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Cyber Harassment in STO.



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    delsabereduxdelsaberedux Member Posts: 244 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I am soooo smart *amazed look* they are soooo dumb..wow, I mean to say wow!

    And they can't even touch me! *giggles*

    I'm not sure that you realize exactly how counterproductive you're being towards your own argument. Hell, if I didn't have my own fleet I'd strongly consider hooking up with Dental just to spite you.

    Maybe I'll just settle for tossing a few disco balls in your direction should I ever stumble upon one of your characters.

    Protip: remember the MST3K Mantra and save your stress for things that actually matter. Unless this is somehow your job, internet spaceships shouldn't ever be one of those things.
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    heartburzumheartburzum Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I've also stated that I'm currently retired.. Imagine that!

    Nope.. the bad guys are flinging a lot of poo in this thread.. and re-flinging.. and re-flinging.

    I thought these guys were supposed to be clever, smart people? I sure am NOT seeing a great deal of proof of thier cleverness.

    1. Counterposts with "nothings wrong, your just a whiner not our fault"
    Counter counter point... If'n i didn't name you, and your not guilty of anything, Whyare YOU posting? (and thats after I even warn'd em in a folow up post in the thread that it was trap. What was the intent of the trap.. why, to expose them.

    I am soooo smart *amazed look* they are soooo dumb..wow, I mean to say wow!

    And they can't even touch me! *giggles*

    ((um do I sound like I'm having any sort of emotional crisis here? *snorts* ah man. They're having the emotional crisis, not me, I'm just sitt'n in this chair, and in game watch'n mess them selves up. And having a great time doing it by the by.))

    I warned 'em this is a fight they are not going to win. It's not possible for them to win. And that they shouldn't even try. But its a challange to them and they're just to hung up in thier own collective arrogance to recognize they not only cannot win this fight, but all they can do is make themselves look even worse if they make the attept. And if you've followed this thread so far... It's pretty obvious.. There are a whole lot of folk that are not only following the thread, It's also been carried onto some private fan sites... I whish I could post over some of the commentary... I swear some users would burst into flames on the spot if they know what was being said about them..

    Read the lead post folks.. thats the important one.. the rest of this is debate, (and me counter trolling the trollers..which they do mightlily so deserve) and most of it not even that.. Read it, implement it, know how to fight them, and know that your not alone, and you do NOT need to remain a victim of cyber bullying. Just a matter of learning how to fight back effctivly. Theres to few of them.. at best 50 users out of several hundred thousand users. Let all kick in. Do your part, and the sooner they're shown up, and are out of STO.

    Long winded sentences with no spell checking, overly self-important, and paranoid.

    Textbook mania, seek a mental health professional, or if you already have, take your mood stabilizer.
    You know what it is...
    -Supporter of Cryptic Lockboxes!
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    zekeferrignozekeferrigno Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I've also stated that I'm currently retired.. Imagine that!

    Nope.. the bad guys are flinging a lot of poo in this thread.. and re-flinging.. and re-flinging.

    I thought these guys were supposed to be clever, smart people? I sure am NOT seeing a great deal of proof of thier cleverness.

    1. Counterposts with "nothings wrong, your just a whiner not our fault"
    Counter counter point... If'n i didn't name you, and your not guilty of anything, Whyare YOU posting? (and thats after I even warn'd em in a folow up post in the thread that it was trap. What was the intent of the trap.. why, to expose them.

    I am soooo smart *amazed look* they are soooo dumb..wow, I mean to say wow!

    And they can't even touch me! *giggles*

    ((um do I sound like I'm having any sort of emotional crisis here? *snorts* ah man. They're having the emotional crisis, not me, I'm just sitt'n in this chair, and in game watch'n mess them selves up. And having a great time doing it by the by.))

    I warned 'em this is a fight they are not going to win. It's not possible for them to win. And that they shouldn't even try. But its a challange to them and they're just to hung up in thier own collective arrogance to recognize they not only cannot win this fight, but all they can do is make themselves look even worse if they make the attept. And if you've followed this thread so far... It's pretty obvious.. There are a whole lot of folk that are not only following the thread, It's also been carried onto some private fan sites... I whish I could post over some of the commentary... I swear some users would burst into flames on the spot if they know what was being said about them..

    Read the lead post folks.. thats the important one.. the rest of this is debate, (and me counter trolling the trollers..which they do mightlily so deserve) and most of it not even that.. Read it, implement it, know how to fight them, and know that your not alone, and you do NOT need to remain a victim of cyber bullying. Just a matter of learning how to fight back effctivly. Theres to few of them.. at best 50 users out of several hundred thousand users. Let all kick in. Do your part, and the sooner they're shown up, and are out of STO.

    Did you go READ those biographies? I felt like Dee on Always Sunny when she watched Diaper Time. THESE PEOPLE ARE PIECES OF *$&@! Personally, those bios were so horrific I popped a brain vessel trying to read them. Apparently in one of them, someone who gave people a horrific itch, herpes iveyus, was charging 100K EC to run STFs with people...and these dentists and fire marshals are supposed to be the ultimate villain? Drozana is a firetrap!

    I honestly do not see it. I public RP freeform, and whenever I get sprayed, I just LOL and enjoy the nice cooling breeze. It is FUNNY! Maybe it is because I LAUGH and enjoy their company that they don't try to ruin my life like you people claim they do, or maybe it is just you people can't handle being sprayed and ribbed?

    I don't get where the sense of humor is. Is the RP so SERIOUS BUSINESS that being sprayed with a virtual flame retardant device ruins it? Because if so:

    Anyway, like I was sayin', shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it. - Bubba
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    lazarus51166lazarus51166 Member Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Most typically effected are those attempting Role Play activities in public areas where the the typical cyber bully will attempt to disrupt your role play activities through the use of "party poppers" from STO anniversery events and the more recent Subspace party ball, or even just the fire extigueshers from the fed side augument mission series.

    This is not cyberbullying by ANY stretch of the term. Cyberbullying is a criminal offensive, one you can get in serious **** for these days. Don't throw that accusation around unless you're looking for trouble yourself. What you are describing is nothing but minor disruptive behavior. There is no violation of the tos in that
    I've been witness to this stuff, and been on the recieving end of it for years in STO

    No you haven't
    . They do no have any right in letter or word to do this to you or others

    Considering they aren't doing anything to you or anyone else, yes they do have a right
    It is a violation of Cryptic and PWI's own terms of service for them to do so

    No it doesn't. I reapeat: no it doesn't. There is nothing in the tos about anything you have described being harassment or 'cyberbullying'
    It crosses the line into criminal activity.

    No it doesn't. Not by a long shot
    They Are Wrong.

    No, but you are.
    In a very very short time span a great many tickets, froma great many users, were filed documenting what they were doing..it took about a half hour or so but I and others are quite certain they got a half hour, to an hour, to up to a 24 hour ban-hammer dropped on them by the night shift GM over at PWI who was monitoring the game

    In other words you're the one harassing people cause you don't like a party popper, by spam reporting them for no reason

    Frankly your entire post was absurd, to the point of making it sound a little loony. You're making false claims of criminal activity because you don't like a certain in-game item.
    Oh no, it exists, this particular group does indeed target Role-Players in an attempt to grief and bully them out of the game, I've been witness to such behaviour and been targeted by it multiple times myself.

    It's simple, these people are a Goon Fleet, a self-admitted one that relishes in griefing and harassing others, they even have a manifesto up somewhere as to what's the proper attire for griefing (EV Suit) and the preferred methods (Fire Extinguishers, Party Poppers, Lobi Store Energy Whips) and so on.

    I call bs. To say nothing of the fact that you are the one throwing insults out there. Nobody is stopping you from being able to RP. Ever heard of ignoring people?

    and need I point out that if you look through the OP's posting history you'll find many examples of him attacking people himself. So, pot meet kettle.
    of course there are a great many trek fans who openly recognize what I'm doing...

    Indeed there are. They openly recognize that you're attacking people cause they don't play the way you want them to
    I'm way more sophisticated then the un-named by me miscreats.. They are being openly challanged. This is something they cannot survive. Public awareness of what they do will sink them.

    Says the guy who claims that shooting off balloons and fire extinguishers was harassment, cyberbullying and illegal
    I have a legal opinion from a lawyer dealing with social media who has told me that yes, I can do something within the legal system if absolutly nessesary

    Considering the players you are referring to have A) violated no law, B) did not violate the tos, and C) users are well within their right to use game items the way that they are using them, provided they don't hack them or anything of that nature - I very much doubt any lawyer told you that you had a case. No competent one would.
    To my fans and viewer/lurkers.. notice I hide nothing.. Notice i fight with honorable tactics.

    You claim illegal activity when there is none, you threaten legal action where you have no basis to, while claiming a lawyer told you there was a case (when there isn't), you call on others to do your dirty work for you (after admitting you got people to mass report others for no reason) and you have a history of attacking people on the forums.....and this is considered honorable tactics...?
    There is nothing wrong with someone being a "deviant from Second Life".

    That depends what exactly you're doing on there. You'd be surprised at some of the things people have been caught doing on there

    If you have to constantly proclaim that you're winning, you aren't.

    Seem to work well for the US's war on terror :P
    Basic rule of thumb should be, if you wouldn't say it in real life without having to deal with real world concequences then you shouldn't be saying it in a virtual world setting either.

    By the logic people shouldn't be roleplaying starship captains either. Cause, you know, that wouldn't exactly go over well in real life, most of the time.
    ..........................................cut and paste ...............................................
    While playing Star Trek Online it is against the game policy to intentionally disrupt the game play of other players. Disrupting actions would include:

    Preventing content access to other players by Blocking Mobs, Doors, Nodes, Etc
    Spamming excessive effects
    Interfering with player-run events
    Interfering with player gatherings
    Intentionally exploiting game bugs
    Utilizing third-party programs to automate unattended game-play
    Disobeying instructions given by a Cryptic Game Master
    .................................................. ..................................................

    And thats whom this thread is aimed at.

    The people you are referring to are doing none of those things. they're spraying fire extinguishers and bubble guns, just like they were intended to be used, in places they are intended to be used
    OP, if you decided to seek legal action, I'm sure coming here and parading it around in a threatening manner is illegal, at least in my state

    Actually it isn't. Threatening legal action is explicitly legal. You can't stop someone from doing that. That doesn't mean theres a case there though. There isn't.
    Edit: Also, the OP sent out an incredibly nasty, foul-mouthed, and threatening PM to at least one account. That he feels he is "Above it" is completely false. While I won't paste the PM here, it breaks TOS in almost every way imaginable. There is something strange about someone who cries the victim, complains about harassment, and then does the very thing he campaigns against.

    Indeed. As I said, check his posting history, i've called him on some things more than once myself
    Well, we won't get that evidence, nor should we. That's all confidential. Its also not for us to decide.

    It is for us to decide, if hes asking for us to help him on his little crusade against 'cuberbullies'
    I expect them to continue to oh so cleverly (not really.. They're up against a pro this time) not only derail the thread but hopefully get it deleted. That is thier aim!

    They DO NOT want people to know they can fight AND win against them. They DO NOT want users to more specificly know how they can go about doing so.

    They are no where near as bright as they think they are.. And yea, they are Troll's on the forums big time..

    That sounds borderline tinfoil hat ranting. Your paranoia is showing
    Please Bluegeek.. I' will stay within the rules.. time some people layed in the bed they made.

    You're the one ranting like a loon. You should take your own advice
    I'm so special and important that I get to tell them how to play STO! I am the law!

    I can't resist....


    Come on now, who didn't see THAT one coming?
    Fellow players.

    Joinng this fleet will likely result in a massive lowering of respect for you in the eyes of your fellow players.

    You mean in YOUR eyes, don't you?
    As a fleet this group has engaged in game in "documented" acts of harassment and cyber bullying.

    As a player concerned about the social aspects of MMO gaming I cannot but advise you to avoid this. While taken on a incedent by incedent basis thier activities might be termed "Harmless fun" taken as a whole they are not. Thye have performed numerous act that are simply mean, and spitfull.

    If you take startrek at all seriously, this fleet IS NOT for you.

    .....and you are accusing OTHERS of harassment? Guess what? You just did that yourself, right here.

    Notice the examples there of you harassing others in that other thread, OP?
    I warned 'em this is a fight they are not going to win. It's not possible for them to win. And that they shouldn't even try. But its a challange to them and they're just to hung up in thier own collective arrogance to recognize they not only cannot win this fight, but all they can do is make themselves look even worse if they make the attept

    Again, take your own advice. You are coming off as a raving lunatic. Have you even noticed that nobody is buying your bs? You just keep ranting like it never happened. Nobody supports your delusional plans for these 'cyberbullies'

    On the bright side, at least the OP isn't RPing a Sith. Then we'd all be in trouble.
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    preechrsapreechrsa Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Did you go READ those biographies? I felt like Dee on Always Sunny when she watched Diaper Time. THESE PEOPLE ARE PIECES OF *$&@! Personally, those bios were so horrific I popped a brain vessel trying to read them. Apparently in one of them, someone who gave people a horrific itch, herpes iveyus, was charging 100K EC to run STFs with people...and these dentists and fire marshals are supposed to be the ultimate villain? Drozana is a firetrap!

    I honestly do not see it. I public RP freeform, and whenever I get sprayed, I just LOL and enjoy the nice cooling breeze. It is FUNNY! Maybe it is because I LAUGH and enjoy their company that they don't try to ruin my life like you people claim they do, or maybe it is just you people can't handle being sprayed and ribbed?

    I don't get where the sense of humor is. Is the RP so SERIOUS BUSINESS that being sprayed with a virtual flame retardant device ruins it? Because if so:


    We don't try to ruin anybody's life. We're glad you understand and appreciate our ~elite firefighter~ roleplay. Thank you for posting that video, it is the perfect response to all this nonsense.
    Shutup Wesley: First In Everything
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    zekeferrignozekeferrigno Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You are quite welcome sir. I enjoy lulz and you all provide a nice break from the tension of the uber-l33t demanding you say Enterprise sucks and correcting your canon for a minor mistake. I'll take the best firefighting and dental professional team over the way too serious any day of the week!
    Anyway, like I was sayin', shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it. - Bubba
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    preechrsapreechrsa Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hey, man, the mirror universe episodes of Enterprise are some of the best episodes of Trek, period. It's a shame that it went out like it did, after such a stellar fourth season.
    Shutup Wesley: First In Everything
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    zekeferrignozekeferrigno Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    preechrsa wrote: »
    Hey, man, the mirror universe episodes of Enterprise are some of the best episodes of Trek, period. It's a shame that it went out like it did, after such a stellar fourth season.

    That is exactly how I feel about that sir. Sad to see it a victim of lame scheduling and bad management.

    And as for the link...it's a schooner! Hahah, you dumb TRIBBLE. It's a sailboat! XD
    Anyway, like I was sayin', shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it. - Bubba
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    delsabereduxdelsaberedux Member Posts: 244 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Oh, and...
    Read it, implement it, know how to fight them, and know that your not alone, and you do NOT need to remain a victim of cyber bullying. Just a matter of learning how to fight back effctivly. Theres to few of them.. at best 50 users out of several hundred thousand users. Let all kick in. Do your part, and the sooner they're shown up, and are out of STO.

    ...perhaps all this time and energy you're expending here would be better applied towards social activism or politics? And not, y'know, combatting perceived slights in a Star Trek video game?

    Just a thought. Way to fight the power, Public Enemy.
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    bughunter357bughunter357 Member Posts: 587 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I am staying neutral in this not supporting the OP or the said fleet(s), but what you are defining as cyberbullying in STO and what the real world defines it is two different things, in fact there not even related.

    Legal definition

    Cyberbullying is defined in legal glossaries as

    actions that use information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm another or others.
    use of communication technologies for the intention of harming another person
    use of internet service and mobile technologies such as web pages and discussion groups as well as instant messaging or SMS text messaging with the intention of harming another person.

    Examples of what constitutes cyberbullying include communications that seek to intimidate, control, manipulate, put down, falsely discredit, or humiliate the recipient. The actions are deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior intended to harm another. Cyberbullying has been defined by The National Crime Prevention Council: ?When the Internet, cell phones or other devices are used to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person."[1][2]

    A cyberbully may be a person whom the target knows or an online stranger. A cyberbully may be anonymous and may solicit involvement of other people online who do not even know the target. This is known as a 'digital pile-on.


    the closest thing you can get to what is happening is maybe griefing

    A griefer is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately irritates and harasses other players within the game, using aspects of the game in unintended ways.[1] A griefer derives pleasure primarily or exclusively from the act of annoying other users, and as such is a particular nuisance in online gaming communities, since griefers often cannot be deterred by penalties related to in-game goals.[2]

    In the culture of massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG) in Taiwan, such as Lineage, griefers are known as "white-eyed" ? a metaphor meaning that their eyes have no pupils and so they look without seeing. The behaviours which cause players to be stigmatized in this way include cursing, cheating, stealing and unreasonable killing.


    And since the OP has gone out of his way to spam on the said fleet(s) recruitment page/website he/she is no better than those he/she is complaining about and this thread should be closed period.
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    devian666devian666 Member Posts: 473
    edited July 2013
    actions that use information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm another or others.
    use of communication technologies for the intention of harming another person
    use of internet service and mobile technologies such as web pages and discussion groups as well as instant messaging or SMS text messaging with the intention of harming another person.

    Examples of what constitutes cyberbullying include communications that seek to intimidate, control, manipulate, put down, falsely discredit, or humiliate the recipient. The actions are deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior intended to harm another. Cyberbullying has been defined by The National Crime Prevention Council: ?When the Internet, cell phones or other devices are used to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person."[1][2]

    This describes what the OP has been doing in our recruitment thread. He is projecting his own criminal activities onto others. I find this to be offensive.
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    f9thaceshighf9thaceshigh Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Long winded sentences with no spell checking, overly self-important, and paranoid.

    Textbook mania, seek a mental health professional, or if you already have, take your mood stabilizer.

    Oh Really? You're going to resort to insulting the player accusing your fleet of wrongdoing, that's certainly mature.

    Frankly, I don't give a damn what you do to ERPers, but leave everyone else alone. Normal RPers are not doing anything to harm you or anyone else, and neither are the poor innocent players your people harass while they're trying to use the exchange, Dabo and mail facilities on the station.

    You're the one who needs to get a life.
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    devian666devian666 Member Posts: 473
    edited July 2013
    poor innocent players your people harass while they're trying to use the exchange, Dabo and mail facilities on the station.

    If you are having an uncontrollable urge to dance while sending mail please contact your designated medical officer for treatment. Dance fever is contagious.
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    redsnake721redsnake721 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    They are dancing by the bank/exchange due to your fleet putting a dance ball over it non-stop
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    devian666devian666 Member Posts: 473
    edited July 2013
    They are dancing by the bank/exchange due to your fleet putting a dance ball over it non-stop

    Stop cyber bullying me with your false accusations intended to defame my fleet.
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    redsnake721redsnake721 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    One of you fleet is doing it right now. Go look for yourself. Then come one here and lie saying its not true.
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    paulymanpaulyman Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So here is a question.. How do they know you are role playing? Are you broadcasting your role play across zone or local channels? By that are you also not bullying those of us who do not care to participate. You blast the use of party poppers as bullying. But if you go and bring your RP to a zone where you know these people hang out and broadcast your RP in the open what response do you expect?

    Most people I know that RP seriously in game do so in their own channels. Creating a channel in this game is simple and easy. Certainly a lot easier than knitting that flag at the beginning of the post. I am not defending trolls by any means but here is a more simple solution do not RP in zone or local chat. "Of Bajor" is annoying enough without some RP fanatic in full RP mode arguing back with the protestors. I like to go to DS9 and play Dabo to unwind sometimes. Does that mean I should be forced to watch some guy RP with the Ferengi bartender and ask him for pick up lines for Bajoran women? Do I need to be in the middle of a fleet RP event on ESD where several people are discussing operations reports from their missions while I am checking my mail? Lame pick up lines that only a 45 year old socially awkward virgin would think are cool on Drozana. The list goes on and on.

    Respect is a two way street. I can guarantee that if you kept your RP in a private channel you would have a lot less trouble. I also guarantee that if you don't make a big deal and feed the trolls they will also leave you alone. If you go off on them and call them names and make page long forum posts they tend to target you. If you do not react to them they will just go back under their bridge.
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    heartburzumheartburzum Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Oh Really? You're going to resort to insulting the player accusing your fleet of wrongdoing, that's certainly mature.

    Frankly, I don't give a damn what you do to ERPers, but leave everyone else alone. Normal RPers are not doing anything to harm you or anyone else, and neither are the poor innocent players your people harass while they're trying to use the exchange, Dabo and mail facilities on the station.

    You're the one who needs to get a life.

    I'm not sure how you could construe that as an insult. I believe it is a succinct description of the OPs behavior. You might have a dim view of the mental health system, but in the case of this person I think it is prudent to let them know they have gone over the edge of normally acceptable discourse and into the realm of an illness.

    TL;DR: My advice could save lives and your opinion endangers the OPs safety.
    You know what it is...
    -Supporter of Cryptic Lockboxes!
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    paulymanpaulyman Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Normal RPers are not doing anything to harm you or anyone else, and neither are the poor innocent players your people harass while they're trying to use the exchange, Dabo and mail facilities on the station.

    You're the one who needs to get a life.

    How does anybody prevent you from using the exchange or mail? The party balls do not alter your interactions in any way. Party poppers do not force close your mail or exchange windows. Personally I am pretty oblivious to everything around me when I am using the exchange or mail. Resize your window and you wouldn't know if every member of dental in existence was party poppering you at the same time.

    I think trolls are a horrible business. But people who would rather whine and complain on the forums than take simple steps to mitigate their impact are even worse. Put your big boy pants on and work to solve your problems.
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    psipsi Member Posts: 22
    edited July 2013
    paulyman wrote: »
    So here is a question.. How do they know you are role playing? Are you broadcasting your role play across zone or local channels? By that are you also not bullying those of us who do not care to participate. You blast the use of party poppers as bullying. But if you go and bring your RP to a zone where you know these people hang out and broadcast your RP in the open what response do you expect?

    Most people I know that RP seriously in game do so in their own channels. Creating a channel in this game is simple and easy. Certainly a lot easier than knitting that flag at the beginning of the post. I am not defending trolls by any means but here is a more simple solution do not RP in zone or local chat. "Of Bajor" is annoying enough without some RP fanatic in full RP mode arguing back with the protestors. I like to go to DS9 and play Dabo to unwind sometimes. Does that mean I should be forced to watch some guy RP with the Ferengi bartender and ask him for pick up lines for Bajoran women? Do I need to be in the middle of a fleet RP event on ESD where several people are discussing operations reports from their missions while I am checking my mail? Lame pick up lines that only a 45 year old socially awkward virgin would think are cool on Drozana. The list goes on and on.

    Respect is a two way street. I can guarantee that if you kept your RP in a private channel you would have a lot less trouble. I also guarantee that if you don't make a big deal and feed the trolls they will also leave you alone. If you go off on them and call them names and make page long forum posts they tend to target you. If you do not react to them they will just go back under their bridge.

    Alternatively, you could turn off local chat.

    Why punish RPers by not letting them use a public channel, in a public spot for their version of fun that doesn't line up with yours?

    The idea that RPers need to hide themselves away is the same mindset that lead to segregation. Is it that bad? Hell no, it's not. And any RPer saying it is is lying to themselves, but it is the same idea that you're trying to peddle on others. Just because they're different, just because they have different ideas, just because they're not the same as you, they need to be separated from you.

    I have nothing against you personally, but that attitude really upsets me.
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    f9thaceshighf9thaceshigh Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    paulyman wrote: »
    So here is a question.. How do they know you are role playing? Are you broadcasting your role play across zone or local channels? By that are you also not bullying those of us who do not care to participate. You blast the use of party poppers as bullying. But if you go and bring your RP to a zone where you know these people hang out and broadcast your RP in the open what response do you expect?

    Most people I know that RP seriously in game do so in their own channels. Creating a channel in this game is simple and easy. Certainly a lot easier than knitting that flag at the beginning of the post. I am not defending trolls by any means but here is a more simple solution do not RP in zone or local chat. "Of Bajor" is annoying enough without some RP fanatic in full RP mode arguing back with the protestors. I like to go to DS9 and play Dabo to unwind sometimes. Does that mean I should be forced to watch some guy RP with the Ferengi bartender and ask him for pick up lines for Bajoran women? Do I need to be in the middle of a fleet RP event on ESD where several people are discussing operations reports from their missions while I am checking my mail? Lame pick up lines that only a 45 year old socially awkward virgin would think are cool on Drozana. The list goes on and on.

    Respect is a two way street. I can guarantee that if you kept your RP in a private channel you would have a lot less trouble. I also guarantee that if you don't make a big deal and feed the trolls they will also leave you alone. If you go off on them and call them names and make page long forum posts they tend to target you. If you do not react to them they will just go back under their bridge.

    since you guys are so fond of hiding behind the TOS, why don't you show us the clause that says RPing in local chat is against the rules. And I mean actual RPing, not ERPing. If they aren't doing anything inappropriate, why bother them? Personally, I think people doing harmless RP in local chat add to the ambiance of the zone.
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    delsabereduxdelsaberedux Member Posts: 244 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ...and neither are the poor innocent players your people harass while they're trying to use the exchange, Dabo and mail facilities on the station.
    They are dancing by the bank/exchange due to your fleet putting a dance ball over it non-stop

    Just out of curiosity... how do the disco balls (or party poppers and fire extinguishers for that matter) impede the use of mail, bank, or exchange consoles? None of those animations or effects break the interact or UI. If they did, we'd have pages upon pages of threads on the subject flooding the bug reports forum.

    You can't really single-out one player or group of players for using those devices, either. Certainly not at 100GPL per disco ball, smack in the middle of a highly-populated seasonal event.

    If this is just another "oh no, my immersion!" thing, try switching instances. Maximize your mail or exchange windows. Or maybe relax and shrug it off, although a lot of you seem oddly unwilling to do that, so... whatever. Help yourselves to another big ball o' stress. I'll be getting my teeth looked at.
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    zekeferrignozekeferrigno Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    paulyman wrote: »
    So here is a question.. How do they know you are role playing? Are you broadcasting your role play across zone or local channels? By that are you also not bullying those of us who do not care to participate. You blast the use of party poppers as bullying. But if you go and bring your RP to a zone where you know these people hang out and broadcast your RP in the open what response do you expect?

    Most people I know that RP seriously in game do so in their own channels. Creating a channel in this game is simple and easy. Certainly a lot easier than knitting that flag at the beginning of the post. I am not defending trolls by any means but here is a more simple solution do not RP in zone or local chat. "Of Bajor" is annoying enough without some RP fanatic in full RP mode arguing back with the protestors. I like to go to DS9 and play Dabo to unwind sometimes. Does that mean I should be forced to watch some guy RP with the Ferengi bartender and ask him for pick up lines for Bajoran women? Do I need to be in the middle of a fleet RP event on ESD where several people are discussing operations reports from their missions while I am checking my mail? Lame pick up lines that only a 45 year old socially awkward virgin would think are cool on Drozana. The list goes on and on.

    Respect is a two way street. I can guarantee that if you kept your RP in a private channel you would have a lot less trouble. I also guarantee that if you don't make a big deal and feed the trolls they will also leave you alone. If you go off on them and call them names and make page long forum posts they tend to target you. If you do not react to them they will just go back under their bridge.

    Uh arguing with NPCs is a staple of the sort of RP I do. Hence hilarious and totally not serious. Seems to me you think RP is such a serious thing it MUST be done in private. I guess if you're doing the sort of RP that has to be done in private then that is best, but do NOT expect me to keep my hijinks in private. I'll say what I want in Local and it WILL be mindful of the underage and vulnerable amongst us because I am not a troglodyte.

    If I ever see you near For Bajor I will make SURE to have a counter-protest in your honor. Your segregation is BS, also very unrealistic and disrespectful of the appropriate, respectful RPrs of which there are many. I agree with Psi, how bout YOU turn off local chat, have a Coke and a smile, and shut the f up?
    Anyway, like I was sayin', shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it. - Bubba
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    paulymanpaulyman Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    since you guys are so fond of hiding behind the TOS, why don't you show us the clause that says RPing in local chat is against the rules. And I mean actual RPing, not ERPing. If they aren't doing anything inappropriate, why bother them? Personally, I think people doing harmless RP in local chat add to the ambiance of the zone.

    I don't know who you mean by "you guys". I am a single person I do not have multiple personality disorder. I am of sound mind mentally and do not refer to myself or other individuals in the plural sense. You quoted my post but did not read it. Where did I say anything about TOS or local chat being against the rules? Who is being the troll now? What is the need to RP in local chat? RPers are asking for other players to support them. Try being nicer and respectful. I was only offering a suggestion based on my experience.
    psi2 wrote: »
    Alternatively, you could turn off local chat.

    Why punish RPers by not letting them use a public channel, in a public spot for their version of fun that doesn't line up with yours?

    The idea that RPers need to hide themselves away is the same mindset that lead to segregation. Is it that bad? Hell no, it's not. And any RPer saying it is is lying to themselves, but it is the same idea that you're trying to peddle on others. Just because they're different, just because they have different ideas, just because they're not the same as you, they need to be separated from you.

    I have nothing against you personally, but that attitude really upsets me.

    Why punish non RPers by forcing them to alter their gameplay? Why should I no longer be allowed to make trade offers or respond to them? Why should I have to alter my gameplay to suit a minority. Right now there are dozens of players on Drozana. Should we have to all alter our gameplay and game setup to accommodate 3 or 4 people choosing to RP in local chat? I am attempting to get some RPers to see the other side of the coin.

    Honestly I was on the fence on this issue I have no love for Dental at all. I am not a RPer but they were before now only a minor annoyance. If you both want to flame me and have nasty replies to my post so be it. I will spend plenty of time with a full suite of all three party poppers, fire extinguishers, bug spray, disco balls, and anything else that squeaks pops makes noise or is a nuisance. They want to be nasty?? Dental do your thing!
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    zekeferrignozekeferrigno Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    paulyman wrote: »
    I don't know who you mean by "you guys". I am a single person I do not have multiple personality disorder. I am of sound mind mentally and do not refer to myself or other individuals in the plural sense. You quoted my post but did not read it. Where did I say anything about TOS or local chat being against the rules? Who is being the troll now? What is the need to RP in local chat? RPers are asking for other players to support them. Try being nicer and respectful. I was only offering a suggestion based on my experience.

    Why punish non RPers by forcing them to alter their gameplay? Why should I no longer be allowed to make trade offers or respond to them? Why should I have to alter my gameplay to suit a minority. Right now there are dozens of players on Drozana. Should we have to all alter our gameplay and game setup to accommodate 3 or 4 people choosing to RP in local chat? I am attempting to get some RPers to see the other side of the coin.

    Honestly I was on the fence on this issue I have no love for Dental at all. I am not a RPer but they were before now only a minor annoyance. If you both want to flame me and have nasty replies to my post so be it. I will spend plenty of time with a full suite of all three party poppers, fire extinguishers, bug spray, disco balls, and anything else that squeaks pops makes noise or is a nuisance. They want to be nasty?? Dental do your thing!

    ROFL. You're being PUNISHED by hearing RP'rs? It is FORCING you to alter your gameplay?! Most of these people can't even handle a fire extinguisher or a party popper, yet SOMEHOW they are negatively affecting your serious business time!

    Bias identified you are NOW an invalid study. If they are in local it is LITERALLY nothing to you. It is LITERALLY a tick box. You are LITERALLY a tool.

    Also, things that make noise in no way interfere with casual RP that is not SERIOUS BUSINESS! In fact, light for the lulz RPers such as myself, it ADDS to the environment and greatness of it.
    Anyway, like I was sayin', shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it. - Bubba
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    f9thaceshighf9thaceshigh Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Just out of curiosity... how do the disco balls (or party poppers and fire extinguishers for that matter) impede the use of mail, bank, or exchange consoles? None of those animations or effects break the interact or UI. If they did, we'd have pages upon pages of threads on the subject flooding the bug reports forum.

    You can't really single-out one player or group of players for using those devices, either. Certainly not at 100GPL per disco ball, smack in the middle of a highly-populated seasonal event.

    If this is just another "oh no, my immersion!" thing, try switching instances. Maximize your mail or exchange windows. Or maybe relax and shrug it off, although a lot of you seem oddly unwilling to do that, so... whatever. Help yourselves to another big ball o' stress. I'll be getting my teeth looked at.

    it's actually quite hard to concentrate when someone is blowing fire-retardant in your ear, and a lot of the groups that are doing this have been known to patrol multiple instances. Also, as we've seen from the pages and pages of threads complaining about it, some people just don't want to be forced to dance.

    My main point is that if people don't want you to do these things to them, don't force it on them.
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    elessymelessym Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    devian666 wrote: »
    Stop cyber bullying me with your false accusations intended to defame my fleet.

    For it to be defamation, it needs to be untrue.
    "Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
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    f9thaceshighf9thaceshigh Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    paulyman wrote: »
    I don't know who you mean by "you guys". I am a single person I do not have multiple personality disorder. I am of sound mind mentally and do not refer to myself or other individuals in the plural sense. You quoted my post but did not read it. Where did I say anything about TOS or local chat being against the rules? Who is being the troll now? What is the need to RP in local chat? RPers are asking for other players to support them. Try being nicer and respectful. I was only offering a suggestion based on my experience.

    Why punish non RPers by forcing them to alter their gameplay? Why should I no longer be allowed to make trade offers or respond to them? Why should I have to alter my gameplay to suit a minority. Right now there are dozens of players on Drozana. Should we have to all alter our gameplay and game setup to accommodate 3 or 4 people choosing to RP in local chat? I am attempting to get some RPers to see the other side of the coin.

    Honestly I was on the fence on this issue I have no love for Dental at all. I am not a RPer but they were before now only a minor annoyance. If you both want to flame me and have nasty replies to my post so be it. I will spend plenty of time with a full suite of all three party poppers, fire extinguishers, bug spray, disco balls, and anything else that squeaks pops makes noise or is a nuisance. They want to be nasty?? Dental do your thing!

    I apologize for that, I didn't notice that I quoted the wrong post, I meant to quote the one below yours. I blame the weird button placement on this forum.

    I'm constantly hitting the wrong buttons on my fleet's forum too, posting replies instead of sending PMs, editing other people's posts, etc.
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    psipsi Member Posts: 22
    edited July 2013
    paulyman wrote: »
    I don't know who you mean by "you guys". I am a single person I do not have multiple personality disorder. I am of sound mind mentally and do not refer to myself or other individuals in the plural sense. You quoted my post but did not read it. Where did I say anything about TOS or local chat being against the rules? Who is being the troll now? What is the need to RP in local chat? RPers are asking for other players to support them. Try being nicer and respectful. I was only offering a suggestion based on my experience.

    Why punish non RPers by forcing them to alter their gameplay? Why should I no longer be allowed to make trade offers or respond to them? Why should I have to alter my gameplay to suit a minority. Right now there are dozens of players on Drozana. Should we have to all alter our gameplay and game setup to accommodate 3 or 4 people choosing to RP in local chat? I am attempting to get some RPers to see the other side of the coin.

    Honestly I was on the fence on this issue I have no love for Dental at all. I am not a RPer but they were before now only a minor annoyance. If you both want to flame me and have nasty replies to my post so be it. I will spend plenty of time with a full suite of all three party poppers, fire extinguishers, bug spray, disco balls, and anything else that squeaks pops makes noise or is a nuisance. They want to be nasty?? Dental do your thing!

    Yeah, now you're starting to get how RPers feel.

This discussion has been closed.