Even though I have submitted a ticket to PWE or whoever handles this mess, I want to see if anyone here today or in the last few hours as been getting the "Too many attempts, please try again later" message when trying to login to Star Trek Online today. There is another thread just before this one about a SSL Certificate being expired.
My question is: Could these two be in ANY way related?
I'm sorry, Bran, but I have tried both of the solutions you have presented and nothing as come of them. The error is still occurring. I would appreciate any further suggestions.
That message means that someone on your IP address logged in for too many times with failures. So if you dont share your internet connection with otherw playing PWE games, you probably caused it yourself.
Tried to guess someones password?
Only solution is to wait 12-24hours or change your WAN ip of you have a dynamic ip (aka rip put modem for half an hour then reconnect)
Doubtful that I caused it myself. Computer was off all night and I wasn't trying to use an account other than ones belonging to me. I've two accounts right now using the same public IP that are getting the same message. But I can use the XMPP chat now, but can't used the client.
Brandon =/\=
Tried to guess someones password?
Only solution is to wait 12-24hours or change your WAN ip of you have a dynamic ip (aka rip put modem for half an hour then reconnect)
But it depends on your ISP.