After hitting vice admiral on a Romulan/Reman character you're ordered back to Romulan Command for the promotion mission. Unfortunately, you can't get to Romulan Command because as soon as you hit level 50 you're forced to go through the New Romulus rep intro. You don't even get the option to beam into Romulan Command - all you get is the 'Beam to New Romulus' option. And since you can't skip the cutscene you must sit through the New Romulus intro if you ever want to get to Romulan Command again.
Dear Cryptic,
Please stop forcing players into the New Romulus reputation intro once they hit level 50. I'd much prefer to decide for myself when I want to start the New Romulus rep.
Star Trek: Online - Now with 100% more dinosaurs!!
After hitting vice admiral on a Romulan/Reman character you're ordered back to Romulan Command for the promotion mission. Unfortunately, you can't get to Romulan Command because as soon as you hit level 50 you're forced to go through the New Romulus rep intro. You don't even get the option to beam into Romulan Command - all you get is the 'Beam to New Romulus' option. And since you can't skip the cutscene you must sit through the New Romulus intro if you ever want to get to Romulan Command again.
Dear Cryptic,
Please stop forcing players into the New Romulus reputation intro once they hit level 50. I'd much prefer to decide for myself when I want to start the New Romulus rep.
Just so you know, you're not "forced" into doing anything aside from watching the intro to the planet at level 50. You don't get a "you must do the reputation before ever going back to the Command center again" message at all. So, here's a suggestion: deal with it as it's not that big of a deal.
All cutscenes should be skippable if the player chooses to skip it.
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Looking for a new fleet? Drop by the in-game chat channel, "tenforwardforum", and say hi to the members of A Fleet Called Ten Forward (Fed) and The Orion Pirates (KDF). If you already have a fleet you are happy with, please feel free to drop by our chat channel if you are looking for a friendly bunch of helpful people to socialize with.
Just so you know, you're not "forced" into doing anything aside from watching the intro to the planet at level 50. You don't get a "you must do the reputation before ever going back to the Command center again" message at all. So, here's a suggestion: deal with it as it's not that big of a deal.
So how do I get back to the Command Center if the option to beam down to the CC is gone? Oh yeah, I have to beam down to New Romulus and walk in the front door - after the New Romulus rep intro. So yeah, you are forced, since the promotion mission takes place in the CC, and you can't get back into the CC without beaming down to New Romulus and going through the rep intro.
Star Trek: Online - Now with 100% more dinosaurs!!
Sneaking onto NR through the Embassy will bypass the annoying cutscene. If you find yourself trapped in the cutscene, killing the process will also get rid of it.
Sneaking onto NR through the Embassy will bypass the annoying cutscene. If you find yourself trapped in the cutscene, killing the process will also get rid of it.
Can I get to an Embassy without a fleet (this toon is unfleeted)?
So how do I get back to the Command Center if the option to beam down to the CC is gone? Oh yeah, I have to beam down to New Romulus and walk in the front door - after the New Romulus rep intro. So yeah, you are forced, since the promotion mission takes place in the CC, and you can't get back into the CC without beaming down to New Romulus and going through the rep intro.
You watch the intro 1x its unskippable since it is the same intro for every faction.
once you have watched the intro you can immediately beam up and the beam to new Romulus command should be there, as I have done than on all my romulan/remen characters.
That whole cutscene is out of place for Romulan characters. When it happened I thought, wtf, I found the place, explored it and reported it to D'Tan, which would lead to a new settlement there. Now I am briefed by D'Tan and he speaks to me as if I have been under a stone for a while. Look what we have got here, isn't it a nice place, let's settle here.
The Romulan player should be directed from the command centre to the exploration area just with a simple interaction with an NPC.
Hey, at least D'Tan actually refers to you as a Romulan Republic officer. Rather than as a member of Starfleet lol (which is what almost all other NPCs refer to you as)
That whole cutscene is out of place for Romulan characters. When it happened I thought, wtf, I found the place, explored it and reported it to D'Tan, which would lead to a new settlement there. Now I am briefed by D'Tan and he speaks to me as if I have been under a stone for a while. Look what we have got here, isn't it a nice place, let's settle here.
The Romulan player should be directed from the command centre to the exploration area just with a simple interaction with an NPC.
I agree. The whole cutsceen should be replaced with a unique one where D'Tan explains what has changed since we were last here rather than the whole song and dance. Maybe even make it part of the promotion mission. And yes, it should very much be optional and skippable. The reward for going through the whole darn thing being either a few more skill points or reputation marks.
Hey, at least D'Tan actually refers to you as a Romulan Republic officer. Rather than as a member of Starfleet lol (which is what almost all other NPCs refer to you as)
This is true. The Romulan version of the scene has different wording and voice over to match!
one example:
Fed/KDF: "Mol'Rihan or New Romulus in your language"
Romulan: "Mol'Rihan or New Romulus as our allies call it"
Hehe, that was nice to see.
The Romulan version also has a line about how much Mol'Rihan has changed since you were there last.
I can understand the first playthrough cryptic forcing you to watch every stupid cutscene but after that...SKIPPABLE. It is mind numbing and wastes time sitting through the same cutscenes you have seen countless times.
It is especially bad for missions where you want to get multiple of a mission rewards like for the mission 4028. "YOU THINK I DIDNT BRING PROTECTION". ive heard that line so many times I imagine Eraun is talking to a prostitute.
Dear Devs, thanks for making such a great game that people have nothing better to do but go on forums and complain about having to watch a 3 minute cutscene that one time.
Dear Devs, thanks for making such a great game that people have nothing better to do but go on forums and complain about having to watch a 3 minute cutscene that one time.
Yea, but imagine the HORROR of having to do that on all your 27 alts!!!! :eek::eek::eek:
"So my fun is wrong?"
No. Your fun makes everyone else's fun wrong by default.
All cutscenes should be skippable if the player chooses to skip it.
Totally agree with this, because I have a lot of alts and I paid for all but the first two character slots so having to watch the same cutscenes over and over and over again means I would be making A LOT of sandwiches, which is what one poster said I should do during the Romulan Rep cutscene....
I have I think 16 characters, can you imagine how much I would LOVE to be able to skip cutscenes now? I don't want to go make a sandwich every time I see a cutscene I have already watched 15 times....:eek:
Dear Devs, thanks for making such a great game that people have nothing better to do but go on forums and complain about having to watch a 3 minute cutscene that one time.
If people complain, it is because they give a TRIBBLE. It is when they STOP complaining that things are going horribly wrong. US Navy officer leadership use to teach their ensigns and junior Lieutenats these little tidbits.
It is especially bad for missions where you want to get multiple of a mission rewards like for the mission 4028. "YOU THINK I DIDNT BRING PROTECTION". ive heard that line so many times I imagine Eraun is talking to a prostitute.
I almost splattered my monitor when I read that! Off the wall hilarious!
If people complain, it is because they give a TRIBBLE. It is when they STOP complaining that things are going horribly wrong. US Navy officer leadership use to teach their ensigns and junior Lieutenats these little tidbits.
Well, sort of. People who complain care about SOMETHING, not necessarily things that benefit the group.
I am trying to decide if OP is joking or not. You know that cutscene is only 2 minutes long right? Go take a leak or grab a snack, refill a water bottle... It's not rocket science.
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
I am trying to decide if OP is joking or not. You know that cutscene is only 2 minutes long right? Go take a leak or grab a snack, refill a water bottle... It's not rocket science.
No joke.
Having no choice but to start the Rom Rep at 50, and having no choice but to sit through cutscenes in general, is no fun. It's not rocket science. Since it's not a big deal it should be a piece of cake for the devs to change the Rom Rep intro to trigger the first time we beam down to New Romulus instead of the way it works now.
You (and others) are saying to get up and leave the computer for a little while because of an STO mechanic that no one finds fun. That's a problem. Yeah, there are other STO issues that are more pressing, but believe me, the little stuff adds up. I've got costume slots I can't use, the warp out animation on the ship I use is jacked up, the animation on the weapons I use don't work half the time, my powers don't activate without clicking on them 2-3 times (even with a keybind), etc, etc. All that stuff combines to make STO less and less fun to play, and it makes STO look third rate. That's a problem, too.
If you're cool with dealing with all that stuff, good for you. But if people don't say 'hey devs, how about doing X instead of Y?' then they'll think everyone is cool with Y and they'll keep doing Y.
So instead of saying 'lolwut? go take a leak, noob!' how about saying '+1 for choice in STO'?
Star Trek: Online - Now with 100% more dinosaurs!!
My character Tsin'xing
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So how do I get back to the Command Center if the option to beam down to the CC is gone? Oh yeah, I have to beam down to New Romulus and walk in the front door - after the New Romulus rep intro.
Sure. Or we could not be railroaded into the Romulan rep intro.
It would also be really nice if cutscenes didn't automatically holster my weapons, but one thing at a time.
MMMmmmm a Cardpotle Bacgorn sandwich.. just like Kiko used to make...
Can I get to an Embassy without a fleet (this toon is unfleeted)?
I know, right? What nerve, asking for a choice...
They'll never fix it if they don't know.
You watch the intro 1x its unskippable since it is the same intro for every faction.
once you have watched the intro you can immediately beam up and the beam to new Romulus command should be there, as I have done than on all my romulan/remen characters.
You're right, sorry. It's Cryptic I'm frustrated with and you're just an easy target.
They should make that cutscene skippable.
No worries, man. I'm frustrated with them too.
Good to know. Thanks.
The Romulan player should be directed from the command centre to the exploration area just with a simple interaction with an NPC.
this has my vote
system Lord Baal is dead
I agree. The whole cutsceen should be replaced with a unique one where D'Tan explains what has changed since we were last here rather than the whole song and dance. Maybe even make it part of the promotion mission. And yes, it should very much be optional and skippable. The reward for going through the whole darn thing being either a few more skill points or reputation marks.
one example:
Fed/KDF: "Mol'Rihan or New Romulus in your language"
Romulan: "Mol'Rihan or New Romulus as our allies call it"
Hehe, that was nice to see.
The Romulan version also has a line about how much Mol'Rihan has changed since you were there last.
My character Tsin'xing
It is especially bad for missions where you want to get multiple of a mission rewards like for the mission 4028. "YOU THINK I DIDNT BRING PROTECTION". ive heard that line so many times I imagine Eraun is talking to a prostitute.
Dear Devs, thanks for making such a great game that people have nothing better to do but go on forums and complain about having to watch a 3 minute cutscene that one time.
Yea, but imagine the HORROR of having to do that on all your 27 alts!!!! :eek::eek::eek:
No. Your fun makes everyone else's fun wrong by default.
Totally agree with this, because I have a lot of alts and I paid for all but the first two character slots so having to watch the same cutscenes over and over and over again means I would be making A LOT of sandwiches, which is what one poster said I should do during the Romulan Rep cutscene....
I have I think 16 characters, can you imagine how much I would LOVE to be able to skip cutscenes now? I don't want to go make a sandwich every time I see a cutscene I have already watched 15 times....:eek:
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
Now imagine the truly terrifying "Kerland here, this is Kerland" on 40 chars not counting replays.
If people complain, it is because they give a TRIBBLE. It is when they STOP complaining that things are going horribly wrong. US Navy officer leadership use to teach their ensigns and junior Lieutenats these little tidbits.
I almost splattered my monitor when I read that! Off the wall hilarious!
My character Tsin'xing
No joke.
Having no choice but to start the Rom Rep at 50, and having no choice but to sit through cutscenes in general, is no fun. It's not rocket science. Since it's not a big deal it should be a piece of cake for the devs to change the Rom Rep intro to trigger the first time we beam down to New Romulus instead of the way it works now.
You (and others) are saying to get up and leave the computer for a little while because of an STO mechanic that no one finds fun. That's a problem. Yeah, there are other STO issues that are more pressing, but believe me, the little stuff adds up. I've got costume slots I can't use, the warp out animation on the ship I use is jacked up, the animation on the weapons I use don't work half the time, my powers don't activate without clicking on them 2-3 times (even with a keybind), etc, etc. All that stuff combines to make STO less and less fun to play, and it makes STO look third rate. That's a problem, too.
If you're cool with dealing with all that stuff, good for you. But if people don't say 'hey devs, how about doing X instead of Y?' then they'll think everyone is cool with Y and they'll keep doing Y.
So instead of saying 'lolwut? go take a leak, noob!' how about saying '+1 for choice in STO'?