Is STO or the patch Server down ? I am trying to conntact and I am getting a message saying that I can not connect to patch server I ran A trace and here is the results.
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Is STO or the patch Server down ? I am trying to conntact and I am getting a message saying that I can not connect to patch server I ran A trace and here is the results.
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Everything seems to be ok. There are plenty of players ingame at the moment. Just as a heads up. Your post is in the wrong subforum, for things like this they need to be post under "Windows, Network, PC, Technical etc etc etc.. The mods / branflakes will move threads that have been posted incorrectly. Best bit of advice I can give is get to know the subforums, this will help you out emmensly, and help you find possible solutions to things that may occur for you.
This means your ISP is blocking ICMP diagnostic packets. So your only choice is to ask the assistance of your ISP Tech Support to help diagnose your STO Connection issues...
Hi, I'm new so can't start my own thread. I'm trying to download/install STO and am currently downloading an 8 gb patch. After being disconnected the download started from zero. Does it not pick up broken downloads, because I don't have a hope in hell of downloading 8 gb without a disconnection?
Apologies to the OP for jumping his thread. I didn't know where else to put this.
Hi, I'm new so can't start my own thread. I'm trying to download/install STO and am currently downloading an 8 gb patch. After being disconnected the download started from zero. Does it not pick up broken downloads, because I don't have a hope in hell of downloading 8 gb without a disconnection?
Apologies to the OP for jumping his thread. I didn't know where else to put this.
You should be able to start your own thread. When you load up the forum it should start with the Information and discussion etc etc etc.
Be sure that the topic you wish to start a new thread on actually goes into the right subforum. ie if it is network technical etc scroll down to the support headed section and click on the correct subforum. Then when the new page comes up click on new thread tab. You need to put in a title for your thread, I personally feel it is useful to put as much info in the title as possible (you can expand on that in your thread) Type your thread again with as much info as possible, the more detailed you are the more likely you are to get a precise response.
You will find here on the STO forum the most helpful bunch of players EVER . Hope that helps.
Anyway in relation to your d/c are you installing using ARC or Steam. If Steam then there may be problems with them. If you are using ARC then by rights patching should normally restart from the point of d/c. There are a number of players currently having server issues (hence this thread) so maybe you are being effected aswell.
Everything seems to be ok. There are plenty of players ingame at the moment. Just as a heads up. Your post is in the wrong subforum, for things like this they need to be post under "Windows, Network, PC, Technical etc etc etc.. The mods / branflakes will move threads that have been posted incorrectly. Best bit of advice I can give is get to know the subforums, this will help you out emmensly, and help you find possible solutions to things that may occur for you.
This means your ISP is blocking ICMP diagnostic packets. So your only choice is to ask the assistance of your ISP Tech Support to help diagnose your STO Connection issues...
Apologies to the OP for jumping his thread. I didn't know where else to put this.
You should be able to start your own thread. When you load up the forum it should start with the Information and discussion etc etc etc.
Be sure that the topic you wish to start a new thread on actually goes into the right subforum. ie if it is network technical etc scroll down to the support headed section and click on the correct subforum. Then when the new page comes up click on new thread tab. You need to put in a title for your thread, I personally feel it is useful to put as much info in the title as possible (you can expand on that in your thread) Type your thread again with as much info as possible, the more detailed you are the more likely you are to get a precise response.
You will find here on the STO forum the most helpful bunch of players EVER . Hope that helps.
Anyway in relation to your d/c are you installing using ARC or Steam. If Steam then there may be problems with them. If you are using ARC then by rights patching should normally restart from the point of d/c. There are a number of players currently having server issues (hence this thread) so maybe you are being effected aswell.