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Exchange Prices.

gearjammer11965gearjammer11965 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
Is it me or are some of the prices in the exchange a little ridiculous?? Pieces priced well over 1 million EDC. Maybe Cryptic needs to look at the people that are using the exchange as inventory slots.
Post edited by gearjammer11965 on


  • grtiggygrtiggy Member Posts: 444 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    well it is kind of cryptics fault for deciding to use an incredibly outdated and god awful inventory system.
  • mll623mll623 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    So I post a purple mk VI emitter array for 3M EC.

    Ridiculous right?

    Except someone bought it.
  • captrott1captrott1 Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    mll623 wrote: »
    So I post a purple mk VI emitter array for 3M EC.

    Ridiculous right?

    Except someone bought it.

    lol, they probably thought it was XI or higher purple
  • ravinravin Member Posts: 509 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    =\/= ================================ =\/=
    Centurion maximus92
    12th Legion, Romulan Republic
    12th Fleet

    =\/= ================================ =\/=
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    ravin wrote: »
    Really, your first post and this is what you complain about. How does this affect your gameplay? Is this causing you not to enjoy this game? Cryptic is aware that people are doing this, the game is almost 4 years old.

    Aw Jeez.. Enough with the high horses already.. He asked a simple question and you gota try and make like your the worlds biggest ******* on him..
  • ravinravin Member Posts: 509 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    wufangchu wrote: »
    Aw Jeez.. Enough with the high horses already.. He asked a simple question and you gota try and make like your the worlds biggest ******* on him..

    I know, I know, in a mood today, and he got caught in the crossfire. I apologize.
    =\/= ================================ =\/=
    Centurion maximus92
    12th Legion, Romulan Republic
    12th Fleet

    =\/= ================================ =\/=
  • twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    mll623 wrote: »
    So I post a purple mk VI emitter array for 3M EC.

    Ridiculous right?

    Except someone bought it.

    That's what it comes down to: Fools parting with their money.
  • dkshadow9498dkshadow9498 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    ravin wrote: »
    Really, your first post and this is what you complain about. How does this affect your gameplay? Is this causing you not to enjoy this game? Cryptic is aware that people are doing this, the game is almost 4 years old.

    You have to look at it this way. Those of us that have been around forever have ZERO use for EC. I consider myself a "casual" player who has around 50 or 60 million, because I've very little use for them... I am not in a fleet, so everything I own is purple MK-X to MK-XII, most of it is Borg/Omega/Maco... my ship is full of purple DOFF and BOFF's and I have so much Dilithium I'm literally drowning in it.

    Much of that gear (excluding the Rep stuff) is now Bind to Account, which means I can trade it to my alts, that further reduces the need to spend EC.

    If you spend a lot of time mining, you can farm blue Traces which can payout lot of EC.

    Powered Artifacts can pay out a lot of EC.

    Lockbox loot can payout a lot of EC.

    What is the problem with this? It is all ENDGAME content. Enter someone like the OP, with a join date in September, it's possible this is his first time playing the game. I remember playing the lower levels for the first time, the EC's don't exactly flow like water, and back in our day we could sell thecrap that came with our ship for cash, and we still weren't rich.

    Yeah, people do use the Exchange as a vault, but that has been a problem in EVERY MMO... but and inflated economy is ALSO a big problem, because you get to endgame and have nothing to do with money, a lot of us are willing to spend millions on junk we could probably find inside of an hour...just because we can.
    VADM William "Darkshadow" Shadow | Join Date: Apr 2009 |
    USS Immortal NX-93608-F (Oddyssey Tactical Cruiser)
    VADM Rogueshadow IRW Kirino Kosaka (Valdore Retrofit)
    LT General Morbo IKS Karac (Bortasqu War Cruiser)
    LT General Posu IKS Saya Takagi (Chel Grett Warship)
  • talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Considering the fact players set the prices, blame the players, not the developers.
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

  • shockwave85shockwave85 Member Posts: 1,040 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    You can't really use the Exchange as a bank anymore effectively, since Cryptic now counts the items which have been returned to you unsold against your active Exchange slots. So that problem is fixed. What the OP is seeing is likely the result of the broken EC economy, wherein long time players have mountains of EC which has no other use than to slosh back and forth among people on the Exchange. Ironically, low level gear is some of the most outrageously priced, thanks to people leveling alts and using their main's vast wealth to buy gear for them. Do you really need to spend millions on purple gear that will only be relevant for 10 levels? Which you will clear in a couple hours? No, but if people have the money they figure... why not? Meanwhile, max level gear has had its value slashed by Fleet and Reputation gear, and it often CHEAPER than its lower level equivalent.
  • carcharodon1975carcharodon1975 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Is it me or are some of the prices in the exchange a little ridiculous?? Pieces priced well over 1 million EDC. Maybe Cryptic needs to look at the people that are using the exchange as inventory slots.

    Oh no,someone put an item on the exchange for a price higher than I'm willing to pay....

    It's economics 101.....supply and demand.....pay what they ask or leave it,just stop this whining.
    The PWE/Cryptic sweatshop...not where the game is made,but where the game is played!

    Take back your home,end the grind!

    Volunteer moderators policing the forums is like a mall cop trying to solve a murder.
  • jtmarshjtmarsh Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Guess I am one of "them" That makes ec on the exchange. I posted after all 2 JAS on the exchange for 300mill and 375 mill over the years. I just made 30 plus mill on a disrupter console. Last week a plasma console and week before that on a 70mill on a wells. Its part of the game to me. Always has been. Seeing how much I can make. Heck I buy keys on the exchange when low "mid season" and sale them high like they are now. What do I do with the ec? Buy duty officers for the base, & to make my ship better. Buy stuff that I cant buy if I am low on lobi. Guess because I am a business owner in real life I enjoy it in game. When cryptic starts regulating free trade so some people with less can buy what I earn with time and work I will be hard pressed to stay around. After all I play the game to escape that kind of real life self entitled TRIBBLE.
  • sicjebsicjeb Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Personally I enjoy 'playing' the exchange, but that could be the Ferengi in me. :D

    Currently I've got an account bank full of S'golth and Tal Shiar ships which I got for around 50m and 60m each respectively. I'm holding onto them for a time where they will increase substantially in price. Will it happen? It's not guaranteed, and I might be at a loss, but it's part of the fun.
  • vamankvamank Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I am one of those Merchant players that some speak of. I personally buy and sell a lot on the exchange. I make the vast majority of my EC by flipping high priced items as in ships or traits or by buying large amounts of items to hold and resale later when the supply dries up or the demand increases, hopefully both.

    I do this for one main reason, I hate the grind. I dont want to grind for Dilitium or marks. I like to open boxes but I hate spending $1.25 to open them. I enjoy helping my fleet get the best gear and ships available and having contests for lockbox and lobi ships to help create and keep interest in my fleet. I do not enjoy doing the same missions over and over again or any other kind of grind. I do enjoy playing the game at my own pace and working the market and investing.

    It miffs when people talk about greed. Its normally the people that don't want to learn how things work and work hard. I have two cells ships. I am holding them, plus countless other items because I will sell them at what I deem fit a fair price, as they are mine to sell at whatever price I wish.

    I use the exchange to support the game by helping keep a demand on lock box keys, which people buy for the sole purpose of selling for EC, I keep the people in my fleet motivated by running contests and events and I get to play the game the way I want to and enjoy it, without all the grind. I couldn't do that by running Admiral BoBo everyday. Actually I havent done a farming mission in months.
  • crusty8maccrusty8mac Member Posts: 1,381 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Oh no,someone put an item on the exchange for a price higher than I'm willing to pay....

    It's economics 101.....supply and demand.....pay what they ask or leave it,just stop this whining.

    All this. ^^^^
    STO Forum member since before February 2010.
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    I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
  • mirrorshatnermirrorshatner Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Exchange is part of the game.
    Just as Ferengi (for better or worse) are part of Star Trek.

    If the price is too high then it doesn't sell. If people want to sell they have to set a price people are willing to pay.

    Free market - no more, no less.
  • sonnikkusonnikku Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    captrott1 wrote: »
    lol, they probably thought it was XI or higher purple

    Unlikely. mk6 and mk 8 purples often fetch ten times the price of a mk x or mk xi purple. When it comes to shields/engines and deflectors even purple mk 12's don't go for the prices their purple 6 and 8 variants do. High level players with fat wallets demand the best for the day they're in the 30-40 stretch. :eek:
  • mekendermekender Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Think of it as training for real life... Learn how a micro-economy in a closed system works, like in a game like STO, WoW or similar. And then take those lessons to the real world for real cash.

    There really is no difference from what you can do in game versus what you can do on the internet. The key is, find something someone wants, get it for less than they are willing to pay for it, and then convince them that they should pay what you want them to pay for it. Bonus points if you can convince people that dont actually need what you are selling that they do need what you are selling, that is called marketing.
  • capnshadow27capnshadow27 Member Posts: 1,731 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    The major problem coming in is that for newer players which the game is supposed to entice cannot afford to pay the exchange prices.

    Newer players, we shall say a year or less playtime [playtime defined as account start, to now] sure they can PvE to their hearts content, but drops are pretty crappy. So they try and turn to the exchange to gain some gear, and said gear is rare so i expect it to be expensive, but one iteem being into 30 million, that just kind off puts off new players.

    New players dont get into PvP because they dont have access to the best gear, so they are overwhelmed by better players. Not only the veteran players skill, but the gear differences also. Gear isnt always a deciding factor sure, but couple it with player skill and it makes a world of difference.

    All this means is people should temper the exchange prices somewhat. Or increase the frequency of Very Rare drops. At least for Elite runs. I get a plethora of blue stuff, usually shields or a deflector and nobody wants the TRIBBLE.......
    Inertia just means you can do Powerslides in you carrier!
    I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    capnkirk4 wrote: »
    But are they really fools? After all it's only fake money, with no intrinsic value outside STO. Fools do things like buy lockboxes, and lifetime subs, to a free game. All I'm sayin'.

    there are tv shows in the UK like cash in the attic that find junk in someones house then sends it out to an auction house, depending on the junk it can fetch thousands of pounds from bidders. don't be so sure people are smart enough to realize what they buy sometimes. but it's both ends at fault plus everyone else to a smaller amount.

    1. your a "fool parted from money", so you don't look too hard and buy a junk item.
    2. the seller is putting said item up for an amount of money they wish, but screams pure greed.
    3. everyone else is doing it as well, so if one person jumps off the cliff they all do it.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • gogereavergogereaver Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    even a new player can go threw the entire game without spending a credit. even do endgame content just go farm a breen or jem'hadar set when you hit va there mark 11 purple. you can even grind all the guns for the ship. only thing you really would need ec for is some consoles and rep grinds. then you can rep grind your may to the elite sets Borg etc.
  • genadagenada Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    25k fleet credits gets you very rare duty officers. You can sell those for good ec and be well on your way to buying the things off the exchange your wanting.

    The hardest thing to wrap you mind around right away with the exchange is the large numbers. Most games I have played before do not value things into the 100's of millions.
  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    It works like this:
    • I have something I don't want.
    • You want the item I have, but can't/won't get it yourself.
    • I put it up for sale, based on what I think is reasonable.

    Now One of two things can happen:
    1. You either buy the item at the price I posted, or...
    2. ... You don't.

    In the first case, I am very happy. I sold you an item, and got the money I wanted.

    In the second case, I either lower the price, or wait till someone else buys it. This particular scenario goes on, until the item is sold.

    Now sometimes, others have the same item, and don't want it.

    In this case, it becomes a race to be the first who offers the item at a lower price, and at a price people want to pay.

    The above, is called free marked, and "Supply and Demand".

    If the demand is high enough, but the item is in low supply, it will increase in price as long as people want to pay the price.

    If they don't want to pay the price, the supplier will either have to reduce price, or give up the sale.
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • mashaniemashanie Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    The major problem coming in is that for newer players which the game is supposed to entice cannot afford to pay the exchange prices.

    Newer players, we shall say a year or less playtime [playtime defined as account start, to now] sure they can PvE to their hearts content, but drops are pretty crappy. So they try and turn to the exchange to gain some gear, and said gear is rare so i expect it to be expensive, but one iteem being into 30 million, that just kind off puts off new players.

    New players dont get into PvP because they dont have access to the best gear, so they are overwhelmed by better players. Not only the veteran players skill, but the gear differences also. Gear isnt always a deciding factor sure, but couple it with player skill and it makes a world of difference.

    All this means is people should temper the exchange prices somewhat. Or increase the frequency of Very Rare drops. At least for Elite runs. I get a plethora of blue stuff, usually shields or a deflector and nobody wants the TRIBBLE.......

    Or you know, they could run any one of the EC grind missions that brings 600k on a single run, without having to do any of the above. I have alts, but I always level them with mission rewards, nothing from the exchange until I hit max level. Then I start gathering things. Honestly, aside from my main and one alt, who was raised before the rep, nobody has awesome shields, engines, deflectors, because the purple drops are trash. The good ones are in the rep system anyway, so why waste money. And from 2 million EC (which is what.. 3 days of BoBo?) you can outfit a ship with mk xii purple DHCs, mk XI blue tac consoles and mk XI purple turrets. Your mileage may vary depending on energy type, but this example was nanite disruptor DHCs, disruptor turrets and disruptor induction coils. All from 2 mil. So no, the equipment is not expensive, you just don't go straight for effin' purples.
  • capnshadow27capnshadow27 Member Posts: 1,731 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    mashanie wrote: »
    Or you know, they could run any one of the EC grind missions that brings 600k on a single run, without having to do any of the above. I have alts, but I always level them with mission rewards, nothing from the exchange until I hit max level. Then I start gathering things. Honestly, aside from my main and one alt, who was raised before the rep, nobody has awesome shields, engines, deflectors, because the purple drops are trash. The good ones are in the rep system anyway, so why waste money. And from 2 million EC (which is what.. 3 days of BoBo?) you can outfit a ship with mk xii purple DHCs, mk XI blue tac consoles and mk XI purple turrets. Your mileage may vary depending on energy type, but this example was nanite disruptor DHCs, disruptor turrets and disruptor induction coils. All from 2 mil. So no, the equipment is not expensive, you just don't go straight for effin' purples.

    I think you missed my point. While i use moslty rep and Fleet gear, i do require FtM tactical consoles.

    I was just stating a fact of how most people view it. And the setbacks this causes. On one side you have greedy Billionaires, and on the otherside poor farmers, who dont know about the foundry farm missions.
    Inertia just means you can do Powerslides in you carrier!
    I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
  • mashaniemashanie Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I think you missed my point. While i use moslty rep and Fleet gear, i do require FtM tactical consoles.

    I was just stating a fact of how most people view it. And the setbacks this causes. On one side you have greedy Billionaires, and on the otherside poor farmers, who dont know about the foundry farm missions.

    True it is not common knowledge, I guess it should be promoted more. And I had millions at times, never too much, because I spend it on outfit boxes and other "useless" things that I like to have. Still never bothered to get a purple tac console. Guess different people different styles, but that +1-2% damage is not worth 36 million in price difference. Good thing fleet tac consoles will crack down on that part of the market :p Now the only thing that will be sold at gold price is the field generator, though that has an equal in the Dyson Tier 1 sotre. The shield resequencer with shield capacity. Just 10%, but the console also gives you a passive akin to the 3 piece borg set. I already decided to get that instead, since field gens are a pain in the TRIBBLE.

    And as final note, unknowingly or knowingly, but Cryptic did pander to these "greedy millionaires" as you put it as well. They removed a lot of good rewards from missions. I checked Liquid Dynamics.. or was it Light in the Darkness, that used to reward a blue mk xi neutronium. It has been scrapped in favor of some crappy warp core.. yay.
  • tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    the so-called 'greedy billionaires' can be some of the most generous people in sto.
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