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Cryptic, please take a look at the LANCE



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    doomiciledoomicile Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Whatever the case, first and foremost the Spinal Lance's accuracy in cruiser mode needs to be addressed.

    That being said, I propose one of the following changes:

    A) Reduce the Spinal Lance's cooldown by 35% while in cruiser mode to compensate for the low turn rate and reduced weapon power. Plus, from a logistics point, it makes sense since you can draw power from more systems when the ship is whole.

    B) Reduce the Lance's cooldown in both cruiser and saucer separation mode by 35% as a 3-piece set bonus for having the Saucer Separation, Antimatter Spread and Cloaking Device consoles equipped. From a tac standpoint, this makes sense because you'd be sacrificing some survivability in a console slot for more firepower.
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    stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Hey guys, I'm loving what you have done with the Galaxy Dreadnought, the wide beam lance is awesome, however there are still problems that are putting off a lot of players.

    Main Lance

    Extremely tiny arc that makes hitting a target a game of chance. Even with subspace jump+tractor it doesn't always hit and if just chasing a moving target I estimate the chance of a hit at about 1%. When you couple that to it's very long recharge time it more or less totally negates the main lance in any type of attack other than a decloak alpha.

    Recharge Time

    3 minutes, really? Come on guys, do you want us to use this or not? I mean what the hell is the point in giving us a powerful weapon that we can fire once in a typical Infected Space, perhaps twice?

    Recharge should be no more than 1 minute.


    I am happy with the power of the wide beam, however the double shot main lance is pretty lack lustre. I'd like to see an increase in damage output of around 30%, coupled with the accuracy improvements that should allow better crits.

    So come on guys, work your magic on the lance, you have a lot of people using these ships now, unless you want to see them all go back to space dock it needs a little more Dev Love.


    Indeed, the revamp does address some issues with the "unseparated" Gal-X.

    The Wide Beam does around 22k base damage, in a narrow firing cone. The shot fires once.
    The, for lack of a better distinguishing name, "Fl
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    vocmcpvocmcp Member Posts: 1,134 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I agree with OP. The lance accuracy needs desperate improving. Despite it's 45° arc it only ever hits when the target is in a 5° angle.
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    projectfrontierprojectfrontier Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Indeed, the revamp does address some issues with the "unseparated" Gal-X.

    The Wide Beam does around 22k base damage, in a narrow firing cone. The shot fires once.
    The, for lack of a better distinguishing name, "Fl
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    shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Indeed this is true, however I would rather they leave the Wide Beam lance as it is, and concentrate on fixing the main lance.

    I only own the Galaxy-R so I don't know, is the short lance's effect basically the same from B'vat's 'Doomsday Device'?
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    jer5488jer5488 Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Same basic art and animation on the wide beam lance - just with phaser coloring. The wide beam lance is actually ALMOST over powered. There's no diminishing or shared return - everything in your firing arc takes full damage. It's... very beautiful. As for the combined lance, I'd be happy if it was just hit with a 20 percent accuracy increase and left at that. With some of the crit builds running around - doing much more would be very painful.
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    shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Yeah it has the same sound effect almost and looks like a miniaturised version of the doomsday blast, looks awesome in fact.

    I see. I actually asked this because it had me wondering wheather it's the same weapon carried over. I mean, reports about the short lance's devastating shots being more powerfull than the full lance itself combined with the same effect from the 'Doomsday Device'....could it be the equal damage output the 'Doomsday Device' was putting out in that mission?
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    gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    they tend to do the same damage for me it;s just that the wide beam actually hits
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    astro2244astro2244 Member Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I agree with the op. I've used the dread for some time now and the chances of the lance hitting it's target are slim to none (more times none then slim) . And with the long cooldown it pretty much makes it a one trick pony. The shotgun lance is fine, but the main one needs tlc asap.
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    centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I would much rather have it function like the kinetic cutting beam with a really narrow firing arc. You know, like how it worked in the show?
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    projectfrontierprojectfrontier Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I would much rather have it function like the kinetic cutting beam with a really narrow firing arc. You know, like how it worked in the show?

    We've been discussing making a weapon item out of it in "Builds/Mechanics/Powers": (it is a fairly old idea actually)
    TL;DR of Proposal: We recycle weapon assets to get a gun item for use on the Galaxy-X Dreadnought to complement its "gun power" in much the same way as the Andorian Escort has a gun+gun-power. A number of other current ships (e.g. Bortas/Bortasqu') have gun-powers without a gun-item or have been shown with gun's that could have powers (e.g. the ST:Voyager series with the short-lived Iso-Kinetic Cannon) with all cases being near-costless opportunities for Cryptic to improve content. We recycle the Dyson Science Destroyers "Tactical Mode" ship-mechanic assets to give the Galaxy-Dreadnought platform greater utility while maintaining "reasonable balance" (by making the player choose between hangar and lance for example). This can be applied to other ships with feasible novel gun-items (e.g. Bortas/Bortasqu', Voyager, etc) and feasible player experience systems not currently in game at all (e.g. directly controlling space stations in combat).

    And while that is going on I've been wondering "where the moderators are with their moves/merges of related threads". *shrug*
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    kintishokintisho Member Posts: 1,040 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    + 0.75

    The CD time I dont care

    the rest I whole heatedly agree, fix targeting, power output crit, and maybe fix the graphical issue....... Then she will be purdy an useful...
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    lasoniolasonio Member Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    lol, something that devastating, if it hit would end a ship once you ripped through the shields. This thing can cloak so it has that buffed attack, shred shields and fire. 3 minute CD. The Chimera has a 5 minute CD and it's definitely not going to one shot anything. If this thing actually hit it's targets it would be one of the most devastating weapons in the game.

    You guys rub on the lamp until you get a genie to come out, ask for this and that and then when they give it to you, you tell them how terrible they are for giving it to you because it's not how you wanted it.

    Just like with the Chimera, maybe if you wait a few months to a year they will come up with a improved aim one that you can pay for and start building these one shot monsters that can become immortal. Then when they lower the damage to a pillow fight, we will have a discussion over that again. It's like Aesop's fable of the frogs that wanted a king.
    Even god rested. No work ethic.
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    redz4twredz4tw Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2014
    I don't understand how you guys say it does TRIBBLE for damage....I was using blue Mk XI phaser relays and i can easily bring your average PvPer down to 40% from full. I've only missed once, and it was my fault for smacking the lance button at like 2 km. You can boost the phaser lance's damage by 130% at least by using the Phaser vulnerbility consoles from the fleet spire. You can one shot romulans, I've done it countless times.....
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    projectfrontierprojectfrontier Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I know it's not going to happen but it would be really nice to have a dev come on here and explain why they think the lance is ok as it is, or if they agree it needs looking at what sort of time-scale are we talking about and why wasn't it tackled during the reboot?

    It was not "tackled during the reboot" because in the real world there was no "reboot."

    Had they "rebooted" these ships they would have actually changed the content meaningfully.

    (1) Saucer Separation, used for the E.Cruiser Retrofit and now available (after two years of "how do we animate this so the saucer stops ramming the nacelles" limbo) on the Dreadnought, would have at least been given the functionality of the MVAE/Haakona (where you can pick a piece of the ship to fly). They could have even made separations of all types more functional and first deployed those changes here.

    (2) The c-store-VA-Dreadnought would have actually been updated to be a legitimate c-store-VA-Dreadnought and not left as the RA ship it has been for a while (only "NOW WITH HANGAR!") its phaser lance? Well that would have been given an real overhaul too - one that could have been applied with slight modifications to a variety of ships too.

    (3) Given #2 there would have been no need for a "Fleet Dreadnought", let alone one that violates Cryptic's own "we do not put the console-powers other ships have (which the lance is in spite of being integrated) onto the fleet ships" rule particularly in a case where the power is purely offensive (and not defensive like a cloak).

    The only thing keeping the engineers from advancing content dramatically, or I should state "OPENLY" since the content is already in game and either in plain sight or hiding in plaint side, are the "people in charge".
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    dsarisdsaris Member Posts: 369 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The regular lance is 2 shots at ~11k each. I can do more than that with a dual beam bank BO2. With no accuracy the lance is best spent against slow moving targets like cubes, and even then it may miss. The wide angle lance is 1 shot for ~22k against anything within the cone and is actually relatively useful.

    For the regular lance to be worthwhile two things need to happen.

    1: Add accuracy. This thing should not be missing against spheres and the like. Modifiers on the lance need to be [ACC]x2 [CritD].

    2: Double the damage of the regular lance. 2 shots at ~22k each on a single target. That would at least put it on par with other "big boom" energy attacks like the Kumari's Cannon Overload or the Bortas' autocannon.
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    shar487ashar487a Member Posts: 1,292 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I do agree with the OP that 3 minutes is too long for a ship's primary weapon to sit around idling while the Gal-X gets blasted to pieces by more conventional weapons. "All Good Things" displayed the phaser lance as a rapid fire weapon, so how it ended up being long-cooldown beam overload clone is somewhat perplexing.

    It would be easy for Cryptic to "add" a secondary firing mode to the phaser lance -- call it "burst fire" mode, where the phaser lance shoots out a quick series of phaser shots that are not as powerful as its normal 2-shot Beam Overload ability, but are more accurate and have a shorter cooldown time. By adding this ability, Cryptic can address the Phaser Lance's accuracy issues and unreasonably long wait time between shots. This will make the phaser lance more viable and less decorative.
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    dsarisdsaris Member Posts: 369 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    shar487a wrote: »
    It would be easy for Cryptic to "add" a secondary firing mode to the phaser lance -- call it "burst fire" mode, where the phaser lance shoots out a quick series of phaser shots that are not as powerful as its normal 2-shot Beam Overload ability, but are more accurate and have a shorter cooldown time.

    If the Lance did any less damage it would become just a normal beam array... I don't care if it fired every minute, an extra ~5k would be negligible.
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    hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I actually agree here. The Phaser Lance can be a nasty nasty NASTY little bugger, and at the same time, a total joke.

    I was in Ker'rat once, derping around in my Tor'kaht. I spied this Fed Gal-X with a rather purty Venture skin just cruising around. So I decloaked, chased it down, and killed it. Had a good laugh, re-cloaked, and went on my merry way. I was engaging a Vesta a few minutes later, when I hear buffs being hit followed by the decloaking sound, and I expect to see some Dhelan or Ha'feh come to ruin my day. Instead I see a Gal-X and this orange beam slam into my already weakened shields, and then into my hull. Less than a second later, my ship is blowing itself to pieces. I check my combat log and see this MASSIVE phaser lance double tap.

    Naturally I was rather miffed. Not entirely displeased, since I did deserve it, but still a little miffed. So I respawn, and go and kill the dread. Again. Then he does that decloaking alpha. Again. Only this time, his lance misses and I whip around and blow him apart. Over the next 20 minutes we play a game of cat and mouse, with my DHC Tor'kaht more or less demolishing his Gal-X. But the one constant was that his lance just kept on missing. Over those 20 minutes, he used the lance on me 6 times. And of those 6, only the first one hit me. The rest missed.

    And this was AFTER the update. So yeeeeah, the lance hits HARD when buffed and if it actually hits, but still, for something that got updated, it sucks. So I gotta agree, buff the bugger, or at least increase it's accuracy. Because that thing STILL MISSES STATIONARY TARGETS. No joke.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
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    shar487ashar487a Member Posts: 1,292 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    dsaris wrote: »
    If the Lance did any less damage it would become just a normal beam array... I don't care if it fired every minute, an extra ~5k would be negligible.

    That depends on how Cryptic codes the proposed burst-fire mode. Here are some options that would give it more teeth without throwing game balance out the window:

    1) some shield penetration (exact amount TBD, but 30% or higher would not be unreasonable)
    2) short firing cycle (1 second instead of a beam array's normal 2)
    3) better accuracy

    The key point is that regardless of what stats are decided, the phaser lance should not be firing only once every 3 minutes -- this is disingenuous towards the Gal-X's portrayal in All-Good-Things.
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    furlong359furlong359 Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Tbh I was super excited to buy the gal-x . Been wanting to for years and I was excited about this release ... but it seems Cryptic has missed the mark yet again. Thanks for that.. not..
    Everything that has been brought up are legit concerns . Add more Acc to the lance otherwise what's the point if it in the first place ?
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