Short answer is no, not really. STO has a player driven market in the Exchange and Dilithium conversion. The only way to lower the prices is to flood the market with those items that are in high demand. That demand is the biggest reason for the inflated prices. Sorry.
that wont really stop the overpricing though, if enough people put enough stuff on the market at a significantly cheaper price, one person could come along and buy it all up then resell it back to its extortionate pricing. i fail to see how suggesting this would alter anything.
thats the problem with players controlling the market pricing you can be as greedy as you like and you either deal with the sum of money on their terms which legitimizes their thoughts that they can be as greedy as they like, or you can avoid it completely and try go the long way around the issue.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
I can tell you now that that same list helped me a lot when I was initially getting gear to start the rep grinds on new characters. If you're dead set on getting exchange items to test with, I suggest Mk XI rares (blue). They're good enough for anything end-game and they can be pretty cheap depending on what they are.
However, I think you're going about this the wrong way. First, buy the ships that you want to buy. Next, buy some Mk X common (white) weapons off the exchange, preferably one of each energy type. Next, go into a mission and decide which weapon type you think looks the coolest with the ship you picked. Next, put those weapons you bought back on the exchange (common (white) items don't bind and can be sold again after using). After that, then it's super easy to decide how you want to build your ship. After doing this, come back and tell us what weapon type you've chosen for the two ships (or if you chose the same one for both). We can then tell you how best to go about equipping your ship.
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
EC Exchange Market: Way Overpriced for New Players
As someone who is starting from scratch, building my first two ships, I find the items on the EC Exchange to be way overpriced. I am unable to make a solid build, which I could use to test items. I will eventually buy my first two c-store ships this week. However, if the EC Market prices remain high, I will not be able to create an affective build.
Quantum Torpedoes MK X, XI, and XII (purple) are valued at 20,000ish ec; however, players are selling them for 600,000-2,000,000 ec. I found many items to be overpriced.
Is there a way to force the EC Exchange market prices downward, so that noobie players can have a chance to build ships?
Is there also a way to obtain (non-reputation and fleet holding) purple items, which do not appear on the exchange? I think some of the (non-holdings) items are rapidly depleting.
I started right after thanksgiving. I have already bought a rare ship that cost me 80 million EC, and I also bought something like 10 or 15 keys at nearly 2 million each, and still have several million in the bank. EC pile up fast -- making their value relatively low. In just a few short months I have earned probably 120 mil total at a rough guess. Its hard to say... I have dumped a lot of money into playing cards for the reputation grind, its just 100k here and there but those do add up...
Second: nothing you need from EC is required for an effective build. There are a few rare consoles, traits, and 'very nice to have' items out there (most cost many millions of EC) but you can make a perfectly solid build with nothing but earned gear from reputation or your fleet store. Those take TIME to earn, yes --- you have to do what everyone else did starting out, make do with weapons from repeating missions (blue XI weapons with 2 procs are free, just repeat a mission for your favorites) and the jem H set or the solanae set (free, just earn it already). You can also craft gear that is half decent, but some of it takes too much dil and is a waste of dil. Its only useful if you have no fleet access and no rep... you can make a set of purple XI weapons though, if you really want to.
You are wasting time and $$ trying to get weapons off the exchange. Want a launcher? Do the missions for a breen cluster, rapid reload transphasic, harphengh, etc. There are also plenty of blue XI launcher missions out there too.
First of all, a majority of your earlier posts came across as "Fine, if a Lamborghini's so expensive, then I just won't ever buy any car or drive ever." Kind of rude and nasty, and as a couple of others have stated, it's the other players driving the market. If no one is wiling to buy a particular item for the listed price, i's going to either drop in price, or get vendored as not selling well. More the buyers' fault rather than the sellers'.
But as later posters have said, there are MANY ways to make capital in this game. Not to mention gear through drops. Do missions. Do patrols (There are many systems that have a "patrol" type mission available. Do some foundry missions. Play the market a little. Get some data samples and sell those off. When a Festival-type of event is running, sell off some event commodities & prizes. Heck, after a while, open some lockboxes, store up the lobi, nd sell off lobi items.
As far as getting Mk XI & Mk XII purple gear, when you hit L50, do STF's. You can get some out of those, with some patience & perseverance.
As far as "levelling" gear goes, heck, I have NEVER bought a single item off the Exchange to use on a ship (haven't at L50 for that matter either), and have done just fine. Sure, at L50 in an STF or Fleet Action (FA), you may get some elitest dillhole that complains about you "underperforming", but most aren't going to care, as either they themselves don' have an "optimal" build, or figure you are building that ship up.
In short, worry less about your gear, and such, and worry more about enjoying yourself while playing.:D
butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
Temperance Brennan, "A building"
EC Exchange Market: Way Overpriced for New Players
As someone who is starting from scratch, building my first two ships, I find the items on the EC Exchange to be way overpriced. I am unable to make a solid build, which I could use to test items. I will eventually buy my first two c-store ships this week. However, if the EC Market prices remain high, I will not be able to create an affective build.
Quantum Torpedoes MK X, XI, and XII (purple) are valued at 20,000ish ec; however, players are selling them for 600,000-2,000,000 ec. I found many items to be overpriced.
Is there a way to force the EC Exchange market prices downward, so that noobie players can have a chance to build ships?
Is there also a way to obtain (non-reputation and fleet holding) purple items, which do not appear on the exchange? I think some of the (non-holdings) items are rapidly depleting.
I hate to say it but this is not WoW. You don't get a full set of "purples" quick and easy as soon as you hit max level.
You can build a ship in full Mk 11 greens that can clear any content in the game. Sto endgame is building up to those "purples". Being effective at max level (pve) is about 70% build 30% gear.
The shortness of the mission is intentional. My ship is pretty fast, though not the fastest out there--I come short of hitting the entire galaxy by few sectors. I think it is designed so that no one would be able to hit everywhere in that 15 minutes, so that the rewards are truly balanced toward faster ships, as opposed to being the same for everyone. As you level up, your ship will have slipstream, which will add extreme speed. The ship giveaway with the anniversary event also has a special feature of being able to jump several light-years, so will probably bring the full tour within reach.
I've seen some people suggesting you can do it with transwarp and a transwarp cool down boost.
I hate to say it but this is not WoW. You don't get a full set of "purples" quick and easy as soon as you hit max level.
You can build a ship in full Mk 11 greens that can clear any content in the game. Sto endgame is building up to those "purples". Being effective at max level (pve) is about 70% build 30% gear.
mm wow must have changed. I remember my first set of purple gear... it came from doing a 40 man group instance 5 nights a week over about 4 months, on a good night we got 3 bosses in one day, on a hard night, 1. But that was long, long ago.
I also remember starting STO, a few months ago. Hmm, I was 50 in like 2 weeks and had a JH set right after... handed out like candy.
mm wow must have changed. I remember my first set of purple gear... it came from doing a 40 man group instance 5 nights a week over about 4 months, on a good night we got 3 bosses in one day, on a hard night, 1. But that was long, long ago.
I also remember starting STO, a few months ago. Hmm, I was 50 in like 2 weeks and had a JH set right after... handed out like candy.
Yea it has changed......
The new fe set is even better than JH.
I would kill for hard raid like content in this game.
Unless there is an easier way for new players to build ships, without being overcharged by veteran players, I guess I just need to find another game to play.
So you want it all, now, for free... or else you're going elsewhere?
I've been playing since pre-lanch and I haven't bought anything off the exchange except for mirror ships... you can do everything in PvE with what you get in drops without any problems - reputation items work great as well.....
If you are already planning on spending money for zen, grab a few keys and put them up on the exchange - they will sell for 1.5m + easy.
EC Exchange Market: Way Overpriced for New Players
I haven't read the thread so I don't know if anyone told you the secret:
You don't need the exchange and it's gear until Admiral unless you PvP. You can happily play with the stuff bought at the vendors. Save your EC until then.
This thread is strong in instant gratification need.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
EC Exchange Market: Way Overpriced for New Players
As someone who is starting from scratch, building my first two ships, I find the items on the EC Exchange to be way overpriced. I am unable to make a solid build, which I could use to test items. I will eventually buy my first two c-store ships this week. However, if the EC Market prices remain high, I will not be able to create an affective build.
Quantum Torpedoes MK X, XI, and XII (purple) are valued at 20,000ish ec; however, players are selling them for 600,000-2,000,000 ec. I found many items to be overpriced.
Is there a way to force the EC Exchange market prices downward, so that noobie players can have a chance to build ships?
Is there also a way to obtain (non-reputation and fleet holding) purple items, which do not appear on the exchange? I think some of the (non-holdings) items are rapidly depleting.
Every new player complains because they don't know how to farm EC easily. To start off, MK XI stuff is pretty cheap. You can make tons of EC easily in this game. If you're lazy, just farm dil for two weeks, change it for Zen, and you can buy 10 keys and sell them for enough EC to meet your needs.
Also, for PvE purposes, MK XI blue weapons (FREE from missions) are more than enough.
I will add one more thing, if you are F2P then the first thing you should buy with Zen is the EC cap increase, otherwise you are gimped to having a max of 10mil EC.
I will add one more thing, if you are F2P then the first thing you should buy with Zen is the EC cap increase, otherwise you are gimped to having a max of 10mil EC.
Gotta agree with this.
OP you will soon find that just by playing the game as recommended above that you will quickly pick up good EQ, both to use and to sell on market or bartenders. The EC rolls in, the market is player driven and prices vary, sometimes you will see some exceptionally good gear at real low prices.
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." — Lazarus Long --->Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Is there also a way to obtain (non-reputation and fleet holding) purple items, which do not appear on the exchange? I think some of the (non-holdings) items are rapidly depleting.
There is. Have you noticed the current featured episode? Playing it 3 times will yield 3 items of a 4 piece set. Doing the silly Q-games once per day will get you the 4th piece. And a free ship to boot. The previuous featured episode also offered a free ship (grindfree I might add) and hopefully there are many more to come.
If you like the game and only the overpriced market is putting you off, my advice would be to wait for the next sale of lifetime subscriptions, it gives you acces to a bunch of free ships, some of which exlusive, and it also gives you a "stipend" of 500 zen per month for as long as the game continues to exist.
I did not even mention it as I do not know how typical this is but my fleet always has some purple and blue XI drops for free in the bank. Can only take 1 a day or something, and fleet rules vary, but a friendly and supportive fleet should have some startup gear for free.
Kind of a bummer. I had plans on buying some zen, so I can obtain my first two ships. Since I am unable to gather enough energy credits, I will not be able to build them efficiently.
Live an learn I guess.
Thanks for the feedback.
Only good exchange gear is waaaaay overpriced. Get some zen, buy a ship, and then buy from the dilithium store. Join a good fleet, contribute, get some more dilithium, buy fleet weapons and consoles. Do omega, get the assimilated gear.=Problem solved.
Don't give up so easy, farm a bit, i make around 2 mil EC in a day if i want.
Most items on the exchange are priced that way for a reason. Simple economics. Also, if ALL the purple items were super cheap, many people would run out of things to do very quickly. People with the best gear usually spend months grinding for it (unless you use a lot of real money) so when you do get that brand new purple shiney, it can be quite rewarding...
I did not even mention it as I do not know how typical this is but my fleet always has some purple and blue XI drops for free in the bank. Can only take 1 a day or something, and fleet rules vary, but a friendly and supportive fleet should have some startup gear for free.
Seconded. I have 3 characters and all 3 got ninja invites into random fleets. The first time I took something out of the fleet bank I was like I hope they won't be mad a me for taking that good stuff. They weren't.
Forgive me if I come out harsh;). But if Cryptic ever capped the exchange I would bail. It would be principle to me. Everything in the game can be earned without the exchange or real money. Now lockbox ships are a pain lol but they can also be earned. I played awful lot since launch. Earning those drops, crafting those items, running duty officer missions for those consoles, getting those duty officers, and finally mining so I don't spend a real dime on a key. If cryptic turns this into a self entitled you dont need to play to earn the best I am out.
I go to the academy to scratch out officer exchange missions for the fleet bases. Or going to the sectors for the support missions for duty. I do this for fun! The thrill of the game. Heck exchange is a fun part of the game for me as well! See what I can craft, unbox, and sale! Make a Digital profit!
Now before you cry in your soup and say but it takes so long!! My son is 12 and started his own toon. One month after making admiral he had no money! I taught him the exchange. Taught him where to grab duty officers for the fleet. Inside of a week he had a million ec. He then in a few weeks had 125mil. Then he lost it all on those damn Romulan survivor packs on the exchange. Lol. But last I saw he has 10 mil almost again. It's called playing the correct way.
Agreed. There should absolutely be a cap, based on what an item is worth. Maybe like 20 percent over the worth of the item. I see some things being sold at millions of ec when I know they are worth about 30k tops. The hirogen and voth ships are ludicrously priced at minimum 80mil. You people are out of your minds.
Only good exchange gear is waaaaay overpriced. Get some zen, buy a ship, and then buy from the dilithium store
GOD NO. NEVER, EVER, buy TRIBBLE from the D-Store. All that stuff is GARBAGE. Minerals are precious! Just get White XI guns (cheap as free) and the Solonae XII set (free). You should be gold from there until you can upgrade to your final set.
Hell, I still use white XI guns. If I can pull 12K off white guns, you don't need shinier guns until you can afford the real deal.
gear you get from missions can quiet easily hold you over, and you can always replay those missions again to get better versions when you rank pup, or to get more of them. i frankly never touch the exchange until im level 50, other than to sell stuff.
The market in this game is fine... Yes I am a vet, yes I have a good amount of EC.
Guess what I spend myself broke every few months because I get some brainwave for a new lockbox ship. So what I make it all back... Nothing in this game is so expensive that I couldn't grind it out on 1 or 2 toons in a couple days. that includes 100mil ships.
Now I will admit a new player won't have 4 years of market know know how that vets have. That is just what happens. Same thing in the real world you aren't going to walk into anything and have instant experience.
I will say it is pretty easy to make 4-10mil a day on one toon. If you don't want to work the exchange and just stick with in game EC creation methods... 3-5mil is realistic. Also keep in mind that most of the ways to "grind" EC in this game will also earn you expertise which you are going to need to level reps ect. So its not like your wasting time trying to make EC.
I think the better thing for you to do at this point... create a new thread and ask for people to suggest ways for new players to make EC. Sure you might not get a bunch of vets giving you all there little exchange tricks. (everyone thinks there tricks are unique... but there is nothing new under the sun). You will get a ton of solid advice for EC farming though. (as I said many methods will earn your fleet/rep/expertise ect)
Agreed. There should absolutely be a cap, based on what an item is worth. Maybe like 20 percent over the worth of the item. I see some things being sold at millions of ec when I know they are worth about 30k tops. The hirogen and voth ships are ludicrously priced at minimum 80mil. You people are out of your minds.
Hell no. It's free market, price will be high as long as there will be demand for such items at such price. You think it's overprice then don't buy it, show seller that his'her "product" isn't worth such money.
that wont really stop the overpricing though, if enough people put enough stuff on the market at a significantly cheaper price, one person could come along and buy it all up then resell it back to its extortionate pricing. i fail to see how suggesting this would alter anything.
thats the problem with players controlling the market pricing you can be as greedy as you like and you either deal with the sum of money on their terms which legitimizes their thoughts that they can be as greedy as they like, or you can avoid it completely and try go the long way around the issue.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
I can tell you now that that same list helped me a lot when I was initially getting gear to start the rep grinds on new characters. If you're dead set on getting exchange items to test with, I suggest Mk XI rares (blue). They're good enough for anything end-game and they can be pretty cheap depending on what they are.
However, I think you're going about this the wrong way. First, buy the ships that you want to buy. Next, buy some Mk X common (white) weapons off the exchange, preferably one of each energy type. Next, go into a mission and decide which weapon type you think looks the coolest with the ship you picked. Next, put those weapons you bought back on the exchange (common (white) items don't bind and can be sold again after using). After that, then it's super easy to decide how you want to build your ship. After doing this, come back and tell us what weapon type you've chosen for the two ships (or if you chose the same one for both). We can then tell you how best to go about equipping your ship.
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
I started right after thanksgiving. I have already bought a rare ship that cost me 80 million EC, and I also bought something like 10 or 15 keys at nearly 2 million each, and still have several million in the bank. EC pile up fast -- making their value relatively low. In just a few short months I have earned probably 120 mil total at a rough guess. Its hard to say... I have dumped a lot of money into playing cards for the reputation grind, its just 100k here and there but those do add up...
Second: nothing you need from EC is required for an effective build. There are a few rare consoles, traits, and 'very nice to have' items out there (most cost many millions of EC) but you can make a perfectly solid build with nothing but earned gear from reputation or your fleet store. Those take TIME to earn, yes --- you have to do what everyone else did starting out, make do with weapons from repeating missions (blue XI weapons with 2 procs are free, just repeat a mission for your favorites) and the jem H set or the solanae set (free, just earn it already). You can also craft gear that is half decent, but some of it takes too much dil and is a waste of dil. Its only useful if you have no fleet access and no rep... you can make a set of purple XI weapons though, if you really want to.
You are wasting time and $$ trying to get weapons off the exchange. Want a launcher? Do the missions for a breen cluster, rapid reload transphasic, harphengh, etc. There are also plenty of blue XI launcher missions out there too.
But as later posters have said, there are MANY ways to make capital in this game. Not to mention gear through drops. Do missions. Do patrols (There are many systems that have a "patrol" type mission available. Do some foundry missions. Play the market a little. Get some data samples and sell those off. When a Festival-type of event is running, sell off some event commodities & prizes. Heck, after a while, open some lockboxes, store up the lobi, nd sell off lobi items.
As far as getting Mk XI & Mk XII purple gear, when you hit L50, do STF's. You can get some out of those, with some patience & perseverance.
As far as "levelling" gear goes, heck, I have NEVER bought a single item off the Exchange to use on a ship (haven't at L50 for that matter either), and have done just fine. Sure, at L50 in an STF or Fleet Action (FA), you may get some elitest dillhole that complains about you "underperforming", but most aren't going to care, as either they themselves don' have an "optimal" build, or figure you are building that ship up.
In short, worry less about your gear, and such, and worry more about enjoying yourself while playing.:D
butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
Temperance Brennan, "A building"
I hate to say it but this is not WoW. You don't get a full set of "purples" quick and easy as soon as you hit max level.
You can build a ship in full Mk 11 greens that can clear any content in the game. Sto endgame is building up to those "purples". Being effective at max level (pve) is about 70% build 30% gear.
I got 7 sector blocks just now when I ran it with my Romulan character. And I was ohhhh sooo close to getting an eighth.
I've seen some people suggesting you can do it with transwarp and a transwarp cool down boost.
mm wow must have changed. I remember my first set of purple gear... it came from doing a 40 man group instance 5 nights a week over about 4 months, on a good night we got 3 bosses in one day, on a hard night, 1. But that was long, long ago.
I also remember starting STO, a few months ago. Hmm, I was 50 in like 2 weeks and had a JH set right after... handed out like candy.
there's a lot of threads on budget builds.
Yea it has changed......
The new fe set is even better than JH.
I would kill for hard raid like content in this game.
So you want it all, now, for free... or else you're going elsewhere?
If you are already planning on spending money for zen, grab a few keys and put them up on the exchange - they will sell for 1.5m + easy.
Me playing UT2k4 (red guy) -
I haven't read the thread so I don't know if anyone told you the secret:
You don't need the exchange and it's gear until Admiral unless you PvP. You can happily play with the stuff bought at the vendors. Save your EC until then.
Every new player complains because they don't know how to farm EC easily. To start off, MK XI stuff is pretty cheap. You can make tons of EC easily in this game. If you're lazy, just farm dil for two weeks, change it for Zen, and you can buy 10 keys and sell them for enough EC to meet your needs.
Also, for PvE purposes, MK XI blue weapons (FREE from missions) are more than enough.
Gotta agree with this.
OP you will soon find that just by playing the game as recommended above that you will quickly pick up good EQ, both to use and to sell on market or bartenders. The EC rolls in, the market is player driven and prices vary, sometimes you will see some exceptionally good gear at real low prices.
There is. Have you noticed the current featured episode? Playing it 3 times will yield 3 items of a 4 piece set. Doing the silly Q-games once per day will get you the 4th piece. And a free ship to boot. The previuous featured episode also offered a free ship (grindfree I might add) and hopefully there are many more to come.
If you like the game and only the overpriced market is putting you off, my advice would be to wait for the next sale of lifetime subscriptions, it gives you acces to a bunch of free ships, some of which exlusive, and it also gives you a "stipend" of 500 zen per month for as long as the game continues to exist.
Only good exchange gear is waaaaay overpriced. Get some zen, buy a ship, and then buy from the dilithium store. Join a good fleet, contribute, get some more dilithium, buy fleet weapons and consoles. Do omega, get the assimilated gear.=Problem solved.
Don't give up so easy, farm a bit, i make around 2 mil EC in a day if i want.
Seconded. I have 3 characters and all 3 got ninja invites into random fleets. The first time I took something out of the fleet bank I was like I hope they won't be mad a me for taking that good stuff. They weren't.
I go to the academy to scratch out officer exchange missions for the fleet bases. Or going to the sectors for the support missions for duty. I do this for fun! The thrill of the game. Heck exchange is a fun part of the game for me as well! See what I can craft, unbox, and sale! Make a Digital profit!
Now before you cry in your soup and say but it takes so long!! My son is 12 and started his own toon. One month after making admiral he had no money! I taught him the exchange. Taught him where to grab duty officers for the fleet. Inside of a week he had a million ec. He then in a few weeks had 125mil. Then he lost it all on those damn Romulan survivor packs on the exchange. Lol. But last I saw he has 10 mil almost again. It's called playing the correct way.
Hell, I still use white XI guns. If I can pull 12K off white guns, you don't need shinier guns until you can afford the real deal.
You are kidding. 80mil is cheap for a lockbox ship. Consider that it takes ~500 keys to get a ship. 500 keys @ 1.9M = 950M EC. And you pay merely 80.
Guess what I spend myself broke every few months because I get some brainwave for a new lockbox ship. So what I make it all back... Nothing in this game is so expensive that I couldn't grind it out on 1 or 2 toons in a couple days. that includes 100mil ships.
Now I will admit a new player won't have 4 years of market know know how that vets have. That is just what happens. Same thing in the real world you aren't going to walk into anything and have instant experience.
I will say it is pretty easy to make 4-10mil a day on one toon. If you don't want to work the exchange and just stick with in game EC creation methods... 3-5mil is realistic. Also keep in mind that most of the ways to "grind" EC in this game will also earn you expertise which you are going to need to level reps ect. So its not like your wasting time trying to make EC.
I think the better thing for you to do at this point... create a new thread and ask for people to suggest ways for new players to make EC. Sure you might not get a bunch of vets giving you all there little exchange tricks. (everyone thinks there tricks are unique... but there is nothing new under the sun). You will get a ton of solid advice for EC farming though. (as I said many methods will earn your fleet/rep/expertise ect) "Can" take 50 keys....but it can also take 1 or 2......I've got at least 15 lockbox ships and I've bought nowhere near 500 keys.....
Others have spend 100s of $ and got nothing. Average is under 1% per box.
Hell no. It's free market, price will be high as long as there will be demand for such items at such price. You think it's overprice then don't buy it, show seller that his'her "product" isn't worth such money.