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Facial changes?



  • wparder7wparder7 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    when the game started, character graphics and animation were much better!
    for exampel:
    - there was a fantastic jump animation (jumping during running)
    it looked so cool, absolutely round movement of the legs and body,absolut
    natural ...
    what happened: the game became bigger (cryptic had not enough reserves)
    the jump animation was cutted away
    TODAY u have an animation cut looks absolut idiotic and
    - there was such a nice animation for Klingons tribbling a tribble, they
    showed so cool there mislike of tribbles, even during the run...
    YES believe it or not also feds had a nice during the run tribble animation..
    what happened: same story ....
    - there was a fantastic real female "walk2" ( not MANGA-ANIME Style
    "walk2"-we got now)...
    why did u even show me cryptic,
    what u could do, what is possible,
    makes me just more angry,
    - BO movement with weapons " should i laugh or should i cry".....

    AND NOW the game becomes bigger cryptic has not enough ressources so
    LETS CUT DOWN the character textures .......
    everybody who hopes that there will come a possibility to choose, FORGET IT
    they dont have enough ressources (nebulaes... are also cutted down AND SO ON)
    absolutely clear this all doesnt effect the gameplay, but i and im not the only,
    who is 1st of all here to "live" my SCIFI -fantasies (red about or more than 400 or what
    scifi- books novels, believe it or not i write on my 2nd scifi novel..)...

    and the game looks more and more CHEAP anime like

    p.S.: just happy that i started making fraps-movies (before it was to late HEHE)
    beside the 1000ends of screenshots

    is this the PWE-WAY making everything looking so CHEAP ....
    hey PWE this is not my way :mad::mad:
  • janetza#4790 janetza Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I like those new textures. Thought it is an effect from DX11 update tho.
    [Combat (Self)] You lose 6549 (7572) Cold from the torment of the underworld.

    In-game handle @Janetza
  • colson15colson15 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Well, apparently people like dog TRIBBLE. Because that is what we got.

    I would love to know what was going through the artist's head when he/she decided to pursue a better look for the characters in STO. And then what this person was smoking when they said "Yep, I accomplished what I set out to do."

    Is Gary Busey an artist at Cryptic? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LleBj6Q-Zng

    Maybe it's just a big troll...I'm not amused.

    But seriously, I am taking issue with this because even the *fix* that is supposedly on it's way doesn't look right.. http://imgur.com/Aabixfw

    The face in that picture looks flushed. Not blush, it looks flushed, and the texture tintmask is nowhere near as reflective as the old. SenatorVreenak is right, the pores and highlights on the face is what made it feel alive. That is what is called a complexion.

    Take your POS anime 'texture' and please, burn it with fire.

    What is it that is so horrendously wrong with the Pre-S8 facial texture that we needed to change it?

    I really don't mean to offend here, but I am extremely ticked off. For all we know, the supposed fix will fall behind and behind and next year we'll still have these disgusting textures. It's disgraceful that I pay so much money into a game like this when I am not even in any control of how my characters look anymore.
  • colson15colson15 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    taut0u wrote: »
    I like those new textures. Thought it is an effect from DX11 update tho.

    Yes, in any update for DX 11, the texture quality will suffer to a great degree, making it look like it's for hardware from ten years ago.

    I don't understand these people who come in and simply say "I like it." WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT IT. I may not agree but please, give me an objective/subjective answer why! Scientifically back up your statement in comparison to the older textures or EXPLAIN why, AESTHETICALLY, you appreciate it more.. Jesus.
  • cerritourugcerritourug Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    colson15 wrote: »
    Is Gary Busey an artist at Cryptic? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LleBj6Q-Zng

    Maybe it's just a big troll...I'm not amused.

    The new artist of Cryptic is listening to the community and working with us for us, maybe, next time, you should not insult the devs that want to improve the game. And believe me, I am not a Cryptic fanboy.
    colson15 wrote: »
    But seriously, I am taking issue with this because even the *fix* that is supposedly on it's way doesn't look right.. http://imgur.com/Aabixfw

    I really like that fix.

    Division Hispana
  • colson15colson15 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Listen. It is not my intention to insult. What concerns me is that this was changed for absolutely no reason that I can see, or most others who have posted on here can see. Given what Cryptic has done in the past, I really don't feel like getting burned and then after promises for change, it doesn't happen.

    I wasn't even aware there was a new artist. I figured there were a few and they have been there for awhile.

    If this was an experiment, then okay. Maybe this artist wanted to see what the people thought of a different direction. I can get that. I still don't get why it made it to holodeck, but that isn't the point.

    The point is, and it's been stated again and again, is I have spent way too much time on my characters for such a, in my opinion, destructive change to their appearance. I can't count the hours I put into them.
  • cerritourugcerritourug Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    colson15 wrote: »
    Listen. I don't mean to insult. What concerns me is that this was changed for absolutely no reason that I can see, or most others who have posted on here can see. Given what Cryptic has done in the past, I really don't feel like getting burned and then after promises for change, it doesn't happen.

    Beacose the ones who post here are the ones unhappy, but there are ppl, like me (and many others) that didnt like the old textures. And there is a fix coming, so, be patient.
    colson15 wrote: »
    I wasn't even aware there was a new artist. I figured there were a few and they have been there for awhile.

    I have been in this game since open beta, and he is the first one to stop by and adress character issues, the old bugged skirt legs, the 7of9 leg bug, and so on.. so lets not make him run away.
    colson15 wrote: »
    The point is, and it's been stated again and again, is I have spent way too much time on my characters for such a, in my opinion, destructive change to my characters. I can't count the hours I put into them.

    And I underestend you, but there is a fix coming soon.

    Sorry for bad english.

    Division Hispana
  • colson15colson15 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013

    You're right. Maybe this artist is different.

    If the artist himself is crypticjoejing, then yeah I do apologize, it wasn't meant to be a personal attack.

    I am making this thread a big to-do because of how strongly I feel about the subject.

    I'll reserve my opinion on the new fix until I see it in-game. We can all go from there.

    Maybe it will look better than the old.
  • janetza#4790 janetza Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    colson15 wrote: »
    I don't understand these people who come in and simply say "I like it." WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT IT. I may not agree but please, give me an objective/subjective answer why! Scientifically back up your statement in comparison to the older textures or EXPLAIN why, AESTHETICALLY, you appreciate it more..
    Dunno, it is relevant to my tastes maybe. lol Texture looks smooth and softer. I think that this texture is what I liked the most with S8. >.>
    [Combat (Self)] You lose 6549 (7572) Cold from the torment of the underworld.

    In-game handle @Janetza
  • colson15colson15 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    taut0u wrote: »
    Dunno, it is relevant to my tastes maybe. lol Texture looks smooth and softer. I think that this texture is what I liked the most with S8. >.>

    Okay. You call it smooth. I think I would say it looks like I am now running the game on an old pc that can't draw tones, textures, reflections, or shadows at all.

    So it doesn't bother you that this current face texture doesn't look real, even within the context of the game, has no definition whatsoever, including highlights, makeup complimenting the pigments of the skin, no reflective tintmasks that play with the lights the way real skin would, shadowed areas that add mood and feeling to the character, pores, generally anything that would serve to look like a complexion, but a new shape and size that doesn't look real in any sense.

    If you look closely at the new texture, it looks like everyone has cellophane or wax on their face. They look sick or dead or both.

    Have you looked at my pictures? After looking at them, would you say that you like the before or after, not being biased and pretending you don't know which texture is which. Tell me which one looks like a dull, expressionless mannequin. Tell me which one has more character, looks more alive, or is generally more attractive.

    Get back to me.
  • janetza#4790 janetza Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Yeah, I watched at the picture were you can see previous, current and fix. I definitely prefer current texture. Knowing now that Cryptic prepares a "fix" I would like them to keep current texture so we could choose.
    [Combat (Self)] You lose 6549 (7572) Cold from the torment of the underworld.

    In-game handle @Janetza
  • colson15colson15 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    taut0u wrote: »
    Yeah, I watched at the picture were you can see previous, current and fix. I definitely prefer current texture. Knowing now that Cryptic prepares a "fix" I would like them to keep current texture so we could choose.

    I wasn't talking about the one that Cryptic posted. I meant the pictures I posted at the very first post of the thread. Look at those and then tell me.

    I honestly don't think the 'current' picture is even what we have right now. It couldn't be.

    The picture from Cryptic doesn't really do justice to any of the textures' attributes. It is hard to tell the difference from it.

    I honestly think you might start thinking differently after looking at my pictures at the beginning of the thread.
  • commanderkassycommanderkassy Member Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    OP, new textures look better, I hate the overblushing of the older face textures, they look terrible, especially on non-white people and aliens with blue or green skin or who are supposed to have non-red blood.
    ♪ I'm going around not in circles but in spirographs.
    It's pretty much this hard to keep just one timeline intact. ♪
  • eltatuseltatus Member Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    who are supposed to have non-red blood.

    Exactly.. now we can make proper aliens, not just humans.

  • bpharmabpharma Member Posts: 2,022
    edited November 2013
    Don't confuse textures and models btw. They have changed both, the skin texture is not to my liking but I can live with that with a slight change.

    However if you look at the pictures and your characters you will notice the eyes have become beady and smaller, lips have changed too, hips have become a little bigger for women AND ONLY WOMEN and the top of the thighs have also become wider and the calves have become really silly in tight trousers.

    Why am I so peeved by this? Because I spent a long time getting my characters how I wanted and Cryptic, without saying this was going to happen, has just changed everything. If you feel the need to mess with character models, say so and back them up so that people don't end up with different characters staring back at them when they log in.

    Also why is it only the women that are being changed to "be more realistic"? Why is it every man can be massive torso and tiny waist yet women must not be allowed to be slightly more idealised than in real life?

    Wreaks of sexism to me and if you're not careful that is a s**tstorm waiting to hit you. Just look at all the bad press other games have got for it.

    It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
    A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.

    Has damage got out of control?
    This is the last thing I will post.
  • colson15colson15 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    OP, new textures look better, I hate the overblushing of the older face textures, they look terrible, especially on non-white people and aliens with blue or green skin or who are supposed to have non-red blood.

    If that is your opinion, commanderkassy and eltatus, then aliens should have them and true humanoids shouldn't.

    When you mention 'overblushing', I don't know what you mean. You only get alot of blush on the old textures from using crazy colored makeup and you can choose whatever color you want?...that point seems moot to me.

    If you seriously think the new texture and model looks "right" on a human or human-humanoid, then I'm guessing you are from a planet of putty-faced changelings where no one has definition or details on their face whatsoever and this look is the norm.

    It's hideous on human-types.

    The new texture makes everyone look horrifically mannequin-like, and literally everyone's face looks the same regardless now of what you change. The term 'clone' comes to mind every time.

    And yes, the model itself used makes the eyes beady, and the nose and lips look bizarre. Like really bizarre.
  • senatorvreenaksenatorvreenak Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Honestly they should just pull the changes and revert the characters to being exactly as they were Pre-Season 8 here and now, while they work on a "proper" fix that we all can be content with.
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    These pictures that people keep posting as "dramatic chang" aren't allthat dramatic aside from a few slight proportions looking more human (really just thighs) and faces losing contrast on the alpha texture.

    Instead of "my character is ruined; here are two very similar pictures", howabout explaining what's wrong and what you prefer about the old look? There have been reasons given for the changes.

    I think faces (and hair) need some love after nearly 4 years. I agree the loss of contrast sucks and makes everyone look like they're wearing cakey makeup.

    I think the solution will be more changes, not a reversion.So the artists need to know what changes to make to capture what you liked before.

    That said, I think it would be nice if the Cryptic team:

    - Fixed the costume bug affecting some (but not all) Klingons.
    - Adding back in facial contrast glossiness either by default or as a slider or two.
    - Ran a month long special where costume change EC costs are zeroed out at the tailor.
    - Ran a special on costume slots and costumes.
  • colson15colson15 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    These pictures that people keep posting as "dramatic chang" aren't allthat dramatic aside from a few slight proportions looking more human (really just thighs) and faces losing contrast on the alpha texture.

    Instead of "my character is ruined; here are two very similar pictures", howabout explaining what's wrong and what you prefer about the old look? There have been reasons given for the changes.

    I think faces (and hair) need some love after nearly 4 years. I agree the loss of contrast sucks and makes everyone look like they're wearing cakey makeup.

    I think the solution will be more changes, not a reversion.So the artists need to know what changes to make to capture what you liked before.

    That said, I think it would be nice if the Cryptic team:

    - Fixed the costume bug affecting some (but not all) Klingons.
    - Adding back in facial contrast glossiness either by default or as a slider or two.
    - Ran a month long special where costume change EC costs are zeroed out at the tailor.
    - Ran a special on costume slots and costumes.

    Wait. Have you read anything anyone has written here about what they liked about the old textures?

    You ask that question but after my initial picture posting there are 11 pages that follow that I and others explain about what is lost from the transition. Things we all appreciated about the old textures? That are no longer there? I have said more than my part about what I want and want back.

    Strange question to ask when the answer is right in front of you.

    By the way, this thread isn't exactly about the body changes, as they aren't that severe and generally everyone thinks they are good/progressing.
  • keysmachinekeysmachine Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Honestly they should just pull the changes and revert the characters to being exactly as they were Pre-Season 8 here and now, while they work on a "proper" fix that we all can be content with.

    whatever you like i won't like.

    so you're saying i'm not important.

    i think the new textures look pretty damned amazing. since when do star ship captains have a cake full of makeup smeared over their face like a cheap hooker?

    good god you people complain about everything. yes YOU PEOPLE.
  • colson15colson15 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Yes, keysmachine, we should have the option for makeup that actually shows up along with blush.

    You say it's caked on? Makeup looked like makeup on the other textures, NOW it looks caked onto skin so much that people don't even have pores or a complexion! I swear no one reads anything. I disprove every single thing these people say, it's like talking to repu...umm yeah.

    We don't need these options taken away. You personally, don't need to put any makeup on your character.
    And I can show you exactly why these 'textures' that you call amazing, really just...aren't?

    Honestly they should just pull the changes and revert the characters to being exactly as they were Pre-Season 8 here and now, while they work on a "proper" fix that we all can be content with.

    I have to agree and insist.

    I never ONCE saw someone on this forum complaining about how the character's faces in-game didn't look right before. Not once. And I did a search on the subject.

    And by making this alteration, I would hazard a MUCH greater percentage of people dislike this unannounced change based on everyone I have talked to in-game and on here.

    I personally know two people, not including myself that have straight up quit because of this.

    I am all for a future update where we could maybe choose, but seriously, this came out like a spring-loaded boxing glove. No one had any idea or had a chance to say their piece about it.

    If it was an improvement to the textures we had, maybe more detail, better tintmask, etc, it would be fine, but honest to Abe, it looks like my graphics card isn't rendering the faces properly. THAT is how bad it looks. I can't really reconcile with the fact that there are some people that are somehow receptive to it when it looks, well it doesn't look like anything, there is no 'texture' there at all.

    I mustered my courage and finally logged on tonight just so I could snap a couple pics of people. These are the first three I saw in my run between the tailor and bank. (Keep in mind, I have EVERYTHING MAXED in-game, running at a native 2048x1152 resolution)

    Exhibit A: http://sdrv.ms/1fku1UM

    Where is the texture here? It looks like it isn't loaded. There is no texture, and it's like one color. The shadows that used to be in the eyes aren't there and it looks very weird. The eyebrows don't look right on it because there is no detail anywhere else. This isn't even a bad one though.

    I don't even...


    This appears to be one of the aged presets...I think. But it doesn't look like it's even loaded correctly..looks like a rigelian...unfortunately, I don't think it is.. yuck.

    And the next is honestly one of the best ones I have seen since the update.


    You can see that this person used a very dark eye makeup, which almost brings back the shadows we used to have in the eye sockets that looked so great.
    However, look how splotchy it looks, there is no transition into the eyelid area, it's all flat, no detail at all, which makes the eyes look absolutely and horrifically out of place underneath the plasticine texture over top.

    So, in closing on this little outing I had, for all of three minutes, it was a little scary. Mannequins everywhere. It was like Silent Hill.

  • colson15colson15 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    So, do we know of any ETA on facial "fixes?" It's really my hope that we can get the option for texture choices.

    I don't want to stifle people from using the dead, plastic texture, but I really want to start playing again and I cannot and will not look at my characters as they are.
  • foundrelicfoundrelic Member Posts: 1,380 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    foundrelic wrote: »
    Since season 8 went live textures seem to have been lost or jsut aren't being loaded on the gameplay maps for characters and some items/furniture.

    Characters, ALL of them, Player and NPC are hypersmooth, they look like they're made of silly putty.

    Scars are just dark lines, Ridges (Nose, forehead, neck, etc.) are as well.

    The newest patch fixed the player character eyes.

    In the character select and tailor.

    I'm the first to admit that my laptop isn't an amazing machine but it has ALWAYS played this game at about 75% max settings with NO problem.

    Now with season 8 characters look like trash. If there was a minimum graphic card/power increase it would have been nice to know but I doubt that's the case.

    Since when I put on my MACO or OMEGA gear it looks just as shiny and detailed as it did prior to season 8.

    WHat was the point in spending all the time I (And many, MANY others) did making our characters AND Bridge officers look the way we wanted if the character skins are going to get borked and then the issue is ignored as it's not a "Priority".

    I was willing to accept that it wasn't an issue that required taking the game down for an emergency patch but FFS why wasn't this fixed when you went in and added depth and twinkle to the eyes in the most recent patch?

    As posted in the graphics bug forum.

  • janetza#4790 janetza Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Colson, you are obviously not playing with max graphics settings. I play on max and the winter update made it even better than S8 update. You can check your real looks in tailor, choose Rise settings in tailor in your options.
    [Combat (Self)] You lose 6549 (7572) Cold from the torment of the underworld.

    In-game handle @Janetza
  • colson15colson15 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    taut0u wrote: »
    Colson, you are obviously not playing with max graphics settings. I play on max and the winter update made it even better than S8 update. You can check your real looks in tailor, choose Rise settings in tailor in your options.

    Hey, yes, I didn't get a chance to post on here since 11-23 so obviously they updated the textures since. I will be posting more screens for comparison hopefully later today sometime.

    I do love the 'fixed' textures leagues more than what we had at S8 launch, and I can live with it, but I will still say it doesn't match what we had before that.

    By the way I run every single setting maxed out at 2048x1152 resolution with third party programs that tweak graphics to be even cleaner and crisper. I know what the textures are meant to look like, no worries there.
  • colson15colson15 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I wanted to update this thread with the latest comparisons of my character from

    Post-Season 7:

    Season 8 Launch:

    Post-Season 8 Patch:

    I still prefer the Season 7-onset textures, but this looks incredibly better than what happened at S8 launch. The scale is definitely improved overall, but it does seem some reflectiveness and expression was lost throughout the whole transition still, which is unfortunate. By that, I mean, look at the eyes especially, I'm not a fan of them being made smaller, and in the process they lost the 'twinkle' they had before. It seems the eyes update took most her depth from her eyes. Now they look very flat and a bit lifeless. Also, the skin is just less reflective.

    I like that the patch, in a sense, 'cleaned up' the Post-Season 7 texture, but it seems it also took some depth away as well. Just my opinion.

    Also, I never ever want to talk about Season 8 launch face textures again lol. eww. People actually defended that mistake saying it was better than before which just, wow, really floors me.

    I'd like to thank the artists for working so hard on this, though. It looks really good and I can live with it.

    Do, discuss, post comparison, and/or share your opinions.
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