Bottom Line: He got a 95K, non-crit hit against a prepared, hardened target with a sizable hull (60K+), no glaring defensive holes (i.e. SFM, which was NOT active), end-game gear (though, in hindsight, the shield was a liability), and what most would consider to be good reflexes.
there is no way he could git 95k non-crit, simple as that. You are overreacting
Sorry bud can't help you there. I've absolutely no idea. All I know is -400 seems like a lot and dropping SFM is worth it with all the proton garbage that is out there.
Have you tested the SFM against the proton weapons?
I did with a friend. He used everything that could boost proton damage on his Fleet B'rel. I took my shields off and have a resistance of 20%.
With just testing the experimental proton beam, the protonic polaron dual beam bank, and the proton barrage.
Even when he did critical hit me without SFM, he could never blow up my Fleet Defiant with 45k hull. He did a lot better with just sticking with his old disruptor dual beam bank. There was no instant death. There were times when he would almost get me for 45k on a critical hit (after resistance), but, again, I took my shields off to factor that out.
When I used SFM to test the -400 proton resistance, I was still reducing all of his proton damage by over 20%.
From our extensive tests, we found that there is no downside to using SFM against a proton setup at this time. Also, proton weapons are still not as hyped up as people seem to indicate.
From our extensive tests, we found that there is no downside to using SFM against a proton setup at this time. Also, proton weapons are still not as hyped up as people seem to indicate.
Yes, and "denial" isn't just a river in Egypt.
Seriously, I'd like to see you park your Defiant in front of Mini's barrage and survive. Ain't gonna happen, bud...
Have you tested the SFM against the proton weapons?
I did with a friend. He used everything that could boost proton damage on his Fleet B'rel. I took my shields off and have a resistance of 20%.
With just testing the experimental proton beam, the protonic polaron dual beam bank, and the proton barrage.
Even when he did critical hit me without SFM, he could never blow up my Fleet Defiant with 45k hull. He did a lot better with just sticking with his old disruptor dual beam bank. There was no instant death. There were times when he would almost get me for 45k on a critical hit (after resistance), but, again, I took my shields off to factor that out.
When I used SFM to test the -400 proton resistance, I was still reducing all of his proton damage by over 20%.
From our extensive tests, we found that there is no downside to using SFM against a proton setup at this time. Also, proton weapons are still not as hyped up as people seem to indicate.
Hrmm, that's curious. 25 DRR (19.9% DR) vs. -400 DRR, should result in -125.8% DR - meaning you would take 225.8% damage. That's a final modifier (not a final modifier, but the final modifier - DR's applied last). Wonder if it's bugged and not applying the -400 DRR then, eh?
Seriously, I'd like to see you park your Defiant in front of Mini's barrage and survive. Ain't gonna happen, bud...
It's not so much a case of surviving a particular player's attack, as it is the overall situation of whether SFM's actually applying the -400 Proton
Cause we can take a look at what a Proton Barrage might hit for...without the SFM.
This is a quirky one, because the Base Damage is 3025...but...the Base Damage is affected by Aux. I'm no vonamicus, so you're not going to get the increase per Aux or anything nifty like that. The Base Damage at 125 Aux is 4250 though.
Yeah, SAP could be higher and thus provide a higher boost and GDF could be more - I'm trying to keep it simple (thus, it will not be perfect). It's not affected by Weapon Skills (including boosts from TT or Aux Power Config, etc, etc, etc), which leaves me wondering if it would be affected by Weapon Specialization when moving into the CrtD phase.
Base CrtD: 50%
+Bioneural (+15%): 65%
+3pc Protonic (+10%): 75%
+Tac Advantage (+10%): 85%
+Capt Cov Op (+3.8%): 88.8%
+5x Sup Op (+25%): 113.8%
+APA3 (+50%): 163.8%
So does it get the +25% from 9 EWS or not, eh? What about Accuracy Overflow working into that? Heh, AO's pushing it - but what would the numbers be with and without 9 EWS?
Again, the APA3 could be higher and there are various other buffs that may have been left out along the way (I'm typing this while asleep, can't sleep - but I'm asleep - wheee!)...
Hrmm, so then we'd get into DR. It's tough, cause not exactly sure what your DR would be there. Based on the skill build and the 2x Fleet Neuts; it looks like you're sporting 25% Proton DR (not including any buffs - which you only had APO and PH there, hrmm).
Let's go with the higher number there, eh? Big numbers are more fun. So at this point, we'd be looking at it only being 75% of that number or 43732.108575 damage or so.
Course, with a timed FoMM - you're at 102.4% of that number or 59708.9055744 damage or so. Work a basic APB1 into that - you're at 117.5% of that number or 68513.6367675 damage. Get somebody to SNB/etc - get some stacked APBs (various ranks) - throw in a Sensor Scan - get some Disruptor Procs going - etc, etc, etc...
You could probably get 93k with a little coordination and planning (and various buffs I missed, changes in gear, etc)...without that -400 DRR from the SFM.
Just what shook said about it not appearing to do anything...well...I'd say bug report the SFM and see what Frost says.
As always, an awesomely detailed analysis, VD. I can only begin to decipher half of it. But what I do know is what was reported in Mini's CombatLog (and which he reposted all over the place, apparently):
A 95K+ non-critical Proton hit on me. :eek:
I'm tempted to pull my cruiser back out and arrange for Mini to repro the whole thing. Might be interesting to see if we can get lightning (or in this case, Protons) to strike twice...
As always, an awesomely detailed analysis, VD. I can only begin to decipher half of it. But what I do know is what was reported in Mini's CombatLog (and which he reposted all over the place, apparently):
A 95K+ non-critical Proton hit on me. :eek:
I'm tempted to pull my cruiser back out and arrange for Mini to repro the whole thing. Might be interesting to see if we can get lighting (or in this case, Protons) to strike twice...
That... would certainly be interesting! I'm mainly using disruptor based weapons, but it's worth testing .
Oh and RCK, awesome helping me and the guys yesterday, we had boatloads of fun pvp'ing evuls out of the sky! HoBo's nonetheless, I'm proud.
That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.
Congratulations for the clear victories, Fed comrades! Adm. Quinn is very pleased! Keep up the good mercy for the evuls!:D
And send the evul HOBOs up to Qo' know how...:P
Hehehe, good to hear! Fun part though, is that our team was mostly consisting of foundry authors/reviewers (we're a busy bunch at our channel, see sig) who went to go there for the first time. (I have played ker'rat a while longer though).
We went to see for KDF's just for the fun of it. Cloaked and flown up front... First thought that came to my mind was; "HoBo's, nooooooooooooooo".
But... We managed, and we managed well. Then I saw RCK there and asked if he didn't mind that we may go through his fights. He joined us and... well... we had fun!
I believe softgun made a short recording of it as well, you may find it shortly at his channel (see synergy playthroughs in sig).
That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.
That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.
yes you feds do seem to like claiming victory when its 10 feds vs 2 kdf, try even numbers and see how your victory goes
Right back at you; you klinks seemed to enjoy yesterday ganging up against one puny science vessel, and after I called 2 fleet mates to even the numbers, 5 of you joined and spawncamped us, making it 3 FEDs vs 8 KDFs. I though Klingons had more honor; now I see that most of you are just honorless petaQs :P
Damn you Mini, here you go again casing rage because of a niche build. Whether its the Tric Torp bomber, B'Rel PS then torp bomber, now the OMGIMELTYOURFACE build. Mini keep it up. People are raging about a build that is so lopsided that really it it is as they put it a KirK build. There is nothing wrong with that considering the way the game has gone where Sci reigns supreme and Tac Scorts are only brought along to help kill things fast after a 3-4 sci ship sci spam fest.
Mini keep on vaping , I may not be any good now but if you run out of friends to team with (doubtful) I will dustoff one of my crappy builds and help you as much as I can.
The ire here needs to be directed at the one person (entity) responsible, cryptic. When you have so many add on consoles and sets this was bound to happen we all know they do not test all sets and consoles together before releasing because they cater to the lowest common denominator, PvEers who for the most part do not run parsers understand the meta game and only really just see shinies. They never took into account that their would be players willing to mix and match sets and consoles to eek out the last bit of DPS, or sci skill or heal skill
Hey I Used to be Captain Data, well I guess I still am in game but the account link really screwed everything up :rolleyes:
I just can't find a means to get a 95k Non-Crit without pumping out around -2300 DRR in debuffs on a target with 0 DRR to begin with...
Crit? Sure...easy to see that - multiple ways to get there for that. Non-Crit though? Hrmm...possible that it just didn't call itself a crit even though it was one? Logwrite issue? Guess I could hit up Tribble and drop it out on stuff to see if it ever shows as a Crit or not.
===post above is by virusdancer===
EDIT: I'll make sure to pass along your feedback, but as "I quit" threads are not allowed because they always turn into flame threads where the poster gets trolled, I unfortunately have to close this one done. Remember, now that the game is free-to-play, feel free to stop back anytime. We hope to see you again soon! ~BranFlakes
there is no way he could git 95k non-crit, simple as that. You are overreacting
Vin Naftero@playhard88 - FED Sciencie
K'tan@playhard88 - KDF Tactical
Argento@playhard88 - RRF Tactical (FED)
this is one of those "screenshot or it didnt happen" things
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
Crystalline Entity deals 102613 (136164) Kinetic Damage to you with Warp Core Breach.
Nerf CE now!
I did with a friend. He used everything that could boost proton damage on his Fleet B'rel. I took my shields off and have a resistance of 20%.
With just testing the experimental proton beam, the protonic polaron dual beam bank, and the proton barrage.
Even when he did critical hit me without SFM, he could never blow up my Fleet Defiant with 45k hull. He did a lot better with just sticking with his old disruptor dual beam bank. There was no instant death. There were times when he would almost get me for 45k on a critical hit (after resistance), but, again, I took my shields off to factor that out.
When I used SFM to test the -400 proton resistance, I was still reducing all of his proton damage by over 20%.
From our extensive tests, we found that there is no downside to using SFM against a proton setup at this time. Also, proton weapons are still not as hyped up as people seem to indicate.
Yes, and "denial" isn't just a river in Egypt.
Seriously, I'd like to see you park your Defiant in front of Mini's barrage and survive. Ain't gonna happen, bud...
Hrmm, that's curious. 25 DRR (19.9% DR) vs. -400 DRR, should result in -125.8% DR - meaning you would take 225.8% damage. That's a final modifier (not a final modifier, but the final modifier - DR's applied last). Wonder if it's bugged and not applying the -400 DRR then, eh?
It's not so much a case of surviving a particular player's attack, as it is the overall situation of whether SFM's actually applying the -400 Proton
Cause we can take a look at what a Proton Barrage might hit for...without the SFM.
This is a quirky one, because the Base Damage is 3025...but...the Base Damage is affected by Aux. I'm no vonamicus, so you're not going to get the increase per Aux or anything nifty like that. The Base Damage at 125 Aux is 4250 though.
Base Damage: 4250
+Say 4x ATMs (+15% base each): +2550 = 6800
+Proton Stabilizer (+13.1% base): +556.75 = 7356.75
+4x AMP (+13.2% base): +561 = 7917.75
+APA3 (+50% 7917.75): +3958.875 = 11876.625
+APO3 (+25% 7917.75): +1979.4375 = 13856.0625
+Rombush (+25% 7917.75): +1979.4375 = 15835.5
+TacFleet2 (+30% 7917.75): +2375.325 = 18210.825
+GDF3 (just +25% 7917.75): +1979.4375 = 20190.2625
Yeah, SAP could be higher and thus provide a higher boost and GDF could be more - I'm trying to keep it simple (thus, it will not be perfect). It's not affected by Weapon Skills (including boosts from TT or Aux Power Config, etc, etc, etc), which leaves me wondering if it would be affected by Weapon Specialization when moving into the CrtD phase.
Base CrtD: 50%
+Bioneural (+15%): 65%
+3pc Protonic (+10%): 75%
+Tac Advantage (+10%): 85%
+Capt Cov Op (+3.8%): 88.8%
+5x Sup Op (+25%): 113.8%
+APA3 (+50%): 163.8%
So does it get the +25% from 9 EWS or not, eh? What about Accuracy Overflow working into that? Heh, AO's pushing it - but what would the numbers be with and without 9 EWS?
w/163.8%: 20190.2625 * 2.638 = 53261.912475
w/188.8%: 20190.2625 * 2.888 = 58309.4781
Again, the APA3 could be higher and there are various other buffs that may have been left out along the way (I'm typing this while asleep, can't sleep - but I'm asleep - wheee!)...
Hrmm, so then we'd get into DR. It's tough, cause not exactly sure what your DR would be there. Based on the skill build and the 2x Fleet Neuts; it looks like you're sporting 25% Proton DR (not including any buffs - which you only had APO and PH there, hrmm).
Let's go with the higher number there, eh? Big numbers are more fun. So at this point, we'd be looking at it only being 75% of that number or 43732.108575 damage or so.
Course, with a timed FoMM - you're at 102.4% of that number or 59708.9055744 damage or so. Work a basic APB1 into that - you're at 117.5% of that number or 68513.6367675 damage. Get somebody to SNB/etc - get some stacked APBs (various ranks) - throw in a Sensor Scan - get some Disruptor Procs going - etc, etc, etc...
You could probably get 93k with a little coordination and planning (and various buffs I missed, changes in gear, etc)...without that -400 DRR from the SFM.
Just what shook said about it not appearing to do anything...well...I'd say bug report the SFM and see what Frost says.
A 95K+ non-critical Proton hit on me. :eek:
I'm tempted to pull my cruiser back out and arrange for Mini to repro the whole thing. Might be interesting to see if we can get lightning (or in this case, Protons) to strike twice...
Seriously if you park in front of any player you deserve to be blasted out of the skies!
Having said that I wonder if mini is supper bosting it with tactical consoles?
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
That... would certainly be interesting! I'm mainly using disruptor based weapons, but it's worth testing
Oh and RCK, awesome helping me and the guys yesterday, we had boatloads of fun pvp'ing evuls out of the sky! HoBo's nonetheless, I'm proud.
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
Hehehe, good to hear! Fun part though, is that our team was mostly consisting of foundry authors/reviewers (we're a busy bunch at our channel, see sig) who went to go there for the first time. (I have played ker'rat a while longer though).
We went to see for KDF's just for the fun of it. Cloaked and flown up front... First thought that came to my mind was; "HoBo's, nooooooooooooooo".
But... We managed, and we managed well. Then I saw RCK there and asked if he didn't mind that we may go through his fights. He joined us and... well... we had fun!
I believe softgun made a short recording of it as well, you may find it shortly at his channel (see synergy playthroughs in sig).
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
Right back at you; you klinks seemed to enjoy yesterday ganging up against one puny science vessel, and after I called 2 fleet mates to even the numbers, 5 of you joined and spawncamped us, making it 3 FEDs vs 8 KDFs. I though Klingons had more honor; now I see that most of you are just honorless petaQs :P
Mini keep on vaping , I may not be any good now but if you run out of friends to team with (doubtful) I will dustoff one of my crappy builds and help you as much as I can.
The ire here needs to be directed at the one person (entity) responsible, cryptic. When you have so many add on consoles and sets this was bound to happen we all know they do not test all sets and consoles together before releasing because they cater to the lowest common denominator, PvEers who for the most part do not run parsers understand the meta game and only really just see shinies. They never took into account that their would be players willing to mix and match sets and consoles to eek out the last bit of DPS, or sci skill or heal skill
Crit? Sure...easy to see that - multiple ways to get there for that. Non-Crit though? Hrmm...possible that it just didn't call itself a crit even though it was one? Logwrite issue? Guess I could hit up Tribble and drop it out on stuff to see if it ever shows as a Crit or not.
===post above is by virusdancer===
EDIT: I'll make sure to pass along your feedback, but as "I quit" threads are not allowed because they always turn into flame threads where the poster gets trolled, I unfortunately have to close this one done. Remember, now that the game is free-to-play, feel free to stop back anytime. We hope to see you again soon! ~BranFlakes