lets face it more and more people play on elite without any dps heals or holds or tactical understanding. If you dare to say something you usually get cursed out and ignored. My question is why doesn't cryptic reserve playing on elite for people who at least have a basic understanding and tactics for that pve mission? Would be so easy: you need at least one 1st place or two 2nd places before you can play it on elite. Doesn;t really take any effort to achieve that and would at least for a lot of us make playing more enjoable.
All I got out of that drivel is "Block certain stuff because people are ruining my fun! WAAA!"
Could you be any more self centered?
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Maybe Cryptic could assign half their personnel to running an office rather like the DMV, where you would go to be tested and earn your license to play with the "truly elite" and without this license, you wouldn't be allowed to use the "elite" setting.
Or maybe the self-proclaimed elites could just get over themselves and realize this is a freakin' game. :rolleyes:
Or maybe the self-proclaimed elites could just get over themselves and realize this is a freakin' game. :rolleyes:
Exactly. Elite might actually mean something if it was actually difficult and these types of gates made sense, but if a fleet can finish ISE with a bunch of Tier 1 ships, then there is no real meaning to it. However, preventing people that have 20 injuries before they start the queue would make some sense.
Most of the time I take a look at the PVE queues, there's plenty of people (relatively) playing the elite STF's and maybe one or two people if you're lucky queuing for the regular version. Getting into the Elite version by your proposed rules would then be impossible for anyone new.
if a fleet can finish ISE with a bunch of Tier 1 ships, then there is no real meaning to it
A fleet of people who know what they are doing and how to use a limited ship to the best of its potential.
When you fail KASE's optional objective because the person who you thought was watching the probes gets vaporized by their cube, that's a sign that they didn't know what they were doing and should not be in Elite.
I have nothing against newbs. Everybody starts as one. Then we learn. Just don't do your learning in a context where other people have expectations about your experience level and fitness.
Exactly. Elite might actually mean something if it was actually difficult and these types of gates made sense, but if a fleet can finish ISE with a bunch of Tier 1 ships, then there is no real meaning to it. However, preventing people that have 20 injuries before they start the queue would make some sense.
Many MMO raids can be beaten with low gear if you know how to play, it's not new. It doesn't mean the content is easy. I have seen people solo ridiculously hard raids in DCUO.
lets face it more and more people play on elite without any dps heals or holds or tactical understanding.
Yet, they must be completing the estf's else they'd stick to the stf's.
Cryptic doesn't need to block anyone. They just need to increase the difficulty of the elite versions of the stf's.
Then again, you could assemble a team in advance. Then you wouldn't be subject to the possibility of teaming with players who do not meet your exacting standards.
lets face it more and more people play on elite without any dps heals or holds or tactical understanding. If you dare to say something you usually get cursed out and ignored. My question is why doesn't cryptic reserve playing on elite for people who at least have a basic understanding and tactics for that pve mission? Would be so easy: you need at least one 1st place or two 2nd places before you can play it on elite. Doesn;t really take any effort to achieve that and would at least for a lot of us make playing more enjoable.
Let the hater start commenting
Well, to be fair, those that have been playing a while, are generally even more abusive. Tends to go both ways, possibly why some "noobs" (I prefer to call them newbies), either ignore the team chat (or have it shut off entirely), or start right off when someone says something to them.
Granted, this isn't all the time, but I've seen it many a time. I've even had some people scream at me, and I'm fairly experienced, claiming they're all that and a bag of chips. And then proceed to scream & curse at every perceived failing. I just don't let jerks ruin it for the few that actually try to have fun, and run the missions.
butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
Temperance Brennan, "A building"
A fleet of people who know what they are doing and how to use a limited ship to the best of its potential.
When you fail KASE's optional objective because the person who you thought was watching the probes gets vaporized by their cube, that's a sign that they didn't know what they were doing and should not be in Elite.
I have nothing against newbs. Everybody starts as one. Then we learn. Just don't do your learning in a context where other people have expectations about your experience level and fitness.
No, it's probably more like, the person that was doing that corner either ignored the cube, got hammered by it, or ran away from it, leaving the probe guy to deal with it. had it happen to me, dozens of times now. Occasionally when I punch in "You jost lost your probe guy.", someone will drive over in a hurry to either hit the cube, or hit the probes. But 90% of the time, they just prefer to cuss me out for "not doing my job on probes", rather than the idiot that lit off a cube and either couldn't handle it, or wouldn't handle it.
So, generally, don't blame the probe guy for being "noob", blame the idiot that lit off the cube in that corner. (and even had the opposite corner cube, along with the opposite side, and kitty-corner cube wander my way, with no one intercepting it, as well, so it's not even just that particular corner that may have been the problem)
butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
Temperance Brennan, "A building"
Solution: Become better so you can pull the weight of less experienced team members.
Oddly, I agree with you, as far as pugging. The whole point of pugging is that it's random, and sometimes things just plain go wrong.
Take the person you thought was guarding the probes who gets vaporized by their cube; at that point you have the choice to rant about how wrong they are playing or to pick up the cube and probes. The latter generally works better... it's a good idea to hold Evasive Maneuvers in reserve unless you're really trying to make your parse look better and need it to maintain contact with targets. Focusing on the parser numbers over actually doing well in the mission isn't always helpful to the team, though.
Not that you (the newbie rather than the elite) should be using abilities like FAW without managing the range to the Generators... and if someone says why you are doing something wrong, pay attention. It sucks, but they might be right. You can ignore the ones that just rant though, that's a minigame for them, and you don't want to ruin their fun by asking for advice.
There's something else, too: if you (back to the elite again) can vape a cube in a matter of seconds, it's smarter to play guard and work on the near cube. I say this because you can use your own DPS capability to guarantee that no probes get by, rather than relying on someone else to guard the probes and wandering off. If you're pugging, you're bound to run into someone that is using the Omega Marks to Rep up, or needs better gear, or is simply trying out an ESTF for the first time... you can take control of at least half the map by calling guard duty on a given side, and if you are good enough (and using a mobile enough ship) you can even call both sides to keep things interesting.
Premades, though, do have the sort of control the OP is looking for. Make use of your Friends list and be sure to run with experienced players using well made characters... you'll see a big difference over a random pug. Unless you get a really good random pug, which also happens on occasion, but that's not to point. :P
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
lets face it more and more people play on elite without any dps heals or holds or tactical understanding. If you dare to say something you usually get cursed out and ignored. My question is why doesn't cryptic reserve playing on elite for people who at least have a basic understanding and tactics for that pve mission? Would be so easy: you need at least one 1st place or two 2nd places before you can play it on elite. Doesn;t really take any effort to achieve that and would at least for a lot of us make playing more enjoable.
Let the hater start commenting
Explain to me how this is easy again? one or two first place in what? It really isn't simple at all to limit people from playing beyond their means.
Grind the rep system using Epohs... Oh look at my new shinies lets go play!
Seriously the only way to combat the uneducated in a game is to play like you are the only one who knows what is going on and to attempt to do everything yourself OR help those with less experience by asking and directing them what to do.
This is not the same as TELLING them how to play and getting mad that they don't understand everything. Have a little patience with others and get through it.
How can elite STFs be SO easy that a fleet can do it in t1 ships, and yet if a single puger is in the game and makes a single mistake, then the map is lost, the game is ruined, your life is ruined, and its now Cryptics job to make it harder for new players?
First off, those fleets that can do them in t1 ships are 0.0001% of players. So saying they need to be harder for these players is just ridiculous.
Secondly, if STFs are so hard that you can't even compensate for a single new player, then once again, you can't say they need to be harder.
Solution: Become better so you can pull the weight of less experienced team members.
Exactly! In KASE, even in Escort, I keep unspent Evasive Maneuvers and Repulsors just in case I need to rush to stop probes. When I see my fellow starts dropping Graw Wells and have probes under control, then I return back to killing the Tranies and Gate.
I've been playing a science captain in a science ship lately and no matter how you spin it, a science ship just puts out terrible dps. For all the pimped dps sci ship you think you got, an equally pimped escort is laughing at your damage.
So what I don't understand is why someone would think I could melt a transformer (the ones on either side of the large gate).
Nor do I get the splitting up mentality and everyone doing their own thing. One person should watch for probes, a sci if you have one ( i like probe duty, since it is where I contribute best) and the other 4 should go in sequence to each side.
I find people going 3 on one side 1 on the other or 2-2 and taking so long to do the mission the 15 minute timer expires. Maybe it's just because its the weekend and a lot of casual people play on the weekend so the queues are more full of casual people on weekends?
I had an Engineer in my LT CMDR Universal slot on the temporal science vessel, I switched him out for a tactical officer with Tac team, BFAW2 and TS3. Just to get some more oopmph. I suppose I should check my dps sometime with and without the tac officer. But to me the Borg stf's especially are just very dps dependent.
I like bad pugs. Without bad pugs what opportunity do you have to test yourself in PVE?
If you cant solo infected space elite, or take a whole side of KA space elite solo (Probes, cubes, generators, transformers and gate), or take out a wave of raptors before they reach the kang then you should be concerning yourself with self improvement rather then the improvement of others.
And if you can do these things then you should relish the bad pugs that afford you the opportunity to re-affirm your capabilities.
I like bad pugs. Without bad pugs what opportunity do you have to test yourself in PVE?
If you cant solo infected space elite, or take a whole side of KA space elite solo (Probes, cubes, generators, transformers and gate), or take out a wave of raptors before they reach the kang then you should be concerning yourself with self improvement rather then the improvement of others.
And if you can do these things then you should relish the bad pugs that afford you the opportunity to re-affirm your capabilities.
Here! Here! And if you can't rescue 9 ships and close 8 doors then keep working at it too.
I'm sorry but 95% of people who complain about the pug members ruining their experience are in a fleet. If you are in a fleet, surely you have other fleet members who are actively running STFs and know the appropriate tactics to allow you to get the optionals.
If you are having to pug it because you don't run with fleet members or your fleet members arn't always available then your first point should be to moan at your fleet members or find a new fleet! Secondly if you still want to pug then you should not complain if this pug then does not meet your expectations. Equally, rather than complain and moan about said pug, why not /tell them and say you noticed they didn't have a great match and that the team optional could have been achieved if they did X,Y,Z and offer to tutor them... Take them into a normal match to give them a chance to run the tactic and then take them into an elite and see if that helps.
If that is too much work for you then stop complaining about Pugs ruining your experience, because you could be ruining theirs!
lets face it more and more people play on elite without any dps heals or holds or tactical understanding. If you dare to say something you usually get cursed out and ignored. My question is why doesn't cryptic reserve playing on elite for people who at least have a basic understanding and tactics for that pve mission? Would be so easy: you need at least one 1st place or two 2nd places before you can play it on elite. Doesn;t really take any effort to achieve that and would at least for a lot of us make playing more enjoable.
Let the hater start commenting
If you are experiencing frustration doing Elites, then maybe you are doing them in the wrong place. With all the power-creep going on, getting the Optional has become trivial. In fact, the whole thang has become a breeze.
Solution: Become better so you can pull the weight of less experienced team members.
Or even better: stop relying on others. When I started out KASE, way back when, I often got annoyed at ppl letting thru probes. Then, one day, it hit me: it was *me* letting them thru! Not that I was on probes per se, but it suddenly hit me that I could apply this "Why didn't someone take care of the probes?!" mentality just as easly to myself; as in: "Why didn't *I* bother to look around every once in a while and stop them?"
Currently, no one even needs to be on probes any more, per se. A simple GW, a wee CSV, and you still have ample time to kill whatever cube spawns in the process. Yawn.
And I'm not in any high-level DPS channel or anything: just merrily pugging away. And still, it has been, what, six months ago since I saw the last probe get thru.
Or even better: stop relying on others. When I started out KASE, way back when, I often got annoyed at ppl letting thru probes. Then, one day, it hit me: it was *me* letting them thru! Not that I was on probes per se, but it suddenly hit me that I could apply this "Why didn't someone take care of the probes?!" mentality just as easly to myself; as in: "Why didn't *I* bother to look around every once in a while and stop them?"
Exactly. To everyone griping about failed eSTFs: "The one thing all your failed eSTFs have in common is- you."
Could you be any more self centered?
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Or maybe the self-proclaimed elites could just get over themselves and realize this is a freakin' game. :rolleyes:
Exactly. Elite might actually mean something if it was actually difficult and these types of gates made sense, but if a fleet can finish ISE with a bunch of Tier 1 ships, then there is no real meaning to it. However, preventing people that have 20 injuries before they start the queue would make some sense.
A fleet of people who know what they are doing and how to use a limited ship to the best of its potential.
When you fail KASE's optional objective because the person who you thought was watching the probes gets vaporized by their cube, that's a sign that they didn't know what they were doing and should not be in Elite.
I have nothing against newbs. Everybody starts as one. Then we learn. Just don't do your learning in a context where other people have expectations about your experience level and fitness.
Many MMO raids can be beaten with low gear if you know how to play, it's not new. It doesn't mean the content is easy. I have seen people solo ridiculously hard raids in DCUO.
Yet, they must be completing the estf's else they'd stick to the stf's.
Cryptic doesn't need to block anyone. They just need to increase the difficulty of the elite versions of the stf's.
Then again, you could assemble a team in advance. Then you wouldn't be subject to the possibility of teaming with players who do not meet your exacting standards.
Well, to be fair, those that have been playing a while, are generally even more abusive. Tends to go both ways, possibly why some "noobs" (I prefer to call them newbies), either ignore the team chat (or have it shut off entirely), or start right off when someone says something to them.
Granted, this isn't all the time, but I've seen it many a time. I've even had some people scream at me, and I'm fairly experienced, claiming they're all that and a bag of chips. And then proceed to scream & curse at every perceived failing. I just don't let jerks ruin it for the few that actually try to have fun, and run the missions.
butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
Temperance Brennan, "A building"
No, it's probably more like, the person that was doing that corner either ignored the cube, got hammered by it, or ran away from it, leaving the probe guy to deal with it. had it happen to me, dozens of times now. Occasionally when I punch in "You jost lost your probe guy.", someone will drive over in a hurry to either hit the cube, or hit the probes. But 90% of the time, they just prefer to cuss me out for "not doing my job on probes", rather than the idiot that lit off a cube and either couldn't handle it, or wouldn't handle it.
So, generally, don't blame the probe guy for being "noob", blame the idiot that lit off the cube in that corner. (and even had the opposite corner cube, along with the opposite side, and kitty-corner cube wander my way, with no one intercepting it, as well, so it's not even just that particular corner that may have been the problem)
butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
Temperance Brennan, "A building"
Oddly, I agree with you, as far as pugging. The whole point of pugging is that it's random, and sometimes things just plain go wrong.
Take the person you thought was guarding the probes who gets vaporized by their cube; at that point you have the choice to rant about how wrong they are playing or to pick up the cube and probes. The latter generally works better... it's a good idea to hold Evasive Maneuvers in reserve unless you're really trying to make your parse look better and need it to maintain contact with targets. Focusing on the parser numbers over actually doing well in the mission isn't always helpful to the team, though.
Not that you (the newbie rather than the elite) should be using abilities like FAW without managing the range to the Generators... and if someone says why you are doing something wrong, pay attention. It sucks, but they might be right. You can ignore the ones that just rant though, that's a minigame for them, and you don't want to ruin their fun by asking for advice.
There's something else, too: if you (back to the elite again) can vape a cube in a matter of seconds, it's smarter to play guard and work on the near cube. I say this because you can use your own DPS capability to guarantee that no probes get by, rather than relying on someone else to guard the probes and wandering off. If you're pugging, you're bound to run into someone that is using the Omega Marks to Rep up, or needs better gear, or is simply trying out an ESTF for the first time... you can take control of at least half the map by calling guard duty on a given side, and if you are good enough (and using a mobile enough ship) you can even call both sides to keep things interesting.
Premades, though, do have the sort of control the OP is looking for. Make use of your Friends list and be sure to run with experienced players using well made characters... you'll see a big difference over a random pug. Unless you get a really good random pug, which also happens on occasion, but that's not to point. :P
Explain to me how this is easy again? one or two first place in what? It really isn't simple at all to limit people from playing beyond their means.
Grind the rep system using Epohs... Oh look at my new shinies lets go play!
Seriously the only way to combat the uneducated in a game is to play like you are the only one who knows what is going on and to attempt to do everything yourself OR help those with less experience by asking and directing them what to do.
This is not the same as TELLING them how to play and getting mad that they don't understand everything. Have a little patience with others and get through it.
First off, those fleets that can do them in t1 ships are 0.0001% of players. So saying they need to be harder for these players is just ridiculous.
Secondly, if STFs are so hard that you can't even compensate for a single new player, then once again, you can't say they need to be harder.
Exactly! In KASE, even in Escort, I keep unspent Evasive Maneuvers and Repulsors just in case I need to rush to stop probes. When I see my fellow starts dropping Graw Wells and have probes under control, then I return back to killing the Tranies and Gate.
So what I don't understand is why someone would think I could melt a transformer (the ones on either side of the large gate).
Nor do I get the splitting up mentality and everyone doing their own thing. One person should watch for probes, a sci if you have one ( i like probe duty, since it is where I contribute best) and the other 4 should go in sequence to each side.
I find people going 3 on one side 1 on the other or 2-2 and taking so long to do the mission the 15 minute timer expires. Maybe it's just because its the weekend and a lot of casual people play on the weekend so the queues are more full of casual people on weekends?
I had an Engineer in my LT CMDR Universal slot on the temporal science vessel, I switched him out for a tactical officer with Tac team, BFAW2 and TS3. Just to get some more oopmph. I suppose I should check my dps sometime with and without the tac officer. But to me the Borg stf's especially are just very dps dependent.
If you cant solo infected space elite, or take a whole side of KA space elite solo (Probes, cubes, generators, transformers and gate), or take out a wave of raptors before they reach the kang then you should be concerning yourself with self improvement rather then the improvement of others.
And if you can do these things then you should relish the bad pugs that afford you the opportunity to re-affirm your capabilities.
Here! Here! And if you can't rescue 9 ships and close 8 doors then keep working at it too.
Why thank you :P
Harden up Princess
Looking for an Oceanic fleet? Check out our website:
If you are having to pug it because you don't run with fleet members or your fleet members arn't always available then your first point should be to moan at your fleet members or find a new fleet! Secondly if you still want to pug then you should not complain if this pug then does not meet your expectations. Equally, rather than complain and moan about said pug, why not /tell them and say you noticed they didn't have a great match and that the team optional could have been achieved if they did X,Y,Z and offer to tutor them... Take them into a normal match to give them a chance to run the tactic and then take them into an elite and see if that helps.
If that is too much work for you then stop complaining about Pugs ruining your experience, because you could be ruining theirs!
If you are experiencing frustration doing Elites, then maybe you are doing them in the wrong place. With all the power-creep going on, getting the Optional has become trivial. In fact, the whole thang has become a breeze.
Or even better: stop relying on others. When I started out KASE, way back when, I often got annoyed at ppl letting thru probes. Then, one day, it hit me: it was *me* letting them thru! Not that I was on probes per se, but it suddenly hit me that I could apply this "Why didn't someone take care of the probes?!" mentality just as easly to myself; as in: "Why didn't *I* bother to look around every once in a while and stop them?"
Currently, no one even needs to be on probes any more, per se. A simple GW, a wee CSV, and you still have ample time to kill whatever cube spawns in the process. Yawn.
And I'm not in any high-level DPS channel or anything: just merrily pugging away. And still, it has been, what, six months ago since I saw the last probe get thru.
All you need is right there.
Exactly. To everyone griping about failed eSTFs: "The one thing all your failed eSTFs have in common is- you."