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Are you coming back for Season 9??



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    farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I have yet to stop playing STO. So I'm ready for Season 9!

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
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    johndroidjohndroid Member Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    hypl wrote: »
    I haven't exactly left, so...

    I'm here, and I'm ready! :P

    As oread the patch notes looking for new content they are boning everything up more ? do these guys even play the game or what just look at there wallets of dumb brilliance anyway , It all made me wanna puke as i read on ...
    I will be the first tom say there not the smartest apples on the Tree , but they fell off early and are rotten , good luck all I've been here for 5 seasons this is by FAR THE WORST PATCH note and dumb content for season nine will be called Season 9 Fall of the Federation good luck I'm not falling from tree like rest of you BYE
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    talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Who said I left?
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

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    johankreigjohankreig Member Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    cant wait, want the lobi and rep armour and the new space set, plus the new ground weapons sound right up my street.
    Jorhana Kreig: KDF, Tal'is: Romulan Fed, Shona'a: Romulan KDF, Johan Paul Kreig: Fed
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    revandarklighterrevandarklighter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    nightken wrote: »
    1. wah, I don't care how many characters you did. you, and I know this is heresy, should be doing it because you enjoy the game, if it's "work" you are doing wrong.

    2. just like every other game ever, and now.

    3. just like they do now. only new players will not have to worry about how much they suck with the new op traits and all the old ones, just the new ones.

    Well since Cryptic designed it to be "work" they are the ones doing it wrong. There are easy fixes for those problems. All of them ignored.
    nakedcrook wrote: »
    I will not be returning to Season 9 because of the Reputation "revamp".

    I refuse to play any of the content. I refuse to play any aspect of the game until this change is undone completely.

    The only exception to this will involve me logging in for 2 minutes every day to ensure my fleet has projects slotted.

    Other than this, I am done with this game. Season 9 has destroyed my interest in STO.

    You can't seriously expect that to happen.
    The change per se was necessary, because, like they said, the power raise would be unlimited and they couldn't add new reps. Which they should. And are doing. right now.
    I think that could have been done smarter. With 8 instead of 4 slots we would be AS STRONG as now, we just wouldn't be able to get stronger and get more choices instead.
    I see why people dislike that change, I have leveled almost every Rrp on 6 chars (well almost.... 5 of them are in the middle of Nukara with sponsorship but everything else is done) and I find it annoying too.
    But there have been far worst changes in that game. If its so easy to destroy your interest.... you would have lost it anyway.
    hypl wrote: »
    I haven't exactly left, so...

    I'm here, and I'm ready! :P

    Ultimately... this.
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    johngazmanjohngazman Member Posts: 2,826 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I'll play, but I won't enjoy it. To me, "Season" 9 is a sham. It has about half the content that was in Season 8's initial release, with most of the work having been diverted to revamps of ESD or older missions. Things that were absolutely unnecessary, and wasted time that could have been better spent on additional content.

    The only good things in this season are the Reputation Revamp and the removal of an EC cost for changing your uniform/ship costume.
    You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
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    platewearingbirdplatewearingbird Member Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    johngazman wrote: »
    I'll play, but I won't enjoy it.


    This right here....

    Makes no ****ing sense. This is what an addict says.
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    johngazmanjohngazman Member Posts: 2,826 Arc User
    edited April 2014

    This right here....

    Makes no ****ing sense. This is what an addict says.

    Not really. It makes plenty of sense. I am a fan of the game, but this season is a poor effort. Hence, while i'll continue to play the game that I enjoy, I won't necessarily enjoy the new content just because it's shiny and new.

    If it's actually any good, i'll enjoy it. But historically, i'm erring on the side of caution when it comes to Cryptic's work.
    You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
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    platewearingbirdplatewearingbird Member Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    johngazman wrote: »
    Not really. It makes plenty of sense. I am a fan of the game, but this season is a poor effort. Hence, while i'll continue to play the game that I enjoy, I won't necessarily enjoy the new content just because it's shiny and new.

    If it's actually any good, i'll enjoy it. But historically, i'm erring on the side of caution when it comes to Cryptic's work.

    So now it's Schrodinger's STO.
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    johngazmanjohngazman Member Posts: 2,826 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    So now it's Schrodinger's STO.

    Yes. Problem?
    You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
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    artfulmerkageartfulmerkage Member Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    If you discount the lockbox, I am quite approving of S9.

    Valdus | Charn | Costello | Typhus | Thyran
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    risingstar2009risingstar2009 Member Posts: 329 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I am sticking with my MMO of Choice, STO.

    Season 9 brings in some badly needed revamps, a bit more customization (namely the Kits), a single map for ESD (which it should always have been), and some other items which I probably missed in testing on Tribble.

    As for the Rep update, this will make it easier (and cheaper) to level up my Alts. I am actually looking forward to the new Season.
    Star Trek Battles: For those who want to Play Star Trek Online as it WAS MEANT TO BE!!!

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    carlosbflycarlosbfly Member Posts: 682 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I will be more than happy to try out the new season. Its not got me excited, its Season 8 really all over again with only the remastered FE's exiting me. I don't see this season driving me away but nor will it be getting me to play more.
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    shandypandyshandypandy Member Posts: 632 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    johngazman wrote: »
    I'll play, but I won't enjoy it. To me, "Season" 9 is a sham. It has about half the content that was in Season 8's initial release, with most of the work having been diverted to revamps of ESD or older missions. Things that were absolutely unnecessary, and wasted time that could have been better spent on additional content.

    The only good things in this season are the Reputation Revamp and the removal of an EC cost for changing your uniform/ship costume.

    Season 8 was an expansion. Season 9 is not. Season 9 is like every other session release apart from 8.
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    thetaninethetanine Member Posts: 1,367 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Of course I'm coming back for season nine. I've probably sunk at least a thousand bucks into this game (no joke).

    Anyways, if ya'll want to hear a scary story, there was a time way back when the level cap was 60 or was it more...I forget. Anyways, the Cryptids rolled us all back to level 50. What a pisser!

    And then the horrid Atari Attack Assassins on the official forums. There was one Witch in particular who got me so riled up I boycotted the game for three months. I can't recall her name but if I had the chance I'd ... ! Yep!

    Season Nine...I'm not too sure about it yet. Though I did enjoy going into Tribble and getting a good look at all the new facial features and armor features in the Tailor.

    I wish I could paint my Romulan SCI Destroyer another color besides white.

    In the main part, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I'm just hoping that Season Ten will bring us a real adventure zone. Something kind of like a combination of the Foundry and Exploration.
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    rajathomasrajathomas Member Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    No new holding. Now you know why they took away the hourly event calendar, they didn't want people 'stocking up' on FMs and other requirements so the next holding could be critted faster than usual. Some nice stuff with S9, some not so nice. But yeah, I'll be back.
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    philipclaybergphilipclayberg Member Posts: 1,680
    edited April 2014
    nightken wrote: »
    aww, you mad about some of the power creep going bye bye

    "First thing we do is kill all the lawyers." Oops. Wrong 'verse.

    "Absolute power corrupts absolutely." That might be more apt.
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    esquire1980esquire1980 Member Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    To answer the OP's question? Nope.
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    captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I was not aware I had left.
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    revandarklighterrevandarklighter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    thetanine wrote: »

    Anyways, if ya'll want to hear a scary story, there was a time way back when the level cap was 60 or was it more...I forget. Anyways, the Cryptids rolled us all back to level 50. What a pisser!

    A scary story, that's about it. That never happened.
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    flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I don't think the question should be are we coming back for Season 9, but rather, are we leaving because of it. The answer most people are going to give is a resounding no - in that they're not going anywhere because of a potential bad season.

    There isn't anything truly devastating about Season 9, short of us being able to fly bio ships at least. :rolleyes: But otherwise, it's only adding to what we've got (and changing some stuff around). Nothing is being taken away. My main quibble is that it doesn't offer enough, but we don't know what the future holds, nor the next release.
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    jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Sure I will be back for season 9. Why not?

    I play STO for fun not because it strictly follows canon. There is nothing in this game that I consider canon. Canon material is anything that has been produced by Paramount that is shown on TV or in the movie theater. The one exception is Star Trek V... I refuse to acknowledge that film.

    I never bothered searching what is coming in S9. The only things I know of are the bits and pieces I see in this forum. I play STO for the space combat and also the various Doff missions. I do what I want and ignore (or postpone) things that do not interest me. For example, although both my Fed and KDF toons have been level 50 for at least 7 weeks I have not really progressed that far in the main story line. I have yet to start the Wasteland story arc for both toons.

    I will stop playing STO simply when I am tired of playing the game.
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    architect13architect13 Member Posts: 1,076 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    flash525 wrote: »
    I don't think the question should be are we coming back for Season 9, but rather, are we leaving because of it. The answer most people are going to give is a resounding no - in that they're not going anywhere because of a potential bad season.


    The player base has already shown that it will accept anything, why should this half season be any different?
    Have you tried the new forum on your phone?
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    flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    The player base has already shown that it will accept anything, why should this half season be any different?
    They're not, that's what I'm saying. :)
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    n0vastaronen0vastarone Member Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Why are people so angry about season 9?
    4h4uFix.pngJoin Date. Dec 2007
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    blassreiterusblassreiterus Member Posts: 1,294 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Why are people so angry about season 9?
    Not everyone is angry, just a few people are, especially those who think they're the moral compass of the playerbase.
    Star Trek Online LTS player.
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    n0vastaronen0vastarone Member Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Not everyone is angry, just a few people are, especially those who think they're the moral compass of the playerbase.

    I don't even know what they are angry about exactly o.O
    4h4uFix.pngJoin Date. Dec 2007
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    fatman592fatman592 Member Posts: 1,207 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I don't even know what they are angry about exactly o.O

    They're angry about things that break immersion, like disco balls and non-faction ships.

    They're angry about changes to the reputation system changes (I have been critical of the changes, but they addressed my main concern: making it so people can't switch passives while out of combat but in sector space, as this would give an unfair advantage in PvP to those with battlecloaks).

    They're angry about things breaking "canon" (debates like these are about as productive as a debate over 'x' vs 'y' sects of a given religion being the "true" faith).

    Mostly they're just taking the game and themselves too seriously.
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    shevetshevet Member Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I'm unhappy about the rep nerfs, unenthusiastic about the new shiny toys, and generally think "new grind zone" is a completely inadequate substitute for actual new content.

    However, all this adds up to "mildly displeased", not "go away in a huff and never return". As a morbid completist, I may even get around to doing the Undine rep stuff. Eventually. Don't rush me.

    What I'm not going to be doing is dropping actual cash on Zen for any of this stuff - not because I am determined to teach Cryptic a lesson by withdrawing my financial support, but simply because, y'know, it doesn't interest me enough to spend any real resources on.
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    saeynsaeyn Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I'm actually cool with the rep tweaks... I always have stratospheric power levels on my Oddy with Plasmonic Leech and crazy Engineering skill power boosts, so I'm looking forward to trying out BOTH Nukara traits at the same time.... So yeah this could be fun.
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