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So burnt out on the rep grinds...



  • kyleurichkyleurich Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Get a second game switch back and forth it helps break things up when you feel burnt. Better than getting burnt on the game as a whole. I rock some World of Tanks and Defiance with a little swtor mixed in. Everything is free to play so it doesn't matter these days how many you play. However Swtor really is only worth playing if you pay.
  • masterkeychnk5masterkeychnk5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    If you PVP, you need to if you want to be competitive and not get lol-face-steamrolled. Those rep abilities and gear make a big difference. If you had 2 PVPers who are of equal skill and mistakes are at a minimum, then gear and any character / ship benefits start playing an increasingly larger role. If you don't have decent equipment, and you don't have reputation buffs, then you will be increasingly at a disadvantage.

    Without the high end rep stuff, you are missing out on some of the game's most sought after benefits and equipment. The STF sets that are so crucial to every build. The Romulan Rep stuff like Elite Scorpions and Hyper-Plasma Torps which rock in PVE (takes alot of care to make these work in PVP), and not to mention the Plasma weapons. The Romulan Rep placate, and all the other buffs from Omega & Romulan tiers. And I haven't even counted Nukara stuff.

    There will be those that have these mastered to varying degrees. Some all 3. And if you do not take care to work up those rep tiers, again, you will be at a disadvantage.

    This "entry level cost" for PVP is something that has been brought up a bit. New players, new PVPers are totally left behind.

    This man is right, and PvP in this game will keep failing unless cryptic finally does somethinga bout it and makes it interesting for other people as well.

    Why not want more competition then a dumb NPC? The problem is that with every patch or addition they add to this game the gap between newer players and older ones is increasing significantly.

    At its current form, its already in critical condition. Add a few more reps and PvP is ruined beyond repair (For whatever this is not already true)

    Adding rep's make no sense, it destroys PvP and apparently it adds very little to 99% of the PVE'ers in this game because from what I can see nobody likes grinding up for it. And it makes no sense either, because you can pretty much finish an STF solo'ing or 2 manning, or even 5 shuttles can do the job.

    Its merely a bad implementation of content wheras they could invest their time in new featured episodes etc but you know... Cryptic.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] I am not Snakie, MT is!
  • lexusk19lexusk19 Member Posts: 1,413 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    kyleurich wrote: »
    Get a second game switch back and forth it helps break things up when you feel burnt. Better than getting burnt on the game as a whole. I rock some World of Tanks and Defiance with a little swtor mixed in. Everything is free to play so it doesn't matter these days how many you play. However Swtor really is only worth playing if you pay.

    I play Skyrim on pc as my calm down game. But that also mean that STO is more work than fun now. I have to play another game to de-stress.. @_@
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ersonally, i play this game less and less every day because of the rep system. worse yet ( apparently ) i only have three alts. i dont even play them any more.. I didnt buy a Scimitar to take into estf's eight to ten times a day every day just to get dil to build rep. i bought it to run missions and have fun with, but no, you gotta build that rep. you gotta grind that dil, and for what? So you can go back out and grind even more dil.. It takes one day of grinding to get the dil for one piece of T2 equipment. it takes two days to refine that dil so its usable. multiply that buy the amount of sets you have to buy to increase that rep to the next tier, and you have a spiraling and constantly widening ladder of rep grinding.. Thats not a game. thats mind numbing factory work.. I aint no youngster either, but i am running out of patience quickly.. If they want rep system fine, but it needs to be completely reworked and made enjoyable.. right now its anything but.
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    lexusk19 wrote: »
    I play Skyrim on pc as my calm down game. But that also mean that STO is more work than fun now. I have to play another game to de-stress.. @_@

    Istarted getting the impression that DStahl and co. were purposefully trying to kill the game.. I have seen nothing to make me think different so far. I'm getting to where i really want tosee star citizen released just so i have something fun to play.
  • arcjetarcjet Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I think maybe you got stomped one too many times...

    Or maybe he's just right and your ad hominem attempt indicates your lack of arguments..
  • purplegamerpurplegamer Member Posts: 1,015 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    wufangchu wrote: »
    Istarted getting the impression that DStahl and co. were purposefully trying to kill the game.. I have seen nothing to make me think different so far. I'm getting to where i really want tosee star citizen released just so i have something fun to play.

    If Star Citizen ends up being even half the game they claim it will be, STO's days are numbered.
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I think at the very least cooldown timers on rep projects should be removed if you have completed that tier of rep on another character. If I have done it before on another character why should I wait 20 hours. Also those rep projects should give bonus rep points if you have completed that tier on another character. I won't need to buy character slots until this happens because I won't make anymore.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • kaltoumkaltoum Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    marc8219 wrote: »
    I think at the very least cooldown timers on rep projects should be removed if you have completed that tier of rep on another character. If I have done it before on another character why should I wait 20 hours. Also those rep projects should give bonus rep points if you have completed that tier on another character. I won't need to buy character slots until this happens because I won't make anymore.

    I have only 3 alts but even then i will never do it again on any of my alts. My fed sci hit 50 recently and now its only purpose it to grind dili. Whenever i see those boring reputation tasks and 100K rep each..i just lose the will to play it. And like i said earlier a lot feel the same way. So you are not alone.
    Once upon a time in galaxy far far away......
  • linkjoylinkjoy Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    Actually, I'd rather expect them to take up the challenge and develop STO more into that direction.

    I don't know what it is anymore, but why do people continiously defend this game?

    This is how the conversations usually go:

    1. Someone complains on the forums that something needs to be changed.
    2. Cryptic either doesn't listen, or doesn't change it.
    3. People whine that people are whining on troll on them. Some of them being veteran players.

    4. Other people come in with the same complaints.
    5. Other people defend Cryptic saying "it's the way it's mean to be."
    6. Cryptic comes out with a "fix" that gives them more profit. Rather then listening to the players.

    You see I used to be a veteran EverQuest player. By content and difficulty alone it puts this game to shame.

    Not only that the customer service with EverQuest was SUPERB. Even more so that they had a Guide program that listened to people's issues, and petitions/tickets were answered in a very timely fashion. (I WAS a Guide, I know how it was.) The stuff that Cryptic does to the player base would of never flew over well. The game would of gone under in a matter of months. (EverQuest) that is.

    However it seems Cryptic at this point is trying to grab every last penny they can from the player base. I have since canceled my gold, and will NOT spend one more cent on this game. I have spent probably over $250.00 worth of ZEN on this game from buying stuff and + subs + converting Zen to DIL. Then what do I get in return? Bugs. A bugged character for the lat 3 months, horrible customer service. A company that does not care about it's customers or fan base.

    You see I don't have time to grind 10 different ALTs to get the amount of DIL i need. That is NEITHER realistic nor should have to be done to get the amount required just for one item. This doesn't make it a "challenging" game. It just forces people to logon to get Cryptic = More profit.

    This company has the worst and utterly the most inconceivable idea of what they call customer service.

    I need to know why the heck people are defending Cryptic on every single aspect of this a game, when a lot of players can agree something is either broken, or needs to be fixed or improved upon. I don't know if you guys are a glutton for punishment, or just have a lot of money so it doesn't bother you, but for us poorer people, yet it get sickening.

    I never seen a player base so scared, and just defend a horrible company. Why because the game is named "Star Trek." Put any other name to this game and NO ONE would play it. The people that keep this game alive, are either rich, or just so far gone with Star Trek, they will say and do ANYTHING for Cryptic to defend them.

    People complain because it helps things improve, tells a company there is something wrong with their product.

    All the tactics that Cryptic does, the 8K dil limit, (and TRIBBLE you over for that day if you don't refine, why?) no benefit of becoming a gold member, every new ship, new item costing money? Fleet Modules costing a buttload, the ridiculous grind and pricing for a Starbase. This s all okay with people though? Bugs in the game that have been in the game since launch/CB/OB. Bugged zones, bugged missions, bugged equipment?

    This is okay by everyone? Everyone just keeps paying money and defending this company. I don't understand this, what do you hope to accomplish, get brownie points for Cryptic so they give you something free? They will drop you like a hat if they wanted to. You get NOTHING for bending over backwards for them.

    Where is the Tribble reward they promised everyone?

    There have been SEVERAL posts that either have gone to the wayside, or been delted or moved, so they can't be seen on this forum, about the Reputation grind.

    They aren't going to do anything about it, they know the more grind you have to do the more money you spend. IF you are stupid enough to do that, it's your own fault.

    There is a difference with difficulty and then grinding. Making something a long grind that takes you months, or almost a year to get doesn't make it a challenging game. It makes it a money sink. I guess people are too ignorant to see this (and being stupid and ignorant are two different things.)

    I am playing less and less due to this fact, it's sad that the game has become this.

    This game will get so bad eventually that there will be no way out of paying for something, maybe a new item, or a new ship. What's going to happen when the raise the level limit "Buy Zen for more SKill Points!" People think that would be ludicrous but Cryptic has lured you slowly into this trap, that when it comes people like "okay ill bend over for you."

    How people accept this game as it is, and continually pay a company with horrible customer service, is still beyond me.
  • manwholaughsmanwholaughs Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    linkjoy, true on all accounts, a post to stand by, no matter how many gullible a**hats attempt to shoot you down (poorly I might add)!
  • robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I've taken a break as I burned out on romulus and omega marks before LOR and then got to tier 3 of Nukara before I got bored of that/. My laptop then packed in so forced me tot take a break rather then me taking one which would have happened and I possibly wouldn't have returned. So once my laptop is sorted I can come back refreshed and ready to kick some tholian TRIBBLE. What would be good is if when I do get back if Cryptic can run the double mark weekend again that actually works rather than feeding us a load of bull **** like last time.
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
    Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
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  • kaltoumkaltoum Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Apparently...Cryptic thinks that their rep system is such a hit and so popular that they are implementing a rehashed version of this in NW too.

    *bangs head on desk*
    Once upon a time in galaxy far far away......
  • twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    Not doing any more reputation works brilliantly for me. Just saying.

    Instead of blaming Cryptic for happily letting you act upon your obsessiveness and avarice?

    You sure you belong here?
  • purplegamerpurplegamer Member Posts: 1,015 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    kaltoum wrote: »
    Apparently...Cryptic thinks that their rep system is such a hit and so popular that they are implementing a rehashed version of this in NW too.

    *bangs head on desk*

    ... and Dan wants to implement a PvP reputation.
  • corseaucorseau Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'm with you guys here, I haven't logged in to my other toons unless I need dil for the one I'm currently running rep on. The grind has taken the fun out of the game. I haven't even started the rep on a couple toons and I'm just not sure if I can stomach it...maybe I will just delete them.
  • thumpyechothumpyecho Member Posts: 298 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    linkjoy wrote: »
    I don't know what it is anymore, but why do people continiously defend this game?.........................How people accept this game as it is, and continually pay a company with horrible customer service, is still beyond me.

    ...no offense meant by the snip, just don't want a wall of text.....+2000 to this guy.....
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Interesting, and you have proof of these haxxors as you put it? Do not name anyone but I would be interested, as I suspect would many others, in exactly what type of hacks, scripts and cheats are employed or available within STO to exploit.

    If you have evidence of these then submit them to Cryptic as a matter of urgency and give a listing of them (not how to reproduce them) in the reply to this post.

    Actually, discussing such things at all would be a violation of forum rules so posting them here in the forums is not a good idea. Reporting any exploits via more private channels is the right way to go.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Moved to Reputation System forum...
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • linkjoylinkjoy Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    you have to be kidding me...

    They are thinking of making ANOTHER reputation according to this interview:


    This is a joke right, come on!!! We don't want anymore rep grinds!! Seriously this is just completely ignoring the community at this point, COMPLETELY>
  • caldannachcaldannach Member Posts: 485 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    They have also confirmed there will be a robust new endgame system implemented at the same time. That could make it actually worth doing if they do it right, such as randomly generated scenarios/enemies etc.

    I think half the problem with this game is that people are just tired of the same old content once you hit L50. And then having to hammer said content over and over for reputation.
    " Experience is a hard mistress, she gives the tests first, and the lessons after... "
  • otakuboytotakuboyt Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Call me crazy but I wish reputations were more account/faction based than character.

    Frankly it would be nice if my alts don't have to redo everything my main already did, or better yet have alts be at 50% of the mains reputation.
  • carasucia83carasucia83 Member Posts: 568 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    lol what? Rep is too much? Takes 2 days to get to level 50 and a month or so (or two or whatever) to max out all reps. This thread and the impatience that spawned it is why getting to level 50 became so super quick in the first place. This fact, by way of the game having absolutely zero learning curve until level 50, has spawned a million threads about noobs in STF's, fleet actions and bla bla bla and now we're asking for it to be even easier for Cpt. Firsttimehere to run around in an adapted MACO oufit crossing trigger lines and so on on his first ever ground mission? lol, just lol.

    I doubt anyone would take seriously any idea to give bonuses or discounts to alts when going through levels 1-50. Why should rep (basically level 60) be any different? Next thing you know we'll be asking for our sister fleets to get discounts on stuff we already did with our main one...

    It's the wait that grinds, not the grind, and yes, I hate waiting for 20 hours too, but the actual grind part of the grind is easy and not much of a grind at all on just one toon. It's just boring because there's not much else to do in the meantime, unless you have kids, a job, friends etc... If you don't like doing it on multiple toons, then don't.

    As far as gear goes, if we just say we're on one toon, it's not difficult to use the time it takes to get to tier 5 to save enough refined dilithium (by just not spending it....) and getting the marks for the cool stuff is easy too, provided you haven't been really silly and bought everythng in the rep store before you get to tier 5....

    So many threads that complain about actually having to wait for stuff...
    "So my fun is wrong?"

    No. Your fun makes everyone else's fun wrong by default.
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    caldannach wrote: »
    They have also confirmed there will be a robust new endgame system implemented at the same time. That could make it actually worth doing if they do it right, such as randomly generated scenarios/enemies etc.

    I think half the problem with this game is that people are just tired of the same old content once you hit L50. And then having to hammer said content over and over for reputation.

    This is Cryptic we're talking about. "robust endgame" to them means you playing the same instances over and over ad nauseum until you've picked up enough of the newest currency mark to grind your way through the unending reputation slog.
  • malkarrismalkarris Member Posts: 797 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Personally, I think the problem is that all of the grinds (rep, fleet, events) and a few other things (lock boxes) are mostly used as delays. If it weren't for the timers, you could probably blow through to tier 5 of Omega rep in a day or two. Romulan and Omega might take a bit longer, but same idea. Take Nakura rep for instance. It started in LoR and by design could not be finished any sooner than a week or two ago, which was about when the summer event came out. Now when the summer event ends, there will be a new shiny. I don't mind the grind, all MMOs have grind. What I mind is that the grind is being delayed so that they can come up with something new to shine on for a little bit and then forget about as the next shiny comes on.

    STO has become a rotating spotlight where the only cares are that the spotlight comes up to something new on time, and that nothing outside the spotlight breaks badly enough that it draws attendction to it. This time next year, there will be at least two more reps out, and nothing new will have been added for Omega, Romulan, or Nakura, or anything else from before what ever is the new shiny.

    Now, I'm not saying that this is all bad, after all, we got a spotlight on the Romulan mostly a faction, and the new KDF tutorial stuff, but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth that Cryptic things that its a good idea to churn out shiny at the cost of actually developing the game more often.
    Joined September 2011
    Nouveau riche LTS member
  • alopenalopen Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Lotta drama in this thread. Yeah I agree the rep system sucks. But its being really overblown in this thread. First off, you do not need tier 5 rep to be competive in PvP. It definitely helps ;), but it isn't necessary. A good build will go along way. IMO hit tier 1 Omega and you can get borg space set. That is a good set right there (Yes I know its not the best). Its also really easy to get and probably only costs about the amount of dill you saved up while getting to 50.

    None of the reps are necessary for PvE in the least. IMO the problem is that there really isn't much else to do besides the same PvE queues over and over again. So people do the same STF merely from a lack of options to do anything else. As has been said before, rotate games when you can't take any more STFs. Personally, I spend as much time as possible in PvP queues to avoid the drudgery of STFs. You only need to run one STF a day to move the 20 hr timer. I will admit that I wish they would lower the XP requirement. That way I could run them without having to grind mirror universe every few days (thats my biggest pet peave about reps)
  • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This is Cryptic we're talking about. "robust endgame" to them means you playing the same instances over and over ad nauseum until you've picked up enough of the newest currency mark to grind your way through the unending reputation slog.

    Ever do Molten Core 75+ times in the heyday of World of War-Craft to get your 40 man Guild Raid group prepped for BlackWing lair and beyond back in the day?

    My point? Most MMOs 'endgame content' is constant repetition. Why? No team (even Blizzard's) can crank out new content fast enough to appease a rabid content consuming playerbase; and it's the only way (so far) that's been devised to keep players playing.

    Again, not really trying to defend it per se; but if you feel this paradigm is unique to Cryptic MMOs, you're mistaken.
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
  • nierionnierion Member Posts: 326 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    There are quite a few MMO's out there where the end game content and getting the best gear doesn't involve sitting in a menu grinding away. This is the only grind in STO, a menu grind. I don't mind having a reputation system, don't get me wrong. But there should still be challenging end game content that doesn't require working through a menu and rewards you, you know like other MMOs do.

    The problem with this game, is it makes many aspects to easy to earn. Like acquiring ships, shouldn't be as easy as leveling up or throwing money at the game. They need a proper tech-tree system in place for the ships and get rid of consoles, give some rewards for end game and have a steady development curve for our characters when acquiring new ships and upgrading the technology on the ships too.

    In my opinion though, for Cryptic to really push this game to it's potential, they'd need to look at re-working a STO 2.0 based on this system. I'd definitely stick around for that and wouldn't mind if I had to wait.
  • peevil31peevil31 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    cha0s1428 wrote: »

    Sure, doing it on 14 toons at once would be a chore, but pick a couple priority toons, and then either max them out, or set a goal of 1 or 2 Tiers of rep. Hit the goal and move onto the next toons.

    I've done it now on 4 of my guys. And I have one char slot just for running rep. I.finish rom and omega for the dil bonus at the end, turn all marks into dil to feed the fleet, delete them and start again.

    The only thing I really hate about the rep system is the fricken 20 hour timer. So much hatred would be solved if they were 4 or even 10 hour projects.

    That's totally awesome for you! Enjoy not ever having anything from the tier upgrades as you only farm so scarcely.
  • peevil31peevil31 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    alopen wrote: »
    Lotta drama in this thread. Yeah I agree the rep system sucks. But its being really overblown in this thread. First off, you do not need tier 5 rep to be competive in PvP. It definitely helps ;), but it isn't necessary. )

    Don't need tier 5 you say?

    Ah yes, when you graduate from PvP preschool and can sit at the big kid's table you'll be singing a different tune. You need BETTER than Tier 5. Being adequate or even a tad above par in PvP means you die slightly less than you kill and that's "fun" for who? Not I said the spider to the fly.
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