I'm calling a hack right now!! :P Just kidding, you probably were thinking of the plasmonic leech or sth. else, this one wasn't in lockboxes.
Anyway people should really let it be. The devs. finally decided to take some steps to preserve some different elements of gameplay in the factions by introducing the new trend of having new universal lockbox consoles availible for everyone, so we really should support that rather than constantly asking for the toys on the other side of the fence.
I don't agree - this one console will not make or break the kdf. The main reason the kdf pop is dropping is lack of New ships for almost 2 years - that and only 2 costumes. A few new levels and a new tutorial were nothing to get people interested - and the same with this console. Only with several brand new c-store ships release along with a new costume set will the kdf have any hope. Then they need to open up several events like colony invasion to cross-faction q's - many don't do kdf regularly because of the long wait times.
This console has very little impact on the kdf - they need to focus on more New ships.
This is just one more reason not to play KDF. Also Cryptic has to think about ever being able to sell lower level ships in the z-store if they do this. People only buy it for the consoles, leveling up is easy enough in free ships, and now its another reason to not buy those lower level ships. Why bother when you can use the toy on your alt and get the console off exchange.
Now I am not sure if this lockbox is less successful then previous ones or not, but if it is, I think its because of the ship, not the console. Lots of people including me just aren't excited over the Voth, and don't really need another heal cruiser anyway, I already have something close enough that I like better for that role, fleet corsair. I opened some boxes for mining claims and to try the console, but I didn't really care about getting the ship, I would have sold it if I did.
I really don't want to irritate people more on this issue - so this is my bow out post - if I don't reply to a comment - that is why.
As I consider the possibility of massive Fed spamming of aceton in it's current form - the more I am finding myself against the idea.
Now you are starting to make more sense. Aceton doesn't seem so fun anymore with the thought of it being spammed more then ever. You can avoid it now in FvF, but not anymore if it were in a lockbox.
As was already noted, the 180 arc torpedo is a must have for the A2B Bfaw cruisers since it allows for easy torp use without sacrificing broadside capabilities.
Which I must point out is not a console, comes from a restricted tier (T5) nor is it universally a viable weapon choice (in fact the A2B cruiser is more or less the only time you're going to see one).
The only reason it is op is because it can be spammed every 45 sec - personally I would only deploy it in the T'varo - as I use one in a Kdf T'varo and on 3 fleet Brel's - and that is only because being clocked most of the time - faw spam can rip you a new one in a Brel.
My irritation with the console is its over use. That is my one HUGE concern with having it go fed side - it is already spammed by kdf players that don't need to - like a fleet tor'Kat spamming it?? Really?? You are just doing it to TRIBBLE off Fed players in that case. So yeah if it were to go fed side it would need further adjustments.
If its so valued highly then itdeserves a equal value trade. Go ferengi another facyion othetwise.
Which I must point out is not a console, comes from a restricted tier (T5) nor is it universally a viable weapon choice (in fact the A2B cruiser is more or less the only time you're going to see one).
Matters little, it could dropped in a lock box all the same.
As a further note, The AA is also a rarely used item that fits more to niche builds than the status quo so it balances out.
It's also op to be able to spam a uni console device 3 times before the first one is even gone. There is no item in the game with such power that can be spammed as much and as often as the aceton - if the feds had it and the kdf did not you would hear non-stop screams for a nerf to its lack of significant CD and beam able to deploy so many on the map. There is no console in the game as exploitable as the aceton. Don't even demean yourself by trying to deny that.
Thats the tactic I use in my fleet defiant against aceton spam. If that advice isn't to your liking (shrugs).As for the Aceton console itself, I only fly bops, and destroyers on my Klingons My console space is too precious to waste on a gimic.:rolleyes: Edit:The only ships I see Aceton truly helping is science ships.
Wow this thread exploded since I last checked in. A few things to address.
First; yes, the original proposal was obviously intended as part of a trade. I would agree to the KDF should getting something useful like a Wide Angle Torp in exchange. Most KDF though have come in here with Red Rage, foaming at the mouth and screaming foul; putting value on the AA equal to everything Fed has, in summary. Amusingly, they then turn around and try to say it isn't because the AA is OP. :rolleyes:
Second; as stated, the new 'neutral' consoles are both more gimmicky, and untested. People know which faction consoles are good matches for their tactics. These new ones, are complete mysteries; so they likely are not as successful in utility and desirability. The newest one is just an annoyance, for example.
Third; an alternative to a console swap was proposed, a tweak to the Ionized Gas Sensor to make it an anti satellite tool as well. It would give more use to an under-used console that both factions have.
Fourth; continuing from prior, KDF have cried foul over almost every trade. It seems to me that Red is simply bitter and vindictive overall, and is refusing to see what exactly they have been given. IGS give you a counter to Blue Roms. AMS is a Fed-Ball Buster. PD and ICC are escape tools for when your Alpha goes bad. PDT for the fighter and plastorp spam. Every console is still good, if you know how to use it; even the much loathed IGS which gives you some anti-cloak when you haven't had much otherwise.
And a side note; chill out, take a breath, condense your posts. Alot of undue anger and ranting going on here. Some people almost seem to be trying to get the thread locked.
Wow this thread exploded since I last checked in. A few things to address.
First; yes, the original proposal was obviously intended as part of a trade. I would agree to the KDF should getting something useful like a Wide Angle Torp in exchange. Most KDF though have come in here with Red Rage, foaming at the mouth and screaming foul; putting value on the AA equal to everything Fed has, in summary. Amusingly, they then turn around and try to say it isn't because the AA is OP. :rolleyes:
Second; as stated, the new 'neutral' consoles are both more gimmicky, and untested. People know which faction consoles are good matches for their tactics. These new ones, are complete mysteries; so they likely are not as successful in utility and desirability. The newest one is just an annoyance, for example.
Third; an alternative to a console swap was proposed, a tweak to the Ionized Gas Sensor to make it an anti satellite tool as well. It would give more use to an under-used console that both factions have.
Fourth; continuing from prior, KDF have cried foul over almost every trade. It seems to me that Red is simply bitter and vindictive overall, and is refusing to see what exactly they have been given. IGS give you a counter to Blue Roms. AMS is a Fed-Ball Buster. PD and ICC are escape tools for when your Alpha goes bad. PDT for the fighter and plastorp spam. Every console is still good, if you know how to use it; even the much loathed IGS which gives you some anti-cloak when you haven't had much otherwise.
And a side note; chill out, take a breath, condense your posts. Alot of undue anger and ranting going on here. Some people almost seem to be trying to get the thread locked.
There is no way that a lock box will ever contain a console from a ship that cost 2500 zen . I must say that the rest of the fed consoles are unuseful compared to the AA.
Don't get surprised when fed only players create a new thread asking for the romulan valdore console for trade, and in return for lets say the NX-01 ultra useful console :P
And a side note; chill out, take a breath, condense your posts. Alot of undue anger and ranting going on here. Some people almost seem to be trying to get the thread locked.
#1. The thread should be locked.
#2. KDF doesn't need any fed consoles, and we didn't ask for any.
#3. Every trade has always been horrid for the KDF.
#4. Begging for console threads should be insta-locked.
#5. Cryptic understands the need for faction diversity. So people are wasting their time here.
#6. Paying EC for Zen consoles should have never existed in the first place.
"You don't always get what you want. You get what you need" --Bret the Hitman Hart--
The dress is gold and white. Over 70% people says so. When viewed from a certain screen angle it appears blue and black. The dress displayed on amazon is a blue and black dress, but it's not the same dress in the picture. If you're seeing blue & black you're slightly colored blind. A normal upright screen = white and gold.
I agree with everything you said but that it is relatively cheap to get plasmonic of exchange. It was cheap when they ran the lock boxes and I picked up 4 for a million and change each. Now they are 12 million.
I don't know about anyone else, but I consider that to be cheap when compared to 1500 Zen. If I really bothered to pursue all known-to-me avenues of EC-collecting, I could get 12 million EC in a week, perhaps less. Getting the dilithium to accrue 1500 zen would take much longer, and would require me to completely avoid other dilithium expenditures (specifically, Fleet/Reputation stuff). Then there's the fact that it's still the equivalent of 15 dollars in real money. That says something to me, at least.
#2. KDF doesn't need any fed consoles, and we didn't ask for any.
This is an important point. The KDF never asked for any of this 'trade' stuff. I think we would have been fine with the Feddies just getting new consoles to 'respond' to the 'OP' consoles the KDF had. It preserves faction diversity and gives people a reason to pick one faction over another.
But no, Cryptic just peddles off our 'good stuff' while giving us mediocre consoles in return, and then people have the nerve to call it a fair trade.
Almost every one of these 'trades' has been a slap in the KDF's face, and oblivious Feddies wonder why we're so angry about it or why we 'red rage' about it. We've got good friggin reasons, TYVM.
This is an important point. The KDF never asked for any of this 'trade' stuff.
I don't recall Feds asking for Klink consoles either. I remember requests for balancing ones such as PL or AA... The trade was Cryptic's own idea.
But no, Cryptic just peddles off our 'good stuff' while giving us mediocre consoles in return, and then people have the nerve to call it a fair trade.
As I've tried to explain before. KDF got good consoles as well. The much loathed Antimatter Spread that 'ruined PvP' is now in the Klink toolbox as well. Ionized Gas Sensor gives you something to use against Fed-aligned Romulans, and the Defiant and Avengers about; for extra irony use it on a B'rel Torpboat. I've seen many people complain about fighter spam, Point-Defense Turret gives everyone instant sky-sweeping with a single button. The consoles traded are good when utilized right; and you get them for EC, just like Feds do with the KDF ones.
Almost every one of these 'trades' has been a slap in the KDF's face, and oblivious Feddies wonder why we're so angry about it or why we 'red rage' about it. We've got good friggin reasons, TYVM.
I just see odd people acting like a game developer has a personal grudge against them, whom hate the 'KDF Fans' yet they keep playing; and take out their anger on the Blue guys who have no more control than you do. So... yes, more Red-Rage. There's no evil conspiracy, the only ones who seem biased in the end are the crazy die-hard Klink players.
Go for a walk, enjoy a movie. Sounds like a lot of you need some down time. It's a game.
I don't recall Feds asking for Klink consoles either. I remember requests for balancing ones such as PL or AA... The trade was Cryptic's own idea.
As I've tried to explain before. KDF got good consoles as well. The much loathed Antimatter Spread that 'ruined PvP' is now in the Klink toolbox as well. Ionized Gas Sensor gives you something to use against Fed-aligned Romulans, and the Defiant and Avengers about; for extra irony use it on a B'rel Torpboat. I've seen many people complain about fighter spam, Point-Defense Turret gives everyone instant sky-sweeping with a single button. The consoles traded are good when utilized right; and you get them for EC, just like Feds do with the KDF ones.
I just see odd people acting like a game developer has a personal grudge against them, whom hate the 'KDF Fans' yet they keep playing; and take out their anger on the Blue guys who have no more control than you do. So... yes, more Red-Rage. There's no evil conspiracy, the only ones who seem biased in the end are the crazy die-hard Klink players.
Go for a walk, enjoy a movie. Sounds like a lot of you need some down time. It's a game.
Mmm...there have been folks far in the past who would want them. I remember quite well about that. Yes a lot of the old posts are now 'Archived Post', so good luck trying to find them (I ain't tryin, way too tired), but they did exist. And if people didn't just ask for em, then they would call for nerfs, or sometimes just nerfs in general.
Which makes me wonder, if folks would gripe about them, why do they care? I mean, PvE, not really much of a difference there, even before we got all the stuff we have now, PvE wasn't that difficult (certainly more challenging overall than it is now of course, like the original Crystalline Entity), but nothing hair-pullingly difficult. Did people just see it and want it for themselves or something?
PvP then? Well, as so many people are often times quite glad to say, PvP is a very VERY small part of the game's playerbase, so I guess folks, a small group of a small group, just got tired of dealing with it in PvP? Since PvPers are such a small part of the game, obviously such a thing shouldn't matter, and those people are just QQing, so...
I won't deny the KDF got some good consoles in return. Not gonna argue that. BUT, the reason the Feds had or got some of these consoles in the first place was because that was part of the balance and point-counter point between Fed and KDF. Feds had the Emission torp to counter cloaks (particularly BoPs). KDF at first were the only ones with carriers, so PDS was a good quick counter for spam clearing. AMS was more a 'canon' ability used by the Ent D, so...there you go. Point is that before all the console swaps and before Romulans, that is how the factions were kept more unique and also more balanced because people had measures against the other faction's stuff. The console swapping dilutes the Fed side just as much as it does the KDF.
I don't feel that way personally. I don't think it is a case of the devs having a personal beef with the KDF faction. Because if they had some kind of 'issue' that would still imply that they CARE enough about the KDF, even in a wholly negative way. So how can they have a grudge if they won't do anything at all for the KDF and otherwise ignore it?
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
As I consider the possibility of massive Fed spamming of aceton in it's current form - the more I am finding myself against the idea.
i like this human he understands
This is just one more reason not to play KDF. Also Cryptic has to think about ever being able to sell lower level ships in the z-store if they do this. People only buy it for the consoles, leveling up is easy enough in free ships, and now its another reason to not buy those lower level ships. Why bother when you can use the toy on your alt and get the console off exchange.
Now I am not sure if this lockbox is less successful then previous ones or not, but if it is, I think its because of the ship, not the console. Lots of people including me just aren't excited over the Voth, and don't really need another heal cruiser anyway, I already have something close enough that I like better for that role, fleet corsair. I opened some boxes for mining claims and to try the console, but I didn't really care about getting the ship, I would have sold it if I did.
Now you are starting to make more sense. Aceton doesn't seem so fun anymore with the thought of it being spammed more then ever. You can avoid it now in FvF, but not anymore if it were in a lockbox.
Which I must point out is not a console, comes from a restricted tier (T5) nor is it universally a viable weapon choice (in fact the A2B cruiser is more or less the only time you're going to see one).
If its so valued highly then itdeserves a equal value trade. Go ferengi another facyion othetwise.
Matters little, it could dropped in a lock box all the same.
As a further note, The AA is also a rarely used item that fits more to niche builds than the status quo so it balances out.
Thats the tactic I use in my fleet defiant against aceton spam. If that advice isn't to your liking (shrugs).As for the Aceton console itself, I only fly bops, and destroyers on my Klingons My console space is too precious to waste on a gimic.:rolleyes: Edit:The only ships I see Aceton truly helping is science ships.
First; yes, the original proposal was obviously intended as part of a trade. I would agree to the KDF should getting something useful like a Wide Angle Torp in exchange. Most KDF though have come in here with Red Rage, foaming at the mouth and screaming foul; putting value on the AA equal to everything Fed has, in summary. Amusingly, they then turn around and try to say it isn't because the AA is OP. :rolleyes:
Second; as stated, the new 'neutral' consoles are both more gimmicky, and untested. People know which faction consoles are good matches for their tactics. These new ones, are complete mysteries; so they likely are not as successful in utility and desirability. The newest one is just an annoyance, for example.
Third; an alternative to a console swap was proposed, a tweak to the Ionized Gas Sensor to make it an anti satellite tool as well. It would give more use to an under-used console that both factions have.
Fourth; continuing from prior, KDF have cried foul over almost every trade. It seems to me that Red is simply bitter and vindictive overall, and is refusing to see what exactly they have been given. IGS give you a counter to Blue Roms. AMS is a Fed-Ball Buster. PD and ICC are escape tools for when your Alpha goes bad. PDT for the fighter and plastorp spam. Every console is still good, if you know how to use it; even the much loathed IGS which gives you some anti-cloak when you haven't had much otherwise.
And a side note; chill out, take a breath, condense your posts. Alot of undue anger and ranting going on here. Some people almost seem to be trying to get the thread locked.
There is no way that a lock box will ever contain a console from a ship that cost 2500 zen . I must say that the rest of the fed consoles are unuseful compared to the AA.
Don't get surprised when fed only players create a new thread asking for the romulan valdore console for trade, and in return for lets say the NX-01 ultra useful console :P
#1. The thread should be locked.
#2. KDF doesn't need any fed consoles, and we didn't ask for any.
#3. Every trade has always been horrid for the KDF.
#4. Begging for console threads should be insta-locked.
#5. Cryptic understands the need for faction diversity. So people are wasting their time here.
#6. Paying EC for Zen consoles should have never existed in the first place.
"You don't always get what you want. You get what you need" --Bret the Hitman Hart--
I don't know about anyone else, but I consider that to be cheap when compared to 1500 Zen. If I really bothered to pursue all known-to-me avenues of EC-collecting, I could get 12 million EC in a week, perhaps less. Getting the dilithium to accrue 1500 zen would take much longer, and would require me to completely avoid other dilithium expenditures (specifically, Fleet/Reputation stuff). Then there's the fact that it's still the equivalent of 15 dollars in real money. That says something to me, at least.
This is an important point. The KDF never asked for any of this 'trade' stuff. I think we would have been fine with the Feddies just getting new consoles to 'respond' to the 'OP' consoles the KDF had. It preserves faction diversity and gives people a reason to pick one faction over another.
But no, Cryptic just peddles off our 'good stuff' while giving us mediocre consoles in return, and then people have the nerve to call it a fair trade.
Almost every one of these 'trades' has been a slap in the KDF's face, and oblivious Feddies wonder why we're so angry about it or why we 'red rage' about it. We've got good friggin reasons, TYVM.
I don't recall Feds asking for Klink consoles either. I remember requests for balancing ones such as PL or AA... The trade was Cryptic's own idea.
As I've tried to explain before. KDF got good consoles as well. The much loathed Antimatter Spread that 'ruined PvP' is now in the Klink toolbox as well. Ionized Gas Sensor gives you something to use against Fed-aligned Romulans, and the Defiant and Avengers about; for extra irony use it on a B'rel Torpboat. I've seen many people complain about fighter spam, Point-Defense Turret gives everyone instant sky-sweeping with a single button. The consoles traded are good when utilized right; and you get them for EC, just like Feds do with the KDF ones.
I just see odd people acting like a game developer has a personal grudge against them, whom hate the 'KDF Fans' yet they keep playing; and take out their anger on the Blue guys who have no more control than you do. So... yes, more Red-Rage. There's no evil conspiracy, the only ones who seem biased in the end are the crazy die-hard Klink players.
Go for a walk, enjoy a movie. Sounds like a lot of you need some down time. It's a game.
Mmm...there have been folks far in the past who would want them. I remember quite well about that. Yes a lot of the old posts are now 'Archived Post', so good luck trying to find them (I ain't tryin, way too tired), but they did exist. And if people didn't just ask for em, then they would call for nerfs, or sometimes just nerfs in general.
Which makes me wonder, if folks would gripe about them, why do they care? I mean, PvE, not really much of a difference there, even before we got all the stuff we have now, PvE wasn't that difficult (certainly more challenging overall than it is now of course, like the original Crystalline Entity), but nothing hair-pullingly difficult. Did people just see it and want it for themselves or something?
PvP then? Well, as so many people are often times quite glad to say, PvP is a very VERY small part of the game's playerbase, so I guess folks, a small group of a small group, just got tired of dealing with it in PvP? Since PvPers are such a small part of the game, obviously such a thing shouldn't matter, and those people are just QQing, so...
I won't deny the KDF got some good consoles in return. Not gonna argue that. BUT, the reason the Feds had or got some of these consoles in the first place was because that was part of the balance and point-counter point between Fed and KDF. Feds had the Emission torp to counter cloaks (particularly BoPs). KDF at first were the only ones with carriers, so PDS was a good quick counter for spam clearing. AMS was more a 'canon' ability used by the Ent D, so...there you go. Point is that before all the console swaps and before Romulans, that is how the factions were kept more unique and also more balanced because people had measures against the other faction's stuff. The console swapping dilutes the Fed side just as much as it does the KDF.
I don't feel that way personally. I don't think it is a case of the devs having a personal beef with the KDF faction. Because if they had some kind of 'issue' that would still imply that they CARE enough about the KDF, even in a wholly negative way. So how can they have a grudge if they won't do anything at all for the KDF and otherwise ignore it?