I am pretty sure that I saw this ship in the new Featured Episode's introduction. (It's not in the video, it's in the part where it changes to game engine rendering and you also see your own ship fly by):
Is it just a reused asset that was still lying around? Or will this ship be one of the upcoming Federation ships?
It's not exactly my favorite. Or rather, I really don't like it. But I remember it being asked for by other players that stumbled upon the old
Perpetual designs.
A good overview is also here:
Did anyone else notice? What do you think?
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
Up until this FE, this ship model has been used only as destroyed space hulks in several maps in STO. This is the first time the 'Excalibur Concept' is seen flying and from what can be seen, it didn't quite look like the white/grey destoryed hulks that float around in other maps (in terms of skin textures). The fact that this ship is used instead one of the hundred complete Federation ships that are in game gives me basis to hope they're working on a C-Store model.
I for one hope that this could mean that the Excalibur is comming to STO as a playable ship. It has a very unique look to it and has been a favourite of mine ever since I saw it in the old Perpetual promos.
In the latter picture, I much prefer the two ships top-middle. Looks like they could both work together (customization options) too.
Thank you. I totally missed this thread apparently. MAybe because I forgot the ship's name.
(UFP) Ragnar
Yes, June 16th is Picard Day. I know because it's also my birthday.
There's still a chance for the big guns Negh'var!?! :eek: I think I'm gonna' faint!
P.S. Crossing my fingers that the new Fed. ship a month after S9 is the Excalibur!
Seriously, all I can think of is - she needs to go to the vet today, and NO I will NOT wipe that up.
The news regarding the Negh'Var is good indeed. And I've been waiting for a Constellation forever and a day.
As for the new Federation vessel, I hope like hell it's NOT Perpetual's Excalibur concept. It looks like a dog dragging it's TRIBBLE across the grass. It would be nice if the Typhoon or Jupiter, a couple of old stalwarts in the Fleet that people have been asking for, would get the Scimitar treatment (detailed/cleaned up) and make it into the game.
But if the Excalibur does come about, I won't complain as long as some players are happy with it. After all, catering to diverse tastes in ships is a part of the deal. Even if said ship looks like a dog dragging it's TRIBBLE across a rug. :P
Well, the beauty is in the eye of the beholder as they say. I for one like the Excalibur very much, while to me the Jupiter looks like a bathtub. :P
hahahahahaha ty so much for making me spit my coffee across the room
I dunno. I always thought the Jupiter looked like a big, flying crock pot.
Dunno why but that ship does look very cool and I need a replacement for the Vesta
Cannot.... unsee....:eek:
Personally still waiting on some ferengi salvaged S'ona ships, but that's just me.
Edit: new feds ships are fine, but some others like Ferasan/Lethean/Reman ships would be appreciated also they have 3 ship designers now right?
Why can't I take they Mek'leth off the wall of my Hirogen Hunter :P
Hrmmm, have to wonder if that Negh'Var Refit is the Assault Negh'Var Refit. If they ever put that ship in the game, well - it would be killing a rarely used meme, but killing one all the same. But it is curious that they talked about that coming out at the same time as another Fed ship. Wonder if the Feds will be getting another Battle Cruiser...
The Fleet Guramba - still curious if that's going to follow the Fleet Patrol (since the Guramba was a pseudo mirror of the Patrol when it was the Fleet) or if they might go the 5x Tac for it (either way for me works, I'd slot a uni in the 5th Tac or 4th Eng either way).
The talk about Expansion 2 and ships, though...
Oh, they have three ship artists now and apparently the newest ship artist did the Constellation as their "breaking-in" project.
He also talks about a broadside cruiser; the issue is that all cannon effects need to be adjusted and new nodes need to be adjusted for firing starboard and port.
(UFP) Ragnar
Yeah, the VFX for a broadsider would be a heinous undertaking without there being a significant number of ships with starboard/port hardpoints being added. Which leaves one to wonder if there would be any modifications to mounts on current vessels...
They did mention in the podcast with Geko that Cannon Scatter Volley on a Turret-armed Odyssey has some weird effects (comes from the center of the ship). So, they might fix that along with whatever work they are doing.
(UFP) Ragnar
Perpetual "Excalibur"
Cryptic "Excalibur"
Cryptic's has an extended secondary hull length, and the pylons are positioned above the secondary hull, and are angled up slightly. Other changes are the length of the nacelles; the saucer details; and the neck is different too, being somewhat more "upstanding" and different shaped.
Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
Almost as if Cryptic realized the Perpetual design looked like a dog dragging its...
And i think i read somewhere hat they wanted to make a playable U.S.S. Dauntless (The fake federation ship from VOY) Could make sense since we are in the Delta Quadrant now.
And broadside Cannons? For what? For cruisers? Cannons with a firing arc of 45° ona slow turning cruiser. Stupid. They could make Beam Arrays more powerful but not broadside cannons. And escorts dont need broadside cannons they have the Turnrate.
We have never seen a ship firing a cannon broadside. BoP and Vor`Cha as well as the Defiant have Front cannons and for every other direction use Beams.
Reman have a ship though, remember they were part of the Romulan Star Empire so they had the same tech for the most part, but they did develop the Scimitar (possibly, its a grey area).
The ship I would like to see MOST however has to be this little beauty:)
Make it a lock box ship if you have to Cryptic
Though just to throw some gas on a fire, I wouldn't mind this making it into the game as well
*sits back and watchs the fires burn*
And a merry freaking Christmas to you too, Ebenezer.
-jonsills, 'Cryptic Why the sales..instead of Fixing XP leveling and this game?'
Isn't that the Peregrine Attack Fighter? http://sto.gamepedia.com/Peregrine
(UFP) Ragnar
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Huh, confusing since both were used by the Marquis.
(UFP) Ragnar
Eh, close enough for me. Basically the same ship, the differences are minor. Plus, if they make it playable I think it's a safe bet that they'll allow customization that will enable to sweep the nacelles upward or downward similarily to the Avenger, so we'd basically be able to make almost the same look as Perpetual's one.