke it, and you aren't going to go in with overwhelming force, and you're forcing me to go in a two-person team, you're damned right I'm going all sold snake. (That crate over there is looking awfully good....) You're two against a crumbling space station infested with ten foot tall psychic dopplegangers. Do we really need to give them that extra advantage of hearing us ahead of time?
But moreover, it was the sheer baffling annoying stupidity of it. And the only reason it was there was because the STO writers went all fanboy over getting Tim Russ to do voice overs. My tolerance for badly written voiceover has reached a low point, and I won't take it anymore. I can only imagine the blood curdling squee that would erupt if these people ever got Shattner or Stewart to agree to do voiceovers for it.
The STO writers need to learn that more isn't better. Pith trumps volume. And Chekhov's gun doesn't refer to Pavel's phaser.
In the end I think my complaint can be summed up simply by stating:
Do not take control away from the player without a really good reason or for a high payoff. And do not do it over a dozen times in a thirty minute experience.
Part of that 'control' is forcing me to Fbomb silly monologues, tons of ten second cut scenes with no good purpose, and overly repetitive dialog blaring in my ear all the time.
Finally, stop making the bad guys look like idiots. The Big Bad seriously spent all that time and resources provoking the undine into attack the Alpha quadrant powers but doesn't bother eliminating all their now friendly high ranking leaders when it would be easy because reasons? Bah.
I really preferred the storytelling style of diablo 2 where the entire game oozed lore and story but required you to seek it out compared to the overly cinematic style of diablo 3 as an example. Just because you can do a cutscene doesn't mean you should.
I really preferred the storytelling style of diablo 2 where the entire game oozed lore and story but required you to seek it out compared to the overly cinematic style of diablo 3 as an example. Just because you can do a cutscene doesn't mean you should.
I like the new cutscenes much more than the PUNCHING THE AIR from the 2800 and other FE's. :rolleyes:
If you aren't going to nuke it, and you aren't going to go in with overwhelming force, and you're forcing me to go in a two-person team, you're damned right I'm going all sold snake. (That crate over there is looking awfully good....) You're two against a crumbling space station infested with ten foot tall psychic dopplegangers. Do we really need to give them that extra advantage of hearing us ahead of time?
Why not? After all, all players have plot armor...
That is a monumental fail of a goal and a prime reason why it turned out so bad. Voice talent is to enhance the story and gameplay. Voice talent should NEVER be the reason for the story and gameplay.
Show players what it's going to be like to fight the Undine in the other ground and space scenarios. Check.
Except that they constantly interrupted the gameplay for more beauty shots of the enterprise-e and Kurland. (this is Kurland)
Explain why ESD looks different now. Check.
Was that really needed? Couldn't it just be an upgrade since ESD has been around since forever now?
Keep the Iconian threat looming in the shadows. Check.
Not so shadowy now that snidely whiplash had to show up in the middle of the celebration to twirl his mustache.
End the hostilities between the Federation and the Klingon Empire so they can write more cross-faction content. Check.
This didn't really work for me, to be honest. KDF sent one ship to help ESD, Feds sent two ships to help Qonos. (And one was very late) I don't quite see that ending decades on enmity... They even failed to rehash the Khitomer incident by having Kurland survive his "suicide" run. (Kurland here)
I'm not saying "don't let the CO beam in". I'm saying "don't let the CO beam in alone". Let me use my frakking away team.
Nope, she's still Captain Whiny B*tch of the IKS Whineatyu' KDF-side, except now she's b*tching that Starfleet just sent Voyager.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out
Star Trek did not do that. Not regulary. Not at all.
You name one example out of literally almost a thousand. And there were good reasons for this in best part of both worlds, this here is the exact opposite situation.
And none of the 2 officers that saved picard was a flag officer. In fact, outside of the 2 movies (3 and 4 doesnt count since Kirk wasn't doing an "official" mission), flag officers were not involved AT ALL. Which leads to another big problem in that games core.
How I would have handled this:
I would have used the tech from Temporal Ambassador to have your BOs show up as NPCs helping around the station. Some turn out to be Undine when you approach them and you have to rescue the real BO nearby.
Your crew can be present in missions without being a traditional away team.
By shouting that there are more Undine nearby every three seconds, he is, in fact, ALERTING THE UNDINE TO OUR PRESENCE. When you're on a strike team like this, you stay as quiet as possible. It makes zero sense for him to beam over to ESD personally anyway. He's an ADMIRAL. He's supposed to be coordinating things, not cut off from everyone by beaming over to ESD. If he was leading a battalion to retake ESD, that would be fine. Beaming over with one other person alone is a dereliction of duty.
Out in space, I would absolutely have the comms to Voyager shut off from the main speaker. In fact, none the comms would be blaring through the main speaker. Let my comm officer deal with him and only tell the captain if he says anything important. (which he doesn't)
Any officer who distracted his own troops and gave away their position would be relieved of duty or possibly just assassinated (depending on the faction in question).
There are a thousand episodes where Picard said "Let the army we've got belowdecks handle the Romulans or whatever this week, I'm going to be in my ready room playing the flute"?
TNG is a way more boring show than I remember, apparently.
I notice you conveniently left out the part where I said "let me use my away team", which, hey, it's made of senior officers.
And how do you go from STO not being a Trek Simulator to then being based on the Trek IP? So, it's a Trek Simulator and not a Trek Simulator at the same time?
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out
Oooooooooooh. That would have been cool.
"Hey there Boff."
If anyone who sets foot on ESD during the aftermath must be considered a possible Undine, then does it make any sense whatsoever to increase the number of people running around the station while the Undine are loose?
That directly contradicts the call for more away team. You could argue that even Tuvok shouldn't be going.
You're right, though... it would have been entirely in character for the Klingons to insist on blowing ESD to atoms to get rid of the Undine. Which would have been a good story, but would have been entirely contrary to the Dev goal of ending the hostilities between the Feds and the KDF. That's another thread entirely.
In this particular case, I think it's safe to say that story trumped gameplay. The story was supposed to focus on Tuvok and the player character, and that's what it did. It was also intended to introduce many of the new changes in S9, including the Undine and ESD revamps. Which it did. There are elements of the story that don't work as well as the rest, but I'd never argue that it didn't accomplish what Cryptic wanted it to accomplish.
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
I mean, picture it: you're knee deep in Undine, unsure if you're going to survive. And then...
"Kurland here."
"This is Kurland."
"Kurland here."
I do not disagree with you that we should have taken a Boff or two, but we did take Tuvok and he is worth a couple of Boffs.
There is a difference between a Simulator and an RPG.
I have a photonic walking tank with a grenade launcher and a flying gun. I think that would have helped.
I'm not saying the episode's perfect. In fact, you have some good points. I agree with you on several of them, especially the lack of an away team!
I'm saying that the fact that you appear to be actually angry at the mission and at Tuvok in particular makes this the second craziest thread I've seen on these forums. I mean, people get annoyed at these things, but I don't think I've ever seen this amount of rage over something so trivial.
When did Tuvok shout? When do Vulcans ever shout? He says those things in a quiet monotone that's lucky to be noticed in a room full of people who are talking, let alone in the middle of a firefight with extra-dimensional invaders.
I'm not sure why you're trying to Solid Snake the mission, anyway. Aren't you the one with the "nuke everything" plan?
Starfleet Command is on Earth. I think there's plenty of admirals about and plenty of coordination going on. Going to fetch the highest ranking officer on spacedock is probably a pretty important job, and he feels responsible for making sure it gets done.
Yes, it's silly that it's just you and him, and yes, the lack of an away team (or other players!) is a design problem. It's a very Star Trek kind of silly problem, though. Nothing worth getting this worked up over. Seriously! Take a deep breath or something. It's just a game.
And I have an eight-foot Gorn with a freaking bat'leth. I think that would have helped.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out
Are you serious? While I'll agree that the Iconian didn't even have to show up, just drop a nuke in the council chamber and be done with it, if you honestly believe that Klingons(and their allies) aren't going to be armed at a peace meeting, then you have never watched Star Trek at all. Why would a Kllingon warrior disarm himself for any reason? Are you insulting him on purpose, or just a dense P'ataq?
I thought WoW's forums had angry elitist snobs, but I never could have imagined the level STO forums has.
I thought WoW's forums had angry elitist snobs, but I never could have imagined the level STO forums has.
I asked if he shouted, not if he rocked.
And ideally, you would be able to choose which officers you take and how many. I would have taken all of them if the game let me.
But they didn't write that mission around me and my personal preferences. There's no mission slider for common sense, or for cowboy quotient for that matter. They can only tell the story one way and they're going to try to make that story fit the masses as best as they can.
And they're going to write to their objectives:
Feature Tim Russ' VO as Tuvok. Check.
Show players what it's going to be like to fight the Undine in the other ground and space scenarios. Check.
Explain why ESD looks different now. Check.
Keep the Iconian threat looming in the shadows. Check.
End the hostilities between the Federation and the Klingon Empire so they can write more cross-faction content. Check.
Make people want to open that lockbox to get one of those Nicors. Probably a check. One with dollar signs on it.
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
I need the Console - Universal - Giant Krazy Straw Mk XII [God]
I thought WoW's forums had angry elitist snobs, but I never could have imagined the level STO forums has.
I think we have different speakers. It was very load and very obvious from my end, very distinct from the background noises.
If you aren't going to nuke it, and you aren't going to go in with overwhelming force, and you're forcing me to go in a two-person team, you're damned right I'm going all sold snake. (That crate over there is looking awfully good....) You're two against a crumbling space station infested with ten foot tall psychic dopplegangers. Do we really need to give them that extra advantage of hearing us ahead of time?
But moreover, it was the sheer baffling annoying stupidity of it. And the only reason it was there was because the STO writers went all fanboy over getting Tim Russ to do voice overs. My tolerance for badly written voiceover has reached a low point, and I won't take it anymore. I can only imagine the blood curdling squee that would erupt if these people ever got Shattner or Stewart to agree to do voiceovers for it.
The STO writers need to learn that more isn't better. Pith trumps volume. And Chekhov's gun doesn't refer to Pavel's phaser.
Do not take control away from the player without a really good reason or for a high payoff. And do not do it over a dozen times in a thirty minute experience.
Part of that 'control' is forcing me to Fbomb silly monologues, tons of ten second cut scenes with no good purpose, and overly repetitive dialog blaring in my ear all the time.
Finally, stop making the bad guys look like idiots. The Big Bad seriously spent all that time and resources provoking the undine into attack the Alpha quadrant powers but doesn't bother eliminating all their now friendly high ranking leaders when it would be easy because reasons? Bah.
I really preferred the storytelling style of diablo 2 where the entire game oozed lore and story but required you to seek it out compared to the overly cinematic style of diablo 3 as an example. Just because you can do a cutscene doesn't mean you should.
I like the new cutscenes much more than the PUNCHING THE AIR from the 2800 and other FE's. :rolleyes:
Why not? After all, all players have plot armor...
Except that they constantly interrupted the gameplay for more beauty shots of the enterprise-e and Kurland. (this is Kurland)
Was that really needed? Couldn't it just be an upgrade since ESD has been around since forever now?
Not so shadowy now that snidely whiplash had to show up in the middle of the celebration to twirl his mustache.
This didn't really work for me, to be honest. KDF sent one ship to help ESD, Feds sent two ships to help Qonos. (And one was very late) I don't quite see that ending decades on enmity... They even failed to rehash the Khitomer incident by having Kurland survive his "suicide" run. (Kurland here)