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Dyson Space daily change



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    sandormen123sandormen123 Member Posts: 862 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I guess, the Voth won then. There won't be enough allied forces left to fight them off the Omega particles. I guess some admiral realised they've been able to escape with enough particles to decimate known space over and over again.

    Congrats, Cryptic. Voth won. They can gather as much Omega their dinos can carry.

    Let me think... What is the Modus operandi... ...next, cryptic will add a new cashgrab through the doffpacks... ...oh, wait...
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    oldravenman3025oldravenman3025 Member Posts: 1,892 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I guess, the Voth won then. There won't be enough allied forces left to fight them off the Omega particles. I guess some admiral realised they've been able to escape with enough particles to decimate known space over and over again.

    Congrats, Cryptic. Voth won. They can gather as much Omega their dinos can carry.

    Let me think... What is the Modus operandi... ...next, cryptic will add a new cashgrab through the doffpacks... ...oh, wait...


    Good thing I was running this rep on only one of my alts. Not much will be lost when I don't finish it.
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    ehrlehnehrlehn Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    i have very limited time to actually play the game, so most days the two dailies were the only dilithium i would manage to get. The predawn early morning hours CST is a hard time to do much in the battlezone, so, i will get the commendation from the little mission until this rep is finished, and it will be very unlikely i will visit the sphere again. Unfortunate, but for the time of day i play, there is now better content elsewhere for time invested, even if that content is fairly old hat.

    Derrick - Fed Eng
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    barondeltabarondelta Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Just stopping in to add my agreement to everyone else's comments here. Those dailies were what was motivating me to keep playing; easily the best addition to the game while I've been active. I was really hoping that system could be spread to the older adventure zones as well - just much more fun than most every other option for marks and dilithium, as far as I'm concerned.

    Now it's gone. Please hurry and bring it back, before my motivation to play fades completely...
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    jiralinriajiralinria Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Agree on what's being said... Cryptic, bring back the dailies.
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    those tended to be about 70% of the dil grinding i did a day too. that small amount of dil was a HUGE loss for me.

    i like how they were supposed to just award you with the token they said, no you still have to go into the contact log and resolve manualy. i dont mind that, its just funny that that point that was stressed didn't even turn out to be true.
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    necrovisnecrovis Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I think what really kills me is before I would look at the mission to aquire items and think, "Oh, I can get those marks in about a week." to looking at them and realizing that I am going to have to run 75 of those "mini-missions". It went from little grind to major grind and I was hoping it wouldn't be so bad on this rep system.

    This has become a worse grind for the rep items than the other reps now.
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    mikoto123amikoto123a Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    This was a good rep system for casual players who can devote limited time to this part of the game. PVE runs to get marks are ok but get very repetitive to the stage of stupidity after you have done the same one 75 times.

    Please put it back to a system that works rather than leaving us so frustrated that the game looses any remaining appeal.
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    hravikhravik Member Posts: 1,203 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Funny how it takes me longer to get my commendation now than it ever did before. So much for this being faster and better, huh? As if that was ever the intention.
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    bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    On the plus side you can now run around and complete all 8 missions and but not turn them in all in one run. Then each day just turn in the mission and get the commendation token.

    Who needs marks > commendations!
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    sandormen123sandormen123 Member Posts: 862 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    bareel wrote: »
    On the plus side you can now run around and complete all 8 missions and but not turn them in all in one run. Then each day just turn in the mission and get the commendation token.

    Who needs marks > commendations!

    Oh, i hate myself for saying so, but... Nice trick. I. Guess this is how i will do it now. Because... Why do 8 every day, when once a week is enough.
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    michaelp1989michaelp1989 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Before nerf I could do contested daily by capturing solo one tower in contested zone and start rep projects, reward was nice for short time effort, it was nice grind. It was fast and easy, didn't feel grindy just as this rep was advertised; easiest of all reps and rest could be revamped to be like dino rep.

    I don't like 2 queued missions; storming=low marks reward, breach=boring for me and takes too much time.
    What option remain? Lolground battlezone, I don't like ground in sto and fighting dinos is lame imo.
    This change sucks hard :(, I want this daily back.

    Until then I think I won't bother with this dino "content" on my alts.
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    mikoto123amikoto123a Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Popped in past to the battlezone and it was dead - (compared to last Sunday (pre nerf)). The odds of getting to the V Rex boss at the end in a reasonable play time must now be zero:mad:

    We need this back quickly or the grinding is going to get worse....We play to enjoy the game NOT get RSI grinding
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    zensutrazensutra Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Here's another observation I've seen happen several times recently:

    By taking away the percentages for destroying Voth ships and swarmers, players no longer render assistance to each other in combat. Before, everyone would jump ships as soon as they appear, or swarm to the events when they happened so they could get some kills to complete their %.

    Now, I've seen more players just activate their missions and just rush off when the Voth decloak, leaving the next ship to handle it.

    Cryptic, you had a good mechanic with good rewards that actually encouraged players to hang around, help, complete things. What happened?
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    litchy74litchy74 Member Posts: 417 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I love how this has been moved to one of the backwater boards, seems to be happening more when it's something the devs don't want to talk about.

    Sorry it been place in the appropriate board...........

    For me sphere space I see no point in ever visiting again. The wrapper the extra % for killing voth ships not in your mission, which aided random team work, gone. Instead you have a bugged solo with no interaction with others mission.
    Where ever you go, there you are.......

    Join The Space Invaders,..... Federation and KDF fleets.
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    calistobradycalistobrady Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    The Dyson zone in it's entirety has now been made a "has-been" zone only about a month after it's debut.

    Pretty sure New Romulas and Nukara remained fairly populated at least 2 months after going live but this move has pretty well put the nail in the coffin for Dyson Space and even the Battlezone. Both are pretty dead now, and the battlezone is almost impossible to fully complete because no one hangs around there now.

    This zone was supposed to be what SEASON 8: The Sphere was all about! And they have basically nerfed it by discouraging TEAM effort and cooperation.

    I hold little expectations for the apparent "Season 8.5 - The Voth Zone" since Cryptic's writers have clearly run out of ideas. The pathetic excuse for a storyline behind the Dyson Sphere and meaningless cut scenes proves this.

    I am a Trekkie, and will take what Star Trek Gaming is on offer, but people ARE leaving this game in droves. It's becoming stale, boring and just a grind.
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    panserbjorne39panserbjorne39 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Am I wrong about this? I used to get my voth commendation by doing the contested zone daily but now it's not there. I don't understand why the ground battlezone still has its dailies but they took out the space one. After all, wasn't Season 8 supposed to be all about a space adventure zone?
    I've found the ground battlezone to be a. more popular b. have better rewards. What gives?
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    rybrarianrybrarian Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    seriously. I miss the Contested Zone, too. Please bring it back.
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    orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    There was no such thing as "Voth space daily", nor is there any such thing as "Voth commendation".
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    rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    rybrarian wrote: »
    seriously. I miss the Contested Zone, too. Please bring it back.

    Absolutely, the old wrapper was the only reason to go there and stay in your ship.

    The decision to take these wrappers away was, in terms of brainless vandalism and a sense of 'yer-having-fun-wrong', the worst thing Cryptic have done since the Valentines Day Massacre Patch.

    The knock on effect has been to turn a thriving and novel space zone into a wasteland overnight.

    The stated reason, to save time, is laughably ridiculous given how badly some of the remaining missions are bugged and uncompletable.

    Seriously, has anyone ever found the darn missing spaceship yet?

    And, worst of all for an MMO, it has taken away the incentive for players to just pitch in and help other players in the Dyson sphere.

    Furthermore, and this is direct to the mods, the decision to place this thread down here where no-one ever goes is appalling.

    This is not about an FE, but about how Cryptic have made a change that affects the general population of the game.

    This is, by absolute definition, a subject for general discussion.

    Please put this thread back into the subforum in which it was first posted and in which it so obviously belongs.
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    tmassxtmassx Member Posts: 827 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    IMO this is one of the worst changes in STO.

    3 dyson marks for one task, are you kidding? Realy i must do 167 repetetive little tasks for one reputation item?

    Until you return back , I will not see me in the Sphere space.
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    i dont really care what i have to do to get it, a collection of found missions, the missions from the various hubs, whatever. i just want the daily back, or something like it. haven't they noticed that theres not a single reason to hang out in the space zone now, other then to do 1 mission were you have to fly all over the map so it takes a sufficiently long time so you can get the commendation and a pathetic 10 marks?

    the ground zone, that trips over itself handing out dil and marks for every little thing. you are rewarded constantly for every thing you do. theres nothing like that for the space zone, found missions give 3 marks and no dil. theres no reason to just hang out there for hours like there is in the ground zone. hopeful by the time they release the voth zone, they will have figured this out and actually incentive's the space zone they clearly spent a lot of time on so people will spend more then 5 minutes there a day.
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    oldravenman3025oldravenman3025 Member Posts: 1,892 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    rinkster wrote: »
    Absolutely, the old wrapper was the only reason to go there and stay in your ship.

    The decision to take these wrappers away was, in terms of brainless vandalism and a sense of 'yer-having-fun-wrong', the worst thing Cryptic have done since the Valentines Day Massacre Patch.

    The knock on effect has been to turn a thriving and novel space zone into a wasteland overnight.

    The stated reason, to save time, is laughably ridiculous given how badly some of the remaining missions are bugged and uncompletable.

    Seriously, has anyone ever found the darn missing spaceship yet?

    And, worst of all for an MMO, it has taken away the incentive for players to just pitch in and help other players in the Dyson sphere.

    Furthermore, and this is direct to the mods, the decision to place this thread down here where no-one ever goes is appalling.

    This is not about an FE, but about how Cryptic have made a change that affects the general population of the game.

    This is, by absolute definition, a subject for general discussion.

    Please put this thread back into the subforum in which it was first posted and in which it so obviously belongs.

    The mods are just following orders. The devs and community manager want no widespread discussion on the issue.

    However, it's funny how the oodles of game bug, ship, and PvP threads are hardly, if ever, moved to the appropriate boards from GD.

    But it's their forums and their rules. We are just guests here.

    However, they need to remember that in their line of work, keeping a job involves makings products that consumers will indulge themselves in. Not killing the wide appeal of your newest product while it still has that "new leather smell", so to speak.

    Personally, as I mentioned in another post, this d*ck move was (in my opinion) to keep those who play the Dil Exchange happy. But this isn't Wall Street Online, it's Star Trek Online.
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    rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    The mods are just following orders. The devs and community manager want no widespread discussion on the issue.

    Such a ridiculously short sighted philosophy.

    Feedback enables improvement, improvement almost certainly means better retention and recruitment of players.

    If they felt there was too much dilithium or dyson marks getting into the supply chain, then the logical and simple choice is to reduce those rewards on the wrapper.

    Removing the wrapper entirely is stupid, and I choose that word most carefully.

    It may have solved the problem that someone or other thought they had, but its destroyed the experience which, in a very large part, an entire season is based upon. The dyson sphere.
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    aversa1aversa1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Yay my first post on the blogs gets to be a complaint!

    I'm an on again/off again player and i typically only have a small window to log on daily. Length of the mission was never really an issue and I did like how doing the daily would net me 50 marks/1 token/Dil. Doing the map missions could get you a good chunk of marks to fill that 100% and then I'd be done for the day really. Not a heavy grinder.

    Now I go in and I get, what, 15 marks for doing the daily? I forget already. And then they have the fleet alerts at the minefield. I'm not going to race out of my way for 8 marks lol. No thanks.

    I don't know how others field, but personally I'm into games for the stories attached. Replayability is ok when the rewards are sufficient. I don't mind doing 7-8 STF's a night to finish a rep reward, but it takes 3x as long to do anything the the Dyson marks. Neither of the PVE's are comparable in earnings and the Spire Assault is incredibly annoying.
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    litchy74litchy74 Member Posts: 417 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Looking at 'The Beach' elite wait times before they removed the wrapper, 2-3 minutes, now usually it's about 30 seconds. You can get your dill, marks , commendation and cyber piece in one 10 minute map.

    All the work making the space zones and they are now totally deserted, it's seems the devs are not listening the tribble test servers, or the holodeck.

    They are lucky, if it was not for the Star Trek license most players wouldn't put up with this buggy miss managed MMO and be off to new pastures but us Trekkies are stubborn sods....
    Where ever you go, there you are.......

    Join The Space Invaders,..... Federation and KDF fleets.
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    yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    tmassx wrote: »
    IMO this is one of the worst changes in STO.

    3 dyson marks for one task, are you kidding? Realy i must do 167 repetetive little tasks for one reputation item?

    Until you return back , I will not see me in the Sphere space.
    I couldn't have said it better.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
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    hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Barring the fact that I still go to the Contested Zone because I have this sick obsession with blowing up the Voth (call it a leftover habit from having to do it for % on the daily... and you gotta admit, it's just satisfying demolishing the Bulwarks) I am just going to say this:

    Getting commendation points is a joke now. I just run an Ion Stream mission, and that's that. Boom. 30 seconds. Done. Then I do it again. And again... and... you get the idea.

    But seriously? Before the patch? In the contested zone I finished the daily in sub-two minutes. In the allied zone? Maybe 5. So... yeah... 7 minutes... Because that's totally taking too long. Waaay too long. And on 5 characters that would take about 45 minutes (adding in loading times, flight time, map changes, etc). Totally too long.

    On a positive note, I was able to get 700 marks in the space of half an hour running the mini missions (yes, I did one 70 times just to prove to myself the level of bull this has descended to)... which... oh wait, I could do that BEFORE THE PATCH.

    So again, explain to me how this isn't a straight up middle finger to the player base?
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
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