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Scheduled Maintenance (July 11, 2013) [Complete!]



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    erectus1erectus1 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I guess the server will be off for at least another hour or so, as usual
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    xelene13xelene13 Member Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    erectus1 wrote: »
    Isn't past 10?:(

    Extended to 10:30.
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    jdskjflkjdfklsjfjdskjflkjdfklsjf Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    erectus1 wrote: »
    I guess the server will be off for at least another hour or so, as usual

    14 min if all goes well
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    erectus1erectus1 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The assignments clock " ticks ", while the server is off?
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    azerdracoazerdraco Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    erectus1 wrote: »
    The assignments clock " ticks ", while the server is off?

    Yes, just like when you are logged off.
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    knochengeigerknochengeiger Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So par for norm, here I sit from work while another STO patch is taking place. Un-par for norm I have even more time than usual to kill as tech support calls are dwindled to a current halt, thus I take the time to actually read some of the player responses on the maintenance posting

    I find myself nearly run over by the storm of Wah-mbulances as their sirens fill my eyes in text form.

    I couldn't go w/out adding some of my own wails to their cry... but unlike theirs, mine is at the very drivers of those vehicles....
    Really guys? your upset because you abused the email system for the course of a 3+ year run of this game and you are angry with the dev's as they tuck their tails and submit to your demands for addressing that abuse of their system?

    I even read where one Klingon even went so far as to engage in Fear, and reverencing the developers as 'God' and thus deserving of such fear. Obviously a Kling' that has yet to visit Sto'Vo'Kor...

    Don't get me wrong community and providers, this game is AMAZING, the community is surprisingly helpful, open, and nearly devoid of the run-of-the-mill Trolling that most MMO's over the years have propagated.
    While you complain rant and whine over mails, event bugs, and even bugs that have been resident far too long but truly do not disrupt a player's means to enjoy the game. Heaven forbid that the greater half of those playing the game are likely doing so without subjecting themselves to actually lining the developer's pockets with any Real money for their efforts.
    Shoot this is the only 'F2P' MMO I've known of that actually allows the players to fully utilize the means of pay-to-play elements w/out ever spending an actual cent of real cash.

    Sure those that Do pay for their gaming in this realm should feel they are heard, acknowledged, and most importantly answered; but then you have the Lifetime account players feeling they are just as obligated being they ponied up a whopping 200$ while a sale was active, never taking into account the fact that the monthly paying players that share in the same Veteran Reward access are the ones that invested real income into this game and its overall development.

    To cry out is not unusual when we are in pain regardless of species or game, but the truth of the matter is its one thing to cry out because someone shot you, its another when you shoot yourself.
    Certainly the lack of mail regulations and specifics in regards is something that could be clearer put; but lets face it if you never picked up the mail in your mailbox in your real life residence what makes you think the post office is going to actually put as much care and concern in handling getting mail back to you that was lost from Your negligence in that situation?

    I for one am BEYOND impressed with the work STO's team is doing and manages to keep doing without growing as hostile as other developers have to their players.

    After decades of MMO's and MMO type games I can say without any doubt, STO has done a remarkable job under extenuating circumstances; and anyone that would say otherwise may as well request that the Dev's behave as other Dev's of other MMO's have and begin shutting doors AND windows to keep the noise to a minimum from all the sirens as more WAH-mbulances make their presence known...

    While we all have frustrations when it comes to certain bugs, or needed fixes within an MMO; I for one am taking the time to instead chime my siren of thanks...

    Thank you Cryptic, for providing us this game

    Thank you Bran, for remaining so patient with our community

    Thank you players, for reminding me this is still just another MMO ....

    For awhile there, when avoiding all these comments, I started to really think I had found a window from my computer into heaven....

    While the party balls may now no longer work at all times, this is one Ferengi that will Keep on Dancing!!!

    'Bugs are like cockroaches in your circuitry, just getting rid of those visible, in no way means they are all gone.'

    Say that again please, i fell asleep after 3 lines of this self-loving speech. Go get a mirror and a room.
    We want to keep the foundry.
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    chris919ukchris919uk Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    erectus1 wrote: »
    I guess the server will be off for at least another hour or so, as usual

    I suspect maybe 2 hours given what happened last Tuesday. ;)

    But in all honesty I can live with it as long as my Roms TOS outfit is fixed. Hopefully I can actually select the colour green now and get the tunic and sash to match up. Of course I'm KDF Romulan so I think I may still be limited to the awful drab colour palette. Well I live in hope. :D
    "You have not experienced Shakespeare until you have read him in the original Klingon, taH pagh, taH be"
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    thetruenatasthetruenatas Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Thank you all that took the time to Think and read/comment on what I had to say earlier.

    I for one felt better in that rant... Amazes me still how few actually render relief versus further rage from output to a computer....

    As for a**kissing or otherwise.... Well I am Ferengi afterall
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    delusorydelusory Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Patch will take til Stardate 91131.31?
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    epsilons232epsilons232 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    corvalle wrote: »
    Sorry, but I highly doubt that millions play this game. I say its no more than EVE has online at any given time, somewhere around 25 to 30K.

    Talking about EVE. daily downtime scheduled for 1/2 hour, meaning that it nothing special is happening, servers up in 5-10 minutes. Patches are done within that 1/2 hours and and are single or 2 digit Mb.
    Compare that to Cryptic 2-3 hours + x extensions DT with hardly any documentation about the patches which are >150Mb by default :eek:
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    azerdracoazerdraco Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Say that again please, i fell asleep after 3 lines of this self-loving speech. Go get a mirror and a room.

    Well, that's the problem with today's children. Unless someone reads their books for them or tells them what their imagination is supposed to see, they are completely helpless...
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    elqannaelqanna Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    bignutter wrote: »
    I tried.. doesn't seem to work in the copying mail out.
    It doesn't work in the in game mail. It would be nice if there was a FORWARD button like regular email. Another nice thing to add would be to allow more than 1 FLEET email in a 24 hour period.
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    azerdracoazerdraco Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Say that again please, i fell asleep after 3 lines of this self-loving speech. Go get a mirror and a room.
    Thank you all that took the time to Think and read/comment on what I had to say earlier.

    I for one felt better in that rant... Amazes me still how few actually render relief versus further rage from output to a computer....

    As for a**kissing or otherwise.... Well I am Ferengi afterall

    Since you are a Ferengi, you should charge everyone that trolled your post 100 slips of latinum as a "Give a dang" charge.
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    pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited July 2013
    Maintenance is now complete! Thanks for your patience. We'll see you back in-game!


    Brandon =/\=
This discussion has been closed.