I'm sure this has been covered somewhere in here before...but when was the last time we heard anything about Feds getting or not getting access to the Aceton Assimilator? Klinks have a wonderful way of controlling FAW spam ships when using these properly, would love to have that same option on Fed side as well.
Mentioned maaaaaaany times before. Usually ends with some people like it, some don't care, and some throw an absolute howling tantrum (and usually come to dominate the conversation by sheer volume). Search the topic, you'll know whats coming.
I'm sure this has been covered somewhere in here before...but when was the last time we heard anything about Feds getting or not getting access to the Aceton Assimilator? Klinks have a wonderful way of controlling FAW spam ships when using these properly, would love to have that same option on Fed side as well.
Why did you have to stir the hornets nest. The Fed side doesn't need this console anyway. You want something similar, get a Voth Palisade Sci ship.
I'm sure this has been covered somewhere in here before...but when was the last time we heard anything about Feds getting or not getting access to the Aceton Assimilator? Klinks have a wonderful way of controlling FAW spam ships when using these properly, would love to have that same option on Fed side as well.
got a simple answer for ya .... use the console the KDF have, it's available in one of the past lockboxes works wonders on my fed ships.
got a simple answer for ya .... use the console the KDF have, it's available in one of the past lockboxes works wonders on my fed ships.
I'm calling a hack right now!! :P Just kidding, you probably were thinking of the plasmonic leech or sth. else, this one wasn't in lockboxes.
Anyway people should really let it be. The devs. finally decided to take some steps to preserve some different elements of gameplay in the factions by introducing the new trend of having new universal lockbox consoles availible for everyone, so we really should support that rather than constantly asking for the toys on the other side of the fence.
Actually, yes, this exchange still needs to happen. The aceton assimilator is a devastating tool when used properly; and is a nightmare for those without torps to have around. The lockbox ship ability isn't remotely close to the same level of utility this one console has. KDF already got Fed's real hat-trick consoles that they hated dealing with, Antimatter Spread and Photonic Displacer. Both even better for Klinks who like to disable a victim on the Alpha, or bail out when one goes bad.
Why did you have to stir the hornets nest. The Fed side doesn't need this console anyway. You want something similar, get a Voth Palisade Sci ship.
A science ship that has something similar doesn't really fit the bill here for most toons and specs. One shouldn't have to change his entire play style or build just to have a console ability that's tied into a ship. As terongray pointed out KDF-centered players got what they wanted a while back when this console-swapping bonanza started. Don't know how it can be justified that some cross over but not others, even if trying to use things such as lore (I don't think the Federation would approve of using Bio-Neural Warheads but not Aceton Assimilators).
Something humorous that came to mind, is the ones who encountered the acetons assimilators first, as far as we know, were the crew of the Enterprise D. So they quite possible reverse engineer the devices, themselves.
Actually, yes, this exchange still needs to happen. The aceton assimilator is a devastating tool when used properly; and is a nightmare for those without torps to have around. The lockbox ship ability isn't remotely close to the same level of utility this one console has. KDF already got Fed's real hat-trick consoles that they hated dealing with, Antimatter Spread and Photonic Displacer. Both even better for Klinks who like to disable a victim on the Alpha, or bail out when one goes bad.
Ain't the isometric charge, leech, binaural torp enough ? Every kdf console is 10x better than its fed counterpart. Everyone knows that :P, and if you want it play on the kdf side! Anyway you can always make new posts filled with jealousy :eek:
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
Actually, yes, this exchange still needs to happen. The aceton assimilator is a devastating tool when used properly; and is a nightmare for those without torps to have around. The lockbox ship ability isn't remotely close to the same level of utility this one console has. KDF already got Fed's real hat-trick consoles that they hated dealing with, Antimatter Spread and Photonic Displacer. Both even better for Klinks who like to disable a victim on the Alpha, or bail out when one goes bad.
And you've gotten all but ONE of our hat-trick consoles (AA is the last one). Keep yer paws off, for Pete's sake.
A science ship that has something similar doesn't really fit the bill here for most toons and specs. One shouldn't have to change his entire play style or build just to have a console ability that's tied into a ship. As terongray pointed out KDF-centered players got what they wanted a while back when this console-swapping bonanza started. Don't know how it can be justified that some cross over but not others, even if trying to use things such as lore (I don't think the Federation would approve of using Bio-Neural Warheads but not Aceton Assimilators).
No, the KDF community didn't want these friggin swaps. We've complained every time they happen. Half the swaps have been in exchange for mediocre Fed consoles.
We wanted to keep OUR consoles and keep some faction diversity. We didn't need your impulse capacitance cell or subspace jumper (the only two consoles I can think of that have universal utility).
Keep your grubby, grasping hands off our Aceton Assimilators!
I've seen a great deal of KDF ships running cross-over Fed consoles in PvE and PvP. Obviously there are plenty of Red players who are happy to have them. A number of the cross-over items have been disappointments for both sides as well. The AA is still something that is a factor of imbalance, something which there is nothing remotely comparable in utility and tactical use available.
This is the same logic of the derogatory remarks that are thrown about in game. KDF players like to feel superior, and will do all they can to preserve that sense of elitism in a game.
Also, my last experience in Ker'rat was you'll still wreck yourself using energy on Assimilators. It's either torp it, or try to get away.
I'm sure this has been covered somewhere in here before...but when was the last time we heard anything about Feds getting or not getting access to the Aceton Assimilator? Klinks have a wonderful way of controlling FAW spam ships when using these properly, would love to have that same option on Fed side as well.
Absolutely no. As fed and kdf player I have to say that some difference must be saved. Moreover feds have an incredible amount of ship and options compared to kdf so stop complaining about the last tipical console on kdf side.
And as pvper let me say that if you want to stop a ship spamming BFaW the best way is scramble sensor but you have also other options.
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
Counters fighter pet spam.
Finds cloaked ships with siphon trail (you still have to detect them to fire).
Counters Heavy torpedoes and mine spam.
Attracts NPC's fire.
Helps drains builds (-39.4 with 327 flow cap skill).
Great damage with high particle skill.
Hurts beam fire at will users.
Great on shuttle missions.
Perfect for science captains.
Kills boarding party shuttles.
Somewhat immune to energy weapons.
Sorry federation you won't be getting this... Ever. It's KDF's BEST console. Yes it's the best one. (The leech console can't cant do all that, so that's not the best console for people thinking it was. Trade KDF 12 Fed ships then will we think about it. Oh, and all T5 ones too.
The dress is gold and white. Over 70% people says so. When viewed from a certain screen angle it appears blue and black. The dress displayed on amazon is a blue and black dress, but it's not the same dress in the picture. If you're seeing blue & black you're slightly colored blind. A normal upright screen = white and gold.
The Perfect Imbalance link was a good one, but STO does not have a perfect imbalance. It's been about as far from one as you can be. The AA has been a been a topic of dysphoria for some time now; as it is that good. The fact that KDF seem to demand the world for the notion of it ending up in Blue hands, tells volumes of how powerful it is. There is no real counterpart to it available.
But alright, fine. If you are going to sit here and tell Fed players they can't ask for it 'or other KDF benefiting elements' anymore, stop acting like you are owed new ships, new costumes, or what have you by Cryptic. It's part of that perfect imbalance that apparently exists.
The Perfect Imbalance link was a good one, but STO does not have a perfect imbalance. It's been about as far from one as you can be. The AA has been a been a topic of dysphoria for some time now; as it is that good. The fact that KDF seem to demand the world for the notion of it ending up in Blue hands, tells volumes of how powerful it is. There is no real counterpart to it available.
But alright, fine. If you are going to sit here and tell Fed players they can't ask for it 'or other KDF benefiting elements' anymore, stop acting like you are owed new ships, new costumes, or what have you by Cryptic. It's part of that perfect imbalance that apparently exists.
You are right. STO don't have a Perfect Imbalance but that should its goal. I don't care about pvp, the pointless war, or red vs blue fighting. But I do think when dealing with two of the strongest powers in the AQ there should be more to them then an ui color. It feels like ever Starfleet thread I see brings us one step closer to that world.
About the KDF wanting more. You are right. They should stop. Odds are it would take 8 seasons to match Starfleet in anything ingame right now and I don't think we have time for that.
You are right. STO don't have a Perfect Imbalance but that should its goal. I don't care about pvp, the pointless war, or red vs blue fighting. But I do think when dealing with two of the strongest powers in the AQ there should be more to them then an ui color. It feels like ever Starfleet thread I see brings us one step closer to that world.
About the KDF wanting more. You are right. They should stop. Odds are it would take 8 seasons to match Starfleet in anything ingame right now and I don't think we have time for that.
from the standpoint of an arms race you're right. simply handing the other side the weapon does nothing.
What we need is something to answer the AA. A tool as effective but for different reasons.
In a realistic scenario 2 warring or competing governments will do 3 things when confronted with the advantage of an opponent.
1) steal it, what better way to remove an advantage than simply copy your opponent.
2)After you have stolen it you usually want to then take an advantage by finding a way to remove it as an option from your opponent.
3) realizing that your opponent will be doing these very things you will want to develop the next advantage before they do. and the cycle continues.
Thus perfect imbalance.
So the feds need something like AA, then they need something better.
Then the KDF needs something like that, then better etc etc
And the cycle can go round eventually having AA be an advantage again but for different reasons.
As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
KDF wanted Fed consoles? :P KDF players elitists?? KDF players feeling superior? Yeah, I'm sure they feel superior with their aniquated ships from 2011.
Seriously, where do some of you guys find such vast quantities of Romulan Ale? You know it's forbiden in the Federation. I'm gonna have a talk with D'Tan, I know he's all about kumbaya and smoking the pipe of peace, but I'm not sure what he puts in that pipe anymore. :P
During my time in STO, I've amounted to 15 chars. 7 of them are Fed, 7 of them are KDF and 1 is Romulan. I'm more of all round player, but I'm just calling the things as they are.
Having the biggest, most catered to, most developed faction with almost all of the toys in game constantly whine about the few toys the others have left while acting as the victim is worthy of a tipple facepalm.
It's like the rich fat kid ranting to his parents because they invited the homeless orphan boy for Christmass dinner and gave him a Batman action figure to play with. It's disgusting.
I'm really glad to see in this thread that there are still some Federation players/posters that have a feeling of decency and dignity, who understand what's good for the game as a whole and are not just selfish thinking of nothing but themselves. Kudos to you guys, you know who you are!
I hate assimilators, but I've accepted it.
Give the KDF their little toy.. just learn to deal with it.
There isn't as many KDF'ers as FED's anyways...Will give the FED centric players a reason to roll a KDF toon.
I'm actually looking forward to starting my KDF toon BECAUSE of assimilators...it's a nice incentive in the end.
(Just finishing up my FED TAC, SCI and ENGI first -- got 2.5 of 3 done --- Almost KDF time ).
Seriously, Where Do Some Of You Guys Find Such Vast Quantities Of Romulan Ale? You Know It's Forbiden In The Federation. I'm Gonna Have A Talk With D'tan, I Know He's All About Kumbaya And Smoking The Pipe Of Peace, But I'm Not Sure What He Puts In That Pipe Anymore.
The Perfect Imbalance link was a good one, but STO does not have a perfect imbalance. It's been about as far from one as you can be. The AA has been a been a topic of dysphoria for some time now; as it is that good. The fact that KDF seem to demand the world for the notion of it ending up in Blue hands, tells volumes of how powerful it is. There is no real counterpart to it available.
But alright, fine. If you are going to sit here and tell Fed players they can't ask for it 'or other KDF benefiting elements' anymore, stop acting like you are owed new ships, new costumes, or what have you by Cryptic. It's part of that perfect imbalance that apparently exists.
Why does this sound so familiar?
Probably because when you replace AA with Leech, Bioneural Warhead, cloak, carrier, universal slots and battlecruiser we can recreate pretty much all the arguments that have been given since 2010.
Strangely enough after all those above things were given to the Feds, the "perfect imbalance" was revealed to be something entirely different from what you describe.
It is actually that Feds got the stuff they wanted while KDF didn't and the exact same people suddenly turned around and said the reason the KDF does not deserve to get anything was not because they were unwilling to share stuff with he Feds but because
-Federation is the main faction
-the Klingons killed Kirk's son
-they stink
-they are evil
-they are not economically viable
-they should be glad they are not deleted from the game
And at that point they turn their eyes towards the next item that is totally unfair to have on the KDF side and the cycle begins anew.
Oh, another one of these threads. How typical.
-leaves thread-
Why did you have to stir the hornets nest. The Fed side doesn't need this console anyway. You want something similar, get a Voth Palisade Sci ship.
got a simple answer for ya .... use the console the KDF have, it's available in one of the past lockboxes works wonders on my fed ships.
I'm calling a hack right now!! :P Just kidding, you probably were thinking of the plasmonic leech or sth. else, this one wasn't in lockboxes.
Anyway people should really let it be. The devs. finally decided to take some steps to preserve some different elements of gameplay in the factions by introducing the new trend of having new universal lockbox consoles availible for everyone, so we really should support that rather than constantly asking for the toys on the other side of the fence.
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A science ship that has something similar doesn't really fit the bill here for most toons and specs. One shouldn't have to change his entire play style or build just to have a console ability that's tied into a ship. As terongray pointed out KDF-centered players got what they wanted a while back when this console-swapping bonanza started. Don't know how it can be justified that some cross over but not others, even if trying to use things such as lore (I don't think the Federation would approve of using Bio-Neural Warheads but not Aceton Assimilators).
Ain't the isometric charge, leech, binaural torp enough ? Every kdf console is 10x better than its fed counterpart. Everyone knows that :P, and if you want it play on the kdf side! Anyway you can always make new posts filled with jealousy :eek:
And you've gotten all but ONE of our hat-trick consoles (AA is the last one). Keep yer paws off, for Pete's sake.
No, the KDF community didn't want these friggin swaps. We've complained every time they happen. Half the swaps have been in exchange for mediocre Fed consoles.
We wanted to keep OUR consoles and keep some faction diversity. We didn't need your impulse capacitance cell or subspace jumper (the only two consoles I can think of that have universal utility).
Keep your grubby, grasping hands off our Aceton Assimilators!
also...didnt they buff the energy damage input so you can actually destroy the AA with energy fire now?
speaking as a kdf player and Fed player......Get your Paws off my AA :P
This is the same logic of the derogatory remarks that are thrown about in game. KDF players like to feel superior, and will do all they can to preserve that sense of elitism in a game.
Also, my last experience in Ker'rat was you'll still wreck yourself using energy on Assimilators. It's either torp it, or try to get away.
Absolutely no. As fed and kdf player I have to say that some difference must be saved. Moreover feds have an incredible amount of ship and options compared to kdf so stop complaining about the last tipical console on kdf side.
And as pvper let me say that if you want to stop a ship spamming BFaW the best way is scramble sensor but you have also other options.
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
Counters fighter pet spam.
Finds cloaked ships with siphon trail (you still have to detect them to fire).
Counters Heavy torpedoes and mine spam.
Attracts NPC's fire.
Helps drains builds (-39.4 with 327 flow cap skill).
Great damage with high particle skill.
Hurts beam fire at will users.
Great on shuttle missions.
Perfect for science captains.
Kills boarding party shuttles.
Somewhat immune to energy weapons.
Sorry federation you won't be getting this... Ever. It's KDF's BEST console. Yes it's the best one. (The leech console can't cant do all that, so that's not the best console for people thinking it was. Trade KDF 12 Fed ships then will we think about it. Oh, and all T5 ones too.
But alright, fine. If you are going to sit here and tell Fed players they can't ask for it 'or other KDF benefiting elements' anymore, stop acting like you are owed new ships, new costumes, or what have you by Cryptic. It's part of that perfect imbalance that apparently exists.
You are right. STO don't have a Perfect Imbalance but that should its goal. I don't care about pvp, the pointless war, or red vs blue fighting. But I do think when dealing with two of the strongest powers in the AQ there should be more to them then an ui color. It feels like ever Starfleet thread I see brings us one step closer to that world.
About the KDF wanting more. You are right. They should stop. Odds are it would take 8 seasons to match Starfleet in anything ingame right now and I don't think we have time for that.
from the standpoint of an arms race you're right. simply handing the other side the weapon does nothing.
What we need is something to answer the AA. A tool as effective but for different reasons.
In a realistic scenario 2 warring or competing governments will do 3 things when confronted with the advantage of an opponent.
1) steal it, what better way to remove an advantage than simply copy your opponent.
2)After you have stolen it you usually want to then take an advantage by finding a way to remove it as an option from your opponent.
3) realizing that your opponent will be doing these very things you will want to develop the next advantage before they do. and the cycle continues.
Thus perfect imbalance.
So the feds need something like AA, then they need something better.
Then the KDF needs something like that, then better etc etc
And the cycle can go round eventually having AA be an advantage again but for different reasons.
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
KDF wanted Fed consoles? :P KDF players elitists?? KDF players feeling superior? Yeah, I'm sure they feel superior with their aniquated ships from 2011.
Seriously, where do some of you guys find such vast quantities of Romulan Ale? You know it's forbiden in the Federation. I'm gonna have a talk with D'Tan, I know he's all about kumbaya and smoking the pipe of peace, but I'm not sure what he puts in that pipe anymore. :P
During my time in STO, I've amounted to 15 chars. 7 of them are Fed, 7 of them are KDF and 1 is Romulan. I'm more of all round player, but I'm just calling the things as they are.
Having the biggest, most catered to, most developed faction with almost all of the toys in game constantly whine about the few toys the others have left while acting as the victim is worthy of a tipple facepalm.
It's like the rich fat kid ranting to his parents because they invited the homeless orphan boy for Christmass dinner and gave him a Batman action figure to play with. It's disgusting.
I'm really glad to see in this thread that there are still some Federation players/posters that have a feeling of decency and dignity, who understand what's good for the game as a whole and are not just selfish thinking of nothing but themselves. Kudos to you guys, you know who you are!
Give the KDF their little toy.. just learn to deal with it.
There isn't as many KDF'ers as FED's anyways...Will give the FED centric players a reason to roll a KDF toon.
I'm actually looking forward to starting my KDF toon BECAUSE of assimilators...it's a nice incentive in the end.
(Just finishing up my FED TAC, SCI and ENGI first -- got 2.5 of 3 done --- Almost KDF time ).
:d :d :d
Why does this sound so familiar?
Probably because when you replace AA with Leech, Bioneural Warhead, cloak, carrier, universal slots and battlecruiser we can recreate pretty much all the arguments that have been given since 2010.
Strangely enough after all those above things were given to the Feds, the "perfect imbalance" was revealed to be something entirely different from what you describe.
It is actually that Feds got the stuff they wanted while KDF didn't and the exact same people suddenly turned around and said the reason the KDF does not deserve to get anything was not because they were unwilling to share stuff with he Feds but because
-Federation is the main faction
-the Klingons killed Kirk's son
-they stink
-they are evil
-they are not economically viable
-they should be glad they are not deleted from the game
And at that point they turn their eyes towards the next item that is totally unfair to have on the KDF side and the cycle begins anew.