I fully support this endeavor. However, I think it would be too "small" to only rename a ship in Task Force Omega (U.S.S. Valentine). Hardly anyone needs to visit the Task Force anymore since they revamped the Omega grind.
The Klingons have their "Hall of Warriors" in honor of fallen warriors. Why not utilize an area (possibly in the "state room") of Earth's Spacedock, with a statue of Mr Valentine (in uniform ofcourse). I'd also support adding various notable former Cryptic developers to this Federation "Hall of Warriors". People such as CapnLogan come to mind. But naturally having Mr Valentine as the Warrior of Honor within such hall.
I whole heartedly agree, that is why I have suggested tweaking season 8 to incorporate a memorial to Mark, and use the official launch day of season 8 to be made a permanent memorial for him. I have no idea what season 8 has instore for us (only what has been released thus far) so I was thinking as part of the new feature episode maybe us Captains will have to take mission instruction from a digitally created version of Admiral Mark Valentine. Mostly though Mark HAS to given a permanent reminder in the game.
Even if it means postponing season 8 launch, personally I for one wouldn't care as long as Mark is remembered.
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
I don't totally disagree with your idea, but it may lead to conflict. Any ship designing should ultimately come from the devs, and those at Cryptic as they know Mark better than most.
Despite the war between the Federation and the Klingon Empire, both sides have been able to cooperate when faced with external threats.
The Omega Task Force, created to combat the Borg, being the best example.
In the spirit of this, Omega Force has commissioned a new type of ship to deal with the Borg threat.
The early days of the project were fraught with suspicion and issues of technology sharing, however despite the problems the work was finally done.
This project was named the Valentine.
Federation scientists liked the name because of St Valentines connection as the patron saint of love. Klingons were impressed with how Valentine faced death at the hand of Emperor Claudius.
The Valentine ship is a hybrid of an escort and a science vessel.
Using the escorts weapon set up, but with a much more science based bridge officer configuration, the Valentine is designed to be able to cope with the Borgs nanite based attacks while retaining the maneuverability and damage output of an escort.
It is also designed to be resistent to plasma damage, with many onboard systems mitigating such effects. However, this comes at a cost of making the ship somewhat more vulnerable to other forms of energy damage.
As a science type ship it retains the ability to target subsystems innately, but loses sensor scan as Borg dont use cloaks.
An unexpected bonus came when the Romulans came onboard. As a result the Valentine uses a singularity rather than a warp core. Although it lacks all the whistles and bells of a standard Romulan singularity, it retains some of the abilities.
There is an ongoing negotiation to fit the Valentine with a Romulan battle cloak.
*Basically, I'm proposing a cross faction anti-borg ship.It could have elements of all three factions and would be designed, very specifically, for STFs and anti-Borg activities. It would also be gimped somewhat for other activities, for balance sake.
Put it on the C-Store, put half the profits from its sales to an appropriate charity.
Despite the war between the Federation and the Klingon Empire, both sides have been able to cooperate when faced with external threats.
The Omega Task Force, created to combat the Borg, being the best example.
In the spirit of this, Omega Force has commissioned a new type of ship to deal with the Borg threat.
The early days of the project were fraught with suspicion and issues of technology sharing, however despite the problems the work was finally done.
This project was named the Valentine.
Federation scientists liked the name because of St Valentines connection as the patron saint of love. Klingons were impressed with how Valentine faced death at the hand of Emperor Claudius.
The Valentine ship is a hybrid of an escort and a science vessel.
Using the escorts weapon set up, but with a much more science based bridge officer configuration, the Valentine is designed to be able to cope with the Borgs nanite based attacks while retaining the maneuverability and damage output of an escort.
It is also designed to be resistent to plasma damage, with many onboard systems mitigating such effects. However, this comes at a cost of making the ship somewhat more vulnerable to other forms of energy damage.
As a science type ship it retains the ability to target subsystems innately, but loses sensor scan as Borg dont use cloaks.
An unexpected bonus came when the Romulans came onboard. As a result the Valentine uses a singularity rather than a warp core. Although it lacks all the whistles and bells of a standard Romulan singularity, it retains some of the abilities.
There is an ongoing negotiation to fit the Valentine with a Romulan battle cloak.
*Basically, I'm proposing a cross faction anti-borg ship.It could have elements of all three factions and would be designed, very specifically, for STFs and anti-Borg activities. It would also be gimped somewhat for other activities, for balance sake.
Put it on the C-Store, put half the profits from its sales to an appropriate charity.
A lot of very good ideas coming up in this thread, but that being said, there have been a lot of escorts lately that have been released.
Nothing against escorts cause I love flying the kumari as most of my toons are tac, but maybe a joint cruiser project would be cool too, just for a change of pace.
I can raise a glass to this overall idea. May he rest in peace - giving him a place among the stars in the game he worked so hard on seems a fine tribute.
VA Glaciermaw, USS Sol Dragonlord - Odyssey Operations Cruiser - Ordo Frumentarii Fleet "I am an engineer. If I am with you, I will do everything I can to get your ship and crew home safe."
Agree with the cross-faction cruiser idea. Double agree with the send percentage of sales to cancer charity idea.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
I Support the idea to name a ship class in his honor,
the idea to add a memorial at the acadamy
and the the addition to the hall of warriors
make it so
These are the Voyages on the STO forum, the final frontier. Our continuing mission: to explore Pretentious Posts, to seek out new Overreactions and Misinformation , to boldly experience Cynicism like no man has before.......
I would agree with this idea, the man who gave so much for this game.
"I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey, and reminds us to cherish every moment... because they'll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we lived" Picard to Riker
I did not know Mr. Valentine. I never met him in game.
But its quite obvious to me the impact this man had on STO, not only as an employee, but as a member of the community. I won't say he should be honored.
He NEEDS to be honored.
And I would hope that Cryptic will find an appropriate way to do so, that will reflect his contribution to STO. A way which will memorialize the man respectfully and with the dignity he deserves.
If it's a new ship, I would buy it even if I didn't like it, so long as the majority of the proceeds went to cancer research. (That was a good idea)
RIP Mr. Valentine.
"You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
No offense to the man, but I wouldn't want to stick Mark in my ship, not when I know why he's there........
This has gone far enough. I don't want to be negative but calling for something for all factions, all races is by definition... looney.
I mean, to truly accomodate all styles its going to have:
3x LtComm unis and 1 Lt uni
9x universal console slots
3x device slots
1x hangar slot
middle stats to everything
look really strange
probably has a battle cloak
I guess the redeeming point would be that it gets a passive console that grants 10% damage buff in pve queued content...
Col Valentine as an Omega Force representative however would avoid any of the 'favoratism' any final decision the devs are going to make if they do make a ship.
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
No offense to the man, but I wouldn't want to stick Mark in my ship, not when I know why he's there........
This has gone far enough. I don't want to be negative but calling for something for all factions, all races is by definition... looney.
I mean, to truly accomodate all styles its going to have:
3x LtComm unis and 1 Lt uni
9x universal console slots
3x device slots
1x hangar slot
middle stats to everything
look really strange
probably has a battle cloak
They needn't make a whole new ship perhaps, Just rename one they already have in development ( they must have something in the backroom so to speak) maybe make a valentine Costume for something
These are the Voyages on the STO forum, the final frontier. Our continuing mission: to explore Pretentious Posts, to seek out new Overreactions and Misinformation , to boldly experience Cynicism like no man has before.......
100 % Agree with OP !!!
And this is an excellent tribute idea sir
This would be a great homage, to someone who helped bring STO into our lives.
Mr. Valentine, thank you for your efforts.
Whether you end up in Heaven, Sto'Ka'Vor, Valhalla.. or some other spiritual plain, I hope your spirit is at peace and free to race across the universe and observe all the wonders a great Star Fleet Captain would experience and MORE, May you travel as effortlessly as a Q throughout the space/time continum.
I wish you luck on your new journey. You have certainly made my life a little more enjoyable.
To PWE, I hope all who knew Mark, and worked with him over the years, is given strength to continue on, and work with him in mind and heart.
To Mr. Valentines family and friends, I offer my greatest condolences, and best wishes.
\\//_ LL&P
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,976Community Moderator
edited September 2013
I will support some form of in game tribute, such as an NPC ship or even making his Foundry mission official. Mr. Valentine should be honored for his contributions. Maybe make a new ship appear in Task Force Omega that is an Ambassador class named USS Valentine.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I support a new class and a NPC ship as long as its a static ship like the ships that fly around Earth Spacedock or one of the Task force Ships. I dont support a NPC ship that we would have to fight against in a mission. I dont want to destroy it.
I support a new class and a NPC ship as long as its a static ship like the ships that fly around Earth Spacedock or one of the Task force Ships. I dont support a NPC ship that we would have to fight against in a mission. I dont want to destroy it.
I agree. maybe one of the new Avenger class ships can be renamed?
I don't know if he'd want his name on a ship that's shown to be so polarizing.
My suggestion would be an ally ship that shows up randomly in STFs. Whatever class he liked, give it his weapon setups and everything, call it the U.S.S Valentine, or, call it what he called his, and make it look like a player character, with his name above the ship's name.
Weyland-Yutani Joint Space Venture - Always open to new members!
My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
I don't know if he'd want his name on a ship that's shown to be so polarizing.
My suggestion would be an ally ship that shows up randomly in STFs. Whatever class he liked, give it his weapon setups and everything, call it the U.S.S Valentine, or, call it what he called his, and make it look like a player character, with his name above the ship's name.
Hmm... How about when you use the fleet support skill one of the ships that shows up to your rescue is the U.S.S. Valentine? It could be a one-off custom ship or not... Just throwing the idea out there.
I whole heartedly agree, that is why I have suggested tweaking season 8 to incorporate a memorial to Mark, and use the official launch day of season 8 to be made a permanent memorial for him. I have no idea what season 8 has instore for us (only what has been released thus far) so I was thinking as part of the new feature episode maybe us Captains will have to take mission instruction from a digitally created version of Admiral Mark Valentine. Mostly though Mark HAS to given a permanent reminder in the game.
Even if it means postponing season 8 launch, personally I for one wouldn't care as long as Mark is remembered.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
I don't totally disagree with your idea, but it may lead to conflict. Any ship designing should ultimately come from the devs, and those at Cryptic as they know Mark better than most.
The Omega Task Force, created to combat the Borg, being the best example.
In the spirit of this, Omega Force has commissioned a new type of ship to deal with the Borg threat.
The early days of the project were fraught with suspicion and issues of technology sharing, however despite the problems the work was finally done.
This project was named the Valentine.
Federation scientists liked the name because of St Valentines connection as the patron saint of love. Klingons were impressed with how Valentine faced death at the hand of Emperor Claudius.
The Valentine ship is a hybrid of an escort and a science vessel.
Using the escorts weapon set up, but with a much more science based bridge officer configuration, the Valentine is designed to be able to cope with the Borgs nanite based attacks while retaining the maneuverability and damage output of an escort.
It is also designed to be resistent to plasma damage, with many onboard systems mitigating such effects. However, this comes at a cost of making the ship somewhat more vulnerable to other forms of energy damage.
As a science type ship it retains the ability to target subsystems innately, but loses sensor scan as Borg dont use cloaks.
An unexpected bonus came when the Romulans came onboard. As a result the Valentine uses a singularity rather than a warp core. Although it lacks all the whistles and bells of a standard Romulan singularity, it retains some of the abilities.
There is an ongoing negotiation to fit the Valentine with a Romulan battle cloak.
*Basically, I'm proposing a cross faction anti-borg ship.It could have elements of all three factions and would be designed, very specifically, for STFs and anti-Borg activities. It would also be gimped somewhat for other activities, for balance sake.
Put it on the C-Store, put half the profits from its sales to an appropriate charity.
I'd buy it.*
+1 I like this idea.
Nothing against escorts cause I love flying the kumari as most of my toons are tac, but maybe a joint cruiser project would be cool too, just for a change of pace.
"I am an engineer. If I am with you, I will do everything I can to get your ship and crew home safe."
Looking for a dedicated Star Trek community? Visit www.ufplanets.com for details.
Commanding officer: Odyssey class U.S.S. Athena
Admiral of the 1st Assault Fleet
Join date: Some time in Closed Beta
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
the idea to add a memorial at the acadamy
and the the addition to the hall of warriors
make it so
"I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey, and reminds us to cherish every moment... because they'll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we lived" Picard to Riker
But its quite obvious to me the impact this man had on STO, not only as an employee, but as a member of the community. I won't say he should be honored.
He NEEDS to be honored.
And I would hope that Cryptic will find an appropriate way to do so, that will reflect his contribution to STO. A way which will memorialize the man respectfully and with the dignity he deserves.
If it's a new ship, I would buy it even if I didn't like it, so long as the majority of the proceeds went to cancer research. (That was a good idea)
RIP Mr. Valentine.
"You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
This has gone far enough. I don't want to be negative but calling for something for all factions, all races is by definition... looney.
I mean, to truly accomodate all styles its going to have:
3x LtComm unis and 1 Lt uni
9x universal console slots
3x device slots
1x hangar slot
middle stats to everything
look really strange
probably has a battle cloak
I guess the redeeming point would be that it gets a passive console that grants 10% damage buff in pve queued content...
Col Valentine as an Omega Force representative however would avoid any of the 'favoratism' any final decision the devs are going to make if they do make a ship.
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!
Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
They needn't make a whole new ship perhaps, Just rename one they already have in development ( they must have something in the backroom so to speak) maybe make a valentine Costume for something
And this is an excellent tribute idea sir
This would be a great homage, to someone who helped bring STO into our lives.
Mr. Valentine, thank you for your efforts.
Whether you end up in Heaven, Sto'Ka'Vor, Valhalla.. or some other spiritual plain, I hope your spirit is at peace and free to race across the universe and observe all the wonders a great Star Fleet Captain would experience and MORE, May you travel as effortlessly as a Q throughout the space/time continum.
I wish you luck on your new journey. You have certainly made my life a little more enjoyable.
To PWE, I hope all who knew Mark, and worked with him over the years, is given strength to continue on, and work with him in mind and heart.
To Mr. Valentines family and friends, I offer my greatest condolences, and best wishes.
\\//_ LL&P
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I agree. maybe one of the new Avenger class ships can be renamed?
My suggestion would be an ally ship that shows up randomly in STFs. Whatever class he liked, give it his weapon setups and everything, call it the U.S.S Valentine, or, call it what he called his, and make it look like a player character, with his name above the ship's name.
My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
Hmm... How about when you use the fleet support skill one of the ships that shows up to your rescue is the U.S.S. Valentine? It could be a one-off custom ship or not... Just throwing the idea out there.