So, riyott, I have the same question for you that I've had for people on the forums for some other games --
If you think this game is so "horrible", why are you here? Why waste your time discussing a game you don't like? I mean, you don't see me hanging around on the Neverwinter forums, or Star Bores the Old Ideas, or even World of Borecraft - why are you here?
And yes, those of us old enough to remember the original series back when it was in its first run know that Gene's major concern at this point would be where his checks were...
You spend 12 hours a day playing this horrible game? I bet you actually spend money on this game too.
Some days 6 hours...some days 12 hours...some days I go to the park with my dog. Yes I spend money on the game. I also own Trek clothing, dvd's, insignia, books, models, stuff. Everybody has some amount of money, I spend mine of stuff that I like, and that happens to be Trek. And?
I got a friend who is *SO* into Dr. Who that he even has the Who Pinball Machine. I don't even have a Trek Pinball machine. I'm not weird or anything.
Some days 6 hours...some days 12 hours...some days I go to the park with my dog. Yes I spend money on the game. I also own Trek clothing, dvd's, insignia, books, models, stuff. Everybody has some amount of money, I spend mine of stuff that I like, and that happens to be Trek. And?
I got a friend who is *SO* into Dr. Who that he even has the Who Pinball Machine. I don't even have a Trek Pinball machine. I'm not weird or anything.
Don't sweat the people who judge you. You go on rockin' the Trek. If you don't spend your time and money on the things you enjoy, what's the point of having time and money?
I've said it before and I'll happily say it again, if a franchise doesn't move forwards it will die.
JJ Trek moved the series forwards ina big(and profitable) way. That means that Star Trek isn't dead.
That's not entirely true though... A 'dead' TV series like Star Trek or Baywatch, can still be seen on TV, so even if it is 'dead' and not putting out new material, people can still view the existing stuff, it can still gain new fans etc, it still continues to live in the hearts and minds of its fans. As I said over the page, true art will always be appreciated as it will always stand on its own merits, without a need to be 'updated for relevance'. These new films are just that: New films -- Pretty pictures for the masses. They are not going to bring about any new series, or keep the franchise going, and will only bring about as much merchandise as they feel people will buy. Once the third movie is out of the way, the franchise will slip back into it's coma, so it's not bringing the franchise 'back to life' at all, it is simply using the Trek name to make some quick money...
All of old Star Trek is bad because it's just a space soap opera. The only one that was good was Enterprise because it was the least space opera. What I'm seeing is you guys just have bad taste.
Hello all,
I'm new, my name is Ken.
Interesting thread...I just want to say "Old Trek" is NOT dead as long as I have my original Divisional Insignia (s), Phaser and Communicator props, (AA/DS stuff...wish I was lucky enough to own original props) and my Round 2 three foot TOS NCC-1701. The imagination and talent that went into the original stuff is why Trek is still around. The TOS Enterprise is an amazingly beautiful work of art, IMO, and the production version Warp Nacelle lighting was just genius.
No offense intended to any other iteration of Star Trek....its all pretty dang cool.
Don't sweat the people who judge you. You go on rockin' the Trek. If you don't spend your time and money on the things you enjoy, what's the point of having time and money?
I made good financial choices when I was younger, I live a modestly comfortable life, nothing extravagant. As a result I am retired before 50. I credit Trek with my success for teaching me when I was young that there were always options in life, thus I kept looking till I found a better way for myself, instead of just accepting the slings and arrows of life. Everything is in your life because you either worked to put it there or did not work to remove it. I did a lot of work to put Trek into my life. I fear that most these kids today will be flipping burgers till their 80's just to keep the lights on. So sad. They will not be able to afford Trek when they get old.
All great works of art must go through transitions...
Remember that woman who painted over the icon of Jesus to 'fix' it?
JJ's mom.
_________________________________________________ [Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth] [Louis Cipher][Outta Gum][Thysa Kymbo][Spanner][Frakk] [D'Mented][D'Licious]
Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
Star Trek is 45 years old. It still has a strong core but there is a rot born of being run into the ground and a distinct lack of a central guiding creative vision to keep the material consistent rather than simply marketed "for the moment." Say what you want but TOS had something special for all of us and endures even today. It made the 45 year legacy possible. TNG did a good job of fulfilling the promise TOS brought forth and was well loved for its run.
As well loved as DS 9 is the show also displays where the wrong group got into power and went astray. It was built around the basic THEFT of another writer?s intellectual property, that man?s basic ideas, and they got away with molding it to their wants. They were out of original ideas and became hacks trying to hang on rather than move on... It got worse in Voyager where they started with a wonderful premise that fell apart as the hacks ran the original writer off the show, stole her ideas, and twisted things into a same old same junk they thought to keep going forever.
ENT was the ultimate result when they finally managed to get their own premise onto the screen (which is really what they wanted during Voyager's run), a basic attempt at a reboot using some of their favorite themes from the years. I think the cast was good but the writing team was too struck on themselves and frankly disrespectful of the core Trek audience. I doubt most will ever forgive their "Valentine to the Fans." They got booted finally and scolded. But at least it ran them from Trek making room for some one fresh to take the helm at some point in the future at the cost of classic Trek's screen viability.
That's kind of where the IP is now. Roddenberry's vision for it was a product of his times and we, the audience, have changed significantly in the 45 years since it started. Even in TNG the show only took off when he stepped back. With all the clashing voices and visions the IP is in a shambles when it comes to consistency and internal logic. It has fallen apart and we love it yet for nostalgia's sake if not for what it has become. That explains JJ's success in a nutshell.
TREK isn't dead. It's just a freaking mess. It's all (the entire IP at this point) OLD Trek. Yet, it is the one remaining multimedia franchise vehicle for television that has a chance to bring real science fiction back to the screen rather than another silly space fantasy. It needs a real REBOOT and RE-ENVISIONING by a creative force versed in science, fiction, and the small screen with knowledge of the books and comics as well to regain its viability and consistency as an IP.
Remember that woman who painted over the icon of Jesus to 'fix' it?
JJ's mom.
Just FYI - most western depictions of Jesus have him as fair haired/anglo-saxon looking. Given the area of the world he was actually born in, I highly doubt those depictions are historically accurate.
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Just FYI - most western depictions of Jesus have him as fair haired/anglo-saxon looking. Given the area of the world he was actually born in, I highly doubt those depictions are historically accurate.
Just FYI - most western depictions of Jesus have him as fair haired/anglo-saxon looking. Given the area of the world he was actually born in, I highly doubt those depictions are historically accurate.
Genetically speaking, that is at least as improbable as the typical Northern European depiction of a fair-haired, light-skinned Jesus. Yeshua ben Yosef would have most probably been quite Semitic in appearance.
I'm not sure what that has to do with the price of dilithium on Risa, however...
I'm not sure what that has to do with the price of dilithium on Risa, however...
Jesus was one of the Bajoran Profits. The Orb of Jesus has been lost for 2000 years, some still cling hope that it will be found one day and he will be released to reclaim the Celestial Temple as his own. At least that is what some people want to happen.
I have never seen an Electron, yet I believe that they exist, so who am I to say about what they believe.
Genetically speaking, that is at least as improbable as the typical Northern European depiction of a fair-haired, light-skinned Jesus. Yeshua ben Yosef would have most probably been quite Semitic in appearance.
I'm not sure what that has to do with the price of dilithium on Risa, however...
He was born in the middle east from middle eastern parents, middle easter=black. Thank you for your time.
No, Middle Eastern =/= black. African = black. Middle East =/= Africa. Israel (then the Roman of Judea) also =/= Middle East or Africa; Israel = Mediterranean region.
No, Middle Eastern =/= black. African = black. Middle East =/= Africa. Israel (then the Roman of Judea) also =/= Middle East or Africa; Israel = Mediterranean region.
Try again.
You're clearly mistaken because Jesus was black because middle easterners are black.
Riyott, perhaps access to a map or a globe might help.
North Africa is not the Middle East; the spread of Islam over northern Africa did not change the genetics of any of the parties involved. (I know this comes as a surprise to many, but religion is not genetically determined.)
Africa is Africa; the Fertile Crescent, birthplace of Islam, is not Africa, nor is any of the region popularly known as "the Middle East" save Egypt (and many in northern Egypt are morphologically more similar to Semitic peoples, like Israelis and Arabs, than to their darker cousins to the south).
Now, if you're looking to start some sort of religio-mystic flame war over this question (which, sad to say, I have seen elsewhere), then I'm afraid you're barking under the wrong bridge; the Trekkie community seems to be pretty inclusive, and Roddenberry's original vision was of a society composed exclusively of atheists. Best of luck arguing about it elsewhere, though, if that is your goal. May I suggest the comments section of a Yahoo! article? From what I've seen, it scarcely seems to matter which article you attach the comment to...
That's not entirely true though... A 'dead' TV series like Star Trek or Baywatch, can still be seen on TV, so even if it is 'dead' and not putting out new material, people can still view the existing stuff, it can still gain new fans etc, it still continues to live in the hearts and minds of its fans.
That's not dead, that's undead. Baywatch and Thundarr the Barbarian are both good examples of series that will likely remain specters of what they once were for all eternity.
As I said over the page, true art will always be appreciated as it will always stand on its own merits, without a need to be 'updated for relevance'. These new films are just that: New films -- Pretty pictures for the masses. They are not going to bring about any new series, or keep the franchise going, and will only bring about as much merchandise as they feel people will buy. Once the third movie is out of the way, the franchise will slip back into it's coma, so it's not bringing the franchise 'back to life' at all, it is simply using the Trek name to make some quick money...
Nah. I personally think of it as raising cash to make more and better films later.
Let's face it: Hollywood isn't a charity. It's a moneymaking venture. It doesn't matter what they're making, it's done for profit.
Jesus was likely a whining hypochondriac, who looked like Jeff Goldblume, or Jerry Seinfeld.
My understanding, is he owned a kosher deli in Nassau, New York, retired to Boca, Florida, and was a real mensch.;)
Then there's Jeasus. Looks like Mace Windu, but sounds like Barry White....wait, WTF was this thread about?
That's not dead, that's undead. Baywatch and Thundarr the Barbarian are both good examples of series that will likely remain specters of what they once were for all eternity.
I'm not familiar with Thundarr the Barbarian, but Baywatch is a cult classic, which during it's run was ludicrously popular, and ran for ten seasons :eek: All I was trying to point out, is that although there hasn't been anything produced in decades, I doubt there are many who would not know the names of Mitch Buchannon, Matt Brody and CJ Parker, and if a new movie was to be made, would go and watch it, but that doesn't mean there has to be a film made with Brian Austin Green as Mitch, and Claire Coffee as CJ, the original material is still good :cool:
Let's face it: Hollywood isn't a charity. It's a moneymaking venture. It doesn't matter what they're making, it's done for profit.
Oh for sure, I've no beef with that, I just find it amusing that folks think this is some kind of ongoing resuscitation of the franchise, when it's unlikely to go beyond three movies, and a near-pathological refusal to acknowledge that the original material (faults and all) is still entertaining in it's own right. Also, if any of the cast shame themselves, I wouldn't be surprised to see re-casting as happened to Megan Fox in Transformers...
Here's my probably wrong opinion on all the hate toward the new Trek...
No matter what we think about it... even if we think it's the worst movie in the history of cinema...
Thousands and thousands of people love the new Trek. Why would you want to take that away from them?
I mean, how would we feel if people who hate TNG or TOS weren't just satisfied by not watching it, but instead went on massive rants trying their best to make it so we didn't get to watch it?
If we don't like the new Trek, all we have to do is refrain from watching it. Problem solved. I don't know why trying to ruin it for the people who love it has to be part of that scenario.
Why can't we just let the people who enjoy it... enjoy it. I don't like sea food. I deal with that by not eating sea food. I don't tell people eating sea food, "That's not REAL food! That's TRIBBLE! You're an idiot for liking that!"
Under flaming trolling
I hope STO get's better ...
Shh, don't tell the whiny man-children basement nerds.
Yes, Star Trek is old enough to have Super Trek Nerds who are past Retirement Age and have 12 hours a day to hang online and play star Trek.
I'm 45 and Retired. How old are you?
You spend 12 hours a day playing this horrible game? I bet you actually spend money on this game too.
If you think this game is so "horrible", why are you here? Why waste your time discussing a game you don't like? I mean, you don't see me hanging around on the Neverwinter forums, or Star Bores the Old Ideas, or even World of Borecraft - why are you here?
And yes, those of us old enough to remember the original series back when it was in its first run know that Gene's major concern at this point would be where his checks were...
JJ Trek moved the series forwards ina big(and profitable) way. That means that Star Trek isn't dead.
My character Tsin'xing
If it wasn't for TOS your TNG would have never came to be.
Some days 6 hours...some days 12 hours...some days I go to the park with my dog. Yes I spend money on the game. I also own Trek clothing, dvd's, insignia, books, models, stuff. Everybody has some amount of money, I spend mine of stuff that I like, and that happens to be Trek. And?
I got a friend who is *SO* into Dr. Who that he even has the Who Pinball Machine. I don't even have a Trek Pinball machine. I'm not weird or anything.
Don't sweat the people who judge you. You go on rockin' the Trek. If you don't spend your time and money on the things you enjoy, what's the point of having time and money?
I'm new, my name is Ken.
Interesting thread...I just want to say "Old Trek" is NOT dead as long as I have my original Divisional Insignia (s), Phaser and Communicator props, (AA/DS stuff...wish I was lucky enough to own original props) and my Round 2 three foot TOS NCC-1701. The imagination and talent that went into the original stuff is why Trek is still around. The TOS Enterprise is an amazingly beautiful work of art, IMO, and the production version Warp Nacelle lighting was just genius.
No offense intended to any other iteration of Star Trek....its all pretty dang cool.
I made good financial choices when I was younger, I live a modestly comfortable life, nothing extravagant. As a result I am retired before 50. I credit Trek with my success for teaching me when I was young that there were always options in life, thus I kept looking till I found a better way for myself, instead of just accepting the slings and arrows of life. Everything is in your life because you either worked to put it there or did not work to remove it. I did a lot of work to put Trek into my life. I fear that most these kids today will be flipping burgers till their 80's just to keep the lights on. So sad. They will not be able to afford Trek when they get old.
Remember that woman who painted over the icon of Jesus to 'fix' it?
JJ's mom.
[Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth]
[Louis Cipher][Outta Gum][Thysa Kymbo][Spanner][Frakk]
Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
As well loved as DS 9 is the show also displays where the wrong group got into power and went astray. It was built around the basic THEFT of another writer?s intellectual property, that man?s basic ideas, and they got away with molding it to their wants. They were out of original ideas and became hacks trying to hang on rather than move on... It got worse in Voyager where they started with a wonderful premise that fell apart as the hacks ran the original writer off the show, stole her ideas, and twisted things into a same old same junk they thought to keep going forever.
ENT was the ultimate result when they finally managed to get their own premise onto the screen (which is really what they wanted during Voyager's run), a basic attempt at a reboot using some of their favorite themes from the years. I think the cast was good but the writing team was too struck on themselves and frankly disrespectful of the core Trek audience. I doubt most will ever forgive their "Valentine to the Fans." They got booted finally and scolded. But at least it ran them from Trek making room for some one fresh to take the helm at some point in the future at the cost of classic Trek's screen viability.
That's kind of where the IP is now. Roddenberry's vision for it was a product of his times and we, the audience, have changed significantly in the 45 years since it started. Even in TNG the show only took off when he stepped back. With all the clashing voices and visions the IP is in a shambles when it comes to consistency and internal logic. It has fallen apart and we love it yet for nostalgia's sake if not for what it has become. That explains JJ's success in a nutshell.
TREK isn't dead. It's just a freaking mess. It's all (the entire IP at this point) OLD Trek. Yet, it is the one remaining multimedia franchise vehicle for television that has a chance to bring real science fiction back to the screen rather than another silly space fantasy. It needs a real REBOOT and RE-ENVISIONING by a creative force versed in science, fiction, and the small screen with knowledge of the books and comics as well to regain its viability and consistency as an IP.
Maybe one day...
Just FYI - most western depictions of Jesus have him as fair haired/anglo-saxon looking. Given the area of the world he was actually born in, I highly doubt those depictions are historically accurate.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
"We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes."
Please eject the religious baggage out the airlock, Thanx.
Jesus was black.
I'm not sure what that has to do with the price of dilithium on Risa, however...
Jesus was one of the Bajoran Profits. The Orb of Jesus has been lost for 2000 years, some still cling hope that it will be found one day and he will be released to reclaim the Celestial Temple as his own. At least that is what some people want to happen.
I have never seen an Electron, yet I believe that they exist, so who am I to say about what they believe.
He was born in the middle east from middle eastern parents, middle easter=black. Thank you for your time.
Try again.
You're clearly mistaken because Jesus was black because middle easterners are black.
You're thinking of North African Moors... Jesus would have been an Arab...
North Africa is not the Middle East; the spread of Islam over northern Africa did not change the genetics of any of the parties involved. (I know this comes as a surprise to many, but religion is not genetically determined.)
Africa is Africa; the Fertile Crescent, birthplace of Islam, is not Africa, nor is any of the region popularly known as "the Middle East" save Egypt (and many in northern Egypt are morphologically more similar to Semitic peoples, like Israelis and Arabs, than to their darker cousins to the south).
Now, if you're looking to start some sort of religio-mystic flame war over this question (which, sad to say, I have seen elsewhere), then I'm afraid you're barking under the wrong bridge; the Trekkie community seems to be pretty inclusive, and Roddenberry's original vision was of a society composed exclusively of atheists. Best of luck arguing about it elsewhere, though, if that is your goal. May I suggest the comments section of a Yahoo! article? From what I've seen, it scarcely seems to matter which article you attach the comment to...
Click this link and let me know.
Let's face it: Hollywood isn't a charity. It's a moneymaking venture. It doesn't matter what they're making, it's done for profit.
My character Tsin'xing
My understanding, is he owned a kosher deli in Nassau, New York, retired to Boca, Florida, and was a real mensch.;)
Then there's Jeasus. Looks like Mace Windu, but sounds like Barry White....wait, WTF was this thread about?
I'm not familiar with Thundarr the Barbarian, but Baywatch is a cult classic, which during it's run was ludicrously popular, and ran for ten seasons :eek: All I was trying to point out, is that although there hasn't been anything produced in decades, I doubt there are many who would not know the names of Mitch Buchannon, Matt Brody and CJ Parker, and if a new movie was to be made, would go and watch it, but that doesn't mean there has to be a film made with Brian Austin Green as Mitch, and Claire Coffee as CJ, the original material is still good :cool:
Oh for sure, I've no beef with that, I just find it amusing that folks think this is some kind of ongoing resuscitation of the franchise, when it's unlikely to go beyond three movies, and a near-pathological refusal to acknowledge that the original material (faults and all) is still entertaining in it's own right. Also, if any of the cast shame themselves, I wouldn't be surprised to see re-casting as happened to Megan Fox in Transformers...
No matter what we think about it... even if we think it's the worst movie in the history of cinema...
Thousands and thousands of people love the new Trek. Why would you want to take that away from them?
I mean, how would we feel if people who hate TNG or TOS weren't just satisfied by not watching it, but instead went on massive rants trying their best to make it so we didn't get to watch it?
If we don't like the new Trek, all we have to do is refrain from watching it. Problem solved. I don't know why trying to ruin it for the people who love it has to be part of that scenario.
Why can't we just let the people who enjoy it... enjoy it. I don't like sea food. I deal with that by not eating sea food. I don't tell people eating sea food, "That's not REAL food! That's TRIBBLE! You're an idiot for liking that!"
I just don't eat sea food.