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Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed. (every 3 minutes)

Here's a sample of my gameplay for the past three days:

1) Opening the STO launcher through Arc: Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.
2) Make it past the launcher to load the game: Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.
3) Make it to the character selection screen: Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.
4) Log onto a character, 98% loaded: Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.
5) Switch maps in the middle of leveling a character: Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.
6) Attempt to log into that character again: Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.
7) Log into a different character successfully, swap back to the character I was trying to play: Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.

Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.

Was that repetitive? Because it's getting repetitive for me, too. Played this game for years without issue. Suddenly, there's nothing I can do to stay connected.

If I fill out another Details box after an error, I'm going to freak out. What's the deal?
Post edited by voxlagind on


  • voxlagindvoxlagind Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Can't make it past the launcher now.

    1) Attempting to verify files: Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.
    2) Try to cancel verification before it can crash: Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.

    Can't get anywhere near the "Engage" button.
  • krakenhazenkrakenhazen Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    This same thing began for me today as well, and I do not use ARC. I was even in an STF and could never leave the spawn area, was invisible and could not interact with anything. However, I was able to use tab to select targets and selected a nanite sphere that got close...although its name was in code something like [c2638836_Infested_Healer...or something like that lol

    That character (my rommie) got stuck with the issues and i could not even change...had to exit game to choose a diff one and 'close' to the same issues with a few others. This all began for me around 10:15 'ish EST today.
  • spaceelfsilenusspaceelfsilenus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I get this error every time I try to log in. I just created an account for the first time. I had so many errors during that process, as well. Anyway, EVERY time I log in..." Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed" and I get the same ticket number every time: 22289592. I had installed the game from Steam, and after getting the error several times in a row, created a new account at Perfect world, getting more errors every step of the way. Sometimes my email address was available, and sometimes the same email address was already used by someone. It wouldn't link my Cryptic account. Finally created a new gmail, and a new account, and got logged into the website with it. Tried the game. Of course, Oops error when launching. Uninstalled the game from Steam and tried installing from Arc, still get this error every time.

    I'm done with Perfect World. Biggest misnomer I've seen lately. I'll be surprised if this thread post even works.
  • spaceelfsilenusspaceelfsilenus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I JUST found in another thread that the Oops error is caused if TeamViewer is running in your system tray. Close it, and you're ready to Engage. I've spent like 8 hours the past 2 days pulling my hair out over this. I really hope this post helps save someone else the frustration.
  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    voxlagind wrote: »
    Here's a sample of my gameplay for the past three days:

    1) Opening the STO launcher through Arc: Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.
    2) Make it past the launcher to load the game: Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.
    3) Make it to the character selection screen: Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.
    4) Log onto a character, 98% loaded: Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.
    5) Switch maps in the middle of leveling a character: Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.
    6) Attempt to log into that character again: Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.
    7) Log into a different character successfully, swap back to the character I was trying to play: Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.

    Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.

    Was that repetitive? Because it's getting repetitive for me, too. Played this game for years without issue. Suddenly, there's nothing I can do to stay connected.

    If I fill out another Details box after an error, I'm going to freak out. What's the deal?

    I make it only to point #2. Been happening for at least a week. I basically give up on this game.... for now.

    STO.. why can't I quit you!?
  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    voxlagind wrote: »
    Can't make it past the launcher now.

    1) Attempting to verify files: Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.
    2) Try to cancel verification before it can crash: Oops! Your Cryptic Application has crashed.

    Can't get anywhere near the "Engage" button.

    This too. *Sigh*
  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    OMG I am back in.

    And I have no idea what I had to close to get back. Darn it. This is gonna suck closing all my firewalls and programs like Rapter trying to find out the culprit.
  • spockdata6spockdata6 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Hello everyone, I have been playing STO for over a month without problem and suddenly I can´t go through that bloody loading screen. It's driving me crazy. First I have the game on ARC, but when the problems started I uninstall the game (and ARC) and re-install it on Steam. However, I keep having the same problem, over and over again. If someone has a solution, please give it because I want to keep playing the game.
  • projectdv2projectdv2 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Add me to the list. I open STO as a standalone (never heard of Arc until tonight, when I couldn't interact with any useful information on the old webpage because of the stupid damn redirect message that forwards me to nowhere I can get useful information from...seriously, this is a stupid frigging implementation). I start the game, launcher pops up, I click Engage, screen goes black, Cryptic screen comes up, load bar makes it maybe 2/3 across, then the game crashes outright. At first the game suggested I had a memory error. Well, I did, one stick was bad. I yanked it, did another pass with memtest86+, everything is golden, so I try to run the game again. Now it doesn't even give me the courtesy of blaming anything, it just gets 2/3 of the way through the Cryptic load bar and CTDs. Every error report box has the same ticket ID, and I've gotten bored with filling it out so I just don't bother anymore. What in the flying hell gives? What's causing this?
  • askrayaskray Member Posts: 3,329 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Folks, don't reply to threads that are over 30 days old, let alone a year.
    Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care.
    Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
    Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113

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