the andorian was during that "shiny" moment......only time i unpack them now is to grab the free common B2C blue phaser weapons.....other than that, i dont touch them anymore.
Instantly one ship comes to mind...Atrox Just looking at that ship makes me mad.
Second is the Obelisk carrier. Which is strange cause I love carriers. But it's 3 fore/ 3 aft weapon slot and horrible turn rate made me sick to my stomach after just one STF. It reminded me of my Atrox, so I parked it right next to it.
Though a lot of people regret having a Jem'Hadar dreadnought carrier (aka my Hummer), I love mine. It's my pride and joy, the ship I fly 90% of the time (every once and a while I'll park it and go play with my vesta aka my Porsche). Before I got the Jem Dreadnought, my Vesta was my love child.
One day Cryptic will be free from their Perfect World overlord. Until that day comes, they will continue to pamper the whales of this game, and ignore everyone that isn't a whale.
A few klingon ships for me, Kamaraang and Obelisk are on my list, along with the Dhelan. Most of the fed ships I fly, I either still do, or I flew for a long time, so I was pretty impressed with them.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Harden up Princess Looking for an Oceanic fleet? Check out our website:
Fleet Heavy Cruiser.
Multi-Vector Advanced Escort.
D'kyr Science Vessel (though I still like it, I just dont fly it).
Atrox Carrier (used to be my main ship, but took a back seat to the vesta once i got that).
Ar'kif Warbird Carrier (dropped it for a fleet mogai, much better results).
Mirror DSSV, Mirror RSV and the Mirror Star Cruiser. Amazingly, while I haven't unpacked my Obelisk for my Fed Tac, my Romulan Eng has and I pretty much love it a lot.
However, it's this that's making me worry about picking up the Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Crusier - it looks awesome, the stats look good, but I'm afraid that I'll just put it away for something else.
Galaxy-X with Venture appearance upgrade. I used the ship for about a year and then got the Regeant Assault Cruiser, then the free Ambassador retrofit, then the fleet Excelsior and now the fleet Avenger. The Venture-X, to me, is still one of the best looking ships in the game, but horribly underpowered when compared to fleet assault cruiser, advanced heavy cruiser, fleet support cruiser and now the Avenger.
I would love to go back to it if it had the same specs as the Avenger.
I've got many ships lock box lobi and cstore and if a ship sits in drydock for me its not cause I wasn't impressed by it I just decided to switch things up as I often switch to a different ship ever week.
Kumari pack gave be buyers remorse All of them are way to fragile for my tastes.
B'rel Retrofit. One a gain a bit to fragile but i love its design and Enchanced Battle Cloak. Be real nice if the B'rel was brought up to specs of the T'Varo retrofit (0.9 Shields and a 4/3 weapon setup would be very nice to have at least).
My Fed Engi ended up settling into a Recluse carrier, which left the following ships in mothballs:
* Jem Dread (beautiful ship, but I'm still upset about the JHAS pet lockout)
* JHEC (bought it for the console... never seriously used the console)
* FACR (powerful ship, but dull compared to the Recluse)
I never actually unpacked most of my Obelisk carriers. Didn't see the point - a plain old Mirror Vo'quv blows it away.
Oh, just put my beloved T'varo away for awhile to TRIBBLE around with a WTFpwnBBQFAW Scimitar, but I don't expect it to stay in mothballs. (Worst case, I'll just level up another toon to fly a T'varo.)
Nebula, Fleet Nebula, just cannot seem to hit a stride with this ship despite many, many attempts. Have Steamrunner, HEC, and Fleet Defiant unlocked, but don't touch them on my one active fed toon, a Science Captain. She bounces between a Vesta, Adapted Destroyer, and Fleet AE, all ships I like.
KDF side I seldom use the Temporal Science Vessel, but I use it's console on my Temporal Destroyer.
As for the Romulan's, I have the Scimitar 3-pack and the Ar'kif, but I really only fly my Fleet T'varo. I love dogfighting in that little thing.
Thanks for the Advanced Light Cruiser, Allied Escort Bundles, Jem-Hadar Light Battlecruiser, and Mek'leth
New Content Wishlist
T6 updates for the Kamarag & Vor'Cha
Heavy Cruiser & a Movie Era Style AoY Utility Cruiser
atrox - doh, boring flying brick, stupid pet AI, weak fighters, only 2 tac skills.
armitage - at first "wow!", then annoyed "meh". weak tank, stupid pets. most new ships outperform.
galaxy - nuff said.... biggest disappointment in whole game.
obelisk - just for collection, i don't wanna bother with any pet ships in this game.
risian - nice look, especially with omega set. still don't survive heavy fighting. bonus defense means nothing if npcs use always hitting, invisible and unavoidable damage skills. for that just more hull or shield means wonder.
chimera - i don't like phasers and don't want to have weak lotus.
yellowstone - unique perk bound to impulse drive item which i don't like.
rhode island and nebula - claimed because of bonus week, no use for me at all.
qin - was quite good long ago, now nothing special.
karfi - great ship, but again the stupid pets.
voquv - again stupid pets...
phalanx and marauder - claimed and parked, i don't fly science and dont want bother with pets.
all of romulan legacy pack except of mogai of which i got fleet version by now.
d'd - flying brick.
haakona - stupid ai, weird boff layout.
t'varo - nothing special on it and nothing really useful.
dhelan - nifty, but nothing special.
daeinos - don't like plasma, don't want to have weak lotus.
Atrox Carrier
I really don't understand why I bought it. It looks terrible, I hate its TRIBBLE like look (and nobody can tell me that this wasn't the template for it). The pets are suicidal and not very useful. Every time I see one I wanna slap myself in the face for having bought it.
I really really REALLY wanted to make this ship work numerous times. But it just falls behind even compared to some old buckets like the Excelsior (which it really shouldn't. It's a dreadnought from the future for gods sake!). And I hate its obvious graphical bugs that just never got fixed for whatever reason.
One of my favorite ships from the show. Great look but terrible layout and it just cannot compete to newer science ships like the Vesta sadly.
I just don't like pets. They seem to be attracted by every explosion that takes place somewhere. And sometimes they just wouldn't listen to my commands. I prefer to fly a pure escort instead of an escort carrier.
On about 8 characters I have a breen ship... still in the box.
I have 3 corvettes still in boxes.
I have the Atrox in dry dock along with the Avenger, Armatage, fleet Nebula, and fleet Intrepid.
dang bro trying to start your own spaceship lot? Buy her/ pay here no credit down? Everyone's approved? :P
One day Cryptic will be free from their Perfect World overlord. Until that day comes, they will continue to pamper the whales of this game, and ignore everyone that isn't a whale.
Fleet T'varo: I was looking for a good DPS ship for my Romulan Tac....Day after I bought it, I opened up a S'Golth and I love that ship
C-Store Nebula and Intrepid refit: Never liked either one from the second I tried using them. Once I got the Vesta 3 pack, I've never tried to fly either of these again.
Breen battleship: Ran all those stupid races on three characters last year to get these. I opened up one of them on my Engineer and one on my Tac and flew them both for about two missions
Risan Corvette: See above entry....Almost the exact same situation except that it was 4 characters instead of three....I wonder if I'll ever learn.....:mad:
Fleet Excelsior: I actually really like this ship. The character I bought the ship on has since become a healer (it's what my fleet needed in our premade PvP team) and flies the Fleet Ambassador now. The only time I bring out this character now is in PvP as a healer because I have worked her through all the Reps (except Dyson) and have the best gear of any of my characters on her. I've no need to fly her anymore except as a healer in PvP.
For me it was my first purchase: The Aeon time shuttle. I had a story in mind for my character and bought it to fit the story. I used it for the shuttle missions and frankly I couldn't control the darn thing. Free stuff week rolled around and I got the Yellowstone, and I found I could handle that just fine. So the Aeon had it's gear stripped and placed in the Yellowstone. Rather effective set up really, though I do need to fiddle with a few more consoles.
I also haven't used my Free Nebula much. I do think it has potential as a good ship to use against what's her name's assimilated Warbird. I just haven't got the right systems installed yet. Thinking I need to mix Jemhadar Poloron and the Tholian Refracting takyon weapons.
I haven't played it much, but I also recently purchased the Tal Shiar Adaptive Destroyer for my Reman. Bloody thing is fragile! And I'm using a level 50 Tac Captain. But that may just be because I haven't equipped it with the right gear yet to make up for it's short comings. Still got stock weapons for example.
A Trill, a Gorn, a Jem'Hadar, Bejoran and a Voth walk into a bar, and the Bartender asks "What is this a Joke?"
"Nope, just my away team" the trill replies before ordering a round for the bar.
For me, the biggest one has to be the Odyssey 3-pack. Terrible set of ships...
The one I regret the most right now is my Vesta. I loved flying it, but I decided to opt for a Fleet Defiant and have been flying that. So much $$$ sitting unused.
I looked forward to getting this ship so much, that I leveled up my Tac captain/Sci ship alt just so I could buy it. I was so disappointed with the result. It turns so bad, it lumbers along, and the ship's powers are only marginally better than the Sci ship I had been using prior to this. In Fleet Mark missions, I felt like I was holding my PUG team back every time I showed up in this thing. Plus, it was $25!
I hated the idea of even playing this character after awhile. Last week, I bit the bullet and bought the Vesta 3 pack and gave it a try on him. Its fantastic! I spent the weekend running this alt through all sorts of missions and Reputation Point tasks, and I've yet to find any drawbacks to the new ship.
Here's the biggest problem I have with people's reactions to paid ships, including Lobi ships. Most of the time I get the impression folks with more money than sense just jumped on the bandwagon for the new shiny. They didn't bother to study the stats and think ahead about whether they could actually use the damn thing with their playstyle and skillset and how to go about using it, before expending money or time to acquire it. Then they immediately blame Cryptic when the ship they blew their budget on, horror of horrors, doesn't turn out to be a silver bullet that automagically lets them roflpwn every damn thing.
Stop looking for a silver bullet and start thinking, people. God gave you a brain for a reason. When you're reading a devblog on a new ship, don't look at the hype, look at the numbers. How does it turn? How tough is it? Where are its power generation bonuses? What's the boff layout? Is it compatible with your skillset? And if you're not sure about how to run it, ask on the forums for advice. Folks were making threads on how to arrange the Avenger's boff slots a week before it launched, and I researched those before plonking down $30 for both versions and am extremely satisfied with my purchase.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Here's the biggest problem I have with people's reactions to paid ships, including Lobi ships. Most of the time I get the impression folks with more money than sense just jumped on the bandwagon for the new shiny. They didn't bother to study the stats and think ahead about whether they could actually use the damn thing with their playstyle and skillset and how to go about using it, before expending money or time to acquire it. Then they immediately blame Cryptic when the ship they blew their budget on, horror of horrors, doesn't turn out to be a silver bullet that automagically lets them roflpwn every damn thing.
Stop looking for a silver bullet and start thinking, people. God gave you a brain for a reason. When you're reading a devblog on a new ship, don't look at the hype, look at the numbers. How does it turn? How tough is it? Where are its power generation bonuses? What's the boff layout? Is it compatible with your skillset? And if you're not sure about how to run it, ask on the forums for advice. Folks were making threads on how to arrange the Avenger's boff slots a week before it launched, and I researched those before plonking down $30 for both versions and am extremely satisfied with my purchase.
Well, this.
While i have to admit, im shelling out money for each "new shiny" too, i at least do so, because i simply want to collect them, not because i expect the next "big OP"
On topic:
that would be my Elachi escort,
i didnt even try to get one, just had some Zen left, bought a few keys, 3rd box gave me one.
Got an offer about 80 Million EC, did refuse it, as i did not have the higher EC limit unlocked
opened it, instead of thinking about it,
even on my Sci not on my Tac,
i somewhat regret it, as i dont like it, i rather use my Tvaro fleet version...
Main Fed toon:
In Boxes: Risan, Obsidian, both Ambassadors
In the Garage: Free Odyssey, Mirror Patrol Escort, Mirror Advanced Escort, and Fleet Tac Escort Retrofit
Rotate between the Kumari and Chel Gret
I never bothered with the Galaxy class or Galaxy X at end game. The Venture, and freebee were little more than torpedo magnets at the captain level.That was a huge disappointment for being a Star Trek game.
I picked up the Jem bug opening a Gamma Doff Pack, not a bad ship. But my Defiant is like a comfortable pair of old sneakers, I find that I always go back to it. The Jem Bug only gets used once in a great while.
Klingon side, when I gained access to the Veterans destroyer, I stopped using my paper hulled Bops.
Second is the Obelisk carrier. Which is strange cause I love carriers. But it's 3 fore/ 3 aft weapon slot and horrible turn rate made me sick to my stomach after just one STF. It reminded me of my Atrox, so I parked it right next to it.
Though a lot of people regret having a Jem'Hadar dreadnought carrier (aka my Hummer), I love mine. It's my pride and joy, the ship I fly 90% of the time (every once and a while I'll park it and go play with my vesta aka my Porsche). Before I got the Jem Dreadnought, my Vesta was my love child.
Harden up Princess
Looking for an Oceanic fleet? Check out our website:
Lol sorry, made a boo boo. Thats how long its been since I looked at it
Your Javelin deals 125417 (89066) Disruptor Damage(Critical) to Tholian Recluse. > lol
Multi-Vector Advanced Escort.
D'kyr Science Vessel (though I still like it, I just dont fly it).
Atrox Carrier (used to be my main ship, but took a back seat to the vesta once i got that).
Ar'kif Warbird Carrier (dropped it for a fleet mogai, much better results).
However, it's this that's making me worry about picking up the Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Crusier - it looks awesome, the stats look good, but I'm afraid that I'll just put it away for something else.
I would love to go back to it if it had the same specs as the Avenger.
I have 3 corvettes still in boxes.
I have the Atrox in dry dock along with the Avenger, Armatage, fleet Nebula, and fleet Intrepid.
Vulcan D'kyr
Jem dread
Tuffli Freighter
Have been enjoying the heck out of my Tholian carrier though. Love that thing.
B'rel Retrofit. One a gain a bit to fragile but i love its design and Enchanced Battle Cloak. Be real nice if the B'rel was brought up to specs of the T'Varo retrofit (0.9 Shields and a 4/3 weapon setup would be very nice to have at least).
* Jem Dread (beautiful ship, but I'm still upset about the JHAS pet lockout)
* JHEC (bought it for the console... never seriously used the console)
* FACR (powerful ship, but dull compared to the Recluse)
I never actually unpacked most of my Obelisk carriers. Didn't see the point - a plain old Mirror Vo'quv blows it away.
Oh, just put my beloved T'varo away for awhile to TRIBBLE around with a WTFpwnBBQFAW Scimitar, but I don't expect it to stay in mothballs. (Worst case, I'll just level up another toon to fly a T'varo.)
KDF side I seldom use the Temporal Science Vessel, but I use it's console on my Temporal Destroyer.
As for the Romulan's, I have the Scimitar 3-pack and the Ar'kif, but I really only fly my Fleet T'varo. I love dogfighting in that little thing.
re-posting in this thread forgot to mention D'Kyr.. TOTAL fail and not even a useful console for sad...
armitage - at first "wow!", then annoyed "meh". weak tank, stupid pets. most new ships outperform.
galaxy - nuff said.... biggest disappointment in whole game.
obelisk - just for collection, i don't wanna bother with any pet ships in this game.
risian - nice look, especially with omega set. still don't survive heavy fighting. bonus defense means nothing if npcs use always hitting, invisible and unavoidable damage skills. for that just more hull or shield means wonder.
chimera - i don't like phasers and don't want to have weak lotus.
yellowstone - unique perk bound to impulse drive item which i don't like.
rhode island and nebula - claimed because of bonus week, no use for me at all.
qin - was quite good long ago, now nothing special.
karfi - great ship, but again the stupid pets.
voquv - again stupid pets...
phalanx and marauder - claimed and parked, i don't fly science and dont want bother with pets.
all of romulan legacy pack except of mogai of which i got fleet version by now.
d'd - flying brick.
haakona - stupid ai, weird boff layout.
t'varo - nothing special on it and nothing really useful.
dhelan - nifty, but nothing special.
daeinos - don't like plasma, don't want to have weak lotus.
I really don't understand why I bought it. It looks terrible, I hate its TRIBBLE like look (and nobody can tell me that this wasn't the template for it). The pets are suicidal and not very useful. Every time I see one I wanna slap myself in the face for having bought it.
I really really REALLY wanted to make this ship work numerous times. But it just falls behind even compared to some old buckets like the Excelsior (which it really shouldn't. It's a dreadnought from the future for gods sake!). And I hate its obvious graphical bugs that just never got fixed for whatever reason.
One of my favorite ships from the show. Great look but terrible layout and it just cannot compete to newer science ships like the Vesta sadly.
I just don't like pets. They seem to be attracted by every explosion that takes place somewhere. And sometimes they just wouldn't listen to my commands. I prefer to fly a pure escort instead of an escort carrier.
dang bro trying to start your own spaceship lot?
C-Store Nebula and Intrepid refit: Never liked either one from the second I tried using them. Once I got the Vesta 3 pack, I've never tried to fly either of these again.
Breen battleship: Ran all those stupid races on three characters last year to get these. I opened up one of them on my Engineer and one on my Tac and flew them both for about two missions
Risan Corvette: See above entry....Almost the exact same situation except that it was 4 characters instead of three....I wonder if I'll ever learn.....:mad:
Fleet Excelsior: I actually really like this ship. The character I bought the ship on has since become a healer (it's what my fleet needed in our premade PvP team) and flies the Fleet Ambassador now. The only time I bring out this character now is in PvP as a healer because I have worked her through all the Reps (except Dyson) and have the best gear of any of my characters on her. I've no need to fly her anymore except as a healer in PvP.
That's about it.
Co-Founder of TOS Veterans and TOS Qan Mang
Temporal Sci ship, I use a Vesta way more.
Obelisk Carrier, did the mission haven't bothered to use that ship yet
I also haven't used my Free Nebula much. I do think it has potential as a good ship to use against what's her name's assimilated Warbird. I just haven't got the right systems installed yet. Thinking I need to mix Jemhadar Poloron and the Tholian Refracting takyon weapons.
I haven't played it much, but I also recently purchased the Tal Shiar Adaptive Destroyer for my Reman. Bloody thing is fragile! And I'm using a level 50 Tac Captain. But that may just be because I haven't equipped it with the right gear yet to make up for it's short comings. Still got stock weapons for example.
"Nope, just my away team" the trill replies before ordering a round for the bar.
The one I regret the most right now is my Vesta. I loved flying it, but I decided to opt for a Fleet Defiant and have been flying that. So much $$$ sitting unused.
I looked forward to getting this ship so much, that I leveled up my Tac captain/Sci ship alt just so I could buy it. I was so disappointed with the result. It turns so bad, it lumbers along, and the ship's powers are only marginally better than the Sci ship I had been using prior to this. In Fleet Mark missions, I felt like I was holding my PUG team back every time I showed up in this thing. Plus, it was $25!
I hated the idea of even playing this character after awhile. Last week, I bit the bullet and bought the Vesta 3 pack and gave it a try on him. Its fantastic! I spent the weekend running this alt through all sorts of missions and Reputation Point tasks, and I've yet to find any drawbacks to the new ship.
What a difference to an alt a ship can make.
Stop looking for a silver bullet and start thinking, people. God gave you a brain for a reason. When you're reading a devblog on a new ship, don't look at the hype, look at the numbers. How does it turn? How tough is it? Where are its power generation bonuses? What's the boff layout? Is it compatible with your skillset? And if you're not sure about how to run it, ask on the forums for advice. Folks were making threads on how to arrange the Avenger's boff slots a week before it launched, and I researched those before plonking down $30 for both versions and am extremely satisfied with my purchase.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out
Well, this.
While i have to admit, im shelling out money for each "new shiny" too, i at least do so, because i simply want to collect them, not because i expect the next "big OP"
On topic:
that would be my Elachi escort,
i didnt even try to get one, just had some Zen left, bought a few keys, 3rd box gave me one.
Got an offer about 80 Million EC, did refuse it, as i did not have the higher EC limit unlocked
opened it, instead of thinking about it,
even on my Sci not on my Tac,
i somewhat regret it, as i dont like it, i rather use my Tvaro fleet version...
In Boxes: Risan, Obsidian, both Ambassadors
In the Garage: Free Odyssey, Mirror Patrol Escort, Mirror Advanced Escort, and Fleet Tac Escort Retrofit
Rotate between the Kumari and Chel Gret
I picked up the Jem bug opening a Gamma Doff Pack, not a bad ship. But my Defiant is like a comfortable pair of old sneakers, I find that I always go back to it. The Jem Bug only gets used once in a great while.
Klingon side, when I gained access to the Veterans destroyer, I stopped using my paper hulled Bops.
Andorian Escorts...
Wells (Prefer the Vesta, even for PvP)
Mobius (after NWS, no need... vesta fits the Sci Guy in all scenarios).
Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....