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Re: Ship Management System mentioned in Season 8.5 overview blog



  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    hanover2 wrote: »
    Sorry, that's just a heap of contrived, self-serving BS. "Imaginary concerns" are not of equal merit to things that actually exist in reality.

    Yeah, they are.

    And the fact you don't seem able to comprehend that makes me feel sorry for you.

    i wish you the very best of luck.
  • hanoverhanover Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    rinkster wrote: »
    Yeah, they are.

    Why? Because you say so? Because you believe it really really hard in your heart, with the power of wish magic? Insufficient.
    And the fact you don't seem able to comprehend that makes me feel sorry for you.

    There's nothing to comprehend. You choose to believe something, and you want to pretend that your belief has some objective value for everyone else. You're off in Imagination Land, and I'm here in reality, trying to make the most of my time at the keyboard.
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  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    hanover2 wrote: »
    Why? Because you say so? Because you believe it really really hard in your heart, with the power of wish magic? Insufficient.

    There's nothing to comprehend. You choose to believe something, and you want to pretend that your belief has some objective value for everyone else. You're off in Imagination Land, and I'm here in reality, trying to make the most of my time at the keyboard.

    Oh dear.

    I wonder if you've ever had any contact with courts.

    Because, if you were to go to a court room, sweep up everything in it, grind it down into atoms.......you wont find a single particle of justice.

    Because thats an imaginary thing.

    Same thing with hope....imaginary. Trust, imaginary. Love.....go on, find me a single atom of love. Prove its an actual thing. Because it isn't, its imaginary.

    The list goes on and on. Imaginary things.

    And these things have a profound effect on us all. Even if they're not actually things, just ideas.

    Going back to justice.

    justice is an idea. however it gives rise to a set of, for lack of a better phrase, we'll call game mechanics. You know them better as laws.

    Those laws are only sustained if they are just. So the mechanic exists to serve the idea.

    All you've done in this thread is belittle those who see the game as more than the sum of its parts, as more than just an accumulation of game mechanics.

    Some of us connect, not just with those game mechanics, but with the idea that spawned them.

    I've tried to suggest, over and over, a compromise that honours both those who want to ship swap and those who see the game as more than another MMO.

    Because, despite your sad deficiency, ideas are important.
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    hanover2 wrote: »
    So, like I said, deluded paranoia. You have absolutely no evidence whatsoever that sector space is going away or that the Devs have not allowed room for building sector space content in the future. This is total conjecture, and you would have it given the attention of a realistically foreseeable danger.

    You're right. There is no proof, however there has been a very strong trend. Precedence, even. Travelling through sector space has become less and less necessary. This will make travel even less necessary. This follows the trend of making sector space less meaningful, making it easier to do away with.

    Rather than making another trending event (allowing ships to be changed anywhere), the devs should be making traveling through sector space something that can benefit the character. Rather than having it be something that the players want to hurry up or avoid it should be something that adds to the tapestry of the game as a whole.

    Whether you care to admit it or not, we all know that once a change goes through it's harder to correct later on as people don't like being given an item or function only to have it changed negatively for them down the track. The best example of this I can think of relates to the Andorian escort. Remember when Cryptic wanted to nerf the original Andorian phasers? Remember the outcry that resulted in the refund for the weapons that had already been bought? If they had have gotten it right in the first place there would have been no outcry.

    There's an outcry with this as some of us believe that this will affect the game negatively in the long run. From my end I feel that it needs to be addressed before it's released. That or the devs should explain why it won't adversely affect the game.

    I concede that this is my opinion and it may be wrong. Your position lies in saying that I don't have to use the feature and that everyone who wants to can choose to do so. You believe that because people have a choice that the game cannot be adversely affected, therefore you don't feel that there's any possibility that your opinion could be wrong. What you're not seeing is it's not the choice that makes it right or wrong to us, it's the existence of such a feature that makes it right or wrong.

    Of those who support the new feature and truly care for the game I would expect something like "I support this new change but seeing as there are a lot of people that think the game could suffer from this, how about we examine it a little more before just dropping it in to the game in case my opinion is wrong?" To those who support the new feature and care more about themselves than the longevity of the game I would expect the current argument being provided, that being "you don't have to use it".
  • hanoverhanover Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    rinkster wrote: »
    All you've done in this thread is belittle those who see the game as more than the sum of its parts, as more than just an accumulation of game mechanics.

    You might choose to see it as belittling, but all I'm doing is rejecting the idea that your fantasy immersion and irrational fears of what might happen should be a constraint on my ability to function in the game.
    Because, despite your sad deficiency, ideas are important.

    Yes, they are. But the fact that some abstract notions have real-world value does not mean that they all do. Not even when you try to elevate "Star Trek MMO immersion" by associating it with things like love and justice.
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  • greyhame3greyhame3 Member Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Making travel through sector space less necessary is in no way shape or form that it's going to be removed. It also in no way shape or form means that more things can't be added to it later that people can do. This feature and making sector space more interesting are in no way mutually exclusive ideas people seem determined to think they are.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    hanover2 wrote: »
    You might choose to see it as belittling,

    Oh, I think you may have rather helped with that perception......

    but all I'm doing is rejecting the idea that your fantasy immersion and irrational fears of what might happen should be a constraint on my ability to function in the game.

    Ah, there it is. Funny how the words other people use can chafe you, but you seem to have no problem looking for the verbal sandpaper yourself.

    But the fact that some abstract notions have real-world value does not mean that they all do. Not even when you try to elevate "Star Trek MMO immersion" by associating it with things like love and justice.

    Ah, dismissal by association. Thats an old sophist trick, try again.

    Or maybe, just try.
  • hanoverhanover Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    You're right. There is no proof, however there has been a very strong trend. Precedence, even. Travelling through sector space has become less and less necessary. This will make travel even less necessary. This follows the trend of making sector space less meaningful, making it easier to do away with.

    This "trend" is a little bit thin to be hanging your hat on. You're exaggerating it's significance.
    Rather than making another trending event (allowing ships to be changed anywhere), the devs should be making traveling through sector space something that can benefit the character. Rather than having it be something that the players want to hurry up or avoid it should be something that adds to the tapestry of the game as a whole.

    Not everyone agrees that making sector space more appealing should be a development priority. There are a number of things I think most people would rather have them address first. Regardless, this ship-swapping ability is a silly place to draw your line in the sand.
    If they had have gotten it right in the first place there would have been no outcry.

    So your master plan is to never let anyone experience a new convenience, so that they won't miss it if it is taken away. :rolleyes:
    That or the devs should explain why it won't adversely affect the game.

    How could they possibly do that, when your concerns of adverse effects required no concrete proof in the first place? If they make even a vague reference to a possible feature in the future, people will take it as an iron-clad promise and harp on it like spoiled children until the end of time.
    You believe that because people have a choice that the game cannot be adversely affected, therefore you don't feel that there's any possibility that your opinion could be wrong. What you're not seeing is it's not the choice that makes it right or wrong to us, it's the existence of such a feature that makes it right or wrong.

    Well that's a nice little self-reinforcing, un-falsifiable claim, there. The existence of a feature can be "wrong," due to abstract, intangible adverse effects that require a leap of faith to even observe.
    Of those who support the new feature and truly care for the game I would expect something like "I support this new change but seeing as there are a lot of people that think the game could suffer from this, how about we examine it a little more before just dropping it in to the game in case my opinion is wrong?"

    I'm not inclined to indulge naysayers who bring nothing more than "This is bad because we say so" to the table, and like it or not, that's what it boils down to.
    To those who support the new feature and care more about themselves than the longevity of the game I would expect the current argument being provided, that being "you don't have to use it".

    You don't get to dictate the terms of "concern for the longevity of the game", just so that you can declare people who disagree with you to be selfish and unconcerned. I do want the game to continue. I just see nothing substantial here to support any worry about the future of the game. Just hysterics, logical fallacies, and wish magic.
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  • hanoverhanover Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    rinkster wrote: »
    Ah, there it is. Funny how the words other people use can chafe you, but you seem to have no problem looking for the verbal sandpaper yourself.

    Sorry, but when your worries are based on nothing but conjecture and fallacious logic, they are irrational.
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  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    shpoks wrote: »
    FYI, I specifically said already in another post that, I quote, "I don't think the game is DOOOMED!", which have you actually read the discussion here, you would've known.

    Yes. And you also said:
    shpoks wrote: »
    What is Star Trek without space? A WoW with different skin? A mod? A failure?

    Very melodramatic; honestly, there could be tears.
    shpoks wrote: »
    One step in the wrong direction, then another, another and slowly but sure we have almost pointless sector space today. That's the point I'm trying to convey here

    Yeah, we know the point you're trying to make. It's just a huge hyberbole, is what, where you put sector space at the center of Trek somehow, and then kick and rant at everyone who can't get quite as worked up over it as you.

    Transwarps, like mobile phones, are here to stay: neither change spells the doom of anything. Just make like a Borg and [Adapt].
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Yes. And you also said:

    I'm just wondering where you see doom here? Can your eyes see infrared or sth.?

    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Very melodramatic; honestly, there could be tears.

    Sorry, didn't know you're that sensitive. :rolleyes:
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Yeah, we know the point you're trying to make. It's just a huge hyberbole, is what, where you put sector space at the center of Trek somehow, and then kick and rant at everyone who can't get quite as worked up over it as you.

    Transwarps, like mobile phones, are here to stay: neither change spells the doom of anything. Just make like a Borg and [Adapt].

    You think it's a hyperbole, I think it certainly is a possibilty based on history and similar events. So now what?

    Kick and rant? lol :D Look in the mirror. It's the likes of you that do it.
    Here, I'm even going to tell you why - this change has been already decided upon. Their decision will not change, anyone who has dealt with Cryptic at least for a while knows this. I'm fully aware, unlike others, that nothing I say will change it.
    What I'm doing here is stating an opinion against such changes and expressing some concernes for the future in some weird hope than Brandon will read this. So when they discuss similar changes in the future when they ask him how does the comunity feel about it, he can say that the majority is cool but a portion of their players have concerns and would very much like to have a more meaningfull sector space in STO, instead of just reporting how everyone thinks it's all peachy. So maybe they take into consideration that next time.

    It's funny how some of you guys seem genuinely aroused over people expressing opinions that don't comply with what you want. Do you have any issues with tolerating different opinios? Or did you really think that our feedback here will lead to the devs. changing their decision on this? If so lol:D .... just LOL :D
  • donrahdonrah Member Posts: 348
    edited January 2014
    People consistently persist in arguing that players should be forced to travel through sector space. But I don't think anyone has addressed why anyone should want to travel sector space. What's the benefit in forcing players to do something they don't want to do? If you can come up with a compelling feature that would encourage the majority of players to want to take the long way around, it might make the idea more credible. If you fear that this will be the beginning of the end for sector space, then you should be coming up with ideas to give sector space new life, don't just demand that people be forced to use it when it doesn't provide a rewarding experience.

    Personally, I think sector space could do with a major overhaul. If there was more to do, more people would be less compelled to avoid it. First thing, get rid of the instance loading between blocks. Sector space could be a contiguous overworld instance. Then, introduce fuel requirements and torpedoes into a consumable. Players will be able to travel X number of light years before requiring refueling and will have to return to starbase to rearm and refuel. Place refueling zones in strategic locations throughout sector space so that players will be less inclined to wander from support and travel through established blocks. Some ships will be more capable of long range travel than others (e.g. Intrepid or Galaxy class). If they do wander into deep space, there needs to be something out there to do as well.

    Add a real exploration system in sector space. Seek out new life outside of charted space. Take your favorite exploration vessel and find new planets with a spotlight foundry mission attached to it. The upshot of this is that players get a sense of achievement through discovery of uncharted planets. They could possibly even get the option to choose a name for the star system (from a list that Cryptic provides). New planets could be added as more missions are given a spotlight. I saw a really great idea for integrating the foundry with sector space, I'll have to see if I can find that again. Another idea, make sector space part of the mission, like searching a sector for lost ships or fugitives. Add in red alerts for individual planets with various scenarios and set time limits so that if players don't come to their aid in time, the planet becomes occupied and players lose the ability to do foundry missions attached to that planet until they drive out the occupying forces, which will be more difficult than defending against invasion.

    Edit: Here is the link to the foundry overhaul thread.
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  • senselockesenselocke Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I agree with Donrah. Don't force players to do something if they don't decide for themselves that it's enjoyable or worth doing. Incentivize the doing of it instead.

    Bring change forth, don't deny it from happening. Sentimentality helps no one.

    This is a convenience feature--so that when I only have 30 minutes to play, I can get in a quick STF. That means I'm playing more, and spending more.

    If you don't think Sector Space has enough reasons to be in it now, forcing that will only make it worse. By all means, offer ways to improve sector space. Offer unique ideas that require you to be out in the black to find them. Encourage it to be more interesting, provocative, attractive--but don't shoot down the idea of a quick-ship swap because it will force people to be out there not having fun.

    If the social zones don't have enough traffic, that's a problem with the zones themselves, not the traffic. Arguing this is like trying to route a highway through a small town to encourage shoppers--all it will do is enrage drivers who don't have a lot of time. Instead, offer a reason for people to come to the places you want them to be.

    There is a way to have this and have more to do in Sector Space. But arguing against this will not make people appreciate/enjoy Sector Space more.
  • madblooddollmadblooddoll Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    instant gratification is the best, BEST. More games need it. Although I don't mind going to DS9 or where ever to change out my ship. But in all other cases, instant gratification=awesome.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    instant gratification is the best, BEST. More games need it. Although I don't mind going to DS9 or where ever to change out my ship. But in all other cases, instant gratification=awesome.

    Cool. How about an 'I WIN' button then? You log in, press the 'I WIN' button, everything around you dies and explodes and you get a fireworks animation with "You rule!" flashing text. Great, you're done for the day, log in tommorow cause it's on a 20 hr. cooldown.
    Can't get any more instant gratification than that.
  • tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    id love to see sector space dry up and blow away. its not even really trek. imo it would be way cooler to spend those minutes on the bridge. thats trek.
  • donrahdonrah Member Posts: 348
    edited January 2014
    shpoks wrote: »
    Cool. How about an 'I WIN' button then? You log in, press the 'I WIN' button, everything around you dies and explodes and you get a fireworks animation with "You rule!" flashing text. Great, you're done for the day, log in tommorow cause it's on a 20 hr. cooldown.
    Can't get any more instant gratification than that.

    You are being immensely ignorant. Grinding rep through STF's, not fun. Wasting time in sector space to get from point A to point B is not fun. Grinding dilithium so I can buy the best items in the game is not fun. Fun is being able to pick any activity and having a good time. Making me do one mission or group of missions over and over is not fun. Thinking of such things as reasonable means that the ends justify a game that is no longer fun.

    Instant gratification is about having fun in a game no matter what you're doing. It means that the reason you play it is because everything is fun and those other rewards are just incidental. The stuff you grind for should come to you as a consequence of playing content you enjoy because it's fun regardless of the missions rewards or drops.
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  • greyhame3greyhame3 Member Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    There's a fine line between tedium and challenge in MMOs. I doubt you'll be able to make a really good argument that having to fly through sector space to change ships is a challenge.

    The rep system, while not hard, can at least have an argument about challenge around it, in that you can sometimes fail to get marks you need (not often, but you can).
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    donrah wrote: »
    You are being immensely ignorant. Grinding rep through STF's, not fun. Wasting time in sector space to get from point A to point B is not fun. Grinding dilithium so I can buy the best items in the game is not fun. Fun is being able to pick any activity and having a good time. Making me do one mission or group of missions over and over is not fun. Thinking of such things as reasonable means that the ends justify a game that is no longer fun.

    Instant gratification is about having fun in a game no matter what you're doing. It means that the reason you play it is because everything is fun and those other rewards are just incidental. The stuff you grind for should come to you as a consequence of playing content you enjoy because it's fun regardless of the missions rewards or drops.

    I'm looking at your post here for a while and I'm trying to find some angle to it, but can't quite figure it out to be honest.

    Partially because I actually agree and have agreed through this thread with the exact same things you say here as well as your previous post. Especially your previous post - that's the sort of thing I'm talking about throughout this entire thread. And no need to explain to me about the fun of grinding, you can see my opinion on it in that other thread about the anniversary grind.

    I however think that we (you & me) don't seem to have the same view on what's called 'instant gratification'. Honestly, what you said in the second paragraph I quoted here, does not relate to 'instant gartification' to me and seems like a very good concept.
  • johndroidjohndroid Member Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    So it seems that season 8.5 will give us the opportunity to change our starships in sector space. Good or bad? I say bad.

    Being able to change your ship out of spacedock is bad for a number of reasons.

    1) It further diminishes the believability of the game.

    Yes, games require a person to suspend disbelief, but if something becomes more and more and more unbelievable it becomes a farce.

    2) It's lazy and a form of instant gratification.

    What is it with the need for instant gratification? I want my other ship NOW, DAMN IT!!! Didn't people get taught patience when they were younger? What's the next instant gratification, being able to call the Azura with no countdown? Then what? No cooldown on transwarp? Then what? Press a button to level up? Every time the game gets its challenges removed the less rewarding it becomes and the less people will play it. What's the point if there's nothing to work through/overcome/spend time doing?

    3) It focuses more people in the areas that are deemed useful.

    DS9 was a useful location as it was the only place where you could do STF stuff. Now it's a lot more quiet as there's no real need to be there. The need to go to spacedock will be greatly diminished, pushing more people in to other areas. What's next, putting a dabo table and latinum trader on ESD? That would make it so much more easier for those lazy people who want everything now but it would deaden Drozana and DS9 a little bit more. The less and less we need to travel to certain places to do things the lazier this game feels.


    Don't allow players to change ships in sector space. Make people travel to spacedock to do it. Whilst you're at it, start giving more importance to places that the player has to travel to. Give us reasons to actually go somewhere instead of giving us instant access to this mission or that resource. We need something for a mission or for crafting something? Make us work to get it. Product X can only be obtained from K7, item Y can only be crafted at DS9, task Z can only be initiated from Vulcan. After all, the easier the game gets the less interesting it becomes.

    I know there will be people who disagree with my opinion but can we please have constructive responses instead of insults?
    Thank you for this post : it is the only logical deductive high I.q. Decision possible for people that play game to have stable normal galaxy to fly in !! Maybe if we hooked a chain up to the back of all our ships pulling a big pain in the $&@ GARAGE it would be more real to do this weak move for people not able to warp to shipyard or esd since it's already 1 button away from getting to place to change ships , Wahhh I want to heal my ship in space and by my pets and purchase ships while flying around all space sectors as well Wahhh please pollo last part was joke for the lame and lazy :) good luck turning your spoons into silver lol
  • donrahdonrah Member Posts: 348
    edited January 2014
    johndroid wrote: »
    Thank you for this post : it is the only logical deductive high I.q. Decision possible for people that play game to have stable normal galaxy to fly in !! Maybe if we hooked a chain up to the back of all our ships pulling a big pain in the $&@ GARAGE it would be more real to do this weak move for people not able to warp to shipyard or esd since it's already 1 button away from getting to place to change ships , Wahhh I want to heal my ship in space and by my pets and purchase ships while flying around all space sectors as well Wahhh please pollo last part was joke for the lame and lazy :) good luck turning your spoons into silver lol

    Wow! Opinionated, condescending, ignorant, and arrogant, all in one post. You sir, win the "jerk of the week" award. I guess that's a bit harsh since everyone is being forced to swap ships in sector space. Oh, wait! You're not! So you're just being a jerk over something that won't have any impact on you whatsoever.
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