If this wasn't tied to the Star Trek IP - then I wouldn't be here. They've got me by my now gray short and curlies...but not really, cause STO is neither the Star Trek PvP nor Star Trek PvE game I'd really want to play if I stop to think about it...
This pretty much sums up my sentiments.
I'll add that the practice of not delivering on promises, does not leave me with the impression that Cryptic has any respect for their customers. But... that's okay. I'll play for free and I won't be a customer.
Should say, the longer you stare at those soft pastels on the consoles - well, the less you care about anything - all your troubles, they just slip away...so soothing.
Is it time to necro this thread again and laugh our pants off? LOL
Personally, I'd prefer everybody kept their pants on...but uh...yeah, there's plenty of room around for laughing - even if the laughing is just to hide the tears. That S9#3 blog was so depressing...
New Featured Project: Starbase Defense Grid
Cost: 1,125,000 Dilithium, 75,000 Fleet Marks.
Purpose: Allows Fleet vs Fleet PvP.
Wish they'd get rid of Solar Wind...
This pretty much sums up my sentiments.
I'll add that the practice of not delivering on promises, does not leave me with the impression that Cryptic has any respect for their customers. But... that's okay. I'll play for free and I won't be a customer.
I'm like Neo, I don't see the wallpaper illusion. I see the underlying mechanics, and am disappointed with Arena PVP.
isnt that all the pve really is?
i mean seriously...
all the npc's are basically just different skins on different skins...
so yeah...
Do you even Science Bro?
a history of sto pvp: 2010 - 2011
a history of sto pvp: 2012 - 2013
Personally, I'd prefer everybody kept their pants on...but uh...yeah, there's plenty of room around for laughing - even if the laughing is just to hide the tears. That S9#3 blog was so depressing...
1) New maps for existing stuff (designer note: cheap and easy, makes it seem like we did a lot)
2) Update handful of featured episodes. Feature them. (designer note: recycle old content back at them, will fluff up the patch notes)
3) Add another reputation grind. (designer note: lol remember when we were cutting down on the amount of different marks people needed?)
4) 1-2 Ground & Space PvE zones to give new reputation marks (designer note: why isn't there more old content for us to recycle for this?)
5) New stuff that people want to get (design note: lots of dilithium)
6) Hint at PvP being right around the corner (design note: we give them hope like the hunger games, and they keep paying!)
Lag Industries STO/TOR Guild
a history of sto pvp: 2010 - 2011
a history of sto pvp: 2012 - 2013
no dresscode?...well, wait two expansions and i'll bring a shaven wookie