I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
Well, 1st... do not use the term tac but escort captain. I have a tac that doesn't fly an escort but a sci... and I make escort captains cry all the time
2nd, escorts are for noob captains. They are the easiest to play. All you need to do is point and shoot. There isn't much skill required. Sure, dps are the base in STO pve. However, in pvp any skillful captains in a cruiser/sci can beat the TRIBBLE out of any escort.
It's been known that escort captains are pvp whiners because they only have one thing: dps . If you take away the dps, they don't know what to do but come to the forum and whine/cry for nerf. It's always been like that since the launch. No surprise.
Actually at launch most of the crying was over Cloak, how overpowered klinks were, in their less well geared ships, because all they did was pvp. And how Sci was stupid powerful and needed fixing, which is was at launch.
That was most of the forum complaints at launch, which evolved into how unkillable Engineers were, how Sci was now broken and useless, which it was after their "fixes" and about pet spam, real pet spam.
All that eventually turned into complaints about dps, spike damage, escorts online, def, pvp, lack of pvp, and how either things are too challenging or not challenging enough.
Feed back pulse, when you do damage to the target, it causes a feed back, which does damage to you, 50% of which bypasses shields, and goes straight to hull.
I have no clue if the numbers in the wiki are right outside of the 50% shield pen.
I wouldn't be inclined to rely on wiki numbers outside basic ship stats, which rarely change. You wouldn't believe how out-of-date the crafting articles are, for example.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
I wouldn't be inclined to rely on wiki numbers outside basic ship stats, which rarely change. You wouldn't believe how out-of-date the crafting articles are, for example.
Interesting. Does the target still take damage too, or is it completely reflected back to you?
Yes, its not reverse shield polarity, but the damage being bounced back can then be enhanced with partical gen, a doff that lowers the targets res when they get hit with it, and I think Aux power levels too, but not sure.
Torps, mines, cutting beam, kinetic damage doesn't trigger it.
Yes you will still sustain damage when using FBP (FeedBack Pulse)
Just not as much as the guy who is unloading CRF (Cannon Rapid Fire) into your shields...
You will recieve slightly less of the total dmg. Now if you have strong shields, that effect will be negated even further.
+ Boosting Particle Generators Skill improves the damage the attack ship will recieve...
Without knowing any specific numbers...I'd estimate that with my build, I can give back upwards to 75% of the incoming damage back at the attacking ship with FBP3...That's just my observation
FBP2 is not nearly as strong....FBP1 I feel is not useful, and with the cooldowns, it only makes sense to have FBP3 and FBP2.
Sorry for being an agry Sci...I had a meltdown this morning when I wrote this...some Tac blasted me for using FBP and beating him.
I guess i let him get under my skin....
Spock would not approve of my melt down... Logic must prevail
The Ferengi in me would see this as an opportunity to market tissue boxes that have faction logos printed on them!
Enjoy your Sci build!
Star Trek Battles Channel - Play Star Trek like they did in the series!Avatar: pinterest-com/pin/14003448816884219Are you sure it isn't time for a "colorful metaphor"? --Spock in 'The Voyage Home' SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
As I was PvP'ing with my Fleetmates yesterday, 4 on 4, 2 Sci on our side and 2 Tac's - 3 Tac's and a Sci on their side, I was amazed that I pulled the best damage out of all 8 of us. I love my Sci build. Sub-Nuc, Tractor Beam, Tachyon Beam, Romulan Plasma Torp & Hyperflux Beam really makes the Tac's Cry. If it's done correctly, Sci Captains can be some of the best in the game. Don't have my exact build here (at work now) but if you want to know, just ask @danster when I am playing. (usually after 5pm everyday).
Okay so, I got tired of being blown to smitherines by burst DPS Tac/Bugs and the like...
So I decided to Respec my Sci, and go for a Shield Tank/Particle Generator build.
GW3/GW2 BOFFs for PvE
FBP3/FB2 - PH1/PH2 for PvP...
Anyway I've got the buld down to perfection, and can literally spank Burst DPS tacs...
So how come...after being a sci (underpowered to start with) and pretty much useless in PvP until the proper build is applied...
How come Tac Captains are such BABIES ??? I keep challenging and beating Tac Captains 1 vs 1....and they all say the same things...
"Oh my God, you spam all your skills waaaay too much"
"Oh my God, FBP build, that's sooooo lame" ---(says the guy with the lamest Tac/Bug build in STO)
etc, etc, etc, etc..... Excuse after excuse...
I'm finding it nearly impossible to find a Tac Captain who isn't a huge crybaby when I melt their hull with Maxed out Particle Generators FB3 and Plasma infused/Particle Generators consoles...
They all seem to be the hugest crybabies and hypocrites...
SCI captain are the hardest class to refine into something useful, they are terribly underpowered compared to the Tac Captain, futhurmore the SCI skill have been nerfed to a point that makes most(if not all) skills useless for PvP (except SubNuke and Sensor Scan)
So why do punk Tac Captains, who die by my hands, cry and whine like week old pups ?
What ? You thought you'd have your way with my little Wells class ?
Then they get offended to the point of obscenities, when they "don't get their way" ???
What's next for Tac Captains ? Crying to Cryptic for another Nerf to FPB3 ??
Get over it TAC captains....SCI Captains are a powerful class when used properly (I'd say the best in the game perhaps).
So quit complaining to me when you can't beat my Sci Build, you sound like spoiled brats (you already have a massive DMG boost to begin with)...
That is all, just saying, "whaddya think ? Sci are good for nothing ?"
Well they are not, and don't be mad because your easy mode TAC/BUG build gets roasted by a wee little Sci Capt in a Wells class.
\\//_ Live Long and Prosper
They think it's rather unfair that they just can't faceroll your obviously inferior ship and career choice.
After all, they're a Tac in a (Insert OP Escort), they shouldn't have to use actual tactics or strategy to kill you, just buff up and press space bar until dead.
I mean really, you're going to deny a bunch of people their kills because they can't do anything but slap space bar. How dare you.
OP its funny but not at the same time. in a way its kinda sad .
ive been playing sci toons really since i started playing STO , and to be honest i have 3 sci and one eng ,and currently no rolled tacts though i have one on tribble.
sci have many different ways to play them . it all comes down to what you want to do . prob the most flexible out of all the classes . and im always tinkering with em .
I guess I must be missing something, but it seems like FBP is extremely useful in PvP, and while I don't PvP besides the odd Kerat every now and then, I'm surprised I never heard of it before.
How does one beat such an ability, assuming you dont come into a 1v1 with a torp boat and build? Is there a viable counter, or would you have to design a build and boff layout tailor made to overcome this?
I realize rinkster said
Use anything except energy weapons and you are golden.
, but honestly most people run 1 torp and a cutting beam, if you're an escort, and many cruisers use all beams. Faced with a FBP in one of those ships, is it possible to kill an opponent who uses FBP?
::WARNING:: This game is not intended for use as a source of self-esteem.
I guess I must be missing something, but it seems like FBP is extremely useful in PvP, and while I don't PvP besides the odd Kerat every now and then, I'm surprised I never heard of it before.
How does one beat such an ability, assuming you dont come into a 1v1 with a torp boat and build? Is there a viable counter, or would you have to design a build and boff layout tailor made to overcome this?
I realize rinkster said , but honestly most people run 1 torp and a cutting beam, if you're an escort, and many cruisers use all beams. Faced with a FBP in one of those ships, is it possible to kill an opponent who uses FBP?
Depends on the ship, cap, and res, a heal boat, with a engineer, isn't going to hit as hard as a tac, and their going to be carrying a bunch of hull heals and hull rez, which means that can weather this sort of thing much better, possibly even not be bothered by it.
I guess I must be missing something, but it seems like FBP is extremely useful in PvP, and while I don't PvP besides the odd Kerat every now and then, I'm surprised I never heard of it before.
How does one beat such an ability, assuming you dont come into a 1v1 with a torp boat and build? Is there a viable counter, or would you have to design a build and boff layout tailor made to overcome this?
I realize rinkster said , but honestly most people run 1 torp and a cutting beam, if you're an escort, and many cruisers use all beams. Faced with a FBP in one of those ships, is it possible to kill an opponent who uses FBP?
Top of my head for a cruiser in such a position....wait to get to under 50% hull then do a Janeway and ram them....lol
Sorry, that was a little silly......but my comparison with an alpha strike from cloak seems to me to be apt.
It is counterable, providing you are carrying the countering tools with you. Just like FBP.
Just because those tools arent widely carried doesnt mean the counter doesnt exist.
And there must always be tradeoffs.
Want to pour out the most damage possible......you dont get the best defence possible and vice versa.
Dont carry a torpedo because you want to go all energy.....well, fair enough, but FBP is your nemesis.
The counter to FBP would be...
Target SubSys AUX
FBP NEEDs MAX AUX systems to deliver useful thorn (RPG Term) damage...
No Aux...the Pulse ...fizzles out.
I could pop an AUX battery at this point, but on my wells I carry Wep/Sh/Eng batteries
So that option is out
Also seeing as how my build is ShieldTank/FBP.... My shield heals, hull repair, and Shield regen will suffer greatly without ample Aux power...
At that point since I have 0 Hull Heal...Id be a sitting duck...
Or again, the Elachi Weapons can be devastating..."Ignore shields" "-50%Hull Resistance" Procs ae pretty devastating..
Well, honestly guys...what other choice does a Sci have... ?
If your not using FBP against a tac you are screwed...yes you could heal forever.
But thats boring and leads to 100% stalemates...
Im talking about killing Tacs...which I do. The only way (in a sci ship with 3-3 weapon layouts) is with the help of FBP....there is no other way...So don't get mad at a sci for using the one valueable skill in a PvP situation
All the other skills are useless...
Someone asked for my build:
I focused on Sheild Skills and maxed Particle Generators.
6 skill points into hull and warp core abilities
6 skill points into Energy weapon skills
the rest is up to you....
Wells Class:
3 fore: 2 Rom DBBs XII + Hyper Plasma Torp
3 Rear: 1 Rom EXP Beam Array + Cutting Beam + Omega Torp
Engi: Tachy Console + Assimilated Module + Zero Point
Sci: 4x Plasma infused/Particle Generator consoles XII
Tact: 3 x 30% Plasma Tac Consoles
Or VS the heaviest of hitters:
Engi: 3 x DIL Mine Resistance Consoles XII
Sci: 4x Plasma infused/Particle Generator consoles XII
Tact: Tachy Console + Assimilated Module + Zero Point
Elite Warp Core - with Shield Boost/ and shield regen
Omega Deflector ---> (+Particle Generators skill)
Omega Sheilds
Jem Hadar XII Engines
If someone is giving me big troubles...well then Ill throw on the Shield Generator +17% shield capacity... x2 if I have too.
Batteries: Wep/Shield/Engine
The key to this build is 3x Purple FBP doffs (3 is the max) *
Anyway this build really hurts tacs... and all I hear is negative comments....meanwhile I'm dealing with constant CRF.....and you guys tell me FBP is lame...
You know what's lame... a warbird sneaking up to you point blank, dropping cloak, and unloading on your unsuspecting ship...well...guess what, that doesnt work on me anymore, one tap of FBP3 will immediatly take out their front sheild and drop there hull down to 55% before the CRF has ended. Then I just finish him off with BO, HYPERFLUX EXP beam Shot, Sub system Target Shields, Engines, Weapons....
Usually if the Tac captain isnt too bright, he'll try another volley, but hasn't anticipated my FBP2...., that will usually do it...I just mop up the rest.
Boff Layout
HAZ EM 1/2
Transfer Shield Strength
Polarize hull 1/2
Beam Overload 2
Tac Team 1
Hyperflux EXP Rom Beam Skill
Its a solid build.... I made it because I was sick of Burst DMG Tacs/ in bugs...and it solves that problem and then some...
^^ I like your style. Using your opponents' strength against them (FBP) is not 'lame,' but a very sound and working tactic. Kudos on you!
And, frankly, I just *love* PVP tears. There's just something eminently funny and vindicating about a fat cat and his life-on-easy-street CRF suddenly crying like a baby, because, OMG, the mouse was 'lame' enough to fight back. Yes, I freely admit, makes me all gloat inside. :P
So, I say, the more they keep yelling 'Lame,' all the more reason for you to keep doing it... And then they'll start demanding a nerf to FBP, wait for it. And then we'll all have a second round of laughs.
Actually at launch most of the crying was over Cloak, how overpowered klinks were, in their less well geared ships, because all they did was pvp. And how Sci was stupid powerful and needed fixing, which is was at launch.
That was most of the forum complaints at launch, which evolved into how unkillable Engineers were, how Sci was now broken and useless, which it was after their "fixes" and about pet spam, real pet spam.
All that eventually turned into complaints about dps, spike damage, escorts online, def, pvp, lack of pvp, and how either things are too challenging or not challenging enough.
Indeed... and ppl complain why pvp is broken and no1 wanna pvp.
The counter to FBP would be...
Target SubSys AUX
FBP NEEDs MAX AUX systems to deliver useful thorn (RPG Term) damage...
No Aux...the Pulse ...fizzles out.
I could pop an AUX battery at this point, but on my wells I carry Wep/Sh/Eng batteries
So that option is out
Also seeing as how my build is ShieldTank/FBP.... My shield heals, hull repair, and Shield regen will suffer greatly without ample Aux power...
At that point since I have 0 Hull Heal...Id be a sitting duck...
Or again, the Elachi Weapons can be devastating..."Ignore shields" "-50%Hull Resistance" Procs ae pretty devastating..
yea but u need use BRAIN for make counter-tactic
that is problem for some MMO players
cry on forum and demand nerf is far more easier
but ..u re still lucky , i play maily "WoT" which is PVP only game
EACH battle (and u need thouslands for top tanks) is lottery , u re just part of 15 vs 15 battle , and of course if u have lame team u re .....
Well......partially legit, but you do realize that you're inviting flames where your tone is concerned, right?
Also, FBP is honestly a bit cheap in 1v1. It's basically a "shoot at something else" button which has no counters besides SNB (or stuns, maybe?). In 1v1, there's nothing else to shoot at, so the match would just go on-and-on.......a competent escort would not be killed by a Wells' firepower, nor could he kill you, since you're chaining FBP. So stalemate - which makes for one boring 1v1 match. That's why you'll catch flak. They got offended because any game with you would simply stalemate.
And honestly, in any team scenario, you'd be useless. Most would simply ignore you and go after your teammates instead, and you lack the high-level sci abilities to debuff other ships who aren't shooting at you. So yeah - you may be unkillable, but you're not going to do anything worth making you a target, and you might get SNB'ed and rolled in short order in team context. This is why FBP is rarely seen outside of lolbuilds - and KAX, but that's a different story.
This. Precisely this. Yeah, FBP works. . .but there's reasons why few people use it. The only people who use it are people who think running a zombie tank in PvP is 'winning'.
I've seen plenty of sci builds that are very effective that don't rely on chaining FBP. Anti-cloakers, holders, disablers, etc.
^^ I like your style. Using your opponents' strength against them (FBP) is not 'lame,' but a very sound and working tactic. Kudos on you!
And, frankly, I just *love* PVP tears. There's just something eminently funny and vindicating about a fat cat and his life-on-easy-street CRF suddenly crying like a baby, because, OMG, the mouse was 'lame' enough to fight back. Yes, I freely admit, makes me all gloat inside. :P
So, I say, the more they keep yelling 'Lame,' all the more reason for you to keep doing it... And then they'll start demanding a nerf to FBP, wait for it. And then we'll all have a second round of laughs.
I completely agree! Well except that last part, it needs fixing.
OP, you do what you gotta' do - that's about it. If it works as planned, more power to you. And ignore the whining if you can, if there is one thing I learned about STO it's that people will whine for just about anything.
So, I say, the more they keep yelling 'Lame,' all the more reason for you to keep doing it... And then they'll start demanding a nerf to FBP, wait for it. And then we'll all have a second round of forum PvP.
Okay so, I got tired of being blown to smitherines by burst DPS Tac/Bugs and the like...
So I decided to Respec my Sci, and go for a Shield Tank/Particle Generator build.
GW3/GW2 BOFFs for PvE
FBP3/FB2 - PH1/PH2 for PvP...
Anyway I've got the buld down to perfection, and can literally spank Burst DPS tacs...
So how come...after being a sci (underpowered to start with) and pretty much useless in PvP until the proper build is applied...
How come Tac Captains are such BABIES ??? I keep challenging and beating Tac Captains 1 vs 1....and they all say the same things...
"Oh my God, you spam all your skills waaaay too much"
"Oh my God, FBP build, that's sooooo lame" ---(says the guy with the lamest Tac/Bug build in STO)
etc, etc, etc, etc..... Excuse after excuse...
I'm finding it nearly impossible to find a Tac Captain who isn't a huge crybaby when I melt their hull with Maxed out Particle Generators FB3 and Plasma infused/Particle Generators consoles...
They all seem to be the hugest crybabies and hypocrites...
SCI captain are the hardest class to refine into something useful, they are terribly underpowered compared to the Tac Captain, futhurmore the SCI skill have been nerfed to a point that makes most(if not all) skills useless for PvP (except SubNuke and Sensor Scan)
So why do punk Tac Captains, who die by my hands, cry and whine like week old pups ?
What ? You thought you'd have your way with my little Wells class ?
Then they get offended to the point of obscenities, when they "don't get their way" ???
What's next for Tac Captains ? Crying to Cryptic for another Nerf to FPB3 ??
Get over it TAC captains....SCI Captains are a powerful class when used properly (I'd say the best in the game perhaps).
So quit complaining to me when you can't beat my Sci Build, you sound like spoiled brats (you already have a massive DMG boost to begin with)...
That is all, just saying, "whaddya think ? Sci are good for nothing ?"
Well they are not, and don't be mad because your easy mode TAC/BUG build gets roasted by a wee little Sci Capt in a Wells class.
\\//_ Live Long and Prosper
You shouldve kept your trap shut now cryptic knows your sci build
Well, honestly guys...what other choice does a Sci have... ?
If your not using FBP against a tac you are screwed...yes you could heal forever.
But thats boring and leads to 100% stalemates...
Im talking about killing Tacs...which I do. The only way (in a sci ship with 3-3 weapon layouts) is with the help of FBP....there is no other way...So don't get mad at a sci for using the one valueable skill in a PvP situation
All the other skills are useless...
Someone asked for my build:
I focused on Sheild Skills and maxed Particle Generators.
6 skill points into hull and warp core abilities
6 skill points into Energy weapon skills
the rest is up to you....
Wells Class:
3 fore: 2 Rom DBBs XII + Hyper Plasma Torp
3 Rear: 1 Rom EXP Beam Array + Cutting Beam + Omega Torp
Engi: Tachy Console + Assimilated Module + Zero Point
Sci: 4x Plasma infused/Particle Generator consoles XII
Tact: 3 x 30% Plasma Tac Consoles
Or VS the heaviest of hitters:
Engi: 3 x DIL Mine Resistance Consoles XII
Sci: 4x Plasma infused/Particle Generator consoles XII
Tact: Tachy Console + Assimilated Module + Zero Point
Elite Warp Core - with Shield Boost/ and shield regen
Omega Deflector ---> (+Particle Generators skill)
Omega Sheilds
Jem Hadar XII Engines
If someone is giving me big troubles...well then Ill throw on the Shield Generator +17% shield capacity... x2 if I have too.
Batteries: Wep/Shield/Engine
The key to this build is 3x Purple FBP doffs (3 is the max) *
Anyway this build really hurts tacs... and all I hear is negative comments....meanwhile I'm dealing with constant CRF.....and you guys tell me FBP is lame...
You know what's lame... a warbird sneaking up to you point blank, dropping cloak, and unloading on your unsuspecting ship...well...guess what, that doesnt work on me anymore, one tap of FBP3 will immediatly take out their front sheild and drop there hull down to 55% before the CRF has ended. Then I just finish him off with BO, HYPERFLUX EXP beam Shot, Sub system Target Shields, Engines, Weapons....
Usually if the Tac captain isnt too bright, he'll try another volley, but hasn't anticipated my FBP2...., that will usually do it...I just mop up the rest.
Boff Layout
HAZ EM 1/2
Transfer Shield Strength
Polarize hull 1/2
Beam Overload 2
Tac Team 1
Hyperflux EXP Rom Beam Skill
Its a solid build.... I made it because I was sick of Burst DMG Tacs/ in bugs...and it solves that problem and then some...
I for one congratulate you for being imaginative enough to put a damper on tac builds with the use of a sci build.:) For those who whine because you are using something that uses their own weapon's fire against them, just shows they need come up with something better for the given situation:P.
In a game where TACs in Escorts can kill you in less than 3 seconds, people are calling FBP3 cheap?
Anyways, what FBP3 is good for is as a deterrent. Outside that, if a PVPer has any sort of brain cells, will notice what FBP3 will look on someone, and if they have the proper buffs, ignore that target for a short bit until the buff is gone. Or outright ignore it.
The ability is very effective against idiots. But competent people will ignore you for the time being (and there will be an opening, trust me), or kill your friends.
FBP3 is a Cmdr level SCI slot, and for being a completely defensive ability that can be ignored by your opponents and you not imposing your will on them with FBP3, it can potentially become a very expensive skill that does nothing. For an ability that can have absolutely no impact on your enemies, it's very costly considering other skills that could be used at high end SCI slots like Viral Matrix 3, Photonic Shockwave 3, Charged Particle Burst, etc.
Your gravity wells are about to become even more effective if the dev's comments on the fixes being put in pan out.
You mean they wont be useless in pvp?!?
Sci may have a one or two real builds that can be effective, build like the op's is a likely try and kill the Sci and likely die or avoid them to a lame stalemate...working as intended?
The other is a disable build which I haven't tried much of but I hear good things.
But look at the wide variety of abilities Sci has but most of them are weak and easily avoidable or just simply shrugged off.
Science has more unused or ineffective abilities than any the other two classes of abilities.
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
FBP3 is a Cmdr level SCI slot, and for being a completely defensive ability that can be ignored by your opponents and you not imposing your will on them with FBP3, it can potentially become a very expensive skill that does nothing. For an ability that can have absolutely no impact on your enemies, it's very costly considering other skills that could be used at high end SCI slots like Viral Matrix 3, Photonic Shockwave 3, Charged Particle Burst, etc.
How many people check to see if its FBP3 with all the proper buffings and all, or just see blue pulses coming back and immediately pull off or use their subnuc early and all? I wonder how effectively you could deter someone with just FBP1, just as a headfake without them checking the actual numbers, and still having your top sci slots available for other options?
Hold on there Scurry. I thought you could only run one of those.
Actually at launch most of the crying was over Cloak, how overpowered klinks were, in their less well geared ships, because all they did was pvp. And how Sci was stupid powerful and needed fixing, which is was at launch.
That was most of the forum complaints at launch, which evolved into how unkillable Engineers were, how Sci was now broken and useless, which it was after their "fixes" and about pet spam, real pet spam.
All that eventually turned into complaints about dps, spike damage, escorts online, def, pvp, lack of pvp, and how either things are too challenging or not challenging enough.
::WARNING:: This game is not intended for use as a source of self-esteem.
Feed back pulse, when you do damage to the target, it causes a feed back, which does damage to you, 50% of which bypasses shields, and goes straight to hull.
I have no clue if the numbers in the wiki are right outside of the 50% shield pen.
::WARNING:: This game is not intended for use as a source of self-esteem.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
Oh I would 8P which is why I said as much 8)
Yes, its not reverse shield polarity, but the damage being bounced back can then be enhanced with partical gen, a doff that lowers the targets res when they get hit with it, and I think Aux power levels too, but not sure.
Torps, mines, cutting beam, kinetic damage doesn't trigger it.
Just not as much as the guy who is unloading CRF (Cannon Rapid Fire) into your shields...
You will recieve slightly less of the total dmg. Now if you have strong shields, that effect will be negated even further.
+ Boosting Particle Generators Skill improves the damage the attack ship will recieve...
Without knowing any specific numbers...I'd estimate that with my build, I can give back upwards to 75% of the incoming damage back at the attacking ship with FBP3...That's just my observation
FBP2 is not nearly as strong....FBP1 I feel is not useful, and with the cooldowns, it only makes sense to have FBP3 and FBP2.
The Ferengi in me would see this as an opportunity to market tissue boxes that have faction logos printed on them!
Enjoy your Sci build!
SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
Go Science!
They think it's rather unfair that they just can't faceroll your obviously inferior ship and career choice.
After all, they're a Tac in a (Insert OP Escort), they shouldn't have to use actual tactics or strategy to kill you, just buff up and press space bar until dead.
I mean really, you're going to deny a bunch of people their kills because they can't do anything but slap space bar. How dare you.
/sarcasm off
The argument that there is no counter to FBP is bogus.
Use anything except energy weapons and you are golden.
Surely all the criticisms of FBP is general can be applied to the aforementioned alpha strike from cloak.....
ive been playing sci toons really since i started playing STO , and to be honest i have 3 sci and one eng ,and currently no rolled tacts though i have one on tribble.
sci have many different ways to play them . it all comes down to what you want to do . prob the most flexible out of all the classes . and im always tinkering with em .
How does one beat such an ability, assuming you dont come into a 1v1 with a torp boat and build? Is there a viable counter, or would you have to design a build and boff layout tailor made to overcome this?
I realize rinkster said , but honestly most people run 1 torp and a cutting beam, if you're an escort, and many cruisers use all beams. Faced with a FBP in one of those ships, is it possible to kill an opponent who uses FBP?
::WARNING:: This game is not intended for use as a source of self-esteem.
Depends on the ship, cap, and res, a heal boat, with a engineer, isn't going to hit as hard as a tac, and their going to be carrying a bunch of hull heals and hull rez, which means that can weather this sort of thing much better, possibly even not be bothered by it.
Top of my head for a cruiser in such a position....wait to get to under 50% hull then do a Janeway and ram them....lol
Sorry, that was a little silly......but my comparison with an alpha strike from cloak seems to me to be apt.
It is counterable, providing you are carrying the countering tools with you. Just like FBP.
Just because those tools arent widely carried doesnt mean the counter doesnt exist.
And there must always be tradeoffs.
Want to pour out the most damage possible......you dont get the best defence possible and vice versa.
Dont carry a torpedo because you want to go all energy.....well, fair enough, but FBP is your nemesis.
And every hero, or heroic thing, needs a nemesis.
Target SubSys AUX
FBP NEEDs MAX AUX systems to deliver useful thorn (RPG Term) damage...
No Aux...the Pulse ...fizzles out.
I could pop an AUX battery at this point, but on my wells I carry Wep/Sh/Eng batteries
So that option is out
Also seeing as how my build is ShieldTank/FBP.... My shield heals, hull repair, and Shield regen will suffer greatly without ample Aux power...
At that point since I have 0 Hull Heal...Id be a sitting duck...
Or again, the Elachi Weapons can be devastating..."Ignore shields" "-50%Hull Resistance" Procs ae pretty devastating..
^^ I like your style. Using your opponents' strength against them (FBP) is not 'lame,' but a very sound and working tactic. Kudos on you!
And, frankly, I just *love* PVP tears. There's just something eminently funny and vindicating about a fat cat and his life-on-easy-street CRF suddenly crying like a baby, because, OMG, the mouse was 'lame' enough to fight back.
So, I say, the more they keep yelling 'Lame,' all the more reason for you to keep doing it... And then they'll start demanding a nerf to FBP, wait for it. And then we'll all have a second round of laughs.
Indeed... and ppl complain why pvp is broken and no1 wanna pvp.
yea but u need use BRAIN for make counter-tactic
that is problem for some MMO players
cry on forum and demand nerf is far more easier
but ..u re still lucky , i play maily "WoT" which is PVP only game
EACH battle (and u need thouslands for top tanks) is lottery , u re just part of 15 vs 15 battle , and of course if u have lame team u re .....
This. Precisely this. Yeah, FBP works. . .but there's reasons why few people use it. The only people who use it are people who think running a zombie tank in PvP is 'winning'.
I've seen plenty of sci builds that are very effective that don't rely on chaining FBP. Anti-cloakers, holders, disablers, etc.
I completely agree! Well except that last part, it needs fixing.
OP, you do what you gotta' do - that's about it. If it works as planned, more power to you. And ignore the whining if you can, if there is one thing I learned about STO it's that people will whine for just about anything.
There! Now it's fixed. lol
You shouldve kept your trap shut now cryptic knows your sci build
I for one congratulate you for being imaginative enough to put a damper on tac builds with the use of a sci build.:) For those who whine because you are using something that uses their own weapon's fire against them, just shows they need come up with something better for the given situation:P.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
Anyways, what FBP3 is good for is as a deterrent. Outside that, if a PVPer has any sort of brain cells, will notice what FBP3 will look on someone, and if they have the proper buffs, ignore that target for a short bit until the buff is gone. Or outright ignore it.
The ability is very effective against idiots. But competent people will ignore you for the time being (and there will be an opening, trust me), or kill your friends.
FBP3 is a Cmdr level SCI slot, and for being a completely defensive ability that can be ignored by your opponents and you not imposing your will on them with FBP3, it can potentially become a very expensive skill that does nothing. For an ability that can have absolutely no impact on your enemies, it's very costly considering other skills that could be used at high end SCI slots like Viral Matrix 3, Photonic Shockwave 3, Charged Particle Burst, etc.
You mean they wont be useless in pvp?!?
Sci may have a one or two real builds that can be effective, build like the op's is a likely try and kill the Sci and likely die or avoid them to a lame stalemate...working as intended?
The other is a disable build which I haven't tried much of but I hear good things.
But look at the wide variety of abilities Sci has but most of them are weak and easily avoidable or just simply shrugged off.
Science has more unused or ineffective abilities than any the other two classes of abilities.
How many people check to see if its FBP3 with all the proper buffings and all, or just see blue pulses coming back and immediately pull off or use their subnuc early and all? I wonder how effectively you could deter someone with just FBP1, just as a headfake without them checking the actual numbers, and still having your top sci slots available for other options?