I really hope the rumors of the upcoming Risian Swimwear only being available to wear on Risa are false. If they're not, it won't go live for another month, PLEASE RECONSIDER.
You know what my issue is? This frankly Victorian view of what is or is not acceptable to wear in game. I don't care whose call it would theoretically be, CBS or Cryptic, but it's a bad one, and goes against the IP. Period. End of story. Look at TNG episodes Haven, Angel One, The Naked Now, Justice, et cetera... Look at every outfit a woman wears on TOS. At Jadzia's bachelorette party on DS9, a particularly buff crewman wore nothing but a grass skirt. On a public station. Even Counselor Troi, erm, "dressed down" when she wasn't on the bridge. Don't even get me STARTED on Enterprise. T'Pol and Tucker were in just their skivvies almost as much as their uniforms. Whoever whines about people wearing skimpy outfits on ESD or any public map should be reminded that A) it's not their character, get over it, and
Not everyone who visits these places is "on duty."
And it's not like we're asking for "Betazoid Wedding Apparel" to be accessible. I've seen leaks of the swimsuits. You'd see more skin walking out your front door on a warm day. Let it go, and stop restricting our clothing options based on the opinions of a few prudes.
And no, I'm not an ERPer, or even an RPer. I just want freedom in being able to customize my characters, especially if I plunked down money or the equivalent time on it. Limitations are the enemy in things like this. I was just as bummed when the setslottype codes went out the window. Is there a reason Omega pants shouldn't be allowed to be mixed with a uniform top? No, except a few people "abused" the ability to mix and match, and others whined. While I personally thought some of the combinations were ridiculous, they weren't my characters, and I could ignore it. It's not like they could really break my immersion if I don't acknowledge them.
I can guarantee you that most of the people who wanted these outfits will NOT purchase or grind for something that is only available on one map. Much like your initial response to people demanding the First Contact EV suits, by charging $7+ per character and not making it a costume unlock, you're going to find that no one wants it. Which, on an unrelated note, thanks for giving them out to veterans. Really good call, but it makes me think it was backpedaling due to REALLY low sales.
At the very least, restrict the costumes so that you have to wear pants and shoes or something on public maps. I know you have the tech to make that mandatory, you did it with Temporal Ambassador.
I thank you for your time, and I hope my plea does not fall on deaf ears.
I'm no ERPer, in fact I dislike RP full stop. I simply don't see the point of needlessly restricting our options in the tailor. I like having some professional looking outfits of course, but I equally like having some outfits that I made just for a giggle.
Just unlock the tailors already, and don't even think about restricting outfits to certain places.
My main wears what is considered a 'swimsuit' all the time - an Off Duty Robe up top, and the Risian Explorer Outfit legs (the one that completely covers the legs all the way to the ankle - not the short shorts).
So she can run around barefoot. She's a Caitian, and it just seems right to do that all the time.
I've been doing it ever since last year's Risa event, and I will be downright pissed if you remove that because of...reasons nobody can fathom.
Choice is what makes STO as strong as it is. Don't remove it.
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I want the game to resemble Star Trek, not a 50 year old online predator's candy store.
Keep swimsuits on Risa, and keep modesty and dignity outside of Risa. Unless you're an orion, put a damn shirt on. This is a military organization, not Spring Break.
I already make enough concessions as it is regarding the sake of aesthetics.
Just Say No to Star Tramp Online.
You just got owned...
Yeah you're about 50 years too late.
nice... just nice!
I'm okay with all of them being added to the game, as long as they're restricted to places like Risa.
It's their character. If that is how they want to dress their character then that is how they shall do it. If you want to wear something then that's fine, it's your character after all.
But yes, the previous posters were correct. You did get "owned". There is a precedent for odd outfits to be worn on missions. That outfit Riker was wearing in one of the images was on a mission after all.
You want to play action man all the time? Great. Just leave the rest of us be.
IDIC and all that.
I can haz typong!
I'll leave you alone, as long as you stay on Risa or Drozana where the creepy people are known to congregate. If you want to go on official business, put a shirt on.
One cherry-picked example from the entire list. I can present an entire list of modest clothing seen in Star Trek too, and I'm willing to bet it'll outnumber the trampy outfits presented as examples.
When those uniforms start being worn by cast members regularly on a show, then maybe I'll agree to allow them to be worn away from designated areas.
But they aren't, so I don't. I'd rather not sacrifice the aesthetics of Star Trek Online for other players who want to be tramps and gigolos.
And I see plenty of mirror universe tops and skirts on female characters who look like prostitutes. As I said, I feel I've already made enough concessions regarding aesthetics and character customization.
And most of those are far more modest, and I'm okay with those.
...You were saying?
Look, I welcome differing opinions, but you're a bit harsh. Dignity is what you make it. Star Trek, as illustrated in the pics above, has always had skimpy outfits, while at the same time claiming diversity and equality. It's always been a *little* hypocritical, but you shouldn't just pick and choose what parts of the canonical IP to follow.
And you shouldn't be making ANY concessions. The aliengen characters and "prostitutes" you refer to...well, they're not yours. Either ignore them, like any other MMO player would, or accept the fact that Star Trek means different things to different people.
I can do this all day.
Everybody else does. Why can't I?
Sure you can. Not sure what point you're trying to prove though. I'm okay with modest clothing. And I'm okay with immodest clothing worn in particular areas like Risa.
You aren't convincing me of anything other than which costumes I'd consider modest and which ones aren't.
Hahaha, you are awesome! Be sure to include a pic of T'Pol in her decon room attire, for good measure. That was Starfleet issue.
But I think the point is made. Those who cry for dignity have clearly never seen the shows.
Star Trek was better when it involved miniskirts and gogo-boots.
Yes, you got me. I've never seen a single episode of Star Trek. You found me out. I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids and your dog. :rolleyes:
Yeah, because Gene Roddenerry's chauvinistic beliefs have done so much for the female gender as a result of Star Trek.
Just putting that out there.
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SEVEN. OF. NINE. DEANNA. TROI. TASHA. YAR. JAMES. T. KIRK. That dude couldn't keep his shirt on to save his life.
Ay Captain!
Thank you for encouraging PWE to not port over the image feature to other parts of the forum. This is why we can't have nice things.