The Klingons attacked and invaded the Romulan Star Empire in the backstory. Although the Republic is a different entity, it's still made up of Romulans, and the antipathy that exists between them and the Klingons is way more excessive than the antipathy that exists between Romulans and the Federation. Plus there's the reunification movement to consider, and that weighs it more towards the Federation.
If I were playing a Reman though, I might lean more towards KDF.
Both, depending on character goals and the personalities I've tried to play the different captains with. Generally, Fed-roms have easier access to fleet stuff (since Fed fleets are usually further along) and cheaper doffs and special equipment, plus faction-specific queus pop faster due to the larger Fed population. KDF-roms have better doffing rewards though, and better consoles to pull from other cstore ships.
It won't affect your story though. You're still a member of the Romulan Republic doing Romulan missions, requesting aid but not selling your soul. Pick the side that serves your ends best, as any true Romulan would.
My decision as based on how romulan ships are built. Since the singularity core gives us lower overall power levels i chose klingons. I bought the Vandal Destroyer which has the plasmonic leech console. So now pretty much any of my Rom-KDF toons, even my regular KDF toons can claim the ship and take the console to help buff my overall power levels in combat.
KDF, because I can get Elite Disruptors, and because I paid ten bucks for a Vandal years ago and it may as well save me some EC now. Also the costume options are much nicer. And in conclusion, Sugihara is an annoying idiot.
I did align one Rom with the Feds, but I haven't bothered leveling that character up much.
Cause my Rom officer is a Tac officer, I went KDF for the fact of raptors look atleast something like Romulan ships.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
I am allied with the Orion Syndicate and the Klingon Empire.
There are numerous reasons for this choice, not least of which was the overbearing snobbery and prejudice of the Vulcan ambassador in the mission where we talk to Feds and Klingons before the bomb goes off that changes the tune of both the UFP and Klingon Empire.
Also, I cannot fly a D7 if I ally with the UFP, and that would suck majorly, since the only female Romulan seen in TOS was commanding a squadron of D7s.
And female Orion allies are helpful to a character who lives for espionage (my character, the head of the Tal'Diann).
Plus, Reunification is not a bad idea, but it will not happen until the Vulcans realize they messed up, and that doesn't seem likely any time soon.
So, until then, I'll just keep seducing individual Vulcans to march beneath the Raptor's Wings, and blasting away at Starfleet vessels in places where they shouldn't be.
Which Faction did you choose, why, and how do you like your choice?
My first rom joined the federation, for two reasons. 1 because cryptic suck balls and wont allow romulans to be their own faction(RUDE surprise btw after all the 'march beneath the raptors wings hype) and 2 what the RR needs is infrastructure and the UFP is better in that department.
My second rom did KDF for three reasons the first is the same as my previous character, the second is that their uniform is cooler, the third he's conspiring with his sister to overthrow D'Tan and his reckless unificationists and admirals that would risk Mol'Rihan by activating an Iconian gate that has already devastated the planet once. For that they need military power, and war is what the Klingons are good at
kdf, because the federation are a lot of pretentious, indoctrinated, propagandising, hypocritical liars.
And the KDF is full of humility, personal responsibility, and open debate and the free exchange of varying ideas and opinions. Riiiiiiiiiight.
My personal favorites are the endless 'hypocrisy' calls when most of their evidence is someone who sets an ideal and yet doesn't always live up to that ideal, but keeps trying anyways. Many cultures treat such a struggle as a basis of spirituality and something to admire, rather than the easy path of wallowing in baser instincts.
I have one FedRom and 2 KDFRoms. I favor KDF simply because I can easily pick up an endless supply of Plasmonic Leech consoles from the 1000 Zen Vandal. I also like Marauding more than Diplomacy. On the other hand, pretty much everything else is cheaper on the Federation side, since there is a larger playerbase; this is most noticeable when shopping for doffs. Add to that easier access to high-tier Fleet holdings, and it becomes a much tougher decision. You'll spend most of your time in-game at level 50, so the ships pretty much end up being whatever you have for your Roms plus available cross-faction ships.
Weigh your preference, then pick one. You'll probably be right, and if not you can always make an alt and use the abandoned character for doffing
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
Besides all of the commodity, ships that cloak, disruptor, etc benefits . . .
... THE BAD GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
***Picturing more JJ Trek type TRIBBLE like Picard and Tomalok high-fiving each other after a beer bong of Budweiser Classic AFTER - of course - Picard plays slap@$$ with a hot bartender.***
Klingon on prize strength and you need to have balls. no surprise.
In my mind a lot of things were a vector in my decision. Romulan ships have the cloak. So does the Klingon on ships there really is not that many advantages tactically speaking well not that we don't already have being our own ships cloak.
The Federation except Defiant class, doesn't have a cloak - They have a lot of strength in other areas that the Romulans are weaker on, so I figured being with the Federation would strengthen were we were weakest.
I saw every episode of the TNG, DS9 and Voyager. The Feds always get of dodgy situations where they have a 3 or 6 Birds of prey cloak. The surprise aspect in the battle tactics, Also the feds have more technology and further reach. Also DS9 and earth dock etc.
It is kind of an easy choice really for me. I gave Klingons a 2 sub-mission thought as I killed Tal shiar in space but once I was back on the Romies starbase it was easy. Feds lead the way FBI.
When Hobus happened, the Federation sent an aid fleet to help us. The Klingons sent a war fleet to enslave us. If not for Nero defeating and almost slaying the weak and pitiful General Worf, they might have succeeded.
Their day will come, and when it does, those of you who sided with them had better stand out of the way.
(Also the Feds have the best everything, including the best access to Klingon stuff.)
KDF, because Marauding > Diplomacy, and all the doffs you pick up sell for more. You enjoy all of the advantages of KDF (Marauding, better prices when selling things, superior Fleet gear, superior C-Store consoles without paying 12 million for each one), and none of the disadvantages(weak ship selection).
I have three Fed and one KDF at the moment.
I have trouble running kdf because I have more gear unlocked fed side than kdf so less to loot from ships. And the missions. are. the. same.
Seriously the only real choice seems to be what ships do you want to fly.
Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
Network engineers are not ship designers.
Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
Seriously the only real choice seems to be what ships do you want to fly.
Well that and the uniform options.
But yeah, I've got one Fed Sci and one KDF Tac for my Romulan characters right now, and there's not really too much difference that doesn't come from the difference in the levels. I went with Fed first because I've always leaned more Fed anyway, I preferred the uniform, and there just seems to be a lot of bad blood between the Romulans and Klingons. The second time I went KDF and I've been getting a lot more use out of the z-store consoles along the way, but everything else is pretty samey.
Though, regardless of which side I choose, the game still keeps giving me a crapload of phasers. Go home game, you're drunk.
Admiral Katrina Tokareva - U.S.S. Cosmos, Yorktown-class Star Cruiser Admiral Dananra Lekall - R.R.W. Teverresh, Deihu-class Warbird General J'Kar son of K'tsulan - I.K.S. Dlahath, Vo'devwl-class Carrier
KDF, because dilithium grinding is so much easier. Also because I generally like KDF better. I can blow stuff up all day and don't have to feel bad about it.
I just thought of another good reason to choose Federation. If you run the Sphere mission and get your carrier and intend to use it when you turn 40, go fed.
Reason is the carrier has no cloak, go fed and get used to being a romulan without one by using their ships.
Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
Network engineers are not ship designers.
Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
KDF, because dilithium grinding is so much easier. Also because I generally like KDF better. I can blow stuff up all day and don't have to feel bad about it.
This right here, do the defense of the empire missions and breathing room 7200 dilithium right there.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
My first Romulan went KDF (that Fed Ambassador guy was annoying).
After that I realized whole new world (I was offline since right before Season 6), I've got myself Ferasan and made another Reman character for KDF.
Besides that Ambassador, other reason why I joined KDF (before I realized easy Dil and Contraband farming) was their "romantic" history, although there was always betrayal, usually by Romulan side, somehow they belong together.
For my first Rom I choose Fed because shes a sci..and since Feds have good sci ships it would make since to be on their side right? so it got me excited thinking id captain a Vesta or that Roms would get good sci ships of their own...looks like I made her for nothing now...:mad:
1st Romulans I made were Fed allied since I was helping to run my fleet's Romulan alt fleet. After that I made Romulans for the KDF because I get free Plasmonic Leechs and I can hunt feds in Ker'rat.
My Romulan Liberated Borg character made it to Level 30 and beat the (old) Defense of New Romulus with the skill point bug.
Romulan characters go fed for me because the Klingons are violent anti-social twits
Reman characters go kdf because the Federation is a group of morons who woild rather talk everything to death rather than fighting when it is necessary
If I were playing a Reman though, I might lean more towards KDF.
It won't affect your story though. You're still a member of the Romulan Republic doing Romulan missions, requesting aid but not selling your soul. Pick the side that serves your ends best, as any true Romulan would.
I did align one Rom with the Feds, but I haven't bothered leveling that character up much.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
There are numerous reasons for this choice, not least of which was the overbearing snobbery and prejudice of the Vulcan ambassador in the mission where we talk to Feds and Klingons before the bomb goes off that changes the tune of both the UFP and Klingon Empire.
Also, I cannot fly a D7 if I ally with the UFP, and that would suck majorly, since the only female Romulan seen in TOS was commanding a squadron of D7s.
And female Orion allies are helpful to a character who lives for espionage (my character, the head of the Tal'Diann).
Plus, Reunification is not a bad idea, but it will not happen until the Vulcans realize they messed up, and that doesn't seem likely any time soon.
So, until then, I'll just keep seducing individual Vulcans to march beneath the Raptor's Wings, and blasting away at Starfleet vessels in places where they shouldn't be.
My first rom joined the federation, for two reasons. 1 because cryptic suck balls and wont allow romulans to be their own faction(RUDE surprise btw after all the 'march beneath the raptors wings hype) and 2 what the RR needs is infrastructure and the UFP is better in that department.
My second rom did KDF for three reasons the first is the same as my previous character, the second is that their uniform is cooler, the third he's conspiring with his sister to overthrow D'Tan and his reckless unificationists and admirals that would risk Mol'Rihan by activating an Iconian gate that has already devastated the planet once. For that they need military power, and war is what the Klingons are good at
And this too.
And the KDF is full of humility, personal responsibility, and open debate and the free exchange of varying ideas and opinions. Riiiiiiiiiight.
My personal favorites are the endless 'hypocrisy' calls when most of their evidence is someone who sets an ideal and yet doesn't always live up to that ideal, but keeps trying anyways. Many cultures treat such a struggle as a basis of spirituality and something to admire, rather than the easy path of wallowing in baser instincts.
Weigh your preference, then pick one. You'll probably be right, and if not you can always make an alt and use the abandoned character for doffing
Yep me too, quoted for truth.
While I enjoy the Trek shows & movies I'm always irritated by the UFP's exceedingly smug holier than thou attitude.
Besides all of the commodity, ships that cloak, disruptor, etc benefits . . .
... THE BAD GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
***Picturing more JJ Trek type TRIBBLE like Picard and Tomalok high-fiving each other after a beer bong of Budweiser Classic AFTER - of course - Picard plays slap@$$ with a hot bartender.***
In my mind a lot of things were a vector in my decision. Romulan ships have the cloak. So does the Klingon on ships there really is not that many advantages tactically speaking well not that we don't already have being our own ships cloak.
The Federation except Defiant class, doesn't have a cloak - They have a lot of strength in other areas that the Romulans are weaker on, so I figured being with the Federation would strengthen were we were weakest.
I saw every episode of the TNG, DS9 and Voyager. The Feds always get of dodgy situations where they have a 3 or 6 Birds of prey cloak. The surprise aspect in the battle tactics, Also the feds have more technology and further reach. Also DS9 and earth dock etc.
It is kind of an easy choice really for me. I gave Klingons a 2 sub-mission thought as I killed Tal shiar in space but once I was back on the Romies starbase it was easy. Feds lead the way FBI.
Short 10 sec trailer for Cube 571
The one good thing about being Borg you never need tech-support
Before you post in the STO tech support forum
Their day will come, and when it does, those of you who sided with them had better stand out of the way.
(Also the Feds have the best everything, including the best access to Klingon stuff.)
I have trouble running kdf because I have more gear unlocked fed side than kdf so less to loot from ships. And the missions. are. the. same.
Seriously the only real choice seems to be what ships do you want to fly.
Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
Network engineers are not ship designers.
Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
Well that and the uniform options.
But yeah, I've got one Fed Sci and one KDF Tac for my Romulan characters right now, and there's not really too much difference that doesn't come from the difference in the levels. I went with Fed first because I've always leaned more Fed anyway, I preferred the uniform, and there just seems to be a lot of bad blood between the Romulans and Klingons. The second time I went KDF and I've been getting a lot more use out of the z-store consoles along the way, but everything else is pretty samey.
Though, regardless of which side I choose, the game still keeps giving me a crapload of phasers. Go home game, you're drunk.
Admiral Dananra Lekall - R.R.W. Teverresh, Deihu-class Warbird
General J'Kar son of K'tsulan - I.K.S. Dlahath, Vo'devwl-class Carrier
if I take my Romulan there, will he suddenly and randomly start speaking a whole bunch of Klingon mess, like my Gorn character does?
This usually happens only in Foundry Missions.
Reason is the carrier has no cloak, go fed and get used to being a romulan without one by using their ships.
Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
Network engineers are not ship designers.
Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
This right here, do the defense of the empire missions and breathing room 7200 dilithium right there.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
After that I realized whole new world (I was offline since right before Season 6), I've got myself Ferasan and made another Reman character for KDF.
Besides that Ambassador, other reason why I joined KDF (before I realized easy Dil and Contraband farming) was their "romantic" history, although there was always betrayal, usually by Romulan side, somehow they belong together.
Reman characters go kdf because the Federation is a group of morons who woild rather talk everything to death rather than fighting when it is necessary