This is a bit tongue in Cheek after my rant on Tovan but started thinking what NPCs are the most annoying that don't die that you wish would somehow.
Tovan - Covered already by so many.
Slamek - You save this guy how many times and STILL he betrays you to the Tal Shiar. Let's not even talk about how many times you save this putz.
Earun - So many reasons so little time.
On the fence about:
Loriss - I get her attitude and in her defense once you finish the Dominion if you talk to her she even admits she likes you to a point and uses you to tweak Earun so gotta give her props for that.
Sela - Ok So she has been neutralized for the moment but I have a bad feeling she'll be back.
thought I'd see if anyone else would add one's to the list that just are annoying.
Good one! Can't argue with that.
No mention of Kurland? That idiot deserves to be court-martialed and summarily executed for gross incompetence considering how many times he's lost DS9. Not to mention the incessant whining in our ears during "Boldly they Rode..."
...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
- Anne Bredon
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
Although Slamek is still my top one after Tovan. Tovan's on his own level of hate for me at this point. :P
Colonel Hakeev should have died from mission one. I'm sorry, but that is the most one-dimensional, cheesy, mustache-twirling villain I've fought in a long, long time. Every escape sounds like some made up prop to make the arc into a 30s movie serial. (I happen to love 30s movie serial sci-fi, but not this guy) I found his every appearance to be cringe-worthy. I find villains who can speak calmly, smoothly, and still imply a lot of menace to be much more interesting. For an example, look to Walter Koenig's Alfred Bestor character on Babylon 5. I also don't mind the slow-burn type, those that start smooth and build to anger, such as Khan in Wrath of Khan.
I'm not overly fond of the Sela character, either, but I got the distinct impression that it was the voice direction, rather than Denise, which created lines that sounded like first-take script reading. Denise's performance in the TV series was much smoother, so knowing that skill level I suspect the problem was not her.
Admiral Quinn (sits on his fat behind , behind a desk and patronises people)
That idiot admiral in federation mine field who keeps decloaking me.
Franklin drake for destabilising the federation and empire and being the most evil npc in the game.
ALL ferengi npcs on Drozana station.
The Saurian loser on Big dig who won't shut up while you are storming up the stairs fighting for your life
All Ferengi Npcs in first city
Wait a sec, I forgot... Farek does die!
2. Franklin Drake - thinks he's the boss of me? Time to give him some of his own medicine.
3. S'taas - highly annoying. Especially when medling with my own affairs at the Academy.
angry Vulcans , aggressive deltans , peaceful Klingons , admiral Quinn
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one to notice this. I remember reading how Cryptic was so excited to have her provide voice acting, but it wasn't that good at all.
And yeah, I really wish there was an option to take out Slamek.
I had to mute the sound during Mind Games because Sela's voice made my teeth hurt.
If he stayed alive I could have hit his ear, step on his toe, anything that crosses his plans and spoiles his mood. This guy alone can make the Tal Shiar and the Romulan Empire look ridiculous.
Another guy I will always let live is Hassan the Undying. An adorable evil, full of everything, capable of nothing. And why is he fat. Hey, Hassan, love your diet, what is it, all the women must fall for you. Great voice acting too here.
When doing Operation Gamma , I always let Farek go. Not because she deserves it, but to disappoint Eraun. Look at the reaction of the Jem'Haddar next to him. Great silent acting.
Now that is one and only one reason I can think of to let Farek live. I'm just usually out of patience after all the TRIBBLE to get to that point that it's time to put me out of my misery and blow up that worm.
As to the Sela comments I agree I've never had a problem with Ms Crosby's char's or her personally (other than they kept bringing her back after she left but that's a gripe at the writers not her) but probably the same could go for Tovan (other than his annoying habit to replace other BOFFS) in that it's probably just bad/scripted voice acting.
Well if you asked me this question 50 years ago, I would say George Lucas.
In STO: J'mpok
I hope STO get's better ...
2. Torvan - He must be a shape shifter seeing as he recently replaced my Jem'Hadar Boff on a fed character, although he hasnt got the voice quite right! (They really didn't implement him very well when running Nimbus on other toons)
3. Capt. Kurland - He drives me nuts during "boldy they rode" ... "Kurland here!" For gods sake Kurland ..SHUT UP!! lol
4. Val'Kel Shon - He just annoys me :P
Sela/Tasha - That voice over when you first enter the Tau Dewa sector...why does she emphasize the line "Ancient beings" like shes talking to a 4 year old?
5. The guy that stands behind Quinn and is your contact for the Planet Killer/Go spoil B'vats day missions - For having the worst English accent so far ..."You are the right ORRRRficer for the job"...ugh lol
we needed some better character and voice and made by someone like
J.G. Hertzler
Jeffrey Combs
Suzie Plakson
The Federation.
/end topic
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^^ this
Running "Coliseum" with my KDF characters, I so wanted to leave his lifeless body in a ditch somewhere! He's whining that it's "too bright" in the middle of the night!
2. Hussan the undying. He's like a discount bargan basement Jabba.
3. Tasha Yar, "If you don't shut up, and stop telling me how to do my job, I'm going to turn this group around, and turn you over to the Em Effing Tholians myself."
ROFL I love it!
1)Tasha yar-The first time i played temporal ambassador,the second time she was whining about the force fields,i actually stood aside for like 5 min,waiting for HER to go do that job Priority 1 target
2)Admiral Quinn-Get behind a ******n STARSHIP and come help me instead of ordering me about through subspace.!Also which idiot authorizes a lieutenant in a Tier 1 MIRANDA to go fight the borg(sector space ones)???????:mad:
3)That psycho ferengi in quarks bar at the second wave mission that shouted "Neeeed someething frieeeend?"
4)B'vat- The guy had me literally going nuts whenever i fought him.To quote reyan01,id like to "Beam him on Nukara prime,without an EV suit and then send a tricobalt spread just for good measure":D Thank god he died.
5)That bajor civilian that screamed "THIS IS OUR HOOOMMMEE!" in Of Bajor everytime i opened a dialouge box with him
6)Slamek-Oh man,i so wanted to leave him to the sehlats in "Coliseum"
Nah,i like how the commander of the Enterprise-G throws his hands about in a diplomatic discussion :rolleyes:
I even renamed my fed tacs Attack Pattern Alpha to "Attack Pattern Shon Six":D
Flagship - N.C.C.-99635-A U.S.S. Asterion
I support playable Typhoon class!!
Ummm... she DID die.