I saw the time-lapse pics. Will the game read the time from the machine or where it's logging in from and maybe accurately affect the lighting or the feel of the station for the user? That would be interesting.
I have not been nearly ESD for two years because its the most troll-filled community in the history of any game I've played. In fact its the reason why I have not played Fed since. {shudders at the memory of cryo grenades, party poppers .....}
As great as the new ESD is this will make that feeling x1000. And those little midget dwarf men. Scare the bejesus out of me.
While the new ESD is very nice and all that, no denying, was it really necessary ? We have our 2nd ESD revamp, and meanwhile, the Romulan are missing an Academy, having to rely on allied academy. And they also need a very easy to add security officer on New Romulus.
Qo'nos/Klingons academy also show their age.
Any real gamer knows that Citadel Station orbits Saturn, is controlled by the TriOptimum Corporation and/or SHODAN, and is overrun with killer robots and mutants.
Now that ESD is finally up-to-date, how about planning work for our fleet starbases? I'd personally like to see major work done on the fleet dilithium mine. My fleet has maxed out the dilithium mine and we do not understand the point of the second floor, there's literally nothing there and its full of invisible walls. Put something up their for us, anything, I really don't care, it's just vast empty space. More special projects are always welcome, especially if they add life to our starbases.
Now that ESD is finally up-to-date, how about planning work for our fleet starbases? I'd personally like to see major work done on the fleet dilithium mine. My fleet has maxed out the dilithium mine and we do not understand the point of the second floor, there's literally nothing there and its full of invisible walls. Put something up their for us, anything, I really don't care, it's just vast empty space. More special projects are always welcome, especially if they add life to our starbases.
Huh? Maybe the purchase a better video card is warranted. Second floor, if you do all the projects, is quite beautiful, and hardly empty.
The blog forgot to mention that Tacofangs said Club 47 won't roll out with season 9 launch because it won't be finished in time. In fact it didn't mention much about the club at all.
Did they finish it yet or are they still working on it?
I've been on tribble a lot and the new ESD is spectacular.
I would also like to know the current status of the new Club 47
i love how esd looks . great job but now knowing you guys can do all this its time to change the looks of deep space k 7 and starbase 39 both of these were worse then esd and need MAJOR LOVE
since We Dont Have A Stateroom Anymore There Are Two Empty Buildings Down At Starfleet Academy . Which Would Be Great Places To Place The Stateroom!!!!!!
I know I've said it in multiple threads over the last month or two, but I love the new ESD! Just over a week to go until we get to actually use it as a fully functional base of operations, I'm excited!
Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
I have to say this is definitely a good game changer. After a while on the old ESD it felt like you were running track there. Thumbs up for this one. Now if we could get some player quarters on ESD that be awesome too. But one thing at a time.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them." -Thomas Marrone
I haven't started work on the club yet. It is scheduled, but not for a bit yet. There is some other stuff I have to get done first.
I love how Post #47 of the thread is le artist commenting about Club 47... #47-ception.
Next, a question... Taco, what were those giant shiny spheres I saw at least once suspended in midair?
Also, I kinda like how the early model Exchange was up on a raised dais like that. A bit impractical, sure, but it looked neat. So, Taco... Do you think we could get a dais like that somewhere on the deck? It might fit off to Jay Yim's right, on the far north of the map. I like the idea of having a scenic view of the Concourse, but the Mezzanine's a bit too far up, and the angle is limiting. Plus, having something like that dais would be a lot of fun for screenshots and RPers.
Is the part for the " Newbie kid who says Taco should have spent the time bixing fugs instead of revamping something nooooooo one is interested in and everything about it is stupid anyway" still open?
The blog forgot to mention that Tacofangs said Club 47 won't roll out with season 9 launch because it won't be finished in time. In fact it didn't mention much about the club at all.
Did they finish it yet or are they still working on it?
I've been on tribble a lot and the new ESD is spectacular.
I would imagine that it's a surprise, but since the club is gonna be in renovation until well into Season 9, I think they should mention it to avoid backlash.
Uhh, last I checked, 'Citadel Station' was in orbit of Telos, a Star Wars planet?
Are there two of those out there?
Actually The Citadel aka the most important single facility in the Mass Effect Milky Way orbits a star called Widow in a self regenerating nebula.
"Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many they are few"
I haven't started work on the club yet. It is scheduled, but not for a bit yet. There is some other stuff I have to get done first.
I really hope this includes giving Earth a new texture. The current (old) one is blocky, unrealistic and ugly. (See my various posts in the Tribble forum)
You wasting time by improving AFK/RP zones..maybe it's nice for casual players... :rolleyes:
It's not a waste of time.
There's no sensible reason to neglect any part of the game that needs attention. Even if a portion of the userbase won't use it often, there's still the matter of new players. A flashy endgame doesn't mean much if everything else around it is crumbling and neglected.
STO isn't just about making the biggest numbers you can. You'd do well not to forget that.
Is the part for the " Newbie kid who says Taco should have spent the time bixing fugs instead of revamping something nooooooo one is interested in and everything about it is stupid anyway" still open?
Sorry, I got that part.
Hay taco youre wastyng tym wit da new esd wen u shuld be fixinggg bugzzzzz I hat dis gam it sux
Uhh, last I checked, 'Citadel Station' was in orbit of Telos, a Star Wars planet?
Are there two of those out there?
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
Time won't change in the map.
"My name is Commander Shepard, and I'm pretty sure you never played Mass Effect."
You can disable zone chat you know
Qo'nos/Klingons academy also show their age.
Huh? Maybe the purchase a better video card is warranted. Second floor, if you do all the projects, is quite beautiful, and hardly empty.
I would also like to know the current status of the new Club 47
Last we heard, it has not been started yet because they were still working on ESD.
It has been replaced by the all-new "Club 48". Players that like to dance can enter contests and get the all-new "Clubfoot" achievement.
I kid, but wouldn't it be nice if there was more to do there than just dance?
Hmm. Maybe like actual live music acts? That would be something.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
I love how Post #47 of the thread is le artist commenting about Club 47... #47-ception.
Next, a question... Taco, what were those giant shiny spheres I saw at least once suspended in midair?
Also, I kinda like how the early model Exchange was up on a raised dais like that. A bit impractical, sure, but it looked neat. So, Taco... Do you think we could get a dais like that somewhere on the deck? It might fit off to Jay Yim's right, on the far north of the map. I like the idea of having a scenic view of the Concourse, but the Mezzanine's a bit too far up, and the angle is limiting. Plus, having something like that dais would be a lot of fun for screenshots and RPers.
Is the part for the " Newbie kid who says Taco should have spent the time bixing fugs instead of revamping something nooooooo one is interested in and everything about it is stupid anyway" still open?
Actually The Citadel aka the most important single facility in the Mass Effect Milky Way orbits a star called Widow in a self regenerating nebula.
I really hope this includes giving Earth a new texture. The current (old) one is blocky, unrealistic and ugly. (See my various posts in the Tribble forum)
STOWiki admin.
He was referring to the Citadel Station in KotOR 2.
It's not a waste of time.
There's no sensible reason to neglect any part of the game that needs attention. Even if a portion of the userbase won't use it often, there's still the matter of new players. A flashy endgame doesn't mean much if everything else around it is crumbling and neglected.
STO isn't just about making the biggest numbers you can. You'd do well not to forget that.
I Support Disco | Disco is Love | Disco is Life
Yeah, you guys really like Mass Effect huh?
I did until Bioware screwed it up, starting with ME2.
Sorry, I got that part.
Hay taco youre wastyng tym wit da new esd wen u shuld be fixinggg bugzzzzz I hat dis gam it sux