congratulations and thank you to mr Jeff "LCDRMiller" Miller on designing the very cool new starfleet hall corridors and bridge. also with a little options for paint colour and lighting colour, lacards display consoles the new bridge and corridor could be used on all faction ships and still look very cool. are the old standard will going to be usable in star trek online?
with the stanard new bridge and corridors would it be possible to have some options that can be accessed ship interier design person or even in the ship design person. also to have custimization thing like rugs or metal flooring and the colour of the rugs. and even wall colours and have lighting and option to have the lcards across more of the console station.
i hope that one day there could be a cstore of the enterpries nc-1701-retroftit and ncc-1701-a movie bridges form tmp 2272 to star trek 2293 and playable corridors to actually a tight scale and have the option to have the galaxy class actual lcard wall mounted panels
I haven't checked this out on Tribble, so I can't comment on the scaling issues mentioned by fellow players here, but I like the new design of the bridge and the interiors.
The bridge looks more modern and in place with the designs of the 25-th century that you guys have been pushing out. Also one big concern of mine when I heard that you're going to revamp the Fed. interiors some couple of months ago was the color scheme you were going to use, so I'm really glad that you decided to use reckognizable Fed. colours that give out a certain warmth to them. The hallways also look great and very Starfleet-y as oposed to the strange cold interiors we have currently.
So all in all - kudos to Jeff Miller for the great visual design of these interiors. They look really nice indeed.
But are those interiors really going to be tutorial only and not availible on our own ships? If this is so - fail!
I just hope that the Viewscreen on the bridge(s) are going to be much bigger than most of the previous made ones. Most of them look tiny when sitting on the captains chair.
Btw, helmsman and navigator don't have chairs anymore?
I haven't checked this out on Tribble, so I can't comment on the scaling issues mentioned by fellow players here, but I like the new design of the bridge and the interiors.
The bridge looks more modern and in place with the designs of the 25-th century that you guys have been pushing out. Also one big concern of mine when I heard that you're going to revamp the Fed. interiors some couple of months ago was the color scheme you were going to use, so I'm really glad that you decided to use reckognizable Fed. colours that give out a certain warmth to them. The hallways also look great and very Starfleet-y as oposed to the strange cold interiors we have currently.
So all in all - kudos to Jeff Miller for the great visual design of these interiors. They look really nice indeed.
But are those interiors really going to be tutorial only and not availible on our own ships? If this is so - fail!
They made such beautiful stuff just for the tutorial?
What a waste...
"...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--"
- (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie
Very nice. The hallways have always looked like they got borrowed from some other game. Big square and blah.
I hope the old bridges get refreshed, many are very low rez.
One thing on the Origin Bridge.. the 2 consoles at the front of the Captain's Area need chairs! You think your Captain wants to sit in his/her chair and just stare at the backs/arses of 2 crewmembers blocking the Viewscreen??
Plus: As someone who's standing all day at my job, I wish someone would give me a chair.
lots of stairs... Someone from the ADA wants to talk to you about ramps for the handicapped.
Awesome! Will players be able to designate bridge positions to Bridge Officers?
One thing I personally dislike about the Origin bridge is that there are no seats at the two central consoles.
Each to their own.
While I do love the look of the bridge and corridors, and appreciate the work that went into them... Id like to express a few things...
1)Can you go and FIX any of the umpteen bugs in romulan and klingon content before spending months on federation interiors?
2)Can you try adding more romulan and klingon interiors/bridges for a change? The federation side is flooded with tons of content.
3)How about just giving the KDF side some new stuff for a change at all, then the romulans, again the Fed side has 10x the outfits, bridges, ship customization options, etc of the other 2 factions combined.
3)I kow you will ignore this one, but MAKE ROMULANS THEIR OWN FACTION FFS! That was really lame and cheap on your part to spend months advertising 'march beneath the raptor's wings' then give us a pansey TRIBBLE wanna-be federation pseudo faction that begs for scraps from the Red vs Blue gameplay
What about being able to place your bridge officers around your bridge and ship, where you want them, not preprogramed. Lots of time I get generic officers, and one or two of my own.
Most of the designs in STO are built for people with claustrophobia, while Garek may approve... I do not. I don't see why they are working on tutorial again, you can spew all the eyecandy you want for newcomers. However, it wont make up for the games shortcomings, lack of game balance, rain cash on me mentality, poor plot, and a development team that lacks any clear direction.
The game has more bugs then the Earth has sand grains.
I'm sorry but, that bridge's scaling is almost as bad as the Nomad series. There's like a 20ft+ clearance between the Captain's chair and the viewscreen. Either the viewscreen would have to be 50ft across to see anything worth seeing, or the distance needs to be tightened up.
Scaling has always been STO's biggest problem graphic wise. The textures and colors look great even though the lack of the TNG/DS9/VOY LCARS is still there, but overall it looks great. Just work on the scaling. Put a player model in there and just look at the comparison between it and other bridges, such as the Galaxy, Excelsior, and even the Constitution.
[Unrepentant] Lapo@overlapo: the problem with space STF
is that you can't properly teabag your defeated opponent
Unrepentant: Home of the Rainbow Warrior and the Rainbow Brigade.
Yep, I gotta say, these new hallways and bridge look very good. Also, all the action I've done on Tribble says Season 8 is going to be a big WINNER for Cryptic.
Great Job Devs!! about some more C-Store stuff, like you guys used to do with the Ship Skins for the whole lot of us, with the NEW ships too??
My only question is, why are the bridge doors so massive? There are no Brikar in STO, so it makes no sense.
This is my guesses about the issue based on all of Cryptic's games.
The same reason that requires interiors meant for combat to be of a minimum size. Your Away Team. Four of the away team lacks some...intelligence. Your BOFFs out of combat will travel without waypoints set will go to a semicircle behind your character. That's the default AI behavior out of combat is to keep on that spot. So when your character moves your away moves in unison trying to return to that same spot.
That's why the corridors and doorways are so side. They have to be wide enough for your BOFFs to get thorough w/o getting running into the geometry and getting stuck. Sometimes my BOFFS do get struck in a corridor or doorway even on the current maps. The KDF kits are a notorious culprit with the braces along the corridors.
As a counterpoint to the above, Cryptic has realistic sized interior maps in Neverwinter. I assume that because it's only your and one NPC companion. Certain section of maps of those maps cause issues bcause the camera clips with the wall and or ceiling. It's hard to fight when staring at the back of my head.
lots of stairs... Someone from the ADA wants to talk to you about ramps for the handicapped.
Very true, it always cringes me to see stairs when ramps would do just as well...
"...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--"
- (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie
any word on when the new corridors will be retrofitted to the older bridges?
The million-dollar question. Those corridors look fan-freaking-tastic, but if they're tutorial-only then it really, really was a waste of time making them.
You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
In the Future the handicapped get bionic legs. Except for those with religious objections to medical procedures. They get an Exocomp with a saddle strapped to its back.
My only question is, why are the bridge doors so massive?
Maybe so they can install major upgrades without using hard patches thus extending the life of the ship, increasing the structural integrity all while simplifying refits.
This is a real world issue on Submarines. On the Los Angeles class the designers didn't include hard patches because the hull was thinner than previous boats, a thin hull means it can't withstand as much pressure so they felt that having parts of the boat designed to be cut open could be dangerous at some depths combined with the fact that the LA boats only have two main compartments meant that any failure would doom the sub. As a result any upgrades have to fit though a 21 inch hatch near the bow of the submarine. Problem is now that the boats are 40 years old, and in need of upgrades that can only be done while refueling the reactor: a process where the submarine is cut in to three parts and a new reactor compartment is installed (a process that takes 2-3 years to complete). It has gotten to the point where the upgrade process to bring them to modern standards is so expensive and so long it is cheaper and faster to discard the subs and replace them with new ones, compared to the older boats where a refit of new equipment could be done separate from a refueling and thus could be modernized several times over their service life.
Now compare the TOS Enterprise and her refit. They didn't just install new nacelles and a deflector dish, you can tell from the size changes that they had to remove the outer hull to lengthen and expand the hull volume to modernize the ship.
My Romulan Liberated Borg character made it to Level 30 and beat the (old) Defense of New Romulus with the skill point bug.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them." -Thomas Marrone
This is my guesses about the issue based on all of Cryptic's games.
The same reason that requires interiors meant for combat to be of a minimum size. Your Away Team. Four of the away team lacks some...intelligence. Your BOFFs out of combat will travel without waypoints set will go to a semicircle behind your character. That's the default AI behavior out of combat is to keep on that spot. So when your character moves your away moves in unison trying to return to that same spot.
That's why the corridors and doorways are so side. They have to be wide enough for your BOFFs to get thorough w/o getting running into the geometry and getting stuck. Sometimes my BOFFS do get struck in a corridor or doorway even on the current maps. The KDF kits are a notorious culprit with the braces along the corridors.
Thats an issue that can be fixed with better pathing. I dont know what pathing system they use but a navmesh system is quite simple to make the path an NPC will follow narrower than the actual corridor to avoid NPC's getting stuck. with better pathing the BOFFS will go in single file or 2 at a time the same as they do doorways.
OT: As for making massive size rooms and corridors for combat... I have to disagree. it does not add anything to combat except room to spread out and we already have tons of open areas. Tight and narrow would be a welcome change and can add some excitement to the game. Nothing like being in a narrow corridor where all the shots are coming from 1 direction and grenades become an "Oh ****" moment when you see one coming. a smaller bridge would also be welcome for combat as you use part of it for cover and fight across the bridge rather than spreading out. More intense firefights and less chicken with head cut off small groups fighting here there and everywhere syndrome, tighten the bridges and corridors up so there is 2 groups fighting instead of 10 spread out. If the mission requires a large interior space.. cargo bays which for some reason every cargo bay I have seen in the game are tiny compared to what they should be, My bridge is bigger than a freighters side cargo bay and thats absurd.
Large doors where 4 can walk through side by side? choke points make for strategic locations and can add to the intensity and excitement when trying to cross one or getting NPCs to come through in single file or 2 by 2. As for door height and max height aliens.. Door to admiral quins office is not overly huge just for them.
Join Date: Nobody cares.
"I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
lcdrmiller, i'm so glad you're in the team. the new bridge and hallways look amazing. are there any plans to retouch the other existing bridges with new map assets and design philosophy? also, are there plans to give the same treatment to the kdf? btw, i would love to see what you would come up with for a vesta or steamrunner bridge. excellent work. can't wait for season 8.
So are these updated hallways going in ALL Federation ships, which includes player ships like when we go to our bridges, or just some of the missions? Because y'know, those old Crew Deck and Engineering Deck maps are getting kind of long in the tooth.
I took a look at the Origin bridge on Tribble just now, and it looks pretty nice. The doors do seem noticeably large, though it's not as bad as the original bridges, but bigger than the doors on most of the existing bridges, which is a bit odd.
One thing that I did notice, that I wonder if it's a mistake, when you look at the view screen, or outside the window in your readyroom, you see stars moving by, as if you were at warp. That is cool. However, the stars on the viewscreen appear to be moving away from you, ie: the ship is travelling backwards at warp? Or the viewscreen is giving a rear view? Shouldn't this be reversed?
These new designs look lovely, but like many others here I must say the Belfast corridors are really the ones Cryptic knocked out of the park. They really feel like a proper starship interior.
That's why I featured them in my currently featured foundry mission, since I wanted to to have an authentic "episode of Trek" feel. I must acknowledge that a significant number of players have complained loudly that combat is too difficult in tight corridors. Personally I felt that it simply forces you to develop a new set of ground tactics beyond the classic spread out techniques.
But as long as a critical mass of players complain about the feel of close quarters combat, then I expect Cryptic will continue to sacrifice scale for ease of gameplay.
(although I guess it'll get pushed back to season 9 by the time it happens, with new fed/rom bridges being released instead)
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
though thx for some nice eyecandy
with the stanard new bridge and corridors would it be possible to have some options that can be accessed ship interier design person or even in the ship design person. also to have custimization thing like rugs or metal flooring and the colour of the rugs. and even wall colours and have lighting and option to have the lcards across more of the console station.
i hope that one day there could be a cstore of the enterpries nc-1701-retroftit and ncc-1701-a movie bridges form tmp 2272 to star trek 2293 and playable corridors to actually a tight scale and have the option to have the galaxy class actual lcard wall mounted panels
The bridge looks more modern and in place with the designs of the 25-th century that you guys have been pushing out. Also one big concern of mine when I heard that you're going to revamp the Fed. interiors some couple of months ago was the color scheme you were going to use, so I'm really glad that you decided to use reckognizable Fed. colours that give out a certain warmth to them. The hallways also look great and very Starfleet-y as oposed to the strange cold interiors we have currently.
So all in all - kudos to Jeff Miller for the great visual design of these interiors. They look really nice indeed.
But are those interiors really going to be tutorial only and not availible on our own ships? If this is so - fail!
Just one issue with the Origin bridge on tribble, the star streaking effect has the ship flying at warp backwards.
Can't wait to try out the new corridors.
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
I just hope that the Viewscreen on the bridge(s) are going to be much bigger than most of the previous made ones. Most of them look tiny when sitting on the captains chair.
Btw, helmsman and navigator don't have chairs anymore?
They made such beautiful stuff just for the tutorial?
What a waste...
*Tosses out Temple bridge and replaces it with this one*
I hope the old bridges get refreshed, many are very low rez.
One thing on the Origin Bridge.. the 2 consoles at the front of the Captain's Area need chairs! You think your Captain wants to sit in his/her chair and just stare at the backs/arses of 2 crewmembers blocking the Viewscreen??
Plus: As someone who's standing all day at my job, I wish someone would give me a chair.
lots of stairs... Someone from the ADA wants to talk to you about ramps for the handicapped.
One thing I personally dislike about the Origin bridge is that there are no seats at the two central consoles.
Each to their own.
2. Bridge doors needs shrinking
3. Red Alert panels should be recolored "standard" panels. Not blaring "RED ALERT" everywhere
4. Corridors look (largely) fine. Default, or Tutorial Only?
5. New Crew decks coming soon?
Need answers to these questions before passing final judgment.
1)Can you go and FIX any of the umpteen bugs in romulan and klingon content before spending months on federation interiors?
2)Can you try adding more romulan and klingon interiors/bridges for a change? The federation side is flooded with tons of content.
3)How about just giving the KDF side some new stuff for a change at all, then the romulans, again the Fed side has 10x the outfits, bridges, ship customization options, etc of the other 2 factions combined.
3)I kow you will ignore this one, but MAKE ROMULANS THEIR OWN FACTION FFS! That was really lame and cheap on your part to spend months advertising 'march beneath the raptor's wings' then give us a pansey TRIBBLE wanna-be federation pseudo faction that begs for scraps from the Red vs Blue gameplay
all that said.. these really do look awesome
The game has more bugs then the Earth has sand grains.
| Join Date: January 2009 | Computer | Fleet: Broken Wings |
Scaling has always been STO's biggest problem graphic wise. The textures and colors look great even though the lack of the TNG/DS9/VOY LCARS is still there, but overall it looks great. Just work on the scaling. Put a player model in there and just look at the comparison between it and other bridges, such as the Galaxy, Excelsior, and even the Constitution.
[Unrepentant] Lapo@overlapo: the problem with space STF
is that you can't properly teabag your defeated opponent
Unrepentant: Home of the Rainbow Warrior and the Rainbow Brigade.
Great Job Devs!! about some more C-Store stuff, like you guys used to do with the Ship Skins for the whole lot of us, with the NEW ships too??
This is my guesses about the issue based on all of Cryptic's games.
The same reason that requires interiors meant for combat to be of a minimum size. Your Away Team. Four of the away team lacks some...intelligence. Your BOFFs out of combat will travel without waypoints set will go to a semicircle behind your character. That's the default AI behavior out of combat is to keep on that spot. So when your character moves your away moves in unison trying to return to that same spot.
That's why the corridors and doorways are so side. They have to be wide enough for your BOFFs to get thorough w/o getting running into the geometry and getting stuck. Sometimes my BOFFS do get struck in a corridor or doorway even on the current maps. The KDF kits are a notorious culprit with the braces along the corridors.
As a counterpoint to the above, Cryptic has realistic sized interior maps in Neverwinter. I assume that because it's only your and one NPC companion. Certain section of maps of those maps cause issues bcause the camera clips with the wall and or ceiling. It's hard to fight when staring at the back of my head.
I am disappoint.
The million-dollar question. Those corridors look fan-freaking-tastic, but if they're tutorial-only then it really, really was a waste of time making them.
So stairs are fine.
This is a real world issue on Submarines. On the Los Angeles class the designers didn't include hard patches because the hull was thinner than previous boats, a thin hull means it can't withstand as much pressure so they felt that having parts of the boat designed to be cut open could be dangerous at some depths combined with the fact that the LA boats only have two main compartments meant that any failure would doom the sub. As a result any upgrades have to fit though a 21 inch hatch near the bow of the submarine. Problem is now that the boats are 40 years old, and in need of upgrades that can only be done while refueling the reactor: a process where the submarine is cut in to three parts and a new reactor compartment is installed (a process that takes 2-3 years to complete). It has gotten to the point where the upgrade process to bring them to modern standards is so expensive and so long it is cheaper and faster to discard the subs and replace them with new ones, compared to the older boats where a refit of new equipment could be done separate from a refueling and thus could be modernized several times over their service life.
Now compare the TOS Enterprise and her refit. They didn't just install new nacelles and a deflector dish, you can tell from the size changes that they had to remove the outer hull to lengthen and expand the hull volume to modernize the ship.
Mine Trap Supporter
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
Thats an issue that can be fixed with better pathing. I dont know what pathing system they use but a navmesh system is quite simple to make the path an NPC will follow narrower than the actual corridor to avoid NPC's getting stuck. with better pathing the BOFFS will go in single file or 2 at a time the same as they do doorways.
OT: As for making massive size rooms and corridors for combat... I have to disagree. it does not add anything to combat except room to spread out and we already have tons of open areas. Tight and narrow would be a welcome change and can add some excitement to the game. Nothing like being in a narrow corridor where all the shots are coming from 1 direction and grenades become an "Oh ****" moment when you see one coming. a smaller bridge would also be welcome for combat as you use part of it for cover and fight across the bridge rather than spreading out. More intense firefights and less chicken with head cut off small groups fighting here there and everywhere syndrome, tighten the bridges and corridors up so there is 2 groups fighting instead of 10 spread out. If the mission requires a large interior space.. cargo bays which for some reason every cargo bay I have seen in the game are tiny compared to what they should be, My bridge is bigger than a freighters side cargo bay and thats absurd.
Large doors where 4 can walk through side by side? choke points make for strategic locations and can add to the intensity and excitement when trying to cross one or getting NPCs to come through in single file or 2 by 2. As for door height and max height aliens.. Door to admiral quins office is not overly huge just for them.
"I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
One thing that I did notice, that I wonder if it's a mistake, when you look at the view screen, or outside the window in your readyroom, you see stars moving by, as if you were at warp. That is cool. However, the stars on the viewscreen appear to be moving away from you, ie: the ship is travelling backwards at warp? Or the viewscreen is giving a rear view? Shouldn't this be reversed?
Any plans to redesign other interiors, like Engineering, the Ready Room, etc?
That's why I featured them in my currently featured foundry mission, since I wanted to to have an authentic "episode of Trek" feel. I must acknowledge that a significant number of players have complained loudly that combat is too difficult in tight corridors. Personally I felt that it simply forces you to develop a new set of ground tactics beyond the classic spread out techniques.
But as long as a critical mass of players complain about the feel of close quarters combat, then I expect Cryptic will continue to sacrifice scale for ease of gameplay.