Thanks for the link. I don't understand why you have 3 copies of Aux to Dampeners...
Because you get not only one, but a second resistance overlap with it, boosting your All Dmg resists up to 67% for brief moments. Don't ask me exactly about the math, cuz I suck at that; but I know it works. And keep in mind you need the purple doff for it.
Your build has no shield heal other than EPtS1, which heals about 1400 per facing every 30 seconds. Your Adapted MACO Covariant shield has high capacity but below average regeneration rate,
Actually, it's the Nukara space set (heavy on shields), but that wasn't available at the site when I made the loadout. I think I mentioned that in another thread, but not here; my bad.
which means once your shield is gone, your 27K hull is at very serious risk, it doesn't matter what hull damage resistance you have really.
Shields are rarely, if ever gone. Then there's batteries, and [SCap] from the Warp Core.
Also, where did you get the idea that these resists are shield-based? From everything I know, these are hull resists.
My guess is you primarily do PvE, if so, that's fine. I don't see this as a viable build in PvP however.
Actually, I've done PvP in it several times; for lolz, really, more than anything else. And gotten comments on how sturdy my build really is. Even won a couple of times.
As for non-viable builds, I was thinking the same thing about your 5x Field Gens setup; but apparently it's doing wonders for you.
It's my opinion, I stand by it and I already explained why. For PvE, it's a fine ship, for PvP, it stands almost no chance against a skilled Escort.
And it's a few Escorts I beat with it. (And no, they weren't all bad players at all). An Engineer, with multiple Miracles Workers in a row (with a bit of luck) can survive the burst of an Escort, and then outlast them.
This build wasn't even made for PvP specifically. I had just taken in it, cuz one of my fleet members thought it would be fun. I expected to be popped immediately, as I don't PvP, but was surprised how well it really did, considering.
Science ships should have armaments equal to what they are geared to do. Long range science ships should have weapon complements that would allow them to be in deep space for years at a time and able to protect them selves. The intrepid class was able to hold its own against the borg and the cast of characters in the delta quadrant. When launched the ship was the most advanced ship in the fleet. Intrepid class ships saw combat in the dominion war, and Admiral Forest used one as his flagship. I can see it being more combat capable than an oberith class ship. A nova class ship got a long way in the delta quad. with far less weapons and hull than Voyager did (granted it got its head kicked in) but was able to hold its own for a long time. The nebula class had similar weapon output to the galaxy class ship. All ships at endgame levels should have the same weapon placements, but more innate abilities for their classes.
what science ships need is not more weapon slots, but rather aux weaponry since we already put all our power into aux anyway. cryptic just need to have specific aux weaponry for all the energy types out there, plus give as the the secondary deflectors that they talk about.
"You ask why we give our ships computer normal emotions. Do you really want a warship incapable of loyalty?"
what science ships need is not more weapon slots, but rather aux weaponry since we already put all our power into aux anyway. cryptic just need to have specific aux weaponry for all the energy types out there, plus give as the the secondary deflectors that they talk about.
Whoa hold up on the rage there iskandus, my first comment wasn't to imply that PvPers should be forgotten and for you to twist my words to make out I'm a racist, homophobic twit.
I was implying that PvP should be equal but that the majority should not be forgotten to the minority. At the moment the only place science vessels excel is in the PvP minority, sure you can take a science vessel into a PvE instance but at the moment it's one of the least efficient things you can do and is not in anyone's best interest. Even cruisers have more use especially with the popularity of A2B builds! (yes I know they're not as good PvP)
" Pets are irrelevant for the most part. Finally, for a true Science vessel having to waste any boff seating on tactical stations just isn't a good idea. All the fancy Vesta consoles are just big waste of time, with long cooldown, good once every 3 minutes.
You are either going to be out Sci or out Tact by a true Science vessel or a real Escort. Remember, a ship that is neither Sci nor Tact is an in-between which means it's not the best in anything and therefore, forgettable." - Iskandus
That is exactly what you said, now I don't know if you were calling the fed pets for the vesta specifically irrelevant or pets on the whole, not all are and they can have a very significant impact on games. Perfect example are those annoying elite orion interceptors. Fed side example are yellowstone runabouts.
As for no tactical seating at all, sure I've seen a bit of your build (no footage so can't comment on effectiveness) and it looks great for PvP and can be a real boss killer in PvE but not as much use killing spam and low order units in PvE.
No tactical seating on your ship in PvE, yes it's doable but it's nowhere near as efficient as any other ship with tactical seating. That is why I said it was a short sighted view as you were saying ships with tactical seating are forgettable from only a PvP mindset. You're entitled to your view but in the context I was not trying to insult, I was trying to make you realise you can't just say all is well by only looking at things from one point of view.
As I say, the majority of people PvE and that is where these ships are undergunned. What I want to see is for science abilities and by extension science ships to help complete objectives in PvE quicker or as quick as with having an escort or a cruiser there WITHOUT messing with what is a delicate balance in PvP. This is not the case in PvE, maybe PvP but not PvE.
That would be balanced and notice I don't say they must do more damage, only help complete objectives quicker.
Undergunned doesn't have to imply only weapons. Undergunned is lacking in offensive capability.
Science ships have the speed. And they have a tleast a decent array of weapons, But the abilities, things like GW and TR, need love.
And as i do run high Aux on my science ships i don't want to have to buy a vesta so i can get weapons that run off Aux.
Science ships need a purpose, just like cruisers. Aux2Batt is a great gimmick on cruisers, but science is ruined by it. And once they notice everyone is using it and then what? What is all these people going to do once they nerf that too?
Inertia just means you can do Powerslides in you carrier!
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
It's worth mentioning that GW2/3 has been under performing according to tests done by a forum user and the devs are fixing it. They also recognised tykens rift has also been affected by this. Weird how it went so long unnoticed.
Now if only the other science abilities can get a look in. I believe Naz one of the PvPers has been asking if drains can be buffed (specifically shield) so as to be a better counter to shield healing and insane resists.
Naz also wisely saw that this will have implications on PvE as well as PvP and wanted feedback to make sure s/he saw the whole picture and got opinions from all.
1) Aux-based weapons as has already been said. It doesn't need to be ALL energy types, but at the very least we should be able to get phaser/polaron/tetryon variants (i.e. you give up disruptor/plasma/elachi procs for aux-based weapons). You would be able to equip them on science vessels only.
2) Thinking specifically about sci captains, I think they should get a skill that is activated when they fly a science vessel: increased aux power cap. This would be a slottable skill available to all science captains, and would cause your aux power cap to increase to a maximum of around 175 (whatever would be an acceptable maximum). This would help to counter the fact that with aux-based weaponry, you wouldn't be able to benefit from things like DEM + Marion or the Omega Weapon Amplifier, not to mention there needs to be an appreciable buffer so your science abilities still pack a punch/provide good healing whilst you've got all your aux-based weaponry firing.
It probably still wouldn't be enough to allow a sci to outperform a tac in a sci vessel - a ridiculous state of affairs to say the least - but it would likely bring them much closer to par.
thats one philosophy, the mmo trinity philosophy. its broken and obsolete.
the reality is that all cruisers get to do is take longer and in time gated content like stf, that just makes you the weak link fail boat
then reality chimes in, and tells you the game isnt working like that, and that in reality, the cruiser is a fat victim.
that goal is therefore wrong. and is the prediction. cruisers just dont do the job, sci ships barely do the job, and escorts breeze through everything.
cc that is nothing but an unwelcome hug, is not cc, its a wasted ability slot.
if it doesnt contribute to killing, its a waste.
no way to out heal 3x 50k hits in stf, where the first hit will kill an escort
on point in outlasting something, if your goal is to kill it before the next swarm spawns.
the model you are advocating, is just wrong. and the scenario in game demonstrates this.
sci abilities having been nerfed well into mediocrity dont help that.
Actually, its not that escorts breeze through it, its just they do it the fastest and its all that min-max type players care about.....speed, they would prefer a quick win over a challenging win any day and that is what is TRIBBLE over the cruisers and science vessels when it comes to dps.
The general Attitude of the min-max players...(aka Elitists) deem the viability of a ship for dps based solely on how fast they can kill something, it doesn't matter how much help they needed to stay alive.
The way i see it, the higher the survability that a dps'er has, the less strain the healer is under, thats why i prefer a higher survivability over a top dps'er type playstyle, its just how i like to play, i don't go for the BEST of the BEST builds, gear, Doffs or Boffs, i am not a min-max'er type of player, i just think all playstyles are viable, they just won't match the Escorts with cannons.
I was working with a player in a escort with cannons and he was having trouble with 2 cruisers (one of them sneaked up on him) and he nearly died, but he took them out, his shields were practicually gone and his hull was 50%, i mean i had to heal him to keep him alive, when it came to me facing off against 2 cruisers in my non-viable science vessel kitted out as much as its possible for weaponry dps, i totally took the cruisers to pieces......took longer, but i was hardly scathed.
Maybe the player wasn't so good, i just don't see the need for min-maxing everything, i mean i like using Phaser Beam arrays and Photon Torpedoes, the amount of times i have seen the shields go offline just as my high yield torpedoes hit the enemy and take it out, its awesome, but like i said, min-maxers tend to think if you can't take it out as fast as an escort with DHCs, its not viable, while i personally think if i can take out a bunch of enemy with little trouble, i don't care how long it takes to do it.
1) Aux-based weapons as has already been said. It doesn't need to be ALL energy types, but at the very least we should be able to get phaser/polaron/tetryon variants (i.e. you give up disruptor/plasma/elachi procs for aux-based weapons). You would be able to equip them on science vessels only.
2) Thinking specifically about sci captains, I think they should get a skill that is activated when they fly a science vessel: increased aux power cap. This would be a slottable skill available to all science captains, and would cause your aux power cap to increase to a maximum of around 175 (whatever would be an acceptable maximum). This would help to counter the fact that with aux-based weaponry, you wouldn't be able to benefit from things like DEM + Marion or the Omega Weapon Amplifier, not to mention there needs to be an appreciable buffer so your science abilities still pack a punch/provide good healing whilst you've got all your aux-based weaponry firing.
It probably still wouldn't be enough to allow a sci to outperform a tac in a sci vessel - a ridiculous state of affairs to say the least - but it would likely bring them much closer to par.
Well, i would have gone with a 'powered by weapon power or AUX power, which ever is highest....thats how would have done it.
No. They don't need anything more. If you knew how to fly one right then this post wouldn't exist. Stop trying to make everything about dps. Sci ships can manage their arses just fine.
The boss being a gigantic Winter Epohh Researcher. As you lay waste to the Epohh Horde, she can occasionally cry out things like, "Didn't you want an Epohh friend?"
This is why I put my sci captain in a Fleet Chimera, my tac in a Fleet Avenger, and my eng in a tac Vesta: to help buff some of the short comings of the captain career paths and the BOFF abilities in the ships they fly.
For my tac: flying the Fleet Avenger means she can be tanky while dishing out APA, CRF, TS, and APB.
For my sci in a Fleet Chimera means she can dish out APB, Sensor Scan, GW1, TS2, & BFAW3 while being more tanky than flying in a sci ship.
My engineer in a Vesta though... can tank in the ship, use power management to keep both AUX and Weapons power high and use tac & sci abilities, plus DPS the frak out of enemies.
DR was the biggest sci buff i've seen so far.
Pre delta rising a sci had no use in a dps centric game, but now a sci is almost needed for the harder stfs, atleast he makes them a lot easier. A good sci cc-exoticer can protect the kang completely alone for almost 10 minutes - more than enough for the rest ro finish the cubes.
He can also infinitly stop nanites in infected, making the stf that easy she used to be.
Probes in khitoner are also no problem, a good sci can even deff both sides.
And a full exotic sci still can do very good amounts of sustained, and incredible of burstdamage.
I think the combo of doffed dbr ejekt warpplasma gravity well isometric charge and the new setbonus atttack will be very hard to survive becuase it ignores shields and still does massive damage. So better dont say that scis are weak.
No. They don't need anything more. If you knew how to fly one right then this post wouldn't exist. Stop trying to make everything about dps. Sci ships can manage their arses just fine.
As a Sci myself, it would be sweet if we could measure our contribution to the team via a combination of CCPW (Crowds controlled per wave), DDPS (Debuff-enhancements to DPS), and HPS (Healed per second) - so that we can shove a metric through a parser and tell all the "glass cannon min-max DPS types" that we contributed. I mean, I'd love to see the look on some of these 50k DPS Scims if the damage due to debuff was re-allocated to the debuffer - I mean, the Scim wouldn't land that damage if the debuff wasn't applied now, would they? I can almost imagine that maybe 20k DPS would shift from the Scim to the Sci in a case like that...
But, the only metric we see is DPS, the debuff effects aren't separated in this DPS metric, there's a general belief that you don't even need to have crowds controlled if the DPS is of sufficient volume to blow things up before the CC is needed, and the glass cannons are built of gorilla glass so they don't break all too often - and if they do, the "tank" that's supposed to be protecting them would be broken too - so healing isn't exactly something that's being clamored for...
Now, would more Aux-weapons be sweet, or maybe a 4/2 instead of 3/3 loadout? Yeah, they would, be a bit of variation, which is usually welcomed in a game. Have many of the recent "Sci tricks" - that let Sci ships do tremendous amounts of direct-to-hull "exotic" damage (aka DPS via a non-energy or non-projectile form) once again make sciences "viable" to the average "moar dakka" type? Yeah. So, while I'll support the request for variation, but I'm not going to sit here and say "it's mandatory that we get this stuff"...
Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
Actually, its not that escorts breeze through it, its just they do it the fastest and its all that min-max type players care about.....speed, they would prefer a quick win over a challenging win any day and that is what is TRIBBLE over the cruisers and science vessels when it comes to dps.
The best DPS (for PvE) don't come from DHC/turret escorts any more.
I mean, I'd love to see the look on some of these 50k DPS Scims if the damage due to debuff was re-allocated to the debuffer - I mean, the Scim wouldn't land that damage if the debuff wasn't applied now, would they? I can almost imagine that maybe 20k DPS would shift from the Scim to the Sci in a case like that...
Science ships can't even fit APB most of the time, are you talking entirely about the single-target Sensor Analysis, as opposed to FAW applying APB to everything?
Science ships can't even fit APB most of the time, are you talking entirely about the single-target Sensor Analysis, as opposed to FAW applying APB to everything?
Right off the top of my head:
Drain builds (Tyken's Rift & energy syphon on top of Plasmonic, polarons & aceton) and/or applications of Subsystem Targetting can drop engines and shields. Remember that an engine-less ship had defense -15, which translates into improved accuracy, which translates into more crits that are more severe per hit. Lack of shields improves kinetic damage.
Viral Matrix doing an "engines offline" repeating the above.
CPB and Tachyon beam are supposed to result in downed shields and the above kinetic bonus again. Do note, however, that most NPCs have shield values so high that these powers are rendered "ineffective"...
Captain's ability of Sensor Scan - especially when dumped into a high-graviton so multi-target gravity well cluster...
Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
Because you get not only one, but a second resistance overlap with it, boosting your All Dmg resists up to 67% for brief moments. Don't ask me exactly about the math, cuz I suck at that; but I know it works. And keep in mind you need the purple doff for it.
Actually, it's the Nukara space set (heavy on shields), but that wasn't available at the site when I made the loadout. I think I mentioned that in another thread, but not here; my bad.
Shields are rarely, if ever gone. Then there's batteries, and [SCap] from the Warp Core.
Also, where did you get the idea that these resists are shield-based? From everything I know, these are hull resists.
Actually, I've done PvP in it several times; for lolz, really, more than anything else. And gotten comments on how sturdy my build really is. Even won a couple of times.
As for non-viable builds, I was thinking the same thing about your 5x Field Gens setup; but apparently it's doing wonders for you.
And it's a few Escorts I beat with it.
This build wasn't even made for PvP specifically. I had just taken in it, cuz one of my fleet members thought it would be fun. I expected to be popped immediately, as I don't PvP, but was surprised how well it really did, considering.
This. Exactly this.
I was implying that PvP should be equal but that the majority should not be forgotten to the minority. At the moment the only place science vessels excel is in the PvP minority, sure you can take a science vessel into a PvE instance but at the moment it's one of the least efficient things you can do and is not in anyone's best interest. Even cruisers have more use especially with the popularity of A2B builds! (yes I know they're not as good PvP)
" Pets are irrelevant for the most part. Finally, for a true Science vessel having to waste any boff seating on tactical stations just isn't a good idea. All the fancy Vesta consoles are just big waste of time, with long cooldown, good once every 3 minutes.
You are either going to be out Sci or out Tact by a true Science vessel or a real Escort. Remember, a ship that is neither Sci nor Tact is an in-between which means it's not the best in anything and therefore, forgettable." - Iskandus
That is exactly what you said, now I don't know if you were calling the fed pets for the vesta specifically irrelevant or pets on the whole, not all are and they can have a very significant impact on games. Perfect example are those annoying elite orion interceptors. Fed side example are yellowstone runabouts.
As for no tactical seating at all, sure I've seen a bit of your build (no footage so can't comment on effectiveness) and it looks great for PvP and can be a real boss killer in PvE but not as much use killing spam and low order units in PvE.
No tactical seating on your ship in PvE, yes it's doable but it's nowhere near as efficient as any other ship with tactical seating. That is why I said it was a short sighted view as you were saying ships with tactical seating are forgettable from only a PvP mindset. You're entitled to your view but in the context I was not trying to insult, I was trying to make you realise you can't just say all is well by only looking at things from one point of view.
As I say, the majority of people PvE and that is where these ships are undergunned. What I want to see is for science abilities and by extension science ships to help complete objectives in PvE quicker or as quick as with having an escort or a cruiser there WITHOUT messing with what is a delicate balance in PvP. This is not the case in PvE, maybe PvP but not PvE.
That would be balanced and notice I don't say they must do more damage, only help complete objectives quicker.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
This guy understands.
Undergunned doesn't have to imply only weapons. Undergunned is lacking in offensive capability.
Science ships have the speed. And they have a tleast a decent array of weapons, But the abilities, things like GW and TR, need love.
And as i do run high Aux on my science ships i don't want to have to buy a vesta so i can get weapons that run off Aux.
Science ships need a purpose, just like cruisers. Aux2Batt is a great gimmick on cruisers, but science is ruined by it. And once they notice everyone is using it and then what? What is all these people going to do once they nerf that too?
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
Link is here:
Now if only the other science abilities can get a look in. I believe Naz one of the PvPers has been asking if drains can be buffed (specifically shield) so as to be a better counter to shield healing and insane resists.
Naz also wisely saw that this will have implications on PvE as well as PvP and wanted feedback to make sure s/he saw the whole picture and got opinions from all.
Here is the link for that post too:
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
1) Aux-based weapons as has already been said. It doesn't need to be ALL energy types, but at the very least we should be able to get phaser/polaron/tetryon variants (i.e. you give up disruptor/plasma/elachi procs for aux-based weapons). You would be able to equip them on science vessels only.
2) Thinking specifically about sci captains, I think they should get a skill that is activated when they fly a science vessel: increased aux power cap. This would be a slottable skill available to all science captains, and would cause your aux power cap to increase to a maximum of around 175 (whatever would be an acceptable maximum). This would help to counter the fact that with aux-based weaponry, you wouldn't be able to benefit from things like DEM + Marion or the Omega Weapon Amplifier, not to mention there needs to be an appreciable buffer so your science abilities still pack a punch/provide good healing whilst you've got all your aux-based weaponry firing.
It probably still wouldn't be enough to allow a sci to outperform a tac in a sci vessel - a ridiculous state of affairs to say the least - but it would likely bring them much closer to par.
Actually, its not that escorts breeze through it, its just they do it the fastest and its all that min-max type players care about.....speed, they would prefer a quick win over a challenging win any day and that is what is TRIBBLE over the cruisers and science vessels when it comes to dps.
The general Attitude of the min-max players...(aka Elitists) deem the viability of a ship for dps based solely on how fast they can kill something, it doesn't matter how much help they needed to stay alive.
The way i see it, the higher the survability that a dps'er has, the less strain the healer is under, thats why i prefer a higher survivability over a top dps'er type playstyle, its just how i like to play, i don't go for the BEST of the BEST builds, gear, Doffs or Boffs, i am not a min-max'er type of player, i just think all playstyles are viable, they just won't match the Escorts with cannons.
I was working with a player in a escort with cannons and he was having trouble with 2 cruisers (one of them sneaked up on him) and he nearly died, but he took them out, his shields were practicually gone and his hull was 50%, i mean i had to heal him to keep him alive, when it came to me facing off against 2 cruisers in my non-viable science vessel kitted out as much as its possible for weaponry dps, i totally took the cruisers to pieces......took longer, but i was hardly scathed.
Maybe the player wasn't so good, i just don't see the need for min-maxing everything, i mean i like using Phaser Beam arrays and Photon Torpedoes, the amount of times i have seen the shields go offline just as my high yield torpedoes hit the enemy and take it out, its awesome, but like i said, min-maxers tend to think if you can't take it out as fast as an escort with DHCs, its not viable, while i personally think if i can take out a bunch of enemy with little trouble, i don't care how long it takes to do it.
Well, i would have gone with a 'powered by weapon power or AUX power, which ever is highest....thats how would have done it.
For my tac: flying the Fleet Avenger means she can be tanky while dishing out APA, CRF, TS, and APB.
For my sci in a Fleet Chimera means she can dish out APB, Sensor Scan, GW1, TS2, & BFAW3 while being more tanky than flying in a sci ship.
My engineer in a Vesta though... can tank in the ship, use power management to keep both AUX and Weapons power high and use tac & sci abilities, plus DPS the frak out of enemies.
Pre delta rising a sci had no use in a dps centric game, but now a sci is almost needed for the harder stfs, atleast he makes them a lot easier. A good sci cc-exoticer can protect the kang completely alone for almost 10 minutes - more than enough for the rest ro finish the cubes.
He can also infinitly stop nanites in infected, making the stf that easy she used to be.
Probes in khitoner are also no problem, a good sci can even deff both sides.
And a full exotic sci still can do very good amounts of sustained, and incredible of burstdamage.
I think the combo of doffed dbr ejekt warpplasma gravity well isometric charge and the new setbonus atttack will be very hard to survive becuase it ignores shields and still does massive damage. So better dont say that scis are weak.
As a Sci myself, it would be sweet if we could measure our contribution to the team via a combination of CCPW (Crowds controlled per wave), DDPS (Debuff-enhancements to DPS), and HPS (Healed per second) - so that we can shove a metric through a parser and tell all the "glass cannon min-max DPS types" that we contributed. I mean, I'd love to see the look on some of these 50k DPS Scims if the damage due to debuff was re-allocated to the debuffer - I mean, the Scim wouldn't land that damage if the debuff wasn't applied now, would they? I can almost imagine that maybe 20k DPS would shift from the Scim to the Sci in a case like that...
But, the only metric we see is DPS, the debuff effects aren't separated in this DPS metric, there's a general belief that you don't even need to have crowds controlled if the DPS is of sufficient volume to blow things up before the CC is needed, and the glass cannons are built of gorilla glass so they don't break all too often - and if they do, the "tank" that's supposed to be protecting them would be broken too - so healing isn't exactly something that's being clamored for...
Now, would more Aux-weapons be sweet, or maybe a 4/2 instead of 3/3 loadout? Yeah, they would, be a bit of variation, which is usually welcomed in a game. Have many of the recent "Sci tricks" - that let Sci ships do tremendous amounts of direct-to-hull "exotic" damage (aka DPS via a non-energy or non-projectile form) once again make sciences "viable" to the average "moar dakka" type? Yeah. So, while I'll support the request for variation, but I'm not going to sit here and say "it's mandatory that we get this stuff"...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
That's what makes his opening paragraph so hilarious.
The best DPS (for PvE) don't come from DHC/turret escorts any more.
Science ships can't even fit APB most of the time, are you talking entirely about the single-target Sensor Analysis, as opposed to FAW applying APB to everything?
Right off the top of my head:
Drain builds (Tyken's Rift & energy syphon on top of Plasmonic, polarons & aceton) and/or applications of Subsystem Targetting can drop engines and shields. Remember that an engine-less ship had defense -15, which translates into improved accuracy, which translates into more crits that are more severe per hit. Lack of shields improves kinetic damage.
Viral Matrix doing an "engines offline" repeating the above.
CPB and Tachyon beam are supposed to result in downed shields and the above kinetic bonus again. Do note, however, that most NPCs have shield values so high that these powers are rendered "ineffective"...
Captain's ability of Sensor Scan - especially when dumped into a high-graviton so multi-target gravity well cluster...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]