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The First ESD



  • neotrident12neotrident12 Member Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Keep the current one, the old one was ugly and not even remotely canon. When entering Earth space I get a warm happy feeling every time I see the station, it is one of the few true canon locations we have.
  • vaithhvaithh Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    More wasted space?

    Yes please!

    The Current ESD feels tiny inside. I am fine with keeping the current main level as it is, however I wish there was more depth to the overall station like we have at the fleet starbases, or even our ships!

    Would be awesome if there was a level full of meeting rooms, holodecks, cargo bays, living space, an engineering deck, etc.

    Currently ESD interior feels small as compared to the hundreds (?) of levels it appears to have when warping into the station.
  • ltdata96ltdata96 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Keep the current one, the old one was ugly and not even remotely canon. When entering Earth space I get a warm happy feeling every time I see the station, it is one of the few true canon locations we have.

    ^^^ That and nothing else, every time i approach this station i have that kind of feeling i have every time i watch TNG....

    ... If there just wouldn't be that oversized fugly warbirds surrounding it... (sry to all warbird lovers, but they just don't belong into Sol system!)

    EDIT: Pretty funny actually, i posted into the thread seconds before it got merged :P
  • amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 1,495 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    The old ESD could be used as a basis for other Deep Space stations; for example they could add in Deep Space 7 near the Romulan boarder, especially with all the Iconian/Elachi/Dyson Sphere/Undine shenanigans going on over there recently.
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  • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Have to admit, I don't really see why we couldn't have had both.

    Do you want to stack them on top of each other?;)
    Please don't leave us guessing what you mean by that.:)
    I mean I could assume you meant something similar to my own proposal, build an "upgrade-frame" with the mushrom ESD at the center but then again you could mean something entirely different.
  • undyingzeroundyingzero Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I like the OLD station waaaaay better. The new one is tiny and doesn't really look like it's able to support the massive influx of captains that are now idly hovering above Earth space, which is odd. The old one had various docking bays, was large enough to give that sense that it could support all these new captains, and felt like a big step up into the 25th century, instead of sticking with the old, tiny base whose doors aren't big enough for most Starfleet vessels.

    I'm disappointed people still want to linger to the old Star Trek instead of embracing the new :/ This game seems like it's stuck in the past and doesn't feel like it's in the 25th century. Oh well, c'est la vie.
  • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I like the OLD station waaaaay better. The new one is tiny and doesn't really look like it's able to support the massive influx of captains that are now idly hovering above Earth space, which is odd. The old one had various docking bays, was large enough to give that sense that it could support all these new captains, and felt like a big step up into the 25th century, instead of sticking with the old, tiny base whose doors aren't big enough for most Starfleet vessels.

    Actually the old ESD was not really bigger than the one we have now.
    It had many very thin parts and holes so the overall volume was smaller.




    In addition the docking arms were actually small. While the look hughe compared to those ships in the shot, the Connie is about a 140 meters wide so all you can get in this arm are a bunch of smaller or a single larger ship like a Galaxy.
    So actually the amount of ships you could get into ESD (arms plus the small dome at the top) was smaller since you have the entire large structure on new ESD to fill up.

    So the only "advantage" the old ESD had was wider doors.

  • tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
    edited February 2014

    Please no! The current ESD is canon, which is why it was switched in the first place, and the old ESD is hideous and poorly constructed.
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  • kirksplatkirksplat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    If you're nostalgic for old esd, you can use it in a foundry mission.
  • icegavelicegavel Member Posts: 991 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    tacofangs wrote: »

    Please no! The current ESD is canon, which is why it was switched in the first place, and the old ESD is hideous and poorly constructed.

    Now all it needs is a more canon/more epic/less laggy INterior.

    Make it so, Number One (environment artist).
  • hippiejonhippiejon Member Posts: 1,581 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    kirksplat wrote: »
    If you're nostalgic for old esd, you can use it in a foundry mission.

    To add. If you are nostalgic for many old maps no longer in game, such as the space station from the recently removed 'War is Good for Business" and the unremastered maps for much of the early fed stuff. A LOT of it is waiting for you in the Foundry.
  • tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
    edited February 2014
    I've been advocating rebuilding ESD's interior forever. You will hear no argument from me.
    However, there really ISN'T any canon to what the INTERIOR looks like.

    There are a few glimpses of the observation deck as the Ent limps home, and a couple of other random rooms, but it's very random and incoherent.
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  • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    seaquest42 wrote: »
    Some of you remember this ESD when STO first started beta, it was huge, 24 century feeling massive station, bigger then the current ESD, the interiors were bigger and plenty to see. So how about we bring that Massive ESD back. I think it time we get a different station and I know the current ESD cannot hold the Oddy and Regent classes. So how about it?

    The interior of the launch version of ESD was 99% the same map we have now. They changed the shipyard to include the window that has ships floating in it, and did rework Admiral Quinn's office and a few other minor tweaks (door visual changes, etc.) -- but, bottom line - the size of the ESD interior map didn't really change when they replaced the 24th century monstrosity with the canon 23rd century version of ESD (and BTW that Starbase model was shown in the TNG first season episode "11001001" -- although is wasn't shown orbiting Earth, there's no reason to believe the ESD was replaced/upgraded in TNG's era either.) :D
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  • druhindruhin Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    tacofangs wrote: »
    I've been advocating rebuilding ESD's interior forever. You will hear no argument from me.
    However, there really ISN'T any canon to what the INTERIOR looks like.

    There are a few glimpses of the observation deck as the Ent limps home, and a couple of other random rooms, but it's very random and incoherent.

    I think it's pretty well established, that we know virtually nothing of what ESD should look like inside. Which means that you could essentially design ESD any way you want. The current ESD isn't "bad", but it's a bit cumbersome to move around. Making the place easier to navigate, use the turbolift more frequently would be a move in the right direction (if it can be done without a loading screen).
  • robdmcrobdmc Member Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    tacofangs wrote: »
    There are a few glimpses of the observation deck as the Ent limps home, and a couple of other random rooms, but it's very random and incoherent.

    Oh. I guess the current ESD is like that too. Kinda like cannon. Never mind, carry on.
  • noctusxxxnoctusxxx Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    As long as they keep the current exterior, and DO NOT allow whoever worked on the horror that is the new Drozanna station interior near it, I would love to see an ESD interior revamp.
  • direphoenixdirephoenix Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    tacofangs wrote: »
    I've been advocating rebuilding ESD's interior forever. You will hear no argument from me.
    However, there really ISN'T any canon to what the INTERIOR looks like.

    There are a few glimpses of the observation deck as the Ent limps home, and a couple of other random rooms, but it's very random and incoherent.

    May I presume any of the staff have seen these starbase blueprints? (yes, I know this is SB-79, but it's similar in design to SB-1/ESD)

    The bulging middle section is actually a giant terrestrial park-like area with a holographic "sky"
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  • kagasenseikagasensei Member Posts: 526 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    May I presume any of the staff have seen these starbase blueprints? (yes, I know this is SB-79, but it's similar in design to SB-1/ESD)

    The bulging middle section is actually a giant terrestrial park-like area with a holographic "sky"

    Problem is that they changed the size of the ESD-like station from the TOS-movies to TNG, in order to make the Galaxy-class fit thru its doors - so they basically DOUBLED its size...

    So I would be careful with those reference works...

    The current interior may be "not bad"... but "not bad" should NOT be good enough for STO anymore, and it sounds like Steven D'Angelo thinks exactly the same :)

    Can't wait to see how the Devs revamp the ESD interior!!! Keep us updated! :)
  • tangolighttangolight Member Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    druhin wrote: »
    I think it's pretty well established, that we know virtually nothing of what ESD should look like inside. Which means that you could essentially design ESD any way you want. The current ESD isn't "bad", but it's a bit cumbersome to move around. Making the place easier to navigate, use the turbolift more frequently would be a move in the right direction (if it can be done without a loading screen).

    I'm not quite sure what's so bad with it right now. It's color coded, there are labels and written signs on the walls, and you can cut across the middle to get from one section to the next if it's not adjacent.

    Turbolifts would mean more loading screens, and having to find the right level to click on (a minor thing, but still an extra step) as opposed to just walking or running to the spot.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    tacofangs wrote: »
    I've been advocating rebuilding ESD's interior forever. You will hear no argument from me.
    However, there really ISN'T any canon to what the INTERIOR looks like.

    There are a few glimpses of the observation deck as the Ent limps home, and a couple of other random rooms, but it's very random and incoherent.

    it would be cool if club 47 also had a window into the space dock interior too, like that lounge did in ST3
  • mikeflmikefl Member Posts: 861 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    hippiejon wrote: »
    To add. If you are nostalgic for many old maps no longer in game, such as the space station from the recently removed 'War is Good for Business" and the unremastered maps for much of the early fed stuff. A LOT of it is waiting for you in the Foundry.

    I went on there to look at the old ESD interior... it was really drab. I do miss the upstairs ship area that used to be in it but I like the new shipyard view better. The only thing I don't care for much is the color-coded signage around the current ESD. Would look better if it had a more "trek" appearance. I liked the old ESD signage better than the new ones but even those could have used in update.
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  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    only thing i wish for is, that you can't run a full circle inside ESD with your character in a little over a minute.
    The inside should reflect the size of the station more appropriately.

    If that means i need to take a turbolift each time i want to go from the exchange to club 47, so be it...

    admiral quinn's office should be ontop of the station with panoramic view of earth and the moon.

    the commerce centre should be huge, maybe with cargo containers being hauled around. The first city commerce "room" is really great in that regard with all the cargo space underneath.

    the shipyard section is fine in my opinion
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  • kagasenseikagasensei Member Posts: 526 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Let's be honest: The current interior is OK, but not thrilling. First City on the other hand is awesome and has all the feel and looks of Star Trek. ESD has not.

    ESD's interior needs to look Star Trek. The textures, the lightning, the signs (barf) are very "untrekky". And it is kind of cramped. First City offers those wide space without feeling empty or spartanic, on the contrary. As the first and most important hub for Federation players, ESD needs to be packed with recognizable Star Trek artwork which really transport the look and feel of the shows/movies (just like First City manages to do it!)

    • Take a look at the FED Fleet starbases: 3-D chess, fish tanks, cozy seating areas, "trekky" holo-LCARS displays --> more space without an empty-feel.
    • An Arboretum (would have the same important purpose as First City's Old Quarter and Slums: To add flavor, credibility, "size" and atmosphere)
    • The little airplane-dogfight holo-game (yes, that was a bar on Earth's surface, but still; and only as a decoration, not as a playbale mini.game)
    • The inner hangar has to be visible from more if not every location inside ESD
    • The ESD-System map has to be revamped. Earth needs a texture overhaul (which it already got - but only during the brief sequences of the new tutorial). And Earth should be a "big planet", like Orith Prime or the planet in Khitomer Vortex. The moon should also be "unreachable" but visible.

    WHEN you redesign ESD, pleeeeease give Deep Space-K7 a quick pass. It's interior looks HORRIBLE. The ultimate goal would be to give it its old TOS-look (the bar, the admin's office), but due to well-known time-constraints, a quick pass will have to do (hopefully).
  • jeffel82jeffel82 Member Posts: 2,075 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    The interior of the launch version of ESD was 99% the same map we have now.

    Yeah, it's the same basic map - the only thing one could get nostalgic about IMO is the upstairs Club 47 lounge.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    I've been advocating rebuilding ESD's interior forever. You will hear no argument from me.
    However, there really ISN'T any canon to what the INTERIOR looks like.
    All the more reason to rebuild DS9's interior instead! :D
    You're right. The work here is very important.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    ...talking to players is like being a mall Santa. Everyone immediately wants to tell you all of the things they want, and you are absolutely powerless to deliver 99% of them.
  • psiameesepsiameese Member Posts: 1,649 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I was pleased with the 2nd Anniversary restoring the more familiar Earth Space Dock. I didn't hate the original STO model, it just didn't feel Trek enough for me. Ironically, if you follow the cover art for the more recent Ds9 tie-in novels, they destroyed Ds9 and replaced it with a new space station. The cover art, by Doug Drexler, is more balanced - but similar - in style to the original STO model. I wouldn't object to it re-appearing at a distant Federation border. As a newer starbase. Even so, I'd want the current Art Team to give it serious once over first.

    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    There is no reason for those station to work as "hangars" because ESD is a terrible design as it creates the problems we seen, when ship design evolved it prevents the ships from docking so they get obsolete as time moves on and so design would either be restricted to the size the doors were created and so conditioning ship size or they would have to build a new station ever time ships got too big to the fit the door.

    Also as I om this subject, the Excelsior in "Search of Spock" also did not fit the doors either or if it did, just barely.


    I don't want a blown up massive "this is no moon" station because nostalgia, if K-7 is ridiculous oversize because of that since really, if there is a station that could been rescaled that's one and if it doesn't work for a social area because "too small" then create larger structures around the proper scaled K-7 that would just work as a social area or just ditch it in space and make a mission around going there.

    Had the TNG producers listened to Andrew Probert - who took the orginal ESD into consideration when he designed the Galaxy class - starships so large were never intended to park inside ESD at all. But to dock right under the mushroom top.

    Regarding K-7, I can't think of any reason that the current interior would not fit within a scaled-to-canon exterior model. In addition, I'd place support structures nearby K-7 and Sherman's Planet. Not unlike what we have for our Fleet Starbases. Though, IMO, the interior floor plan could benefit from eliminating the need for the zig-zag corridors between sections. As well as creating an Ops (say, a Starfleet version of Ds9's Ops) area for Commander Wildman. There shouldn't be any such thing as an Admiral's Office. And, please, for Q's sake get rid of the ancient barn doors.
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  • adverberoadverbero Member Posts: 2,045 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    vaithh wrote: »
    More wasted space?

    Yes please!

    The Current ESD feels tiny inside. I am fine with keeping the current main level as it is, however I wish there was more depth to the overall station like we have at the fleet starbases, or even our ships!

    Would be awesome if there was a level full of meeting rooms, holodecks, cargo bays, living space, an engineering deck, etc.

    Currently ESD interior feels small as compared to the hundreds (?) of levels it appears to have when warping into the station.

    Yeah i would love for some expanded space
    I get that for ease of use in a game all the services are on one map, But in terms of realism its kinda odd to have all those different services on one floor, relatively small compared to the main part of the station

    I think the Fleet Starbase got it much better, where you travel to different Decks for the major service hubs, and being able to move between the decks in that fashion creates a sense of size , at least in my opinion

    Also , If there is a potential revamp of the Map coming up, Could this also be used as an oppertunity to add some new features to the Map? Maybe some mini daily missions or something, just to give the map a little extra ?
    ( For example, We could have the nimbus style dance competition in Club 47? Or perhaps for us Medical/Science officers something where we can solve a Medical emergency themed Puzzle?)

    Also i have a slightly off topic suggestion, Could we make the orbital Drydocks into functional Repair contacts? So we can fly through them and get fixed up like in the Startrek Legacy game , Maybe even have WorkBees that spawn for the extra cool factor ? Instead of going to the random NPC inside the Spacedock

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  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I remember when K7 had a floor that looked like dirt. the current version is much better than the old K7. :P
    My character Tsin'xing
  • dessniperdessniper Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    If cryptic ever decides to open up the Gamma Quadrant to regular game play, I say use the original ESD station as the Gamma opposite of Deep Space 9.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    That thing was so ugly I don't miss it.
  • peetapipmacpeetapipmac Member Posts: 2,131 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I can't believe there are two threads about this now!:eek:

    How can that many people think the old version was better?
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