My fleet just finished this project but when we visit the fleet starbase, the option to activate the 2016 hologram isn't there. We have 2012-2015 but no 2016.
I've not looked at the other posts, but they actually broke the 2015 one so if you select the 2015 one you get the Breen Razreth with 2016 underneath it. Obviously someone couldn't see the difference between this years ship and last years
Non-faction Ship Bridge Collector and Junk Hauler with alt-itis
Contact in-game to add your fleet to a casual, friendly Armada
Yea, several of us informed PWE about this the very first day, but so far, there's been no response. Also checked after today's patch - still broken and no mention of it in the patch notes. Do they read these forums?
Same thing with that in my fleet.
My fleet finished this project,now long time ago but when we visit the fleet starbase, the option to activate the 2016 hologram isn't there at all. We have 2013-2015 but there is no 2016. And it is still broken and there is even now no mention of it in the patch notes.
Non-faction Ship Bridge Collector and Junk Hauler with alt-itis
Contact in-game to add your fleet to a casual, friendly Armada
My fleet finished this project,now long time ago but when we visit the fleet starbase, the option to activate the 2016 hologram isn't there at all. We have 2013-2015 but there is no 2016. And it is still broken and there is even now no mention of it in the patch notes.