1. Starbase upgrade jobs don't let you contribute some things (like DOFFs) but will let you contribute other things. This seems to be random, since I was able to contribute DOFFs to a dilithium mine job but not to a Tier 4 Starbase upgrade. This may be a leakage issue but I haven't checked back yet.
2. Expired Exchange items come with two e-mails and mail doesn't want to let you delete the empty first message that appears before the message containing the attachment. You have to open and close mail to get them to disappear. The best thing to do is to get the attachments and then delete the second of each pair, close mail, and then the first messages will usually be gone.
3. Can't move BOFFs around in the inventory, or move them into the bank. Can't remove them from the Exchange -- have to wait until they expire.
4. Very difficult to get the "warp into Hromi cluster" to come up sometimes. Sometimes difficult to get Arucanis arm, too.
5. The Borg sector space mission is STILL bugged after a very long time. You'll get the alert and get it again and again. If you try to do the mission again you'll beam into the scene just as the main ship has been destroyed. Rinse repeat.
6. The DOFF recommendations list periodically forgets to suggest the purple DOFFs and/or those who actually are the closest matches.
7. When a captain sets a course in sector space he is still harassed endlessly by the BOFF asking him to beam into places he didn't set the course to or admonishing him about deep space. When a captain sets a course, he has set a course to a specific place. The only reason a BOFF should ever interrupt that is for good reason, which these pop ups don't qualify as. This is not technically a bug, but it is so illogical and against canon that it qualifies in my book.
8. The launcher keeps running a partial patch before logging into the game and after quitting. It never seems to finish.
9. The exchange "all" feature stops working after being in the game long enough, which suggests leakage. Quitting STO restores it.
10. The Battle Zone Omega (or whatever it's called) area can become broken over time. I've run STFs in there and eventually lost the ability to get the Exchange/Mail/Bank and other pop-ups to come up. Using the top right portion of the screen to warp out caused a crash. This suggests leakage.
11. I had a crash and lost 3 million EC for some reason, although that was a few weeks ago.
12. Sometimes attachments stop working in mail and vanish when you try to collect them. This usually happens with DOFFs. I think this is related to leakage.
13. The log in screen for my fed main alternates between the two saved appearances I have. I don't know if this is intentional or not.
14. Transitioning to the ship bridge takes a long time, and often includes a "server not responding" message.
15. The Starbase 24 mission often has me log in with most of the Klingon ships already having been defeated. Once I got in and it was practically the end of the mission. Since this now has a cooldown (which is unnecessary and annoying) this is doubly annoying.
16. The Mirror Universe mission appears to be bugged because the optional objective isn't being done anymore (in fact, I was accused of being a "noob" because I came back to the game after a long break and was doing the optional) and doesn't seem to have any effect on the mission if it is done. The mission is a lot faster and easier now, but it was nice to have the challenge of getting the optional and making it actually significant.
17. There is no warning when getting a new ship to equip it with BOFFs. Going into an elite STF having forgotten to assign BOFFs makes for an unhappy camper. People can call this user error, but there should be a way to at least prevent a player from going into an STF if they have no BOFFs slotted. A player may assume that their existing BOFFs will automatically be transitioned to the new ship -- with substitutions as necessary depending upon the stations the ship has, which isn't the case.
18. A player should not be able to queue for an elite STF with a damaged ship.
19. Ship damage should be more obvious, like the big red Borg sector alert on the main screen. Newbies may not see that the ship is damaged because it's hidden away on the ship screen. Having a red notice on the main screen would make it easier to repair the damage, too, by bringing up the repair screen.
20. There is no cooldown log or info screen for players to see which DOFF missions aren't available to them and for how long.
21. There is no way to disable the spinning/panning camera motion when moving in and out of places like Earth Spacedock's space area and when beaming down. The rapid panning and spinning is nauseating, literally. I get dizzy from it and it does not enhance the game for me as a result. I have to close my eyes during these transitions which is unpleasant because of my contacts. Please fix this with a static screen transition option.
22. There should be a way to disable the throbbing of the mail button. Throbbers are very annoying interface elements and if they don't stop throbbing (common for the mail button) they're highly annoying. Just make it so it throbs once and stay green (like the way Firefox offers a "play once" option for animated GIFs).
18. A player should not be able to queue for an elite STF with a damaged ship.
20. There is no cooldown log or info screen for players to see which DOFF missions aren't available to them and for how long.
These two are more like nice to have features. Just like it would be nice if the combat log showed shield drain effects from tetryon procs and tetryon glider and power drain effects.
18-Doesn't really break the game, but I agree the players that go into STFs which battered ships are annoying.
20- This would complicate doffing too much. I don't really need a bunch of future available assignments showing with a negative timer unless I have some option to hide them or they appear under their own section where I can ignore them.
20- This would complicate doffing too much. I don't really need a bunch of future available assignments showing with a negative timer unless I have some option to hide them or they appear under their own section where I can ignore them.
It would be a simple log screen that shows a list of the missions that are on cooldown or something -- like the accolade list screen. It wouldn't be greyed out missions in the main list.
I consider the current state of things to be bugged because one of the main UI design principles is to not hide important functionality from people. If people need to know something (especially something frequent and recurring like cooldowns), they shouldn't have to resort to third-party websites.
As for the damaged ship queuing... it can be just as bad as having someone leave the STF. If they come in with a heavily damaged ship, no BOFFs, no equipment, and things like that.. it's just a form of griefing. I think the game was patched so people can't use Connies anymore for these missions, so there has been step toward reducing this stuff.
16. The Mirror Universe mission appears to be bugged because the optional objective isn't being done anymore (in fact, I was accused of being a "noob" because I came back to the game after a long break and was doing the optional) and doesn't seem to have any effect on the mission if it is done. The mission is a lot faster and easier now, but it was nice to have the challenge of getting the optional and making it actually significant.
It's not bugged, simply the mirror nowadays: kill all groups > kill stadi > gt*o > queue again asap > goto step 1. Nobody cares about opt, because basically its only effect is that the ships at the last fight won't be repaired when they come out, but since basically nobody cares about them => nobody cares about the opt, so when you do it you simply make the xp farming slower for everyone else who just want to quickly run through the enemies => you'll get 'scolded' for slowing them down.
It's not bugged, simply the mirror nowadays: kill all groups > kill stadi > gt*o > queue again asap > goto step 1. Nobody cares about opt, because basically its only effect is that the ships at the last fight won't be repaired when they come out, but since basically nobody cares about them => nobody cares about the opt, so when you do it you simply make the xp farming slower for everyone else who just want to quickly run through the enemies => you'll get 'scolded' for slowing them down.
It doesn't make a lot of sense to reduce content. I didn't need a lesson in how things are. I figured that out, which I thought was clear from my post.
The point was that, since the optional exists, there should be a point in doing it.
Anyway... new issues:
Foundry is only showing one mission under the review tab and not all missions are showing up in the regular tab.
Changing the difficulty for a Foundry mission I was subscribed to had no effect. I can't recall if I dropped it and regained it and the difficulty stayed on elite or not. I think I may have had to log out.
The automated ships that accompany you on the sector space Borg red alert mission are too weak to defeat the large ship at the end. Even playing intelligently (like going after the regeneration probes) is not enough, nor is having a ship equipped with XII purple gear and Dlyrene. I'm sure some people may have super-powerful ship setups, but it's an annoying waste of time to be unable to complete the mission.
17. There is no warning when getting a new ship to equip it with BOFFs. Going into an elite STF having forgotten to assign BOFFs makes for an unhappy camper. People can call this user error, but there should be a way to at least prevent a player from going into an STF if they have no BOFFs slotted. A player may assume that their existing BOFFs will automatically be transitioned to the new ship -- with substitutions as necessary depending upon the stations the ship has, which isn't the case.
18. A player should not be able to queue for an elite STF with a damaged ship.
19. Ship damage should be more obvious, like the big red Borg sector alert on the main screen. Newbies may not see that the ship is damaged because it's hidden away on the ship screen. Having a red notice on the main screen would make it easier to repair the damage, too, by bringing up the repair screen.
20. There is no cooldown log or info screen for players to see which DOFF missions aren't available to them and for how long.
21. There is no way to disable the spinning/panning camera motion when moving in and out of places like Earth Spacedock's space area and when beaming down. The rapid panning and spinning is nauseating, literally. I get dizzy from it and it does not enhance the game for me as a result. I have to close my eyes during these transitions which is unpleasant because of my contacts. Please fix this with a static screen transition option.
22. There should be a way to disable the throbbing of the mail button. Throbbers are very annoying interface elements and if they don't stop throbbing (common for the mail button) they're highly annoying. Just make it so it throbs once and stay green (like the way Firefox offers a "play once" option for animated GIFs).
These two are more like nice to have features. Just like it would be nice if the combat log showed shield drain effects from tetryon procs and tetryon glider and power drain effects.
18-Doesn't really break the game, but I agree the players that go into STFs which battered ships are annoying.
20- This would complicate doffing too much. I don't really need a bunch of future available assignments showing with a negative timer unless I have some option to hide them or they appear under their own section where I can ignore them.
I consider the current state of things to be bugged because one of the main UI design principles is to not hide important functionality from people. If people need to know something (especially something frequent and recurring like cooldowns), they shouldn't have to resort to third-party websites.
As for the damaged ship queuing... it can be just as bad as having someone leave the STF. If they come in with a heavily damaged ship, no BOFFs, no equipment, and things like that.. it's just a form of griefing. I think the game was patched so people can't use Connies anymore for these missions, so there has been step toward reducing this stuff.
Short 10 sec trailer for Cube 571
The one good thing about being Borg you never need tech-support
Before you post in the STO tech support forum
The point was that, since the optional exists, there should be a point in doing it.
Anyway... new issues:
Foundry is only showing one mission under the review tab and not all missions are showing up in the regular tab.
Changing the difficulty for a Foundry mission I was subscribed to had no effect. I can't recall if I dropped it and regained it and the difficulty stayed on elite or not. I think I may have had to log out.
The automated ships that accompany you on the sector space Borg red alert mission are too weak to defeat the large ship at the end. Even playing intelligently (like going after the regeneration probes) is not enough, nor is having a ship equipped with XII purple gear and Dlyrene. I'm sure some people may have super-powerful ship setups, but it's an annoying waste of time to be unable to complete the mission.