Well......I understand your tiredness. When that happens, take a break. Don't worry about coming back in later. When updating afterwards, just keep one toon current, and forget about the rest. That's the case for me - only one toon has full rep, while the others are just left behind.
However, during burnout, I do still do a little grinding - however, it's kept to doffing, which can at least continue while not playing.
Also, if you find yourself getting tired, don't pug the queues. Instead, stick to TD. Things will be better that way.
I can't say anything about the fleet grind, but you can at least mitigate it for yourself using the Public Service and NoP Public Service channels.
Been trying to do that. Just been doing one characters Reputation right now.. But even after I finish that (Takes about 2 hours) I start to think about "Hey, I could use a new ship.." And then remember the prices of some of them and start to get depressed..
Lobi ships usually going for around 60+ million.. Good ships going for 100+ million... What's the use? I mean sure I COULD buy a ship from the Lobi store with my 1229 Lobi, but then I start to wonder about the next ship that might come out, the one that just might make me want it.. I mean sure there is the Monbosh.. but that ship doesn't tickle my fancy since I've been enjoying the Romulan side of things...
Maybe the romulans are to blaim.. I'm getting so addicted to flying a ship with Battle cloak and fancy Singularity powers that looking at non Warbirds doesn't seem as fun.
You think that your beta test was bad?
Think about this: American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
Been trying to do that. Just been doing one characters Reputation right now.. But even after I finish that (Takes about 2 hours) I start to think about "Hey, I could use a new ship.." And then remember the prices of some of them and start to get depressed..
Lobi ships usually going for around 60+ million.. Good ships going for 100+ million... What's the use? I mean sure I COULD buy a ship from the Lobi store with my 1229 Lobi, but then I start to wonder about the next ship that might come out, the one that just might make me want it.. I mean sure there is the Monbosh.. but that ship doesn't tickle my fancy since I've been enjoying the Romulan side of things...
Maybe the romulans are to blaim.. I'm getting so addicted to flying a ship with Battle cloak and fancy Singularity powers that looking at non Warbirds doesn't seem as fun.
Ahh the never ending STO grinding cycle. We're all in it, migth as well enjoy the ride till it runs out of steam
Now found frequenting MWO short term and then Star Citizen long term. Raged Quit PVP long ago
- Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
I know how you feel Web. My interest in PvP tapered off a long time ago for a number of reasons. Firstly a lot of the guys I teamed with both in and out of my fleet stopped pvping which made most of my pvp forays a pug oriented thing. I like it, but its hard to get intense about it by yourself. Secondly, rules changes made things frustrating. I can recall my main character, Dodge Hopper a Tactical Cruiser captain, being brutal in his cruiser. A number of nerfs later and a multitude of rules changes made me ditch the Cruiser for a long time on that character. Now he's back in a Ferengi Cruiser and I love it (though I only pve with him for the most part now).
Part of the frustration I think is that the rules have become such a moving target. That is one thing that has annoyed me in pvp. Today its uber Ferengi Mines, oh wait no those really expensive mines are garbage now for some magical reason. Oh no now its these Trico Mines oh wait no they're not so good anymore. Oh no Aceton Assimilators are OP! Oh nevermind they're not so bad... and so on. To be honest, I'm fine with strange new equipment that add new ways for us to play (Tractor Mines, Aceton Assimilators, etc) because they cause us to have to adapt. That part is fine. I think the big issue is when a power you've used for years suddenly doesn't do what its done all along, or becomes completely unrecognizable. Tactical Team for instance use to be terrible, and now it completely drowns ot Sci and Eng team. I can understand why they made Tac Team better, but I don't understand why they then went and made it a lot better than the other two Teams. Before Tac Team balanced shields I had very specific builds that involved chaining Science Team to effect my Science powers and keep my Shields full. Tac Team certainly makes life a bit more comfortable on the fingers, and makes it so you don't have to constantly drill your finger into the keyboard to balance into damage to your shelds, its just a shame the other Team abilities can't also do this.
All that being said, I think the biggest problem is that the rules are such a moving target, and that can be frustrating. By the same token, they're trying to Balance the system, while at the same time adding new shinies for us to use (probably bcause its an easy sell). One reason I paid for Legacy of Romulus is that I want to promote them actually doing things like making content, instead of adding some crazy new ship or console cheese to the lineup. I like having an abundance of ships, but I think content comes first, and this includes pvp content.
One of the other reasons I hardly pvp anymore is that the maps are just old and tired. Kerrat is Kerrat is kerrat. Solar Wind is Solar Wind. How many times do you have to stare at the same map with the same exact objectives? 3 years? I would love to see them make it possible for us to create PVP maps in the Foundry, with in depth tools like Stahl talked about a long time ago. How awesome would that be? Imagine if a foundry pvp map got popular enough that they made it a regular map? At least this way such things would get developed. Looks like I'm ranting/rambling as well Web. I have a lot of thoughts on the issue. My Fleet is not a pvp fleet, I have to admit that. We have pvp guys in it, but our activity as Pvp'ers has been mostly dead for a long time. I just miss the days when I would pick up a bunch of friends and go Pvp'n together, not as a fleet necessarily but as friends. Those days are kind of dead for me at least, but who knows maybe I'll join one of these Bootcamp groups or whatever they call them to get into some Organized matches again. For now, I'm too damn busy trying to Rep my toons, feed my characters and feed my base to even think about Pvp'n.
Regarding that last post of yours Web I totally agree, but we were talking in game a few hours ago about it, so you know that. The thing about Lobi ships is they just keep making the 'latest greatest' and I'm getting sick and tired of that. To start, why can't a stock skin Federation or Klingon ship be 'the greatest'? Why does some wierd garbage from some two bit alien faction have to be better? Look don't get me wrong, I love he way the Elachi vessels look, I love the Galor, I love the Jemmy stuff. I love the Tholian ships. Hell I love it all, but the point is I don't think it should be OBVIOUSLY BETTER. If I invest heavily into my stock ship it should be equally a good as any Lockbox cheese that comes out. My buddy Charlie now has every single one of his characters in a Lockbox ship just because he likes to set up his characters in 'the best', and I can't bame him. Its actually coming to the point that he's going to have multiple lockbox ships on the same toon of different classes (Ie: Galor, all 3 Jemmies, etc all on the same toon).
I've been complaining a little about this for a while, mostly with the hopes that the Devs might see the light and realize that 'the good stuff' shouldn't be confined to wierd alien ships dropping from a lockbox. There's something else that makes me nervous about lockboxes as well. Nerfing. If you spend hundreds of millions of EC, or many dollars to acquire one of these ships and their consoles, they can just as easily nerf your stuff into the toliet, and tha'ts not cool either. Take a look at what they did to the Ferengi set. It went from OP to throw it in the trash you just wasted your 600 lobi, and that's a problem with a lot of things in the game to be honest. Things get OVERbalanced all too often, swinging power one way or the other in sweeping strokes. To some degree its expected, but to another degree its quite frusrating if you spent hundreds of millions of ec which took a great deal of time and effort to acquire (or hundreds of thousand of dilithium, fleet credits, etc). I realize they use this to drive us to keep riding the themepark, but this is why I'd rather they opened up more of what folks call 'sandbox' elements ot the game. I think they could easily mix sandbox and themepark elements to the game. I don't think STO could ever be a pure sandbox for obvious reasons, but giving it some of those elements would be nice. Yep gonna stop rambling now.
Been trying to do that. Just been doing one characters Reputation right now.. But even after I finish that (Takes about 2 hours) I start to think about "Hey, I could use a new ship.." And then remember the prices of some of them and start to get depressed..
Lobi ships usually going for around 60+ million.. Good ships going for 100+ million... What's the use? I mean sure I COULD buy a ship from the Lobi store with my 1229 Lobi, but then I start to wonder about the next ship that might come out, the one that just might make me want it.. I mean sure there is the Monbosh.. but that ship doesn't tickle my fancy since I've been enjoying the Romulan side of things...
Maybe the romulans are to blaim.. I'm getting so addicted to flying a ship with Battle cloak and fancy Singularity powers that looking at non Warbirds doesn't seem as fun.
Uhm.....2 hours? That seems a bit long for a daily thing. Perhaps that's why it's so bad for you. I just chip away at 1 or maybe 2 reps at once. Doing all 3 at once is a recipe for burnout.
I typically just pick 2 events and start those projects. Romulan epohh chasing is nice and quick too. And expertise is taken care of by the occasional mirror event binge.
Heh, and yeah, I get what you mean about Rom ships. That battlecloak makes it soooo easy to disengage and save yourself, then time your strikes perfectly.
Anyways, with that amount of lobi, I think you have enough to build a decent investment chain. Crafting consoles and doffs, that kind of thing. With just a little bit of luck, you can make decent returns. Probably should see if one of the local tycoons is willing to give you a few tips.
What I find helps with burn out on rep is to do the following.
Stop starting projects for a week... and just do the missions and stuff to earn the rep when you feel like it.
When you start running projects again a week later you have a pool built up.... that way if you don't feel like doing X or Y mission for a day or two you can stop and still be running the missions.
Uhm.....2 hours? That seems a bit long for a daily thing. Perhaps that's why it's so bad for you. I just chip away at 1 or maybe 2 reps at once. Doing all 3 at once is a recipe for burnout.
What I do is:
1x Infected (Elite) (Takes about 10 minutes with an ok Pug) for Omega Marks
1x Crystaline Entity (Elite) (Just learned of this reciently) for Nukura Marks
Romulan Tau Dawa Daily For romulan Marks
And just reciently started to do the Breeding on New romulus. For moar Romulan Marks
May not take 2 hours exactly.. but I figure with Travel times, waiting on Queues, and such like that it can take a little time.
But doing that gives me more then enough Marks to run 1 of each Rep (The one that gives 2k points and 340 Dilithium)
After that is done I'll more then likely just Pug to get my PVP daily done.. Which is the part where I start to get abit.. Depressed most of the time..
You think that your beta test was bad?
Think about this: American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
What I find helps with burn out on rep is to do the following.
Stop starting projects for a week... and just do the missions and stuff to earn the rep when you feel like it.
When you start running projects again a week later you have a pool built up.... that way if you don't feel like doing X or Y mission for a day or two you can stop and still be running the missions.
I'm actually at a point where I could probably take a week off from running the Reps.. I have:
Omega 841
Nukara 397
Romulan 279
Except for the Crystaline Entity.. I kinda want to get both Rewards, the old one, and the new one, just so that I can have more TRIBBLE I probably don't need.
You think that your beta test was bad?
Think about this: American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
I'm actually at a point where I could probably take a week off from running the Reps.. I have:
Omega 841
Nukara 397
Romulan 279
Except for the Crystaline Entity.. I kinda want to get both Rewards, the old one, and the new one, just so that I can have more TRIBBLE I probably don't need.
Ya do that then... you can start projects for almost a week on all 3. Just do what you feel like if you feel like any of it.
Also I'll send a few msgs in game and get you an invite run for the DPS-5000 / 11000/ 20000 channels. I run most of my STFs and even most of my CEEs with the DPS 5 and 11k guys. Avg infected times with those guys is more in the 3min mark... and Cure and Kit finish almost as fast. In the evening they also tend to cycle a bunch of toons through cee... I did like 8 of my toons through cee the other night and I'm sure it wasn't more then an hour tops of play time.
They do a basic parsed test run though infected... as long as you can parse 5k your in.
When they started the Reps, I started it like a Factory. I went on strike. And that was just when I had four toons...meh.
Willard's T5 Rom/Omega/Nuk Prophet's T5 Rom/Omega T4 Nuk (62800/100000)
Geist's T0 Rom/Omega/Nuk (0/5000) Tselina's T2 Rom (19600/32500) T2 Omega (18805/32500) T0 Nukara (0/5000)
Notus is T0 Rom/Omega/Nuk (0/5000) Plague's T5 Rom/Omega T3 Nuk (51600/60000) Zark's T3 Rom (33615/60000) T3 Omega (32815/60000) T0 Nuk (0/5000)
Saraquael's T1 Rom (8400/15000) T1 Omega (8405/15000) T0 Nuk (0/5000)
Boreas is T1 Rom/Omega (5600/15000) T0 Nuk (0/5000)
The guys colored SandyBrown were the four I rerolled for S7. Geist and Saraquael were added just before the 3rd Anniversary, Notus and Boreas were added after the 3rd Anniversary, and Willard was added with LoR.
It's kind of funny, but everybody but Willard has got the projects slotted and partially completed (just Nuk for Prophet and Plague, all three for the rest)...but I just don't - well - just don't bother.
But wait, VD, don't you run two solo fleets too? Lol, they're in sorry shape themselves.
Cause in the end, unless there's some limited duration event running (Cataclysm, Summer Event, Winter Event, etc, etc, etc) - I'm more likely to spend my time dorking around in Ker'rat or tooling around in the queues.
Yes, that means that the majority of my guys are getting slaughtered. But I have more fun getting slaughtered in PvP than I do grinding away with the PvE TRIBBLE...it's just not fun in the least. And yay (insert /facepalm), they're adding another PvE Rep with S8...meh.
edit: Wanted to make a note that it's not a bash on PvE itself - I enjoy hitting up a mission a toon hasn't run yet or even replaying a mission...might have done the mission dozens upon dozens of times...but I haven't done them hundreds upon hundreds of times. That's where the Excedrin and /facepalm come into play.
I'm actually at a point where I could probably take a week off from running the Reps.. I have:
Omega 841
Nukara 397
Romulan 279
Except for the Crystaline Entity.. I kinda want to get both Rewards, the old one, and the new one, just so that I can have more TRIBBLE I probably don't need.
Heh, I see now. I suggest you at least keep up the epohh-chasing, though. If you can pug a team of 3 or so together every day, it's a whole lot less time-consuming than Tau Dewa dailies. In fact, once you get the first week done, it's 400 marks every 5 days, and more if you have good crit doffs. It's definitely enough to rep up.
And where Crystalline Entity is concerned, I stick to Normal. Elite has an oddly high failure rate with pugs that isn't really worth the extra. It also still gives you the fragment, so less problematic there.
Finally, if the PvP pugging gets you depressed, take a break and just maintain your character, or shoot the breeze in Kerrat.
Finally, if the PvP pugging gets you depressed, take a break and just maintain your character, or shoot the breeze in Kerrat.
I think my problem with Ker'rat is they fixed the switch sides bug. I mean I'm glad they bug fixed, dont' get me wrong. Just would have been nice to been able to switch sides from time to time. But then I guess the question could be asked "Why bother roll a Klingon if you don't have to switch sides?"
You think that your beta test was bad?
Think about this: American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
I think my problem with Ker'rat is they fixed the switch sides bug. I mean I'm glad they bug fixed, dont' get me wrong. Just would have been nice to been able to switch sides from time to time. But then I guess the question could be asked "Why bother roll a Klingon if you don't have to switch sides?"
I understand what you mean - it's almost criminal how unbalanced things are in terms of numbers. Still, looking at the Chat Warfare is fairly entertaining on its own.
I understand what you mean - it's almost criminal how unbalanced things are in terms of numbers. Still, looking at the Chat Warfare is fairly entertaining on its own.
Can't deny that Ker'rat chat is some times popcorn worthy.
Things might be better if there were more Enemy players involved, but lately its the KDF side Roflstomping on the Feds 9 times out of 10.
You think that your beta test was bad?
Think about this: American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
So last night I saw the post mentioning when the next updates for KDF and PVP would most likely be..
And it got me thinking.. why has the updates for PVP been so lacking? Now, first I should clearify.. what I mean by updates isn't new ships, new Kits, or new Weapons, Armor, consoles, etc.. What I'm refering to is new Maps, or maybe even a new game mode.
Heck I recall when they were doing the DS9 Featured eposides there were statements made that said that one of the maps would be added to PVP. And that never happened obviously..
And that makes me wonder.. Why don't we have a new PVP map yet?
I usually try to avoid making suggestions if they are too difficult or may be too time consuming.. but couldn't we forgo one ship being produced if it ment adding pvp capabilities to a new map? Even if it was just a rehash of a map from a PVE Mission, or Featured Series.
And then I do look at what we have, and have had for aproximately 3 to 4 years:
Ground has 3 Arena Maps, 1 Capture and hold map, and 1 Open PVP Zone. (2 if you count the kdf version, And all the maps numbers mentioned could be doubled if you count the KDF vs KDF maps.)
Space has the same thing, 3 Arena maps, 1 Capture and Hold map, and 1 Open zone. (Agian double everything if you count the KDF side as extra maps)
But I have to wonder is it really that difficult to perhaps make the DS9 Map added to the Space Arena or Capture and hold style of map?
And there are just so many maps that are for the ground that could be used.. heck, how awesome would it be if one of the ground arena maps was set on the Final mission in the DS9 Featured Series? Where you have to wear space suits but can fight in that style? Or if that would require to much programing to change, what about Nukara or the Mineing moon?
My biggest beef is also with the policy that has been on going where PVP gets nodded as the "We know it's been neglected" but then nothing gets done. I know that other projects and designs get taken care of, but it really shouldn't be up to the Development staff, on their down time, to make changes and such for PVP in order to help the players have the things that they want. Weither that is bug fixes, Balances, or other changes.
So while I have a problem with the Policy, I don't have a problem with most of the Development Staff. I have to thank Devs such as Borticus, Branflakes, and others who's names escape me while making this post (Sorry, not personal, just forgetful. ) for taking the time out of their busy schedules to help PVP with those changes that need to be done.
To the ones that keep pushing PVP back further and further on the sechedule, I say it's time you start listening to this Minority of your PVP community. Because we love this game too. And we also spend our share of money on this game. We should be heard as well. And maybe a portion of the money we spend should be given to those Develpment staff members as a Raise, or bonus, since they have been so helpful lately for our PVP needs, other wise I'm sure things would be ALOT worse then they are now.
So while I'm giving a big middle finger to policy. I'm sending out my thanks and gratitude to the Develpment staff that has been helping us out. Luv u guyz! u rockzor! :cool:
You think that your beta test was bad?
Think about this: American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
Hrmm, but yeah - I get the trying to avoid the misdirected /facepalm. I look at the Voth stuff from that latest blog, and I can't help but think of some silly children's cartoon or the like...but then I stepped back and noticed that the artists did a damn nifty job with them. They did great work...it's not their fault that they were asked to bring us Barney meets the Power Rangers.
Likewise, the devs can only work on what they can work on...
As far as the information from the voth.. to be honest.. I didn't really get that far in reading the little thing from "The klingon Empire" about the Voth.. it just got abit long.. and my eyes started to glaze over after about the 4th paragraph..
You think that your beta test was bad?
Think about this: American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
As far as the information from the voth.. to be honest.. I didn't really get that far in reading the little thing from "The klingon Empire" about the Voth.. it just got abit long.. and my eyes started to glaze over after about the 4th paragraph..
Heh, I don't think I got past the first sentence on that one - it was the one about the art and the Voth that I at least got a few sentences into...meh.
Legacy of Romulus also brought speed issues in the form of Emergency Power of Engines, making it really difficult for anyone without a battle cloak to remain aware of their surroundings due to how fast paces ship combat is because of that one ability.
I hate Epte so much. My computer can't handle running at light speed like that and I've had to switch over to cruisers and battlecruisers. That skill can walk the plank for all I care, its hurting the game right now.
I right there with you man...pvp was the only thing that made this game fun. I literally fall asleep playing pve its so boring. Now I really just cant stand what this game has become. I dont want freaking dinosaurs with freaking laser beams.
Been trying to do that. Just been doing one characters Reputation right now.. But even after I finish that (Takes about 2 hours) I start to think about "Hey, I could use a new ship.." And then remember the prices of some of them and start to get depressed..
Lobi ships usually going for around 60+ million.. Good ships going for 100+ million... What's the use? I mean sure I COULD buy a ship from the Lobi store with my 1229 Lobi, but then I start to wonder about the next ship that might come out, the one that just might make me want it.. I mean sure there is the Monbosh.. but that ship doesn't tickle my fancy since I've been enjoying the Romulan side of things...
Maybe the romulans are to blaim.. I'm getting so addicted to flying a ship with Battle cloak and fancy Singularity powers that looking at non Warbirds doesn't seem as fun.
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
Visit my youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/Akurie369?feature=watch
Captain Bi Shonen's official Thread! http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?p=22866531#post22866531
Ahh the never ending STO grinding cycle. We're all in it, migth as well enjoy the ride till it runs out of steam
- Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
Part of the frustration I think is that the rules have become such a moving target. That is one thing that has annoyed me in pvp. Today its uber Ferengi Mines, oh wait no those really expensive mines are garbage now for some magical reason. Oh no now its these Trico Mines oh wait no they're not so good anymore. Oh no Aceton Assimilators are OP! Oh nevermind they're not so bad... and so on. To be honest, I'm fine with strange new equipment that add new ways for us to play (Tractor Mines, Aceton Assimilators, etc) because they cause us to have to adapt. That part is fine. I think the big issue is when a power you've used for years suddenly doesn't do what its done all along, or becomes completely unrecognizable. Tactical Team for instance use to be terrible, and now it completely drowns ot Sci and Eng team. I can understand why they made Tac Team better, but I don't understand why they then went and made it a lot better than the other two Teams. Before Tac Team balanced shields I had very specific builds that involved chaining Science Team to effect my Science powers and keep my Shields full. Tac Team certainly makes life a bit more comfortable on the fingers, and makes it so you don't have to constantly drill your finger into the keyboard to balance into damage to your shelds, its just a shame the other Team abilities can't also do this.
All that being said, I think the biggest problem is that the rules are such a moving target, and that can be frustrating. By the same token, they're trying to Balance the system, while at the same time adding new shinies for us to use (probably bcause its an easy sell). One reason I paid for Legacy of Romulus is that I want to promote them actually doing things like making content, instead of adding some crazy new ship or console cheese to the lineup. I like having an abundance of ships, but I think content comes first, and this includes pvp content.
One of the other reasons I hardly pvp anymore is that the maps are just old and tired. Kerrat is Kerrat is kerrat. Solar Wind is Solar Wind. How many times do you have to stare at the same map with the same exact objectives? 3 years? I would love to see them make it possible for us to create PVP maps in the Foundry, with in depth tools like Stahl talked about a long time ago. How awesome would that be? Imagine if a foundry pvp map got popular enough that they made it a regular map? At least this way such things would get developed. Looks like I'm ranting/rambling as well Web. I have a lot of thoughts on the issue. My Fleet is not a pvp fleet, I have to admit that. We have pvp guys in it, but our activity as Pvp'ers has been mostly dead for a long time. I just miss the days when I would pick up a bunch of friends and go Pvp'n together, not as a fleet necessarily but as friends. Those days are kind of dead for me at least, but who knows maybe I'll join one of these Bootcamp groups or whatever they call them to get into some Organized matches again. For now, I'm too damn busy trying to Rep my toons, feed my characters and feed my base to even think about Pvp'n.
I've been complaining a little about this for a while, mostly with the hopes that the Devs might see the light and realize that 'the good stuff' shouldn't be confined to wierd alien ships dropping from a lockbox. There's something else that makes me nervous about lockboxes as well. Nerfing. If you spend hundreds of millions of EC, or many dollars to acquire one of these ships and their consoles, they can just as easily nerf your stuff into the toliet, and tha'ts not cool either. Take a look at what they did to the Ferengi set. It went from OP to throw it in the trash you just wasted your 600 lobi, and that's a problem with a lot of things in the game to be honest. Things get OVERbalanced all too often, swinging power one way or the other in sweeping strokes. To some degree its expected, but to another degree its quite frusrating if you spent hundreds of millions of ec which took a great deal of time and effort to acquire (or hundreds of thousand of dilithium, fleet credits, etc). I realize they use this to drive us to keep riding the themepark, but this is why I'd rather they opened up more of what folks call 'sandbox' elements ot the game. I think they could easily mix sandbox and themepark elements to the game. I don't think STO could ever be a pure sandbox for obvious reasons, but giving it some of those elements would be nice. Yep gonna stop rambling now.
Or put the final nail in the coffin.
Wait til every PvP group is comprised of only the top 10 or 20 names on that board, and no one else is even welcome to try.
Seen it before, it sucks, big time.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
I'm not sure if a leader board would hurt STO...but at least then we'd know who really is the best of the best.. :P
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
maybe...I'm sure someone would figure out how to game it. Cryptic would have to make a lot of restrictions to make it work.
I suppose for now we have Hilbert's Leaderboard..
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
In my opinion, the three best things in pvp this year is the GPG fix (coming later this year), Tyler Durden channel, and Hilbert's Leaderboard.
Uhm.....2 hours? That seems a bit long for a daily thing. Perhaps that's why it's so bad for you. I just chip away at 1 or maybe 2 reps at once. Doing all 3 at once is a recipe for burnout.
I typically just pick 2 events and start those projects. Romulan epohh chasing is nice and quick too. And expertise is taken care of by the occasional mirror event binge.
Heh, and yeah, I get what you mean about Rom ships. That battlecloak makes it soooo easy to disengage and save yourself, then time your strikes perfectly.
Anyways, with that amount of lobi, I think you have enough to build a decent investment chain. Crafting consoles and doffs, that kind of thing. With just a little bit of luck, you can make decent returns. Probably should see if one of the local tycoons is willing to give you a few tips.
Stop starting projects for a week... and just do the missions and stuff to earn the rep when you feel like it.
When you start running projects again a week later you have a pool built up.... that way if you don't feel like doing X or Y mission for a day or two you can stop and still be running the missions.
What I do is:
1x Infected (Elite) (Takes about 10 minutes with an ok Pug) for Omega Marks
1x Crystaline Entity (Elite) (Just learned of this reciently) for Nukura Marks
Romulan Tau Dawa Daily For romulan Marks
And just reciently started to do the Breeding on New romulus. For moar Romulan Marks
May not take 2 hours exactly.. but I figure with Travel times, waiting on Queues, and such like that it can take a little time.
But doing that gives me more then enough Marks to run 1 of each Rep (The one that gives 2k points and 340 Dilithium)
After that is done I'll more then likely just Pug to get my PVP daily done.. Which is the part where I start to get abit.. Depressed most of the time..
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
I'm actually at a point where I could probably take a week off from running the Reps.. I have:
Omega 841
Nukara 397
Romulan 279
Except for the Crystaline Entity.. I kinda want to get both Rewards, the old one, and the new one, just so that I can have more TRIBBLE I probably don't need.
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
Ya do that then... you can start projects for almost a week on all 3. Just do what you feel like if you feel like any of it.
Also I'll send a few msgs in game and get you an invite run for the DPS-5000 / 11000/ 20000 channels. I run most of my STFs and even most of my CEEs with the DPS 5 and 11k guys. Avg infected times with those guys is more in the 3min mark... and Cure and Kit finish almost as fast. In the evening they also tend to cycle a bunch of toons through cee... I did like 8 of my toons through cee the other night and I'm sure it wasn't more then an hour tops of play time.
They do a basic parsed test run though infected... as long as you can parse 5k your in.
Willard's T5 Rom/Omega/Nuk
Prophet's T5 Rom/Omega T4 Nuk (62800/100000)
Geist's T0 Rom/Omega/Nuk (0/5000)
Tselina's T2 Rom (19600/32500) T2 Omega (18805/32500) T0 Nukara (0/5000)
Notus is T0 Rom/Omega/Nuk (0/5000)
Plague's T5 Rom/Omega T3 Nuk (51600/60000)
Zark's T3 Rom (33615/60000) T3 Omega (32815/60000) T0 Nuk (0/5000)
Saraquael's T1 Rom (8400/15000) T1 Omega (8405/15000) T0 Nuk (0/5000)
Boreas is T1 Rom/Omega (5600/15000) T0 Nuk (0/5000)
The guys colored SandyBrown were the four I rerolled for S7. Geist and Saraquael were added just before the 3rd Anniversary, Notus and Boreas were added after the 3rd Anniversary, and Willard was added with LoR.
It's kind of funny, but everybody but Willard has got the projects slotted and partially completed (just Nuk for Prophet and Plague, all three for the rest)...but I just don't - well - just don't bother.
But wait, VD, don't you run two solo fleets too? Lol, they're in sorry shape themselves.
VirDan Industries
Level 3
- Starbase T1 (2000/4000)
-- Miitary T1 (13500/25000)
-- Engineering T0 (11500/need to upgrade)
-- Science T1 (13500/25000)
- Embassy T0 (0/1000)
-- Diplomacy T0 (1700/8500)
-- Recruit T0 (1700/8500)
- Dilithium Mines (0/1000)
-- Trade T0 (0/8500)
-- Development T0 (3900/8500)
VirDan Corp
Level 2
- Starbase T1 (1000/4000)
-- Military T1 (13500/25000)
-- Engineering T0 (7500/10000)
-- Science T0 (7500/10000)
- Embassy T0 (0/1000)
-- Diplomacy T0 (1200/8500)
-- Recruit T0 (1200/8500)
- Dilithium Mines T0 (0/1000)
-- Trade T0 (0/8500)
-- Development T0 (9000/need to upgrade)
Cause in the end, unless there's some limited duration event running (Cataclysm, Summer Event, Winter Event, etc, etc, etc) - I'm more likely to spend my time dorking around in Ker'rat or tooling around in the queues.
Yes, that means that the majority of my guys are getting slaughtered. But I have more fun getting slaughtered in PvP than I do grinding away with the PvE TRIBBLE...it's just not fun in the least. And yay (insert /facepalm), they're adding another PvE Rep with S8...meh.
edit: Wanted to make a note that it's not a bash on PvE itself - I enjoy hitting up a mission a toon hasn't run yet or even replaying a mission...might have done the mission dozens upon dozens of times...but I haven't done them hundreds upon hundreds of times. That's where the Excedrin and /facepalm come into play.
Heh, I see now. I suggest you at least keep up the epohh-chasing, though. If you can pug a team of 3 or so together every day, it's a whole lot less time-consuming than Tau Dewa dailies. In fact, once you get the first week done, it's 400 marks every 5 days, and more if you have good crit doffs. It's definitely enough to rep up.
And where Crystalline Entity is concerned, I stick to Normal. Elite has an oddly high failure rate with pugs that isn't really worth the extra. It also still gives you the fragment, so less problematic there.
Finally, if the PvP pugging gets you depressed, take a break and just maintain your character, or shoot the breeze in Kerrat.
I think my problem with Ker'rat is they fixed the switch sides bug. I mean I'm glad they bug fixed, dont' get me wrong. Just would have been nice to been able to switch sides from time to time. But then I guess the question could be asked "Why bother roll a Klingon if you don't have to switch sides?"
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
I understand what you mean - it's almost criminal how unbalanced things are in terms of numbers. Still, looking at the Chat Warfare is fairly entertaining on its own.
Can't deny that Ker'rat chat is some times popcorn worthy.
Things might be better if there were more Enemy players involved, but lately its the KDF side Roflstomping on the Feds 9 times out of 10.
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
And it got me thinking.. why has the updates for PVP been so lacking? Now, first I should clearify.. what I mean by updates isn't new ships, new Kits, or new Weapons, Armor, consoles, etc.. What I'm refering to is new Maps, or maybe even a new game mode.
Heck I recall when they were doing the DS9 Featured eposides there were statements made that said that one of the maps would be added to PVP. And that never happened obviously..
And that makes me wonder.. Why don't we have a new PVP map yet?
I usually try to avoid making suggestions if they are too difficult or may be too time consuming.. but couldn't we forgo one ship being produced if it ment adding pvp capabilities to a new map? Even if it was just a rehash of a map from a PVE Mission, or Featured Series.
And then I do look at what we have, and have had for aproximately 3 to 4 years:
Ground has 3 Arena Maps, 1 Capture and hold map, and 1 Open PVP Zone. (2 if you count the kdf version, And all the maps numbers mentioned could be doubled if you count the KDF vs KDF maps.)
Space has the same thing, 3 Arena maps, 1 Capture and Hold map, and 1 Open zone. (Agian double everything if you count the KDF side as extra maps)
But I have to wonder is it really that difficult to perhaps make the DS9 Map added to the Space Arena or Capture and hold style of map?
And there are just so many maps that are for the ground that could be used.. heck, how awesome would it be if one of the ground arena maps was set on the Final mission in the DS9 Featured Series? Where you have to wear space suits but can fight in that style? Or if that would require to much programing to change, what about Nukara or the Mineing moon?
My biggest beef is also with the policy that has been on going where PVP gets nodded as the "We know it's been neglected" but then nothing gets done. I know that other projects and designs get taken care of, but it really shouldn't be up to the Development staff, on their down time, to make changes and such for PVP in order to help the players have the things that they want. Weither that is bug fixes, Balances, or other changes.
So while I have a problem with the Policy, I don't have a problem with most of the Development Staff. I have to thank Devs such as Borticus, Branflakes, and others who's names escape me while making this post (Sorry, not personal, just forgetful.
To the ones that keep pushing PVP back further and further on the sechedule, I say it's time you start listening to this Minority of your PVP community. Because we love this game too. And we also spend our share of money on this game. We should be heard as well. And maybe a portion of the money we spend should be given to those Develpment staff members as a Raise, or bonus, since they have been so helpful lately for our PVP needs, other wise I'm sure things would be ALOT worse then they are now.
So while I'm giving a big middle finger to policy. I'm sending out my thanks and gratitude to the Develpment staff that has been helping us out. Luv u guyz! u rockzor! :cool:
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
MT's post that Bran edited?
Cause I couldn't find where he got that from, but it was curious that Bran edited it...
It might have been an Archived post.. because I kinda recall some of the information that was from that post that was made.
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
Likewise, the devs can only work on what they can work on...
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
Heh, I don't think I got past the first sentence on that one - it was the one about the art and the Voth that I at least got a few sentences into...meh.
Course, did you see the Tribble notes?
"+1 Space Duty Officer Active Roster Slot"
Did you always want that 6th DOFF but couldn't fit it in your build? No worries...meh.
What i DO like is the information about how there might be less grind for the new reputation..
No account wide though how ever.. :rolleyes:
And Oh look.. Fleet Tac Consoles and Fleet Warpcores/Singularity cores to grind for..
And Look at that.. Fleet Vet Ships....
Yay more MUST HAVES in the Fleet stores. :mad:
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
I hate Epte so much. My computer can't handle running at light speed like that and I've had to switch over to cruisers and battlecruisers. That skill can walk the plank for all I care, its hurting the game right now.
And where the hell am I supposed to put these boff skills in my ui? Ugh....so fed up woth this game right now.