I am getting sick of Cryptic changing things. IF this update causes me to lose my favorite Federation toon...I will be livid. That toon uses tailor parts that I cannot access anymore. I can't even visit the tailor anymore since Season 7 dropped...and that is an annoyance.
I wish Crytpic would stop trying to revamp things that are not broken...and focus on things that ARE broken...such as that KDF cross faction Boff.
Cryptic...so far...all of your updates are not impressive.
If you oppose the Reputation nerf, feel free to use my signature
One simple question; How will the affect our toons and boffs that already look exactly the way we want them to? Will they stay the same or will we have to go through and try to recreate their look again?
One simple question; How will the affect our toons and boffs that already look exactly the way we want them to? Will they stay the same or will we have to go through and try to recreate their look again?
They'll look how you want them to look, this change doesn't effect anything to do with how your characters look as they are now. If you want to change the look of them, these new heads and complexions are in the tailor...
YES! YES! YES! Things are just getting better and better! I really appreciate this, it was needed but I didn't expect it. Thank you!!
Zinc: The universe of Star Trek Online is shaped and changed by the actions of the players...expect to see new planets and races discovered that were unknown the last time you logged in."
Tie funny thing is, people liked the old Gorn and those were changed. People liked the old Drozana and that was changed. People like the current ESD but that will change. I definitely like the improvement to the human characteristics though.
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Looking for a new fleet? Drop by the in-game chat channel, "tenforwardforum", and say hi to the members of A Fleet Called Ten Forward (Fed) and The Orion Pirates (KDF). If you already have a fleet you are happy with, please feel free to drop by our chat channel if you are looking for a friendly bunch of helpful people to socialize with.
So... When do we get to play Female Gorn, Nausicaans, and Letheans?
I'm fed up that the only free KDF races with females are Klingons and Orions. Sure, Nausicaan and Lethean females would be ugly, but that's no excuse; Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Call me crazy, but I call it discrimination. ALL the races in STO should have females (unless canon says otherwise, which it doesn't).
So... When do we get to play Female Gorn, Nausicaans, and Letheans?
I'm fed up that the only free KDF races with females are Klingons and Orions. Sure, Nausicaan and Lethean females would be ugly, but that's no excuse; Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Call me crazy, but I call it discrimination. ALL the races in STO should have females (unless canon says otherwise, which it doesn't).
characters when they talk should have something other then a simple open and closed mouth at random time per ms or whatever. then there is the teeth especially for ferengi and klingons, tongue as well. ferengi nails and female humanoids need to have the ability to paint their nails a color. if you had noticed the ferengi males used to paint their finger nails a colour.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
So... When do we get to play Female Gorn, Nausicaans, and Letheans?
I'm fed up that the only free KDF races with females are Klingons and Orions. Sure, Nausicaan and Lethean females would be ugly, but that's no excuse; Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Call me crazy, but I call it discrimination. ALL the races in STO should have females (unless canon says otherwise, which it doesn't).
I agree, this would be nice.
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
well, its a start. still a long way to go to make the character customisation something good, something that was promised and failed in the previous 2.0 iteration. hope to see a few more added, the sort of asian faces, both near the middle east and china/japanese/korean area and the various hair for both sexes and beard options to males. eventually, to get away from this absurd oversized upper bulk and scrawny legs, i mean that has to go. also the female inner thighs need to be worked on as well.
Certain player constructed species require an " absurd oversized upper bulk and scrawny legs" in their build.
I don't mind ADDITIONAL options, but don't nerf any of the choices as it's not a human only IP.
I support more KDF female choices. I'd make a female Gorn if they were available. On the subject of KDF, maybe turn down/off the wind machine for my Orion's flapping towels? Or allow my Orion to wear sandals with the KDF skirt from the lobi store? But definately a welcome change and addition. Players always like more customization. Thanks for that. :cool:
Maybe it's too much to ask, but maybe more skin options too. I'd love to make my Fed alien more of a reptillian sort, but the closest I can come is using one of the Saurian facial features to "fake" a reptile face, and that doesn't extend below the neck. Snake/lizard skin would be awesome. And even more fur options for the Catians/Ferasans (and perhaps extend those to the aliens). Just some thoughts. More options are great for everyone. Keep up the good work. Most appreciated.
"General Server Stability" means they are bolting the servers to the floor, right? Wouldn't you be upset if Branflakes were to go stumbling into the server room, knock a rack over, and bring the game down for a DAY? SO, they aren't scrwing it up, they are bolting it down.
Four years and 9 seasons in, and we're just now getting the ability to make decent looking black captains... I'm glad that cryptic is finally adding in more ethnicities to the character creator, but honestly, shouldn't this have been done during beta prelaunch? Will these be added to Champions online and Neverwinter as well?
Now that we finally can make them, is there anyway to finally make the borg skin full body? with the revamp in borg missions, and the fact that you need to drop a few hundred dollars to play as the borg, could we finally get the skin to cover the entire freaking body?
After getting the Infected complexion made full body, could we finally get some decent TRIBBLE in game? Currently, the way most uniforms look on the ladies, it can be quite atrocious. They look too awkward and unnatural in about 85-90% of the wearable tops. This is why we need a real character creator 2.0 and not just a different UI. When we can make fake TRIBBLE in the real world more realistic than real TRIBBLE in a fake world, you know there is a problem...
But please make the infected skins full body, especially since the borg are so expensive to play as.
will the physique slider be readded back to gorns it was removed when season 7 started and some players like to play a heavy set character with big guts etc
One simple question; How will the affect our toons and boffs that already look exactly the way we want them to? Will they stay the same or will we have to go through and try to recreate their look again?
All of these additions are well, additions. They don't replace existing options.
Now they just need to rework BOff traits to include a set of physical traits and mental/emotional dispotion traits, with each system giving you four or five module slots per BOff.
Disposition examples with default racial traits included:
Vulcans: "Controlled Emotions", "Logical", + 3 more slots
Romulans: "Suspicious", "Devious", + 3 more slots
Klingons: "Quick Temper", "Vicious", + 3 more slots
Gorn: "Xenophobic", "Quick Temper", + 3 more slots
Andorian: "Suspicious", "Quick Temper", + 3 more slots
Not exact but you get the idea.
Kestrel mentioned long ago she'd like something like this implemented as it would make it easier for storytelling purposes.
Tie these into the system in such a way that a scripted mission can quickly scan the bridge crew disposition traits, physical traits, character class, rank/position, etc. and determine the most likely character to pop up and say "X" in a given situation. They could even tie in the character's stance to this system.
This would prevent (or at least severely limit) situations wherein a Vulcan BOff gets emotional or your rebellious "Tom Paris" type first officer says something a "by the book" Tuvok type would be more likely to say, etc. as multiple responses could be created based on these traits and the given situation. Its only text, right?
Then again, it seems like I'm noticing lately that one or two persistent crew members I've never heard of (same face and name) are popping up and delivering the responses instead, especially if most of my Bridge Crew is with me on an Away Mission.
It all looks pretty good so far, but I doubt I'll notice much on my graphics settings.
While everyone can see them, when are we going to get the correct colors for the lights on the Dyson Uniform? These all appear to be using the palette used with the lights on the Dyson Joint Command Armor, with a better selection of bright, noticeable colors, with a few that aren't possible with the normal Federation uniform palette.
Also, does anyone know what model of jacket is used on Dr. Cooper? It looks like a similar design to the Dyson Researcher, but it has some differences. More importantly, when are we going to be able to combine sets of uniforms, like the "Uniform" and "Omega Armor" categories that are clearly both included on the Doctor's outfit? I really want the categories of uniform to be simply thrown together into one, even considering the amount of clipping that will occur here and there. There are still some perfectly good looking combinations that would looks fine, with no clipping at all.
This is a tremendously great thing you've done for us, Implementors! Thank you! The artistry of your latest great work of stupendous genius brings beatific tears to my eyes, and unlike most of your profane subjects (who emphatically deserve not your ever-merciful beneficence), I have excellent aesthetic taste.
could we finally get some decent TRIBBLE in game? Currently, the way most uniforms look on the ladies, it can be quite atrocious. They look too awkward and unnatural in about 85-90% of the wearable tops. This is why we need a real character creator 2.0 and not just a different UI. When we can make fake TRIBBLE in the real world more realistic than real TRIBBLE in a fake world, you know there is a problem...
And a "Boob Jiggle" slider Amirite! I mean if the TRIBBLE realistically jiggled as much as the cloth pieces blow around, Id log in more.
STO: @AGNT009 Since Dec 2010
Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
Dreams of making the perfect Wesley Crusher were dashed by a perpetual 5 oclock shadow in every available option in the Character Creator.
So am I to assume that Mr. Jing was able to retexture bodies to better mesh with faces? I am very unhappy with having a male character with a five o'clock shadow and a smooth hairless chest.
I understand this was a compromise to having bare chest textures in the beginning, but now that Cryptic has said you guys have a bigger budget, more artists, etc., is this a sign that compromise is no longer in effect now that you have a larger budget and higher sustainable income?
I wish Crytpic would stop trying to revamp things that are not broken...and focus on things that ARE broken...such as that KDF cross faction Boff.
Cryptic...so far...all of your updates are not impressive.
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> <
I'm fed up that the only free KDF races with females are Klingons and Orions. Sure, Nausicaan and Lethean females would be ugly, but that's no excuse; Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Call me crazy, but I call it discrimination. ALL the races in STO should have females (unless canon says otherwise, which it doesn't).
It's coming with the PVP update.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
I agree, this would be nice.
Did you guys make the bare and stocking female legs more natural looking?
I believe thats scheduled for the season after the much vaunted Q-reputation.
Certain player constructed species require an " absurd oversized upper bulk and scrawny legs" in their build.
I don't mind ADDITIONAL options, but don't nerf any of the choices as it's not a human only IP.
Maybe it's too much to ask, but maybe more skin options too. I'd love to make my Fed alien more of a reptillian sort, but the closest I can come is using one of the Saurian facial features to "fake" a reptile face, and that doesn't extend below the neck. Snake/lizard skin would be awesome. And even more fur options for the Catians/Ferasans (and perhaps extend those to the aliens). Just some thoughts. More options are great for everyone. Keep up the good work. Most appreciated.
Now that we finally can make them, is there anyway to finally make the borg skin full body? with the revamp in borg missions, and the fact that you need to drop a few hundred dollars to play as the borg, could we finally get the skin to cover the entire freaking body?
After getting the Infected complexion made full body, could we finally get some decent TRIBBLE in game? Currently, the way most uniforms look on the ladies, it can be quite atrocious. They look too awkward and unnatural in about 85-90% of the wearable tops. This is why we need a real character creator 2.0 and not just a different UI. When we can make fake TRIBBLE in the real world more realistic than real TRIBBLE in a fake world, you know there is a problem...
But please make the infected skins full body, especially since the borg are so expensive to play as.
All of these additions are well, additions. They don't replace existing options.
Disposition examples with default racial traits included:
Vulcans: "Controlled Emotions", "Logical", + 3 more slots
Romulans: "Suspicious", "Devious", + 3 more slots
Klingons: "Quick Temper", "Vicious", + 3 more slots
Gorn: "Xenophobic", "Quick Temper", + 3 more slots
Andorian: "Suspicious", "Quick Temper", + 3 more slots
Not exact but you get the idea.
Kestrel mentioned long ago she'd like something like this implemented as it would make it easier for storytelling purposes.
Tie these into the system in such a way that a scripted mission can quickly scan the bridge crew disposition traits, physical traits, character class, rank/position, etc. and determine the most likely character to pop up and say "X" in a given situation. They could even tie in the character's stance to this system.
This would prevent (or at least severely limit) situations wherein a Vulcan BOff gets emotional or your rebellious "Tom Paris" type first officer says something a "by the book" Tuvok type would be more likely to say, etc. as multiple responses could be created based on these traits and the given situation. Its only text, right?
Then again, it seems like I'm noticing lately that one or two persistent crew members I've never heard of (same face and name) are popping up and delivering the responses instead, especially if most of my Bridge Crew is with me on an Away Mission.
So far I'm really looking forward to the Season 9.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
2. May I please just kill Cooper already? I would like ever so much to crush his neck, just a little. It is a long-time fantasy of mine. :rolleyes:
My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
Click here to view my DeviantArt.
While everyone can see them, when are we going to get the correct colors for the lights on the Dyson Uniform? These all appear to be using the palette used with the lights on the Dyson Joint Command Armor, with a better selection of bright, noticeable colors, with a few that aren't possible with the normal Federation uniform palette.
Also, does anyone know what model of jacket is used on Dr. Cooper? It looks like a similar design to the Dyson Researcher, but it has some differences. More importantly, when are we going to be able to combine sets of uniforms, like the "Uniform" and "Omega Armor" categories that are clearly both included on the Doctor's outfit? I really want the categories of uniform to be simply thrown together into one, even considering the amount of clipping that will occur here and there. There are still some perfectly good looking combinations that would looks fine, with no clipping at all.
what about the missing physique slider it was removed from the gorns when season 7 was released
Does it help? http://m.imgur.com/EYd565L,DqjIoav
Thread http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1046801
And a "Boob Jiggle" slider Amirite!
Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
Wouldn't this be called an "intense" slider?
Reference http://youtu.be/7uBTEoGsIOg
So am I to assume that Mr. Jing was able to retexture bodies to better mesh with faces? I am very unhappy with having a male character with a five o'clock shadow and a smooth hairless chest.
I understand this was a compromise to having bare chest textures in the beginning, but now that Cryptic has said you guys have a bigger budget, more artists, etc., is this a sign that compromise is no longer in effect now that you have a larger budget and higher sustainable income?