A skittles Oberth boat, oh my that sounds so cute. I love it!
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
I ran a trret boat with my jhdc for buff stripping purposes and used all the kinds of polaron turrets on it for maximum fun. It was actually pretty good at stripping buffs too with just the Jem'Hadar proc.
Sounds like fun, though wouldn't folks get abusive towards someone during PVE for having only turrets?
Would love to see the Oberth in action, maybe next time someone can catch it on video and post it on Youtube?
"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." - Rocky Balboa (2006)
Personally I don't care what you use, as long as you pull your weight on the team.
Also, the problem with skittles isn't the varied energy types. The difference in tac consoles for energy-specific versus "cannons" is not game-breaking especially when you only have a couple of them like science ships. The real issue is that turrets are terrible. You don't use turrets for damage, you use them because there's nothing better to put on the back. If your ship is so ungainly that you think you should be using an all-turrets build, then switch to dual beams and torps with projectile officers and be a mobile firebase from long range. You'll be far more effective.
It's far more effective and far more HELPFUL to do the same weapons types with same procs but using BAs. Just broadside. That's the best solution for ungainly ships. Using turrets is just an intentional slap in the face of anybody else in the mission. They carried his butt, I have no doubt.
It's far more effective and far more HELPFUL to do the same weapons types with same procs but using BAs. Just broadside. That's the best solution for ungainly ships. Using turrets is just an intentional slap in the face of anybody else in the mission. They carried his butt, I have no doubt.
I once ran a torp-cannon boat with an orion marauder. Crazy photon dps (3 fore, so no cooldown really) on unshielded STF structures.
turrets may not deal nearly as much damage as beams, but they are all ALWAYS firing, at any angle, and they're great if you use a lot of fore-facing abilities, because those dont work on broadsiding ships.
For certain energy types like disruptor, I think turret boats are actually better than beam boats. They fire more often and are better for procing that extra damage on enemies, so turret boats aren't to be underestimated.
I once ran a torp-cannon boat with an orion marauder. Crazy photon dps (3 fore, so no cooldown really) on unshielded STF structures.
turrets may not deal nearly as much damage as beams, but they are all ALWAYS firing, at any angle, and they're great if you use a lot of fore-facing abilities, because those dont work on broadsiding ships.
For certain energy types like disruptor, I think turret boats are actually better than beam boats. They fire more often and are better for procing that extra damage on enemies, so turret boats aren't to be underestimated.
I wouldn't have a problem with a turret boat that pulls its own weight, but I would have a problem with a ship with only three weapons on it and so little hull it would pop in one decent volley, it can't be effective and its has to be obvious that the player should know that too. Doing an STF or other group action in such a ship without the other players knowing beforehand is just in poor taste. If your friends pair up and are okay with it, great, otherwise...
I wouldn't have a problem with a turret boat that pulls its own weight, but I would have a problem with a ship with only three weapons on it and so little hull it would pop in one decent volley, it can't be effective and its has to be obvious that the player should know that too. Doing an STF or other group action in such a ship without the other players knowing beforehand is just in poor taste. If your friends pair up and are okay with it, great, otherwise...
I would agree that doing STFs in a PUG group with a T1 ship or shuttle is just in poor taste. If you team up for a private run, then everyone knows before hand. The quick play STFs/Fleet Actions are NOT the place for that.
I wouldn't have a problem with a turret boat that pulls its own weight, but I would have a problem with a ship with only three weapons on it and so little hull it would pop in one decent volley, it can't be effective and its has to be obvious that the player should know that too. Doing an STF or other group action in such a ship without the other players knowing beforehand is just in poor taste. If your friends pair up and are okay with it, great, otherwise...
That's the beauty of pugs. You chose to do it, can't complain about the quality of your team mates.
It's not myfault ifyoufeel trolledbymyDisco ball...Sorry'boutit.
Saying that turrets are ALWAYS firing is a false argument. You're not only doing less than a beam array, you're doing WAY less. Base damage for a MkXII turret is 132 dps. Base damage for a mkXII beam array is 176.
Further, there is a WIDE margin where front and aft beam arrays shoot at the same target.
base damage alone: 6x turrets = 792 dps
base damage alone: 6x arrays = 1056 dps
And that's base damage. Everything that improves upon that multpilies this, skill points, etc.
There is no excuse for it. It is ONLY done to slap the face of the players alongside it, that must carry it because this one person wants to TRIBBLE around. You get the same proc's with 6 BAs and way more damage. Not to mention other skills like FAW which sci ships have access to. Turrets are affected by cannon skills, which most sci ships don't have access to due to boff setup. FURTHER reducing your damage output and effectiveness.
There is no excuse for it. It is ONLY done to slap the face of the players alongside it, that must carry it because this one person wants to TRIBBLE around. You get the same proc's with 6 BAs and way more damage. Not to mention other skills like FAW which sci ships have access to. Turrets are affected by cannon skills, which most sci ships don't have access to due to boff setup. FURTHER reducing your damage output and effectiveness.
It's only a game dude. If people want to TRIBBLE around, that is their business. Don't like it? Don't pug.
Sometimes I go into an estf in a low tier ship. That is how I might want to play that day, and I am bloody well going to. I'm playing for my enjoyment, not yours.
It's not myfault ifyoufeel trolledbymyDisco ball...Sorry'boutit.
It's only a game dude. If people want to TRIBBLE around, that is their business. Don't like it? Don't pug.
Sometimes I go into an estf in a low tier ship. That is how I might want to play that day, and I am bloody well going to. I'm playing for my enjoyment, not yours.
See... this is pretty selfish/trollish of you. If you want to PVE alone, fly whatever you want. But if you choose to enter a team event, you owe it to your team to do your best.
See... this is pretty selfish/trollish of you. If you want to PVE alone, fly whatever you want. But if you choose to enter a team event, you owe it to your team to do your best.
Erm... do I? Why? I'm seriously asking.
I'll do my best with the ship I choose to bring in, But why do I owe them anything?
It's not myfault ifyoufeel trolledbymyDisco ball...Sorry'boutit.
Okay here's your answer: PVE groups are limited in size, so if you take up a spot with some lower-tier ship, everyone else has to work harder and longer to accomplish the objective (kill CCE, do the Breach, whatever). This results in their time being wasted as it takes them longer to get the same reward.
Also, because of cooldown timers and leaver penalties, they can't just drop and re-Q whenever they see your lower-tier ship.
So, if you choose to play in groups with your lower-tier/poorly-fitted ship, you are making the choice to harm your teammates by diminishing the rewards/time they invest. If your team is a pre-made, and they don't care, then have fun. But if it's a random/PUG, then you are wasting their time, and that's not something that's okay for you to do in the name of your fun.
Okay here's your answer: PVE groups are limited in size, so if you take up a spot with some lower-tier ship, everyone else has to work harder and longer to accomplish the objective (kill CCE, do the Breach, whatever). This results in their time being wasted as it takes them longer to get the same reward.
Also, because of cooldown timers and leaver penalties, they can't just drop and re-Q whenever they see your lower-tier ship.
So, if you choose to play in groups with your lower-tier/poorly-fitted ship, you are making the choice to harm your teammates by diminishing the rewards/time they invest. If your team is a pre-made, and they don't care, then have fun. But if it's a random/PUG, then you are wasting their time, and that's not something that's okay for you to do in the name of your fun.
But that's the thing, as I stated before, if you are going to pug you take what you get. If you want to ensure quality, do a premade.
And don't bother asking how would I feel if it happened to me. I've had less then productive team mates before and guess what. I get on with it and take it as a challenge, and 9/10 we still do fine.
It's not myfault ifyoufeel trolledbymyDisco ball...Sorry'boutit.
That's fine. I'm genuinely not trying to troll, this really is my opinion. I can see why you would see it as trolling, but I've no intention of changing my behavior.
It's not myfault ifyoufeel trolledbymyDisco ball...Sorry'boutit.
See... this is pretty selfish/trollish of you. If you want to PVE alone, fly whatever you want. But if you choose to enter a team event, you owe it to your team to do your best.
I agree. It may be a game, but don't TRIBBLE your team just because you want to be a douche bag. Queue in an open game with a T1 ship or shuttle is purposely sabotaging one's team, and the person doing it KNOWS they are being a "Blue Falcon".
I agree. It may be a game, but don't TRIBBLE your team just because you want to be a douche bag. Queue in an open game with a T1 ship or shuttle is purposely sabotaging one's team, and the person doing it KNOWS they are being a "Blue Falcon".
Can't go in with a shuttle, I've tried. And never said I was trying to be a douche. I am taking a lower tier ship for the sake of challenge.
Also, Blue Falcon?
It's not myfault ifyoufeel trolledbymyDisco ball...Sorry'boutit.
We can all to whatever the hell we want. if he wants to go in a T1 fine, if you feel screwed over, leave the match or get over it. The word is "game" not "be serious and don't have fun" yes, it this game has a hardcore aspect to it, but its a GAME.
That's the beauty of pugs. You chose to do it, can't complain about the quality of your team mates.
Theres a difference between low-quality teammates or not playing with highest quality equipment because they haven't gotten/afforded it yet and someone intentionally handicapping them-self and the groups performance for self entertainment. It's only tasteful to be courteous of the other players. When one goes with a group that knows what they're getting into beforehand, its one thing, doing that with a group of unawares is another.
- Judge Aaron Satie
That guy must be bored... :rolleyes:
FED: Matt Torell, Lavinia Molinero, Zindox
KDF: Che'ko Tenda'All
ROM: Ecural Mendak
My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
Would love to see the Oberth in action, maybe next time someone can catch it on video and post it on Youtube?
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
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Just to keep things fresh.
Also, the problem with skittles isn't the varied energy types. The difference in tac consoles for energy-specific versus "cannons" is not game-breaking especially when you only have a couple of them like science ships. The real issue is that turrets are terrible. You don't use turrets for damage, you use them because there's nothing better to put on the back. If your ship is so ungainly that you think you should be using an all-turrets build, then switch to dual beams and torps with projectile officers and be a mobile firebase from long range. You'll be far more effective.
I once ran a torp-cannon boat with an orion marauder. Crazy photon dps (3 fore, so no cooldown really) on unshielded STF structures.
turrets may not deal nearly as much damage as beams, but they are all ALWAYS firing, at any angle, and they're great if you use a lot of fore-facing abilities, because those dont work on broadsiding ships.
For certain energy types like disruptor, I think turret boats are actually better than beam boats. They fire more often and are better for procing that extra damage on enemies, so turret boats aren't to be underestimated.
I wouldn't have a problem with a turret boat that pulls its own weight, but I would have a problem with a ship with only three weapons on it and so little hull it would pop in one decent volley, it can't be effective and its has to be obvious that the player should know that too. Doing an STF or other group action in such a ship without the other players knowing beforehand is just in poor taste. If your friends pair up and are okay with it, great, otherwise...
I would agree that doing STFs in a PUG group with a T1 ship or shuttle is just in poor taste. If you team up for a private run, then everyone knows before hand. The quick play STFs/Fleet Actions are NOT the place for that.
That's the beauty of pugs. You chose to do it, can't complain about the quality of your team mates.
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
Further, there is a WIDE margin where front and aft beam arrays shoot at the same target.
base damage alone: 6x turrets = 792 dps
base damage alone: 6x arrays = 1056 dps
And that's base damage. Everything that improves upon that multpilies this, skill points, etc.
There is no excuse for it. It is ONLY done to slap the face of the players alongside it, that must carry it because this one person wants to TRIBBLE around. You get the same proc's with 6 BAs and way more damage. Not to mention other skills like FAW which sci ships have access to. Turrets are affected by cannon skills, which most sci ships don't have access to due to boff setup. FURTHER reducing your damage output and effectiveness.
It's only a game dude. If people want to TRIBBLE around, that is their business. Don't like it? Don't pug.
Sometimes I go into an estf in a low tier ship. That is how I might want to play that day, and I am bloody well going to. I'm playing for my enjoyment, not yours.
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
See... this is pretty selfish/trollish of you. If you want to PVE alone, fly whatever you want. But if you choose to enter a team event, you owe it to your team to do your best.
Erm... do I? Why? I'm seriously asking.
I'll do my best with the ship I choose to bring in, But why do I owe them anything?
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
6/10... cause people hate skittled turrets.
That doesn't answer my question at all.
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
Okay here's your answer: PVE groups are limited in size, so if you take up a spot with some lower-tier ship, everyone else has to work harder and longer to accomplish the objective (kill CCE, do the Breach, whatever). This results in their time being wasted as it takes them longer to get the same reward.
Also, because of cooldown timers and leaver penalties, they can't just drop and re-Q whenever they see your lower-tier ship.
So, if you choose to play in groups with your lower-tier/poorly-fitted ship, you are making the choice to harm your teammates by diminishing the rewards/time they invest. If your team is a pre-made, and they don't care, then have fun. But if it's a random/PUG, then you are wasting their time, and that's not something that's okay for you to do in the name of your fun.
But that's the thing, as I stated before, if you are going to pug you take what you get. If you want to ensure quality, do a premade.
And don't bother asking how would I feel if it happened to me. I've had less then productive team mates before and guess what. I get on with it and take it as a challenge, and 9/10 we still do fine.
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
That's fine. I'm genuinely not trying to troll, this really is my opinion. I can see why you would see it as trolling, but I've no intention of changing my behavior.
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
I agree. It may be a game, but don't TRIBBLE your team just because you want to be a douche bag. Queue in an open game with a T1 ship or shuttle is purposely sabotaging one's team, and the person doing it KNOWS they are being a "Blue Falcon".
Can't go in with a shuttle, I've tried. And never said I was trying to be a douche. I am taking a lower tier ship for the sake of challenge.
Also, Blue Falcon?
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
Support the Typhoon and Jupiter class starships!
Theres a difference between low-quality teammates or not playing with highest quality equipment because they haven't gotten/afforded it yet and someone intentionally handicapping them-self and the groups performance for self entertainment. It's only tasteful to be courteous of the other players. When one goes with a group that knows what they're getting into beforehand, its one thing, doing that with a group of unawares is another.